Shout by Alvaro Velosa

The Witcher 2019

Some people are making a fuss that the timeline is confusing. Since this is the internet it gets blown out of proportion. You get a clear hint in one episode this is happening and its easy to figure it out afterwards. That being said, just watch it! It´s really good!

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@alvarinho I must admit that the use of time line jumping can be confusing but that does not make this a bad series nor a bad story. If this would be the case then people that really have problem with the use of time should avoid movies like Memento... And not condemn the series because they just don't understand it. So, I agree with you. Just watch this series. It is an amazing piece of storytelling. If the way the timeline is cut up is not someones thing then they shouldn't go about saying it is a bad series only because they just don't get it.

@alexvanniel Ah nice, two ppl telling me I'm too dumb. No, I like time line jumping but it has to be well made and understandable. There is NO hint whatsoever that from one scene to the other we're in a different time. Normally you'd have other coloring filters or different looking characters but with this - non of it. Since I haven't read the book nor played the games it's extremely confusing for me what is going on. I did not however have this problem in any other movie or show before. So stop saying people are idiots when they make a point. It only renders yourself ignorant. For me it makes the show barely watchable even though the story might be good. Changing the LEAD character after S3 is also a no-go for me...
