I really liked the story-arch ending in this.
Denny has never been "peaceful". She just thought that she is better then others, but it was always "rightful ruler" this and that, which is just talk of tyrants. Yes, there are people that liked her and they just can't seem to understand that she would end not being good, but evil. They will despise this episode. Denny many time said that she will do whatever needs to be done to be on the Irone Throne and many times said that she will burn the Kings Landing.

What was a letdown for me, was the ease it took her to take everything down (fleet, walls, all defenses). Previous episodes have shown how dangerous those could be and this episode it was just flying here and there like nothing. No effort at all. Either show some clever tactics, or show that there at he end was not so mane scorpions, or that he first dragon kill was just a lucky shot. This was done in too easy way. (I assume from timing point they did not want to show a siege or any struggle, just get to the end.)

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