Review by aquiluus

The Witcher 2019

My review for The Witcher developed as the show went:
Episode 1 - A great introducion to the show with well balanced plot lines.
Episode 2 - A terrible follow up to the previous episode with uninteresting characters and plot lines outside of Geralt and Ciri. A little bit of a fall off in the writing, some segments felt cheap/cringe.
Episode 3 - A mixed experience. This episode shines with the Geralt segments and is far better than episode 2, however, a lot of miscasts in this episode and also where that feeling of miscast begins to develop more. Geralt and Ciri are excellent castings, Ciri in some ways less. So far, Yennefer and Triss are some of the worst castings I've seen in a show.
Episode 4 - Makes up for the last two episodes, actually a really good episode and experience. Here was where I realised there was a time gap and was a little confused. Had to google to figure it out, wish the show addressed this for people that tried to understand by watching. This misunderstanding probably leaves some to dislike this episode to hell and back, needs a firm grasp of the timeline.
Episode 5 - Things start to heat up with this episode, also one of the best so far I think. Really felt faithful Witcher vibes in this episode, Yennefer and Geralt's chemistry work as well as it does in any other Witcher adaptation, which is good. I like the direction the show is starting to go in, hope it can hold out like this for the last three episodes. Still, the casting of Yennefer still bugs me, but the casting choice is starting to grow on me a little, although in some bits I just don't see it, but it is what it is
Episode 6-8 - These episodes were so good, I watched all three in one sitting. 6 was unique in it's own way, I really liked the concept for this episode and the emotional impact coupled with the subtle messages. Seeing emotional Geralt was a treat, especially in this way. Also feel bad for my boy Jaskier at the end. Episodes 7 and 8 may as well be considered the same episodes since they flow so well into each other. I really loved them both and I think they're the peak of the show. Everything was amazing in these final two episodes, and that ending with Geralt and Ciri perfectly captured their relationship. I felt the same sense of emotion and care for Geralt and Ciri as I did the moment they were reunited in The Witcher 3. Can't wait to see Season 2 because of this, it's going to be fucking awesome.

I loved the Witcher 3, and I loved this show in addition. Might read the books, but one thing is certain, I'm hell bent on getting a white cat with yellow eyes with the purpose to call it Geralt.

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