Review by Osman.

The Witcher 2019

This had so much potential!!! They got the budget for sure :type_4:but shit is messy af. I imagine this would have been different if HBO adapted it. What can I say they're JUST damn good at adapting/making adult shows :100:.

Character Progression:2/5


Whoever is doing the fucking storylines/storytelling needs to be fucking fired. This could have been the next Game of Thrones easily if it had masterpiece storytelling. The Storylines are all over the place. I understand in S1 they're trying something unique and structuring the timeline like the fucking book. It held my attention but from there it went downhill real quick.
This atrocious storytelling is nuts :skull:. They give you the sense of a huge dreadful event coming and some characters just jumping in for the action aka Ciri. This is where the storytelling comes into play!!. This is what moves the villains and heroes as they interact with the plot.

In this, The Witcher fails terribly. The characters pop up and do something that you'd not give a fuck about. A villain comes, demands to have the girl and kills other people. That's IT:type_1_2:‍♂.

Character Progression;

OMG, this is the downer for me :100::expressionless:. In season 1, they at least did something resembling character progression/development and only 2 characters at that :rolling_eyes: Yen and Geralt. That's it. From there on out, nobody else gets characterization and this is what GOT excelled at. In GOT you would encounter fans divided when you ask “who their favourite character is?”. And that's :100::100: phenomenal characterization/progression/development/arc. In The Witcher, all you get is people yapping about Henry Cavill. And that should tell you something about the other characters :unamused:.

Finishing S3 and I'm done with it. I'll indulge myself with the books:wave:. Read The Last Wish and it's more promising than this shit show :100:.

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