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The Witcher 2019

Season 2 managed to make this show even better in my opinion. Hope they keep coming.

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Wow! Just... wow! An undisputedly breathtaking performance from Henry Cavil, bringing the Witcher character to life in a way never seen before. This comes as no surprise if you read about Henry’s dedication to the character.

Aside from Henry’s performance, which is hard to brush aside, the show itself is just magnificent. A complex story delivered in a non-linear timeline, slowly becoming more linear as the show develops.

Every character is on point, and this show does justice to the books and the games. Go ahead and watch it. Perhaps it will become the favorite TV show for you, as it did for me.

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I feel like I'm the only person who absolutely loved the changes they made in season 2 compared to the books! I hated the books, dragged myself all the way to 50% of Lady of the Lake and then finally gave up because I was so disinterested for the last 3 books. I do miss the connection Ciri and Yen have in the books but the show made the world more interesting with the addition of new monsters and monoliths!

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very awsome , i wish it wil be a 10+ seasons

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Oh okay. New season when?

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I love this show, very well made and the videogame is one of my all time faves! Can't wait for S2! Henry truly embodies Geralt!

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If someone asked me to write what can we call this serie?
I think i could say a mix of Lord of the Rings World with Game of Thrones violence

We might be in presence of one of the best stories to watch in next decade!

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Some people are making a fuss that the timeline is confusing. Since this is the internet it gets blown out of proportion. You get a clear hint in one episode this is happening and its easy to figure it out afterwards. That being said, just watch it! It´s really good!

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I wish I could give it a 10 (which I very very rarely do) -Season one is excellent in every aspect but one:
The timeline is blurry and confusing as f***.

Events taking place decades apart are only put into their place by a character dropping that something happened three decades ago in passing.
Normally that wouldn't be an issue, but most characters don't age!
I am still a bit confused as to why the bard doesn't age, since he seems to be human (I'm at Episode 6, so I hope they do explain it in one of the last episodes, but I doubt it)
That combinations makes it really hard to keep track of what happened before, what happened after and what happens at the same time.

P.S.: I don't know the books, so I have no idea if they had the same problems.
I took a look at the descriptions for the books though and some elements seem to coincide with the first prequel book. So I assume they are meshing prequel and original books together somehow.

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I can't make to episode 2. It's so boring, full of cliches and shallow characters. Never read the books. Never played the game. Didn't like what i saw. It's kind of pathetic and tacky.

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Am I the only one who thought that the last season was supremely confusing and quite badly written? The first season was epic. Second was meh. The third was dog shit. I'm done with this show. I can see why Henry Cavill was pissed.

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Shout by AJ

Damn you, Netflix. As if I hadn't too many videogames in my backlog, now all I can think about is replaying The Witcher III.

Really good story (no surprise there, considering they took all of it from the books).
Great production quality, from the soundtrack to the visual efects, the ambientation...
Awesome action scenes, specially Blaviken in the first episode, that fight will be hard to beat.
Pretty decent cast overall, with some excellent choices (Geralt and Yen), and just the minor disappointment of Triss not being a redhead.
And brilliant storytelling too, through all the first season. The two timelines work perfectly for me, I have no idea why there is so many people confused by that.

No, the only problem for me is that there are only 8 episodes of this. They are perfect as an introduction to the world, the characters and the lore, but now that they are all introduced... I want more. Now, please. But no, according to IMDB, season 2 isn't expected to air until 2021. Are you kidding!? Not cool, Netflix. Oh well... meanwhile, it's definitely time to replay The Witcher III :grin:.


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First season story got fucked by the jumbled timeline, otherwise it would've scored a :100:
The cast is perfect, same with the sceneries and visuals.

Edit: 2nd season, I just keep falling in love with Yennefer more and more after each episode, god I love her... Anyway, they did a great job in rectifying their previous mistake with the storytelling.
The story is finally starting to take shape and I'm all excited for a 3rd season, Lets gooo !

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I loved this show a lot and can’t wait for season two. Only gripe is it doesn’t do a good job of distinguishing past from present. Took me till episode 3 or 4 to realize I was looking at two different timelines.

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Toss a coin to your Witcher O'Valley of Plenty O'Valley of Plenty ho ho ho :heart_eyes:
I'd watch it over and over avain just for Jaskier !
I loved this first Season! Great start. Makes me want to see more and I can't wait for season 2!!

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At first I got confused by the timeline, but didn't let it to bother and kept watching. Eventually I loved the way how the timeline got put together, and I'm really waiting for the second season now.

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Henry Cavill is the Witcher.

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I love this series of the best that I watch.

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Only 5 minutes long? Please correct that.

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I wroto on dec 22th that couldn't reach ep.2, because ep.01 was too boring. Thank God I changed my mind. It's getting much better. Ep01 sucks, but I liked the others very much.

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So I see many complaints about the timeline of the story... Ive read the books years ago and yes, I found it kind of confusing at the beginning. I knew the timeline and I thought its Netflix's idea to chaotically show the story but by the 3rd episode Ive found couple of hints in the dialogues with which people can understand that Yennefers story is when father of Calanthe is on the throne, Geralts when Calanthe is, and Ciris when Cintra was in flames. So stick to couple of eps before you make a decision to leave the show.
And I must say that the books, the two tomes of short stories (!!) give a little chaos to the timeline too. Not to spoiler anyone, between the stories Geralt is in a place with people with whom he talks about the events after all of the short stories. So complain to Sapkowski and watch the show to the end ! The Finale is marvellous and Im totally not objective as Yennefer will always be my fav character in the Witcher: movie, shows, books, or the games:D

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The Expanse and The Witcher both of them aired in this month. Double Christmas for everyone!

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A cure for the game of thrones itch

The bad-ish
Firstly, was the timeline confusing? Slightly. But it you pay attention, it’s rewarding to put it all together.
Secondly, not much is explained about the mythos. How are Witchers created? How did these worlds merge? Why are they at war? These questions weren’t answered for me, YouTube had to come to my rescue.

The great
Awesome action, the fight scenes are really well done. The pacing is great, I was never bored. The cast is excellent, especially Cavill. Chalotra was unbelievably gorgeous in this and played her part well also.

OveralL, it’s a bit of a throwback to weekly shows such as buffy and angel. You have a big bad creature to defeat in each episode, but also there is an over arching story. I really enjoyed it.

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So I've only read the first three books, but that should cover the first season of this series. I am amazed how this turned out, but as many others have said, this season jumps a lot around with the time lines and it's very hard to keep track. They do the same in the books, but it is much easier to keep track of in the written words (and it's mostly flashback stories).
Fights look amazing, Sountracks are fitting and Henry Cavill makes for a great Witcher.
There may be some small details that were overlooked, but I can't wait for seasons to come.

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new timeline, Different from book.
things that happen with 100 years between are now at the same time

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I loved it really. I fell in love with Yennefer again and it makes me want to play The Wither 3 again on Switch this time. I think they did a good job with the monumental task of converting this long story that is worldwide to a TV show. Take my opinion knowing I have only played the games.

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Season 1 was fine. They did interesting things with the timelines (which were a tad unnecessarily confusing) and they had some decent political intrigue and fun "short story" episodic plots. It tied up fairly neatly at the end.

Season 2 was pretty great. A lot of dangling threads are introduced in the first 4 episodes in very frustrating ways and most of them are tied up incredibly neatly in the final two. There's a lot more focus on the characters and this is primarily Ciri's story, not Geralt's or Yennefer's though they do have major roles to play. Jaskier comes in the clutch to deliver some much needed levity and pulls it off with some great scenes. Music is as good as always

I hope they end it at a neat and tidy Season 3. I'm not sure if they will considering the popularity but I still want it to be something they round off by the end of the next season in a bow all gift wrapped with a solid conclusion.

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I can’t seem to figure out if I love this or hate this. That being said, it made me laugh, the sword fighting isn’t only very well choreographed but also brilliantly shot, and it’s not as confusing as some people claim it is. To be completely honest I think I was just distracted by Henry Cavill most of the time.

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Great fun. Timeline jumps make it fun to follow. A few effects that could be spruced up going forward but overall a very enjoyable watch.

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Excellent season 1.

I am really looking forward to seeing Kaer Morhan and Vesemir in the next season.

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Beheadings? that...sweet creature effects??..check...titties...mmhm like those too... shhhhh don't tell mom

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Sadly, this show has declined recently. It's run by incompotent EP's and Season 4 has the chance to be one of the WORST seasons of television to ever disgrace the silver screen. Was smart of Henry to jump out of this particular dumpster bin.

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I LOVE THE WITCHER SO SO MUCH I don’t know why but I’m sooo drawn to geralt and cirilla’s (father/daughter) relationship and dynamic ugjwjhdjshdjdjc

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Good show related to the game Witcher.

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I haven't seen the books and j haven't played the games which I think amounts to my confusion at this show. it's told in three different timelines with three different main characters and the show does nothing to help you understand what is going on. I feel like, dare I say, they filmed these different episodes and then played a bit of pot luck to decide which order they were going in. The episodes didn't link up in the traditional way and I understand that this can sometimes be a good thing but it just didn't work for me here.

The characters and acting were good though so thats a plus. I feel like this is one of those shows where, when it comes out, I'll watch the second season to cement how I feel about the show in general because with just this preliminary season I'm not overly impressed.

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Season 1 has been good. The switching between present and past made the story - at times - hard to follow and even downright confusing. Had that been done in a better way, to make it much more clear it were jumps back and forward in time - the story most likely would have made more sense.
I still really enjoyed the show. Hopefully season 2 will follow soon.

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Pros: catched books and games atmospheres.

Cons: no Gwent ;/

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It was good. I liked it.
The timeline was convoluted & the geography, kingdoms and story was confusing for someone who isn't familiar with the source materials.
But I enjoyed it enough, so I'm looking forward to a season 2.

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I thought it was pretty good, Cavill is great as Geralt.
The time jumps were a bit confusing at first, but once you pick up on it, it's pretty clear what order everything is happening in.
I'm confused why Jaskier is not aging, I thought he's supposed to be human with no magical enhancements. Also, slightly upset Triss is not a redhead. Fight scene at Blaviken was art, can't tell me otherwise.
Yennefer for me is the least liked character on the show, I can't stand her whining, "oh boo hoo, poor me, had a tough life" ffs just get over yourself already, ugh.
Overall, good season, I'm excited for next one, I just hope Yennefer is less annoying then.

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Didnt read the book or play the game. But the language used is really modern English. Maybe they should make it sound difficult and old fashioned to understand to fit into this genre.

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It's sad when some minorities who are not minorities at all insist on getting some roles that do not fit them at all, just because they otherwise have to cut the racism track ..... That kind of pisses me off. Why does Jennefer have to be played by an Indian? Why Triss from a Turkish / Arab woman (what do I know)? Why is Fringilla played by a black woman? These are all roles these actors don't fit into. Something like that is done again and again, just because otherwise one would be accused of racism. Something like that is just poor. I, of Jewish descent, would never insist on playing a Nazi in a film about World War II. The actors also have to fit the role. The new trend, where actors want to have all sorts of roles these days, even though they don't fit, and you usually come across the racism streak, is just questionable and sucks

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Shout by SigHunter

Maybe I expected the wrong thing, something like LOTR or GOT but The Witcher is more like a children's fantasy movie, like The Chronicles of Narnia, Eragon, The Neverending Story or Alice in Wonderland. The Bard especially made it trashy, which the show in general could not afford even more. The CGI was OK but very bad and obvious in the cave where the black guy lives. Without knowing anything about The Witcher I was kind of lost in the beginning. There should have been some kind of scrolling text like in the Star Wars movies that explains the situation or a narrator like Galadriel in the beginning of LOTR Fellowship

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Deff prefer the 2nd season over the first but still good

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It has a confusing storyline at the start but once you realise the timelines then it will make sense. A nice set up for a future season.

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Yet another Hollywood Me-Too brainwashing. Never seen a series that tried that hard to avoid including men in main roles or portray men in secondary roles as weak buffoons who are at the mercy of the all powerful queens (talk about the stereotypical man they portray in the queen) and sorcerers. Even the hero of the story, who's supposed to have been born with no feelings, fell to the mercy of the beautiful sorcerer who also happens to be of Indian descent. However, unlike other brainwashing series that are also badly produced and acted (like that joke "Watchmen"), those of us with a brain big enough to laugh at the brainwashing attempt and ignore it can enjoy some aspect of this series. Hopefully, as Hollywood understands that misandry is falling out of fashion, future seasons will drop the brainwashing and focus on the quality of storytelling.

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It's alright as standalone generic fantasy, but it's nothing close to even game series.

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JFC what a downfall. I was not the biggest fan of S01 and S02 but it was on ok watch .. but wtf happend in S03. The writers must be completely braindead. Very happy for Henry that he was able to get out of this.

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A really good show that can be hard to follow at times I will say, but it still somehow kept my attention. While the future of this series is uncertain, the first two seasons are very good themselves, and if you are a fan of the video game, you might also like this.

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Haven't read the books.
From my perspective, the show is pretty good; watchable, at least. The first season is better than the second from every point of view. The show is called 'The Witcher', but it seems to give exponentially more importance to side characters as it goes along towards season 2. Another thing that I noticed is that it has quite a few nudges at contemporary society for a dark-medieval story. At some point, you realize that the writers don't seem to understand the world of the narrative with some dialogues that they add to the show.

A lot of side show, too much woke for my taste, and not enough 'the witcher' in The Witcher. Good to watch once, easily forgettable.7/10

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I loved this even tho I would've loved more scenes with Geralt and not so much of Yennifer. Absolutely beautifully done

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Okay. I've watched this in its entirety, twice and I still haven't got a fucking "scooby" what's going on.
I hope season 2 is more coherent.

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Too much focus on the female characters, not enough on the Witcher. I wish fems would stop rewriting popular male IP with the fem-agenda and do their own stuff.

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I'm a big witcher fan and the first two seasons were pretty good. Sadly Laura is a **** with no respect for witcher fans or the source material. I
This could've been a real gem.

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I only started watching this show because my husband asked me to. (He’s a gamer, I’m definitely not). The first two seasons were tolerable enough for someone who doesn’t love fantasy TV (hi, hello, it’s me); but then we heard that Henry Cavill is leaving after the third season, and we both stopped caring to watch at all. He is the best part of this series, hands down.

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It's official, The Witcher season 4 is in production. But that's not all, we're already planning season 5, which will be the final season

Oh No!

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Stopped watching after Season2. What a shame what they did.

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The show has moments of greatness. The world of the Witcher, the characters, and the story are very interesting. However, this show plays like a summarization of the actual story. I wish that was actually presented before the show started. Instead you get a "based on "The Witcher" series" amidst the end credits. That is very "loosely" based as is clearly evident. Like many Hollywood adaptions, this one falls short. If you're looking to fill in all of the gaps, then please check out the novels by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski.

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Shout by Deleted

Throwing you in at the deep end with a confusing timeline and lack of focus, The Witcher suffers because of this but also has a range of great characters that keep it interesting throughout.

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I enjoyed this one a lot, though some things could have been done better. The different timelines can be pretty confusing, though if you pay attention to the dialogue its not that hard to figure out what is going on. Still, it could have been handled better and the worldbuilding needed a little more explaining too. However the story is interesting, the acting is good and the effects are well done. Overall an enjoyable show.

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The writing is so shallow with very little depth to any of the characters. Hard to care for anyone if you don't know them. The modern dialogue mixed in is funny at times but mostly it came across as lazy. The timeline jumps are cued up rather poorly as well, you're often left asking wait is this then or now?

Overall this felt like watching a video game, complete with missions and cut scenes and a few lines of dialogue sprinkled in between. Fans of the game and popcorn flicks will appreciate it more than those who are looking for a show similar to those early seasons of Game of Thrones.

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Play the games, avoid the show.

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Unfaithful to the source material. You'll probably enjoy it better if you've never read the books. It honestly feels like all of the nuance had to be removed from the story because the writers thought the viewers would be too dumb to get it. I have no hope of further seasons being better since they've already changed so much...

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S2 felt boring and i lost interest.

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Only watched the first season. It never felt like there was a big overarching story that I like in my fantasy shows. Never had the interest to go back to the second season, especially not when I heard that Cavill left the show.

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Woke propaganda. Trans and homosexuality promotion.

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when going into this show my greatest fear was that Cavill was not fit for his role, but f**king hell the dude nailed it! I legit thought that they might've hired Doug Cockle (the one who voices Geralt in the video game series) to dub over Henry, that's how similar they sound. And of course Henry delivers more than just voice, his performance was very good. Too bad I can't say the same about any other character in this show... Overall it wasn't bad but it felt kinda trippy at times and the timeline stuff made it even more confusing...

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I guess it was too much to hope that they'd make something coherent and compelling. Flat writing that the actors have a really hard time selling. Predictable story flow, poor pacing. A forgettable bone thrown to the most hardcore of fans.

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Slow character development, really difficult to keep track of what’s going on, poor storytelling format, great soundtrack, the only characatets I felt invested in were Gerald and Jasmine, because of his witty remarks! Something is missing and I can’t quite put my hand on it. The latter episodes were a bit more interesting but then again the timeline was very difficult to follow.

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As it was mentioned before countless times, first season is so bad for someone who's not familiar with books or games, I just couldn't make myself start watching second season

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the 1st season was barely watchable, but this is as much as I can suffer this woke shit...its basically a diversity fest with a constant attempt to portray a oppressor-oppressed narrative...

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Season 3 was one of the worst seasons of anything I've ever seen, and I'd watched Season 2 so that's quite the achievement.

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Didn't read, didn't play and my thoughts are exactly the same as in this @lainfan's comment -

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great potentiel, but NETFLIX the does content not great tv show there a re a lot that dont make sense the cadrage the sound effect the cgi ( for fair domparaison go back to 2004). It s great if u have shit to do and u dont look the screen if no it can be really painful to watch. Henry cavill act great on only good point.

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One of the most boring shows of the last years. It's so dry and uninspired. Bad bad bad.

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It's so bad I don't know where to start...
The timeline is kinda confusing at first but you can figure it out later on, it could have been portrayed so much better but that's the least of this show's problems.
It presumes that viewers have read the books or played the games and so many things are left unexplained about the magic and history of this world and the way it all works.

I like these type of shows/movies and had high hopes for this one but now I don't think i'll bother watching season 2...

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Only episode one of the first two seasons were worth watchng. Everything else was lazy writing which made no sense. And had lot of woke crap. These writers shouldnt be given another project in their life. This could've been the next game of thrones but we got something worse than a cw show.

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The story and art style definitely seem cool and interesting, but the long, dull, uninspired battle scenes drag on too much, and the sound effects just don’t make sense. Swords whooshing sound like transformers, and it’s all so exagerated, it’s off-putting. Don’t waste your time, this show isn’t worth it.

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Shout by naaczej
BlockedParent2023-06-16T11:15:26Z— updated 2024-04-19T22:53:38Z

If you enjoy good storytelling, quality world building and interesting characters you will not find anything of the sort in this show.

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I really liked the show in story/VFX/CGI/choreography wise. But for the good sake of Triss Merigold and Yeneffer, I shall downvote this show on every platform I can. Hopefully one day such productions can learn to pick the right actors for the character.

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I love sci-fi and fantasy and this is a great show. It follows the video game pretty decently, which I also thought was entertaining. I really like this show so far!

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Shout by Mike

Tris Merigold is described in the books as a red-haired woman with pale skin and green eyes. She is often dressed in red or purple robes and has a slim figure. Her appearance is described as very attractive, and she has a confident and charismatic air.

You couldn't have cast the person more wrongly in the series. Probably, the choice fell on this miscast only because of the "wokeness".

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In two words: Super disappointing.

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Netflix sucked again. Thanks to the Social Justice Warriors, they sucked on a good thing AGAIN. I love Witcher Universe. I red the books played the games and with that I can easily say the series sucks. It’s not connected with the gists of the Witcher Universe. Thanks to the feminism and niggaism they didn’t keep on even the real story. They put niggas to the unnecessary roles. There are already black characters in the Witcher Universe, why do you put them to unnecessary places? Are they work for cheaper money? They made noble really perfect. In the Witcher Universe, the author have the laugh on nobles, but the movie they die aristocratically. Enough for licking a:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: Netflix enough. Oh I almost forgot the feminism. For that look at the woman characters in the books than at the series. So in nutshell, this movie sucks f:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: Netflix and Social Justice Warriors.

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I did not understand any nouns in this show but the story was good and the nudity was over the top. Ep 5 was DAMMM.

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