Shout by kanootcha

The Witcher 2019

Too much focus on the female characters, not enough on the Witcher. I wish fems would stop rewriting popular male IP with the fem-agenda and do their own stuff.

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@kanootcha wow, deleting your old comment since you gotten some answers you didn’t like and adding a new comment with the same agenda again... that’s low man!

@parzival-0db1d75f-7458-4dca-a399-45bfd0cd82af I didn't delete it. it got taken down. i lost 5 likes as there's that. I liked all the answers I got. I wish this website wasn't so censorious, I enjoy a good discussion.

@kanootcha alright, in that case I apologize for my rash statement. I wouldn’t call your deleted statement hate speech but you’ve to be honest it was a harsh choice of words. That might’ve been the reason someone felt differently. To be honest I’m with you on that. Things should be discussed instead of being taken down.

I wish some men would do research before commenting... Witcher was written be a European man cc. 20 years ago and to my knowledge, filmmakers didn't change the characters or their importance. So yeah I doubt the writer had a feminist agenda, he just wanted the the story to be written in a way that focuses on the female character?

@barghest I've read the books. have you?
