Should we pretend this season never happened?

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I'm seeing some negative reactions in here. Well, I quite liked it tbh. Had me glued to the screen the whole time. Maybe I don't remember the quality of seasons 1-5 or maybe I'm just happy with little, who knows. Everyone seems to hate this season and I have to say I'm not 100% happy with it. BUT. I really liked this episode. Anyway, what can I say.

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Shout by Konstantinos
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-05-13T02:05:16Z— updated 2019-05-21T17:52:08Z

Well Daenerys is nuts apparently, who would 've thought? From father to daughter, 7 seasons was trying to convince us otherwise..

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Worst episode of the season so far. Like, really. It was all just so pointless.

Dani destroyed all the ships, she destroyed the walls and all the scorpions. Just blast the castle to hell (with Cersei inside of it) and be done with the whole thing.
Why kill all the citizens and burn the whole city to the ground? This was the place you wanted to rule and now there's little more than ruins left. Even the throne most likely melted into a puddle of metal and is buried under a ton of rubble by this point.

Cersei had such a lame death. I expected Joffrey's-death-level satisfaction. I want my money back.

And I can't help but think after seeing so much destruction, so much war, blood and death Arya is finally over fighting. She's done. And she'll be ready to start a new, peaceful and happy chapter of her life maybe even as a married woman.

Also, why even give Jaime a redemption arc at all if in the end he's gonna go back to sucking? Why?

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Well then. That Cleganebowl was anti-climatic. Sandor Clegane would never speak to Arya that kindly/tenderly and tell her to save herself. What the fuck.

Also, Jaimie Lannister didn't get to kill Cersei, so that was a huge letdown. That soft romantic music that started playing when they were down in the Red Keep's basement was so jarring. What the fuck.

What was Arya's point in this episode besides run around King's Landing and be scared? What the fuck.

I mean, so many what-the-fuck's in this episode, I don't even. I guess I should have expected all this when I saw in the opening credits that D&D were the writers for this episode. Even good directing couldn't save it from being a complete letdown. Christ.

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This season is one big disappointment after another. Daenerys descent into madness was way too rushed and Jamie deciding last minute that he wants to be with Cersei? The saddest thing is that HBO even offered a 10 episode last season but D&D turned it down because they said they can wrap it up in 6 episodes.

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I actually liked it.Danny was always a conqueror not a ruler.She lost all the people she loved and can't trust her own advisers like varys.
I think the downfall is 6 episodes ,if they had gone with 10 like usual it would have been much better paced.

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THIS is what it's all built up to? Really?

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This is one of the greatest episodes of the series.

we knew that the dragon queen was bound to win. but we didn't know how. this episode was another chapter in a great masterfully narrated story.

we saw the true nature of many of the characters return. John snow compelled to save the innocent. Tyron trying to be loyal to his queen but struggling with his own doubt. we see the mother of dragons lust for power and the pain she has had within her unleashed upon the city.

we see the story now coming to a close. we see the wars won. the cost of victory. we see true pain and suffering and now we can begin to understand what the true meaning of " Game of Thrones" really is

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I'm done with Game Of Thrones

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Worst episode ever, I really don’t feel in the mood of watching the series finale....

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My most beloved TV show got destroyed in a matter of minutes. The previous episodes of S08 at least gave me some kind of emotion, this one was a flat line. This truly is a masterpiece, a masterpiece of destruction. They've destroyed everything! The character development, the story, the plot, the meaning of GOT, the writing of G.R.R. Martin. They've destroyed all the hard work put in all of these years, they've spit on everything. I'm not going to hate the show, it gave me so much, and it will continue to be my favorite, but i'm just going to pretend this last season was never made. I'm going to imagine all the possible theories, all the story plots that could have been made, and just hope the writer finishes the series some day.

Sesion 8 the waste of our time.

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And Arya is heading to kill the Mad Queen.

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The supposedly great battle of King's Landing lasted an entirety of 13 minutes, In which Daenerys destroyed the Iron Fleet (Dubbed the biggest fleet in the iron islands), Destroyed every single scorpion on the wall, breached the gates and the enemy surrendered in 13 minutes. What a god damn joke.

Rushing the ending of Game of Thrones was stupidest choice I've seen since Tumblr banned porn.

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The fight between Jamie and Euron was a filler. Completely unecessary and made no sense.
I guess the question in everyone's minds is, why did Dany keep burning everyone even if the bells were ringing. She is crazy and mad just like her father. She seemed like she didn't care even if her ally and lover Jon died as well as his army.

Jon Snow will kill Daenerys next episode.

Btw, so a knife goes right through that dude's skull and he is still alive? I thought he was still human?

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Trash after trash! Even if the script is true, then whoever refuses to watch the last two episodes just read it to see how badly this series is going to end. I'll pretend I've never been a fan.

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i can't believe d&d ruined this whole show and all of the characters

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Exactly what I wished for after the last episode.. Just hoped Cersei would have a worst death.. :fire::fire::fire::fire:

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Nothing makes sense anymore. Logic just went completely out of the window. Character development that has been going on over several seasons just got completely reversed. Actually I am impressed how much a show can be ruined in a couple of episodes.

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Wow, they've outdone themselves this time! This was absolute sh#t!!! Can't wait to see what mess they come up with next week, yay!

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The episode should be titled "character assassination", what a nice way to make 7 seasons of character development pointless with no payoff.

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There's a lot I could complain about and most things have already been said here, so I'll just voice my biggest anger - What the hell was the point of Arya and her story? She trained for years to become a faceless super assassin and to assassinate people from her list, already killed many people and was prepared to die. But suddenly it only takes a few nice words from the Hound and she turns around, forgets about Cersei and spends the rest of the episode aimlessly running through the city? What was the point of her, her storylines and her character development? Maybe to kill Dany? Well, my only hope is that she kills Dany with the face of someone else, so her journey has some use at the end.

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LMFAOOOOO this season is even worse than I thought it would be

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I guess Dany is next on Aryas list.

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Another technical masterpiece but could of been more. We certainly spent a lot of time watching the common people get roasted. I wonder if Arya is going to go after Daenerys after what she went through?

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One of the best directed episodes. One of the worst written episodes. In a vacuum, this episode would be brilliant. In the context of the wider story, this episode is a disaster.

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People are hating on this season and this particular episode because it does not fulfill their wishes. Yes, it is rushed. Yes, there is a lot of plot-holes (see rushed again). The story should be closed in two or three more seasons to keep the slow pace that was introduced to us, but we have this. It is actually what the show has set for, so I am not sure what you were hoping for. Jaime with Brienne? Danny with Jon? Everyone dancing and hugging? It is not a soap opera. Stop complaining just because the show is not ending the way you wanted it to.

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I can't make any more excuses for the writers. I've been patient long enough, and it's obvious that without Martin providing a roadmap for them, they're not remotely up to the task. Just the stupidity when it comes to battle execution along with the undoing of so much character development is enough to show the problems, but it goes so much deeper than that. At least the production values and the acting are still up to snuff, which only serves to further emphasize where the fault lies: with the writers. As things wind down, the show is doing its best to out-LOST LOST.

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Consistent is what this season of GOT is: consistently bad. More near instant travel (Dragonstone to Kings Landing), then suddenly where before the first two shots nailed a dragon now none of the crossbows so much as wound the dragon. And how many coincidences can you have: Jamie gets to the bottom of the red keep just as Euron comes ashore, the Hound just happens to be going up the steps just when the Mountain is coming down, Jamie just happens across Cersei as she’s alone in the map room & then later they have enough time for their reconciliation & to hug before the arches collapse one by one. Blatant lazy TV writing at its very worst. Can next week redeem things, nope it’s far to late

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Shout by ミムジー
BlockedParent2019-05-13T17:55:14Z— updated 2021-11-09T03:53:16Z

yeah burn them all, burn them all

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At what stage or season does a show move into the "we must all hate it" phase? Who knows, wtf cares. Brutal and brilliant penultimate episode.

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Estrogen indigestion. Trainwreck after trainwreck.

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Well that was very disappointing

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AMAZING episode. All the feels. All the anxiety. All these great moments. Loved it.

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Im going to quote the nba legend Sir Charles Barkley “This is TurrrBle” D&D are hacks we must start a campaign to boycott them from ruining star wars the old republic. Or ar least get them fired. They don’t deserve to work ever again, writing scripts, maybe adapt or transcribe for another author but not write, no pacing. No semblance of time, distance, size, logistics. There are so many problems with this season that its easier to list what was good this season instead of all the “turrrble” ones.

The music
And the actors did a great job considering what terrible scripts they were handed.

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You all that are complaining about bad writing and things like that, go take another look at episode S07xE02 at Daenerys and Olenna Tyrell. Was everything in our faces before, foreshadowing. You are welcome. The only problem with this season is less episodes and everything rushed.

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I was watching this episode and wondering what all the hate was about... then the bell rang and the episode went to complete hell.

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Since when is Game of Thrones turning out the way you would expect it to ?
That's why we love this TV show.

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Well, I don't quite know what to say...
I'll just keep sitting here, motionless, for another couple of minutes. To COOL things off

Maybe we can just blame Bran?!

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You think you wanted revenge a long time?
I've been after it all my life.
It's all I care about .... look at me. LOOK AT ME !!!!
You wanna be like me? You come with me, you die here.

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I'm surprised that this episode has lower rating than the previous one. Last one was utter garbage but they pleasently surprised about progression in this one (except the Euron scene, which was absolutely pointless and unbeliveable).
The rest of it was the most "got" like episode we had this season. And shot absolutely beautifuly.

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Shout by Vishal

Lena Headey was amazing! Honestly, I love all broad strokes, but it was rushed and it is evident. Jaimie's moment with Cersei was so beautiful but shadowed by what happened last episode with Brienne, those seem like two completely disconnected events with missing plot points in story line. I see, that's the problem D&D are facing, they've plot points by GRRM and they are oblivious to how to connect them, sigh!

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Epic! I see people didn't liked this episode. But you have to consider the Show and Books are now on different ways. This is what planned for the show.

Danny being cruel to people is because of her past. She has suffered this all. Betrayal, fear. She have faced it all. And now she lost all of her control.

I agree the characters vanished very quickly. All the development and story went so quick for them.

I'm happy with the way show is going.

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Shout by ragreynolds
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-05-13T10:47:54Z— updated 2019-05-21T17:55:07Z

The stuff with Tyrion and Jaime, and the Arya scenes were the best things about this episode. I liked how they focused a lot on the peasants and people who were suffering in battle.
I had always thought that Daenerys would go mad. It has been hinted at since the early seasons, the problem here is just that it feels rushed. She had essentially gone from 1-5 on the madness scale throughout the first 7 seasons, then within a couple of episodes she shot up to 10/10 on the madness scale. It was too sudden and felt forced.
Cersei and Jaime’s deaths were predictable, and I felt that they were lacking.
Overall, the episode wasn’t exactly terrible, but it was disappointing, much like the rest of the season has been thus far.

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Finally this is what GOT is! the bad comments with people wishing happy endings don't really understand what GOT is, this episode is something GRRM would do.

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the WORST episode um GoT history..I'm honestly gonna pretend season 8 never happened, and remember GoT in their glory and gold for me, the series finale was the season 6 finale..season 8 was a absolute disgrace and I don't want to remember my favorite show in the entire world ending in such a pathetic way with such lazy, let's just pretend season 8 never happened and this will be good for my sanity.

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Amusing comments here. It's Game of Thrones, bad things happen by surprise all the time.

The only thing I truly critisize on the episode is the pace. It was all rushed. The defenses of Kings landing weren't even used. The whole city that looked so strong before, was just wiped out in minutes. Clearly just a sign that they missed Budget for more episodes.

Also Qyburn could have resurrected the dragon shot by the Iron Fleet, would have balanced the Battle a little.

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it feels as if writers are bluffing in our faces trying to pass the 80 minute long fights as "quality content". the show has become an outer shell of what it was, there's barely any depth. the script as it is now feels like an outline that was supposed to be filled in with subplot and details from G.R.R.M. but that never happened. and that's why the fans are crazy

another reason why S8 is exceptionally bad is because there is no more emotional connection to the characters. their motives are unclear, arc endings are unjustified, 8 years of character building are thrown out the window with stupid decisions. the character deaths shown in S8 are fake, they've been dead since the show departed from the books. what we are seeing is bad fan fiction.

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I'm not buying any of it. This was not a good episode.

In a previous episode the other dragon is shot and dies in 6-7 seconds. In this episode we see the dragon dive into hundreds of ships in plain view and in a kill zone and is not shot once? Nothing is consistent here.

And let's not talk about Jamie and Euron. What was that fight for? Why they did it? Jamie gets stabbed twice really bad and survives? It's like nothing matters anymore and I don't buy what they did with Daenerys. We don't even need to watch the next episode. Arya or Jon is going to kill her next and that's it, the end! Where is the fun?

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Writers: "Let's do everything that we can to make Dany look like mad king and give John a reason to kill her.
I didn't read the leaked script.

First them made Jaime look like he is looking for justice for realm's people. Because we know that he killed mad king to protect to people. Then he says "I don't care about the people". They just killed the "King's Slayer" story.

Arya travels all the way from Winterfell but at the last second she listens to hound and instead of continuing her revenge she says "Nvm fam amma go outside and enjoy the flames"

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Holy f***, that was terrible!

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Finally GOT is a trash comedy...

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Decent episode but overall still a disappointment much like the rest of this season. The meeting between Jaime and Cersei was the only nice thing for me here and they just killed them like that. I do not mind a number of characters dying but realistically there should also be a number of redemption arcs before the end. So far it is all dead dead dead dead sigh. What a wasted final season

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Came to read comments... but there are so much haters. I liked it ! SO, is there anything else that should matters?

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Well, very extreme, but well done. Daenerys got crazy, like her father. At the end, this series is about power, losing it, and the effects of that.

I'm very fan of the books, they are miles away better than this series plot, but I, and many others here, I guess, wanna see what will happen with all this craziness haha.

How will Martin get his story done in the books, after we've all seen these things? This came to me every time a saw another new episode. ^^

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I don't know how I feel about the episode? angry? sad? disappointed? I don't hate it as much as I hated the last episode, but I don't know. it wasn't as I expected it to be! danny is hands down the worst person ever! and grey worm follows her. The way Jamie and Cersei died was heartbroken and sad and terrible what are they, Romeo and Juliet????? I'm so mad at the way they killed them... like it shouldn't happen this way! they are two legendary characters! don't they at least deserve a "proper" deaths? at least Jaime wasn't killed by Euron! oh my god just imagine that!!!! and Jon...... Jon literary did nothing AGAIN! like absolutely nothing! now I feel like the ending is predictable, people don't want Danny to rule and Jon will be like "I will be the king to protect my people from this mad queen blah blah blah". ugh...

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Even worse than the Battle of Winterfell :(

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Wah Wah most of you feel betrayed that the egotistical queen of dragons, breaker of chains, and full of bullshit Daenerys was actually mad herself all along. What you also did was ignored foreshadowing, character progression, and sucummed to idolize a character who had flaws you wanted to ignore. It's a mixture of people who missed signals, and book nerds who are upset the story ended a way they didn't approve of that hate this ending. Sorry guys, if you watched this show quickly and without spoilers or theories then this was easy to see coming. Revenge is a powerful motivator and she showed signs of it seasons ago, yall just didn't see the writing on the wall.

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Someone needs to explain to D&D that foreshadowing does not equal character development. Dany's turn to madness is completely unearned. D&D themselves have previously said that she is brutal, but not mad. Her brutality has been targeted only at her enemies until now and for every chilling moment there are much more where Dany has been kind and compassionate. Her suddenly deciding to commit mass murder of innocents makes no sense whatsoever.

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I really liked the story-arch ending in this.
Denny has never been "peaceful". She just thought that she is better then others, but it was always "rightful ruler" this and that, which is just talk of tyrants. Yes, there are people that liked her and they just can't seem to understand that she would end not being good, but evil. They will despise this episode. Denny many time said that she will do whatever needs to be done to be on the Irone Throne and many times said that she will burn the Kings Landing.

What was a letdown for me, was the ease it took her to take everything down (fleet, walls, all defenses). Previous episodes have shown how dangerous those could be and this episode it was just flying here and there like nothing. No effort at all. Either show some clever tactics, or show that there at he end was not so mane scorpions, or that he first dragon kill was just a lucky shot. This was done in too easy way. (I assume from timing point they did not want to show a siege or any struggle, just get to the end.)

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It seems perfectly reasonable to me that they didn't manage to kill Drogon - firstly, he's the strongest of the three because he wasn't chained up in a basement during a crucial growth period, and secondly the other two were both killed in surprise attacks.
But really, why am I even justifying minor details in a show that makes a character who has never shown any interest in killing for killing's sake, who has in fact gone out of her way to help the downtrodden masses again and again, who has shown brutality against her enemies, yes, but never gratuitous and senseless cruelty, suddenly raze an entire city after it has surrendered? Destroy the Red Keep, even if it meant killing the people seeking shelter inside just to get Cersei? Yes, that might have been in line with the grief and anger caused by recent losses and betrayals. But why have a character be morally grey, complex and containing multitudes when you can just make them an evil madwoman? If this is really the ending GRRM wanted for his story, shame on him. How predictable, boring and utterly disappointing.

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This episode made me vomit... twice

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Well... Fuck... She burned EVERYTHING.
WTF? I was like: Hey! They rang the bells!! And then, shit happens.
I can't believe that's how Cersi dies.
I was hoping for an epic dead, that was kind of sad.
Tyrion and Jamie's last scene... Wow... Beautiful.
I was so scared for Arya, man she was so close to died. #NotToday
I don't know if we'll get a mad queen or who's going to be alive at the end, because things got out of control here.
Just one episode left... Oh boy...

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Shout by Deleted

I am not saying that every aspect of this Episode was good. The Writing has really been not that great this Season....BUT seriously thou, everyone who thinks that Daenerys was out of Character was blind trough the whole last Season. She always had this tiny bit of Madness, it just finally took over. She killed the Tarlys, she never had any Mercy for her Enemies. Also, the Vision. I never understood how Fans still where cheering for Dany.

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It's so tragic that the show with the biggest budget ever seen can't even get the cgi right or a decent pair of writers.
There's no fucking emotion, tension or a climax. NOTHING.

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Thankfully this was a much better episode than the last one. Lot of epic scenes and no dragon died, yay! I also expected a different end for Cersei but I'm okay with it. Hard to believe next week will be the series finale...

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Your sad tears are delicious.

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Kudos to Jaimie. Boy’s tough. He for sure earned his other nickname - Ironside.

No, wait! It was Bjorn. Sorry, wrong show.

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Shame is all I can think of for this season. They ruined every character and meanwhile Bran is still playing raven simulator:sweat_smile:

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Give me back all the hours I spent watching this... this thing. All of it. All the seasons. It can't end like this.

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It was all so... unnecessary.
And I'm pretty sure in the final episode #AryaKillsDany

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Awesome episode. The only complaint I'd level against it is that it felt like "Clegane-bowl" jumped the shark. I was never hyped about it in the first place, and it looked like a scene from Highlander with The Mountain played by Golddust from tv wrestling.

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Now that was a bellow-par episode for a brilliant show. Not because of the outcome but the development, or the lack thereof.

Jaime's turnaround in the last episode had seemed ambiguous enough that most of us assumed he wasn't going back to be with Cersei, but rather to end her life or at least deal a blow to her cause. Having him simply taking Tyrion's suggestion and running with it was odd.

Daenerys' descent into madness still felt rushed, even if it was expected. I kinda wished they'd spent a few more minutes on that instead of showing the people's plight through Arya. Oh, well.

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Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all.

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I've never been so confused in my life.

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tell me why the most despicable, hateful, repulsive, beyond disgusting and most miserable woman gets to die IN THE ARMS OF HER LOVER who not only comforts her in that moment but loves her unconditionally. I- sincerely have no words. GoT you have let me down

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I revisited the series and even now I just don't get how Daenerys turned into that so quickly. It is evident that they needed to build her up more so we could get that madness.

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Shout by DipperDolphin

I never really liked Daenerys, but I completely lost sympathy with her in this episode. Worse than all the tyrants before her, including Cerci, but still thinks she's some amazing ruler that the people love.

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So, from 20,000 Golden Company warriors, all died at that scene with a dragon, where there was like 100 of them. And magically all 20k are gone aswell? Cool.

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Technical aspects great, acting great but the script DAAMN NO.
And that plotwsit at he end? sacrificing a character arc like that?

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Incredible spectacle . That's about it.

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An excellent episode of television that, for better or worse, is a return to the kind of emotionally harrowing storytelling that made this show's name.

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What a let down,A dragon on steroids destroying the city in 10 minutes,.All this build up and character developpement lost in one single episode.

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they really said fuck character development

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mehh... didn't like the episode, characters acting exactly the opposite characteristic.
suddenly John doesn't care of killing varis, no one can hit the dragon... although they killed one last episode!!!


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This hole episode was a disaster. I didn't expect from Daenerys to act like this. For a moment, a almost felt like I should be on Cersei's side. At least John was not destroyed...

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As Emilia and Kit, I am disappointed.

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