Review by zombiebxxk

The Witcher 2019


Review by zombiebxxk
BlockedParent2019-12-21T22:04:46Z— updated 2021-12-22T14:03:30Z

It's good. Not bad but not great either. It would have benefitted greatly by having 10 episodes. Season felt way too rushed.


Acting is really good all over. Henry Cavill really feels like he was born to play this part.

The swordfighting is absolutely beautiful and fantastically done. Especially Geralt. Although the bigger battles (not one on ones) are really not that great.

Music/soundtrack is really phenomenal. Got goosebumps at times.

Costume design was really well done. And cinematography was pretty good.


The different timelines. Not only is it a bit confusing at times (although that can be forgiven with a decent payoff which IMO does not exist in this show) but it just kills any flow of the show whatsoever and the pacing was really bad at times. I think the show would be a lot better with 10 episodes and focusing the first two or three only Geralt and explaining the world we're in.

Worldbuilding. I feel like they expect only book readers to watch this show. They namedrop/show a lot of stuff but never bother explaining anything to non book readers. Of course a bit of mystery is always good but viewers need to understand this world, how it functions and what rules there are (in regard for magic for example).

Dialogue feels really clunky at times. Geralt is fine but everyone else just felt weird at times.

The CGI was okay but I kinda expected better.

I have hopes that Season 2 will be better with a more linear/cohesive story. Right now only the writing is holding this show back from becoming great. I can see a lot of potential for future seasons.

EDIT AFTER SEASON 2 (and after having read the books in between seasons)

It's a decent and entertaining show on it's own. It's just knowing the books, Henry Cavills absolute love for them and the budget behind the show it could be so much more than just decent.

As a show on it's own it's a solid 8/10. But as an adaption of incredible books? 2/10.

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