+Daenerys feeling betrayed and the talk with Jon about how she doesn't inspire love in the Seven Kingdoms so she has to resort to fear. fucking excellent dialogue.
+Jaime once again being chained to a pole and Tyrion returning the favor to him
+Cleganebowl was good, maybe not as amazing as it could've been but it was more that satisfying
+Euron fighting Jaime
+Stalemate in the city
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dany's fury Particularly from Jon and Arya's viewpoints, was amazing
+Acting was WAAAAAAAY stronger than normal

*Varys' death was kinda fast but it had to be
*First part of the battle was fine, nice of the writers to take the heat seeking missiles off of the ballistae
*Not crazy about Jaime returning to save Cersei as a storyline but it does make sense

-Golden Company had no point

Fuck any of the brainlets who say Dany is acting against character. Remember that part about her being raised by her psychotic brother, or when she walked into a big ass fire expecting to die, or when she threatened to burn down Qarth moments after arriving there while her dragons were still babies, or when she just gave all of slavers bay to a mercenary because she broke up with him, or how she has a savior complex and resents anyone who doesn’t immediately accept her as queen, or how she’s gradually becoming less and less accepting of criticism while being more sure of her “destiny” to rule, or when she killed Sam's family instead of imprisoning/ransoming them or how she continues to try to bang her nephew. Yeah, this came out of nowhere though lmao. She's always had that edge, seems fair that watching her best friend get her head chopped off set her just over. This isn't to say she's completely crazy either, she very well could justify making an example of King's Landing in order to inspire fear in the rest of the Realm. Remember, just because a show doesn't do what you want it to do doesn't make it bad or not make sense.

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2 replies

I couldn't say any episod critism as good as you did. Good job!

@seanmsu Thanks for saying it so well. This was one of the best episodes in this season. Folks are just ungrateful and looking for things to gripe about, remember this could have been another pitch dark battle! :)
