Shout by Mateusz Grobelny

Game of Thrones: Season 8

8x05 The Bells

People are hating on this season and this particular episode because it does not fulfill their wishes. Yes, it is rushed. Yes, there is a lot of plot-holes (see rushed again). The story should be closed in two or three more seasons to keep the slow pace that was introduced to us, but we have this. It is actually what the show has set for, so I am not sure what you were hoping for. Jaime with Brienne? Danny with Jon? Everyone dancing and hugging? It is not a soap opera. Stop complaining just because the show is not ending the way you wanted it to.

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@divide people complaining because the writing is bad af and full with shits. If you really think this is a good season its pretty sad.

@felixgotrek Like I said, it is dull of holes but it IS where the story was gonna go anyway. Plot-holes are there due to the show being rushed, you do not close the entire series in one season when in previous seasons it took for example 10 episodes to go from one city to another. I do not understand how people could assume that there would still be a lot of character's development and storytelling when there is ONLY 6 episodes in this season. Does not matter that they are longer, it is still only 6 eps to close the whole story.

@divide If they didn't have time for character development, then they shouldn't have chosen to conclude the series in a way that reuires a lot more character development to make sense of. It's shit writing.
