Review by Lorna

The Witcher 2019

Binge Worthy!

I’ve read the other comments and there’s mixed reviews. I noted this show had come from a series of books, which I’ve not read and can’t comment on.

I’m dyslexic and therefore don’t get the pleasure of reading. However, I am well educated despite this and in a lead auditor; this has taught me written words no matter how well written are always open to interpretation. When people read, they are lost in their own endless imagination, and each person will have different interpretations. Which makes it difficult to turn books in to shows or films...some people will be unfortunately disappointed.

There’s additionally other variables too, changing books in to a show/film has to have changes to make it possible for limitations, audience, budget, longevity of production etc.

I’ve obviously watched some programs which are based on books, that were read to me as a child, so I do understand why people get disappointed at times.

But, take it as a separate entity, based on the books and don’t expect word for word etc.

For me with no previous knowledge of these books, I absolutely loved the first season. Totally hooked and as I said...binge worthy.

So many fantasy and sci-fi are quite awful, it’s not often they are pulled off well. Of course most were in ore of Games of Thrones, forgetting the disastrous last season which was so essential.

I personally thought this was fantastic! I didn’t love everything if I decided to nit pick; I didn’t like the comedy element they threw in with the Withers musical companion during many episodes. I didn’t hate it either, but it’s a serious show and the comedy element for me degraded it. I didn’t dislike the character or his acting, I simply feel it wasn’t necessary and it was too much. It should have been toned down.

The time sequence in the show was a tad confusing, especially at the beginning until I realised what was going on and then how it tied together. I suppose the show would have been slow without doing so, but it simply wasn’t clear if we were in the past or present at times.

The above are minor irritations and didn’t takeaway my enjoyment of the show.

I’m absolutely delighted to watch an adult fantasy show so well done...such a rarity.

I do hope this show continues, it’s one of my all time favourites to date. I’m jealous I don’t have the means to read and enjoy the books.

I watch mainly fantasy, sci-fi and horror, I love the escapism and I do watch some rubbish to be honest, but I like the storyline even if the budget is low, actors are poor etc. I try not to let these things effect what I choose to watch. But, The Witcher is definitely not in this category, it’s excellent!

A huge thumbs up from me :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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