If anything, I am grateful for this episode. It doesn’t only provides us with the most stunning shots ever, it also gives us a great great message; Not one of us is purely evil and not one of us is all good. Just like the real world is and most importantly, how George wants his characters to be.

Dany’s Outburst is something true fans saw coming since the show aired back in 2011. Now that the moment is finally here, it’s difficult to see because we love her so much. If anything, i didn’t wanted it either! But it doesn’t weaken her or the show, it shows us Dany is only human and acts on her feelings, no matter how horrific the outcome would be. And for the show’s sake, we can’t all truly believe Dany would have gotten what she always wanted without any bloodshed. It’s plain old sticking your head into the sand. Of course I wanted the same as every one did. But if that would be the outcome of this episode, Game Of Thrones would be like every other predictable show. And let’s face it, the ‘not knowing what will happen’ factor it brings is the reason we all fell in love in the first place.

So, I’m grateful for this and although it saddens me that the end will be near, I will always remember the silver haired young lady who broke the wheel.


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