Shout by Deleted

I am not saying that every aspect of this Episode was good. The Writing has really been not that great this Season....BUT seriously thou, everyone who thinks that Daenerys was out of Character was blind trough the whole last Season. She always had this tiny bit of Madness, it just finally took over. She killed the Tarlys, she never had any Mercy for her Enemies. Also, the Vision. I never understood how Fans still where cheering for Dany.

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I keep saying that everyone who’s hating on this episode seems to have not been paying attention to the past 7 seasons. There were so many references to past episodes that allow those who remember to understand why something has happened.

Jaime said he wanted to die in the arms of the woman he loves, which happened.

Daenerys has a history of showing little mercy, if any at all, and then went above and beyond the level of Mad.

I haven’t seen any complaints about Cleganebowl, but I thought it was a fitting death for the both of them considering their history together. If Sandor walked away alive then that would be a little too cheery.

Arya taking Sandor’s advice and leaving seemed a little strange considering her hatred for Cersei, but I can kind of understand since she’s arguably the least deserving of Arya’s blade and she had to have known that there really was no way to make it out of the Red Keep alive.

The golden company was pretty lame, I’ll admit; but what were we supposed to expect given what we saw when Daenerys torched the Lannister convoy which just captured Highgarden?

So yeah, one of the better episodes overall in my opinion.
