Shout by aniforprez

The Witcher 2019

Season 1 was fine. They did interesting things with the timelines (which were a tad unnecessarily confusing) and they had some decent political intrigue and fun "short story" episodic plots. It tied up fairly neatly at the end.

Season 2 was pretty great. A lot of dangling threads are introduced in the first 4 episodes in very frustrating ways and most of them are tied up incredibly neatly in the final two. There's a lot more focus on the characters and this is primarily Ciri's story, not Geralt's or Yennefer's though they do have major roles to play. Jaskier comes in the clutch to deliver some much needed levity and pulls it off with some great scenes. Music is as good as always

I hope they end it at a neat and tidy Season 3. I'm not sure if they will considering the popularity but I still want it to be something they round off by the end of the next season in a bow all gift wrapped with a solid conclusion.

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