Review by Cadrieldur
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-05-13T04:26:34Z— updated 2019-05-14T16:09:56Z

I’d rather have had the NK kill everyone than this.

Throwback to the days when even minor character deaths had an emotional impact and made sense.

When the Lannisters surrender but you still have 40 minutes to fill the rest of the episode.
Dany: Guess I'll commit Genocide.

Foreshadowing is not the same as showing a character's arc. After 7 seasons of portraying her as a flawed heroine (even her musical themes played that up) who NEVER harmed innocent children, they needed more than two damn episodes after she saved the North to make it seem earned. [Literally the “signs” of her going mad are echoed in Sansa - Sansa is shown being jealous of Jon getting the acclaim, and being a bit of a party-pooper, and wanting to kill Cersei. But no one accuses her of being mad, because those aren't signs of madness]. You can’t just have a couple of characters worry about it, have her save millions of lives and then just magically make her go mad [In Season 4, Dany locks up her own Dragons because ONE of them scorched ONE child. There is no progression. There is her being a hero and then in the span of an episode she is mad. Hinting that Daernerys will go mad. This isn't the same thing as actually writing her descent to madness. Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon both executed people. They're not considered mad. Jon Snow executed all the guys who tried to kill him. [He turned useless not Madness]. Instead, we got an Unlimited Dragonfire Special Edition... which Dany has already experienced plenty and viewers were never given time to digest...and characters telling us it would happen, but not showing it from Dany's perspective. Like her or hate her, the character and viewers deserved a real transition with clearer motives for her Genocide actions. They went for shock value over clear character development and it was cluster fuck.

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@lordjonsnow How about "Mercy is our strength?" LOL

@lordjonsnow I think you need to read up about the word Genocide.
