What in the actual f*ck.

I'm a reasonable man, I realize I've been crapping on D&D even more than usual this season but I really do have to give them props for doing exactly what they set out to do. They hoped to subvert our expectations and they did just wonderfully in that regards.

We expected all of that buildup over the years to actually amount to something that at the very least passes for a presentable series finale but instead, we got an incoherent, steaming pile of shit. Expectations subverted!

We expected all of that character development to actually result in a beautiful pay-off that respects the journey of self-discovery each and every one of our beloved characters went through to get to where they are now but instead, we got a painful, disrespectful cycle of character regression. Expectations subverted!

We expected the final season of this show to keep us at the edge of our seats with thrilling writing that didn't subvert our expectations for the sake of subverting our expectations via low-quality shock value-seeking writing, but to introduce plot twists that make sense within the overall narrative of the story but instead, we got CW-level predictable, cringe material. Expectations subverted!

I get it. I really do. GRRM let them down by not getting the books ready in time and so they had to improvise away from his influence, but this? This? For a long while, Game of Thrones lived up to the slogan of its parent network, it wasn't just TV, it was something different, something unique and now to have to see it come to this... it's nothing short of disappointing.

On the bright side though, at least this episode didn't suck completely. The acting, score and cinematography were all on point, so I guess it's nice that I didn't walk out of it having appreciated absolutely nothing about it.

So why do I even bother anymore? I honestly could not tell you, though it's probably a mixture of masochism and a faint sliver of hope that they won't flush our collective investment into this series down the drain by the end of it, just one more episode dammit.

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@jinzulen whatever you've imagined or hoped the finale would turn out to be... I can already tell I'd give it the same score you've given this...

@jinzulen Just because a show doesn't go in the direction you wanted doesn't mean it's wrong or bad. Daenerys always had a bit of crazy in her. It should not have been that shocking for her to burn down the city to provoke fear. She literally told Jon she had to rely on fear in the first 15 minutes.


"Just because a show doesn't go in the direction you wanted doesn't mean it's wrong or bad."
I never said that was the case. Game of Thrones is a TV show, its entertainment value is completely subjective to the viewer. Many have enjoyed this season and good on them, they're free to develop their own opinions on how it was handled, just as I'm free to express disappointment over how - in my opinion - it's crashing and burning.

"Daenerys always had a bit of crazy in her. It should not have been that shocking for her to burn down the city to provoke fear."
I don't think anyone was shocked that Dany went the "mad queen" way, it was foreshadowed for quite a bit and seeing it finally unfold on screen doesn't make it any more surprising.

What's got me disappointed though was the writers' complete disregard for her character development, seeing as quite a bit of said development was built around her being better than her father and brother. Dany was always mad for the throne, but this is extreme even for her, in my opinion, the writers didn't do her character justice.

@jinzulen not sure mad comes with a dial. at this point she lost all friends and all advisors.

"the writers didn't do her character justice."
They absolutly did that, with sugar on top. They have been building layer upon layer to get to this result. Maybe you should watch the series again ?


"Maybe you should watch the series again ?"
I don't see how that would help given that my opinion of this radical change in her character is based off of my take on the character development she was exposed to all of those seasons.

So as to end this pointless cycle of repetition where someone just disagrees without providing any arguments to counter mine with, allow me to yet again state that you're entitled to your own opinion and take on this issue, just as I am entitled to mine.

The fact you disagree with mine does not render it null or make yours any valid, nor do condescending requests to re-watch the series satisfy that expectation.

@jinzulen Pretty convinced like a few others you're just upset the story ended in a way you didn't want it to. All this crap about the show ending bad, as someone who bringe watched it, it didn't end bad at all or lose any of momentum to the end, it just went in a direction most of you were in denial about it going even though it always hinted at it going this way
