Making of a murderer. There are two kinds of populous who watch this show. First, who watch it for the spectacle and politics. Those who are in sync with the latest fan theories. And then there's the other half (maybe even less) who are interested in the characters' development and their arcs. They are the ones who indulge in proper analysis before judging an episode. So no wonder this episode has generated such a negative response. It could have served the former masses like they have for the past few seasons but I'm bloody well glad that they didn't. They threw all fan theories out of the gate and did something that no one expected. They decided to go back to the roots and do something that the OG fans fell in love with. There is no bigger joy than seeing an 8-season arc be paid off so well.

Rags to riches to rags again. This season has been about her losses and failures. Losing her children, best friend and someone who loved her unconditionally were the wheels that drove her to madness. But the final push was her love betraying her. Something that she could never contemplate. Annihilation was the only way out that she could see. This one was a TV version of Carrie.

True Love. Never saw Cersei as a black and white narcissist. So, I totally was fine with her end. Facing death with the only true love of her life while caring about her unborn child. As for Jamie, I don't think he ever loved anyone other than Cersei. He could've comfortably chosen to stay in the north.

I Hope I'm wrong. Varys was in two minds about the queen. But in the end he chose his instinct without considering that it might lead to his demise. He chose the fate of the realm over himself.

Sandor, Thank You. Great moment with The Hound and Arya. Both acknowledging their familial instincts for each other was definitely one of the highlights and looks like it came full circle.

Penultimatum. Calling this the best episode of the season will in no way be fair to other episodes as this one would not be standing if not for the 72 hour experience that was pointing to this. Don't even want to think about the finale right now. Glad that it's a week away since it will take me that much time to digest this one. Hail HBO for not following the Netflix formula

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