It seems perfectly reasonable to me that they didn't manage to kill Drogon - firstly, he's the strongest of the three because he wasn't chained up in a basement during a crucial growth period, and secondly the other two were both killed in surprise attacks.
But really, why am I even justifying minor details in a show that makes a character who has never shown any interest in killing for killing's sake, who has in fact gone out of her way to help the downtrodden masses again and again, who has shown brutality against her enemies, yes, but never gratuitous and senseless cruelty, suddenly raze an entire city after it has surrendered? Destroy the Red Keep, even if it meant killing the people seeking shelter inside just to get Cersei? Yes, that might have been in line with the grief and anger caused by recent losses and betrayals. But why have a character be morally grey, complex and containing multitudes when you can just make them an evil madwoman? If this is really the ending GRRM wanted for his story, shame on him. How predictable, boring and utterly disappointing.

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