Shout by Bussun

The Witcher 2019

Yet another Hollywood Me-Too brainwashing. Never seen a series that tried that hard to avoid including men in main roles or portray men in secondary roles as weak buffoons who are at the mercy of the all powerful queens (talk about the stereotypical man they portray in the queen) and sorcerers. Even the hero of the story, who's supposed to have been born with no feelings, fell to the mercy of the beautiful sorcerer who also happens to be of Indian descent. However, unlike other brainwashing series that are also badly produced and acted (like that joke "Watchmen"), those of us with a brain big enough to laugh at the brainwashing attempt and ignore it can enjoy some aspect of this series. Hopefully, as Hollywood understands that misandry is falling out of fashion, future seasons will drop the brainwashing and focus on the quality of storytelling.

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If you read the books you would know that their relationship is canon and it's coming from an eastern European bookwriter not Hollywood. And Gerald has feelings, it's just a myth that he doesn't that those peasants use to justify hating him.

The female characters were also invented by the (male)writer some 20 years ago and I didn't hear anything about the filmmakers changing anyone's gender for the show so... Next time maybe do your research before commenting your paranoia?


Reply by rhaeneris
Blocked2020-01-02T22:56:57Z— updated 2022-02-02T19:45:21Z

@bussun Next time maybe do your research before commenting nonsense, as the show is based on a 20-year-old book series by a Polish male author. Everything you've branded as "Hollywood brainwashing" comes from the book (with the exception of some racebending).


OPReply by Bussun
Blocked2022-01-16T23:40:11Z— updated 2022-02-10T17:54:05Z

@barghest [removed]

Mod: Watch the personal attacks.


OPReply by Bussun
Blocked2022-01-16T23:43:18Z— updated 2022-02-10T17:54:34Z

@rhaeneris [removed]

Mod: Watch the personal attacks.
