Review by cutecruel
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-05-13T17:01:32Z— updated 2019-05-24T21:10:34Z

Good things about this episode:

  • This episode captures the theme of the novels - no one is 100% good or evil. The good guys can turn bad, kill, and the bad guys can be afraid and vulnerable. We are all capable of either based on our experiences.

  • For me, Cersei is one of the most complex and memorable characters of all time and I liked the way she died. No one gets her and no one deserves to. I felt her and Jaime dying in each others' arms to be very satisfying. They came into the world together, were an incestuous couple and went out together. I don't think Jaime's arc was ruined as so many claim. He was never a good character - yes, he grown along the way, but at the end of the day he was always loyal to Cersei. I thought his arc ended the only way it could have: doomed to love her. I can understand why some people would dislike it but it was a very fitting end for him.

  • “She is not eating.” - Sneaky Varys was trying to poison the queen. I'm a little disappointed with his death but at least he advanced the Daenerys madness plot.

  • Dany going mad makes sense since they have been foreshadowing it for a few seasons. It has been shown before she’s impulsive and irrational, and once she crossed over to Westeros her entire focus was to take the Iron Throne but now that the word is out thanks to Varys, she has lost everything because she knows people would choose Jon.

  • Tyrion telling Jamie that he was the only one that never treated him like a monster was heartbreaking.

  • The cinematography and music were absolutely perfect.

Bad things about this episode:

  • How does Danaerys fail so hard with three dragons, but succeed so easily with only one dragon? Last episode a dragon was killed so easily, this episode one dragon did all that without dying.

  • Did not expect Cersei’s defeat to be so simple. No strategy or no back up plans. She legitimately only had 10 lines this season, all she did was to stare out of her balcony.

  • Euron is one of the worst written character in television history. Him talking directly to camera, “I am the one who killed Jaime Lannister” was so cheesy. And his fight with Jaime was pointless. How come he magically washed ashore at the exact location where Jamie was?

  • Arya's plot armor is getting ridiculous.

  • How are all these dorathki and unsullied still alive?

All in all, this episode was about Dany’s descend into madness and Cersei's death, so it was a predictable one as I expected it.

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@cutecruel I agree with 99% of what you wrote. However they killed the second dragon so easily with the scorpions because he was already hurt by the NK and his wings were torn (less manouverability, they hinted on that when they left Winterfell and he was wibbely/wobbely taking off)
