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Season 42 2013

  • 2013-01-01T19:30:00Z on ITV
  • 25m
  • 5d 4h 10m (298 episodes)
  • United Kingdom
  • English, Swedish
  • Drama, Soap
The lives of several families in the Yorkshire Dales revolve around a farm and the nearby village. With murders, affairs, lies, deceit, laughter and tears, it's all there in the village.

298 episodes

Season Premiere


42x01 Episode 6438 (1st January 2013)

Season Premiere

42x01 Episode 6438 (1st January 2013)

  • 2013-01-01T19:30:00Z25m

Declan is itching to get back to work and Katie encourages him. However, Megan fears that Declan has got his priorities wrong and struggles to convince him to spend time with Katie. Robbie wants to know what Megan is going to do about getting the money back from Declan, but she is unsure whether she should be playing those kinds of games with her brother.

Charity knows something is up with Jai as he cancels a lunch date and is increasingly more distracted. Rishi fears that Jai is not doing a good job of hiding his worries. At the same time, over at the hospital, Rachel is terrified for Archie when the doctor tells her that the newborn has developed an infection but adds that they've caught it early.

Cameron is floored when a relative of Alex arrives in the village looking for them. The family member vows not to rest until they discover what really happened. Meanwhile, Jai feels the pressure when Charity sees that his phone is ringing and answers it. I

Jai demands to know more about Rishi's visit, but Rachel slams the door in his face and tells him to stay away. He then struggles to contain his anger at the factory as everything winds him up. Soon afterwards, Jai lays into his dad about going to see Rachel, and Charity walks in to find him with Rishi pinned against the wall.

Charity begins asking questions, determined to find out what Jai is holding back. She quizzes Gennie about whether she thinks Jai has been acting strangely. When Rishi is asked, he assures Charity that it's the baby issue, but Charity determinedly follows up her enquiries by asking Dan and Ali.

Jai returns to work and makes an uneasy truce with Nikhil, but soon finds himself clashing with Dan, who takes a stand and walks out. Nikhil is fuming and as he points out all the mistakes that Jai has made, Jai storms out furious. In the café, Rachel is concerned as she sees things aren't good between Jai and Charity.

Noah sulks over wanting to see Jai, leaving Charity torn over what to do. Soon afterwards, Rishi tries to talk to Charity, who is losing patience with Jai. Rishi encourages her to give Jai another chance, but she's at the end of her tether and thinks she should just give up like Jai has.

At Holdgate Farm, Rishi is shocked to hear that Charity has left Jai and insists that he can't let her go without a fight. Over at Pear Tree Cottage, Charity is wound up when she discovers that Jimmy has asked Chas to the family meal, and she tries to hide her frustration when Jimmy says that she has a cold heart.

Chas is unnerved when Jimmy calls her to the graveyard to see that all of the flowers from the other graves have been piled on top of Carl's grave. Chas is unaware that she's being watched. Back at the pub, Chas is terrified when she opens her mail to find a photo of herself with her eyes scratched out and blames a baffled Bernice. Ashley, Bernice and Jimmy are all concerned and try to help Chas, who is clearly struggling to hold it together despite her brave front.

As a shaken Chas sits alone, her mobile rings and she kills the call. At the same time, Nicola is sceptical over Chas's story of having a mystery stalker and tells Jimmy not to make it his fight. Later, Bernice is telling Chas to sort this out when they hear Gabby screaming and hurry through to the back.

There is still tension between Declan and Katie as she declines his offer of going out for the day. Declan smarts and Robbie enjoys the animosity. Soon afterwards, Megan covers as she looks at figures on Declan's computer. She is irked when Robbie questions if she's having second thoughts and his paranoia is still apparent.

Robbie tells Megan that he saw Katie and Andy together and suspects something is going on between them. Megan asks Robbie not to tell Declan. However, Declan is shocked when Robbie lands Katie in it by telling him that she was with Andy rather than Chas yesterday.

Declan tries to make it up to Katie with a slap-up breakfast, and Katie can't help but smile when he vows to make her happy no matter what. At the same time, Megan is uncomfortable when Robbie finds out that the hotel deal has been signed off.

Alicia and David prepare to tell people they're not together anymore. However, David is put out when Alicia milks it for sympathy. As word spreads, David realises that it's not quite going according to plan. David wants Priya to keep things quiet about them for a couple more weeks because of Jacob, but Jacob later spots them kissing and runs off crying.

David is gutted that Jacob is ignoring him. He doesn't see why Alicia and Jacob need to move out, but Alicia is adamant. David is further frustrated when Priya explains that it's making her feel like she's the one in the wrong. Priya insists that she is with David because she cares, not to get one over on Alicia.

Charity thinks Debbie's plan to manipulate Dom is risky. She agrees to get involved, but insists that they need to get Cain on board. Cain believes Debbie is way out of her league with her plan, but she insists that she's going ahead with or without his help.

Cain is worried as the gravity of what they're about to do dawns on him and Charity, but she tells him they'll just have to make sure they don't mess up. Soon afterwards, parked up outside the courier's office, they get the signal to proceed with the plan and Charity makes a phone call as they sit and wait to see the action unfold.

It's early morning, and Debbie pockets Dom's keys before he comes downstairs. Cain is not impressed that Dom has stayed, and Debbie feels disgusted at what she's done. She confides in Charity about her plan to get into Dom's office and take the client list. Charity thinks it's too risky as the police will be sniffing around, but volunteers to go herself.

Cain warns Debbie how serious things are, explaining that she could end up inside. He is furious at what his daughter has become and is unimpressed that she seems determined to sort the mess out herself. Debbie then visits Lisa, wanting her to speak to Dom on her behalf. She hopes Lisa will ask Dom to back off, believing that she owes her one after everything with Chas.

Ali probes Rachel about Sam staying over, but she insists he is just a mate. Jai is close to boiling point over the situation and tells Rishi that Archie is going to grow up thinking Sam is his dad. Later, Jai approaches Rachel and asks her about her relationship with Sam.

Jai panics when Rachel asks what he has to say. He apologises before walking out of the pub. Soon afterwards, Charity is angry with Jai for the scene he has just caused. She makes it clear that it's not okay for him to keep behaving this way. When Jai tells Rishi about what happened in the pub, Rishi suggests that he should go to France for the business meeting instead of Nikhil, to give him some time away to think.

Priya is torn over what to do about the job, feeling guilty about Alicia. She feels wretched as Alicia ups her game to Nicola, asking when she'll find out about the job. Priya decides that she can't take the job and is saddened as she tells Megan that she can't because of family commitments, adding that Alicia would be perfect for it. Alicia is then delighted when Megan offers her the job.

Alicia is nervous as it's her first day working at Home Farm, but she is glad to have Megan on side with sarcastic Nicola around. At the same time, David is worried about telling Alicia about his engagement, but Priya is excited, explaining that her dad will pay for their wedding. At the factory, Priya and David announce their news to the Sharmas, but David is overwhelmed as Georgia points out that he has yet to tell Alicia.

Debbie sees Belle putting on make-up at the bus stop and is concerned about her relationship with Luke. Soon afterwards, Belle is embarrassed as a suggestive Luke pushes to be alone with her. She agrees they can go back to hers and they leave.

Bernice is blunt as she tells Chas that it's time to get the message - Cameron is not coming back. Fully aware this could be the truth, Chas prepares herself to face the future alone. Soon afterwards, Chas is distraught to hear that none of the family will attend Molly's christening because of her.

Chas decides that she has to sort things with Thomas, thinking it was him who threw the stone. However, Steve suggests that he should have a word, as Thomas won't give him any lip. Steve confronts Thomas, but Sean soon owns up when he sees that Steve is about to call the police. Chas is shocked to learn that it was Sean who smashed the window, not Thomas.

Cameron insists to Chas that he just needed to spend time with his kids and he would never lie to her. She pleads with him to take her away, but he explains that she can't leave just because of a bunch of hypocrites. However, a desperate Chas is at the end of her tether. Downing a double vodka, she tells Bernice that she has won and is welcome to the pub.

Chas explains to Cameron that his rash proposal won't make things right, pointing out that she hadn't even thought he was coming back. However, after some deliberation, Chas agrees to marry him and Cain drives past just as they are kissing. Soon afterwards, Moira puts her foot in it and tells Cain about Chas and Cameron's engagement.

Debbie is still angry with Cain for beating up Cameron, while Zak warns Cain that he won't stand by and watch Debbie get hurt. Zak pleads with Moira to help him get through to Cain, finally making the heartbreaking admission to her that it was him who attacked Cain last winter. Moira is shocked and confronts Cain over it.

Katie is still conflicted over what to do about the christening, but is touched when Declan shows her the gift he has got for Molly. Soon afterwards in the café, Andy is worried for Katie, and Declan is angry that she has been talking to him. Katie explains to Declan and Megan that she can't face attending the christening - she feels terrible about it, but she doesn't want to be godmother if she can't have a child of her own.

Debbie is due to meet a client, but she is on edge. Cain makes a dig at her, but Debbie is sure her plan will work. Soon afterwards, Charity and Debbie meet Pete in the café. Charity takes a call, leaving Debbie alone with Pete. Debbie is slightly excited at the prospect when Pete asks how she would feel about some extra private work involving drugs.

Outside the village hall, Debbie discreetly tells Pete that she needs to make at least £20,000 in a month. Pete spots Gemma and recognises her as Dom's daughter, and it's clear that Gemma is very wary of him. Gemma and Thomas then warn Dom about seeing Pete. Concerned, Dom calls Charity to meet him at the garage. Cain agrees to sort it out and decides to go and confront Pete, while Dom agrees to accompany him as long as they do things his way.

Debbie tells Charity and Cain that they've made things worse. She is then shocked and angry when Sarah gets flowers delivered by courier from Pete. Debbie leaves him a harsh message telling him to meet her, before heading to sort things with Pete once and for all. Soon afterwards in The Woolpack, Cain is riled to hear about the flowers and that Debbie has gone to meet Pete.

Declan can't get hold of Katie and is unsure of where she is. Soon afterwards, Andy visits Declan to collect some of Katie's things as she is staying with him. In the shop, Kerry complains to Megan about how much attention Katie is getting from Andy, gossiping about how close they are. Megan gets home and tells Declan to apologise to Katie, but is gobsmacked to hear that he thinks their marriage is over.

Gabby secretly sneaks half a bottle of vodka from the pub on the way to school. Soon afterwards, Chas works out that Gabby has taken money from the pub till and tells Laurel, Ashley, Bernice and Steve. They all bicker as Ashley takes a call from the school, saying that Gabby and her friends have been caught drinking.

Priya softens towards David when he gives her an engagement ring, but he is embarrassed when it's too big. Soon afterwards, David is cornered when Priya explains that Georgia has found a wedding venue but they must see it now. Up at Home Farm, Alicia discovers that her wedding appointment is actually with David and Priya. Nicola suggests that Alicia should show she is not beaten and prove she can do the job.

Priya thinks Alicia shouldn't be organising the wedding, and David covers his sadness over their impending divorce. When David sees that Jacob has lost Val's dog Cheryl, he feels shunned when the youngster won't let him help look for it.

Moira receives flowers from Holly and Hannah on the anniversary of John's death, as Adam disapproves about what she got up to last night. Chas apologises to Moira about Cain, but sees the damage he has caused. Later at the garage, Chas confronts Cain about upsetting Moira.

Lisa gives Belle a long list of chores to keep her out of trouble. However, Belle decides not to do them and meets up with Gemma, Thomas and Sean instead. Belle and Gemma are both keen when Thomas suggests going back to his, as there is nobody home. However, Lisa goes on the warpath when she gets home to discover that Belle has not done her chores. Belle answers her phone to her mum, and is embarrassed when she is told to leave.

When Moira has a fault on her car, she is apprehensive about having to see Cain. At the garage, Cain is wound up and doesn't know what to say to her. Later, Cain is hurt when Moira sends Zak about the car. Cain decides to drop off the car himself and Moira explains that she doesn't want a stupid fling - she wants more than that, so they're over.

Cain's in a bad mood as he hasn't received any messages from Moira. Over at the pub, Moira tells Chas about Cain admitting his feelings for her. Soon afterwards, Cain is encouraged when Chas suggests that Moira just needs time. However, Cain is also dismayed to realise that Debbie has seen him talking to Chas.

Charity and Debbie look forward to exploiting Declan over their contract. Charity then flirts with Declan at the café and it's clear there is chemistry between them. As they meet for lunch, they maintain eye contact as Declan tells Charity that he is considering his options. Charity enjoys the challenge of trying to secure the deal, clearly prepared to carry on playing the game.

Megan is concerned about Declan after seeing that Katie is staying with Gennie. However, she is exasperated as Declan refuses to talk about it. Charity starts to feel a hint of regret as Declan tells her that Katie has left, and she warns him not to tell Jai about their night together.

Edna is torn as she gets her father's medals out of the drawer, knowing she has little choice but to sell them. Edna goes to seek out Rodney over the sale, but Jimmy explains that he's away on a job. Desperate, Edna tries Pollard and he knows he has her over a barrel, so he offers just £150.

Edna remains unconscious on the floor with Tootsie whining at her side. The roofers work nosily into the afternoon, completely unaware of Edna's condition. In the end, Kev and Paul leave the site for an emergency job.

Jimmy has no choice but to tell Ashley about Edna's situation. Ashley worries about her and goes to visit, but Edna is unimpressed that people now know. Ashley says that she has to let them help her, but she is determined not to show her fear.

Bob is concerned about Brenda's moods and begins to wonder if he's the cause, as perhaps she is having second thoughts about them. Brenda admits that she has been a bit unwell recently but says it's her hormones, although it's clear she is worried. Bob reassures her, but Brenda explains that she doesn't want to visit the doctor, secretly worrying it could be something else.

In the café, everyone is shocked after Brenda's accident and Bob comforts her. Val calls for Brenda to be breathalysed, convinced that she is drunk or that Brenda tried to run her down deliberately. Suddenly, Brenda collapses. As she starts to shake, Bob is worried when Brenda calls out for Terry. Brenda remains confused as the paramedics arrive to take her.

Gennie is worried about Brenda and feels bad for not saying anything to her about what the doctor told them. Bob thinks Gennie should tell her mum, but Gennie is adamant they do things her way. Soon afterwards, Bob and Gennie arrive at the hospital and Brenda suddenly starts to cry. Brenda and Gennie are worried when a neurosurgeon comes to say the results are back. Brenda is told that she has a lesion and they need to perform a biopsy.

Brenda is still determined Bob shouldn't find out about her health problems. When Bob arrives at the hospital, Brenda lies that there is nothing to worry about, but Gennie is not happy over her dishonesty. Later, Gennie is worried when she enters Brenda's room to find that she - and all of her belongings - have gone. Back in the village, Nikhil is there when Brenda arrives back in a taxi, insisting that she doesn't need the biopsy.

Bob collects Brenda from the hospital, unaware of how serious things are. Gennie and Nikhil struggle to keep up the facade. At Victoria Cottage, Gennie worries because Georgia knows the truth, so she asks her to keep it quiet. In the café, Georgia tells Brenda that she knows what's going on.

Laurel tells Sandy that they owe him an apology, but he is still miffed at their accusations about him being senile. At the same time, Sean heads to the hide and is dismayed to see that it has burned to the ground. Soon afterwards, Sandy admits that he has been using Seth's hide as a getaway, and Sean has been accompanying him. However, Sandy is deflated when Sean arrives and confesses that the hide has burned down.

Brenda tries to put on a brave face as she heads to the hospital with Gennie for her results. The neurosurgeon tells Brenda that she has a brain tumour, but there are options for her. Brenda tries to take it all in as the neurosurgeon explains that they need to look at surgery soon. Gennie has no doubts that she should have the operation.

Bob is determined that things are over with him and Brenda, but Dan decides to play cupid. At home Brenda becomes tearful as she tells Gennie that she's scared of having the operation. Gennie asks Nikhil to help her mum make the right decision.

Katie is worried when she and Declan return from their holiday and discover that Steve has had to call Rhona about Wilson, her horse. However, Rhona is in pain when her back goes again and she's unable to do the Home Farm visit

Cain threatens to quit when Debbie tells him that he'll get a warning if he doesn't get her money from Moira. Overhearing, Robbie offers to sort it for her, but Debbie just mocks him. In The Woolpack, Robbie watches as Chas hands Moira cash for her meat order.

Rhona and Paddy argue when Paddy says that he thinks they should let Vanessa go as she only has a few weeks left anyway. Taking a different approach, Rhona heads to see her own solicitor. Soon afterwards, Vanessa feels terrible as Paddy explains that the solicitor made it clear they could lose everything if they stick to their guns.

Paddy is adamant that Vanessa should take the bullet, but Rhona disagrees. Vanessa is left concerned about the state of their marriage. At the vets, Rhona is shocked when Paddy says that he can't stay if Vanessa does.

Brenda apologises to Dan for last night and is grateful for his support as he offers her a lift to the homeopath later. In the café, Bob assumes that Brenda has a date with Dan when she asks for the afternoon off and tells him it's personal. He feels completely betrayed.

Bob is left despairing as Brenda won't talk to him, still insisting that she won't have the surgery. Rodney finds Brenda alone and upset, but she covers that she is just tired and Rodney suspects that working with Bob is the cause of her sadness. However, when Brenda does another disappearing act later, Gennie decides to tell Rodney the truth. Rodney is left reeling to hear that Brenda has a brain tumour.

Rishi is pleased that Charity wants to make a fresh start with Jai. However, Cameron is aware that there's something going on with Charity and Declan. He is curious to see Charity follow Declan outside. Charity tells Declan that she is not going to mention anything to Jai about them and how it was a stupid mistake.

Declan is worried to hear from Charity that Cameron knows about their night together. Charity insists that she can keep him quiet, but Declan worries that Katie will find out. Soon afterwards, Cameron enjoys winding Charity up and she admits that she did sleep with Declan. Panicking as Jai is home already, Charity asks Cameron what destroying her marriage will achieve, but Cameron suggests that she could start by being nice to him until he's decided what to do.

Cameron blackmails Charity by telling her to make it up with Chas and get Debbie to lay off her. Later at Home Farm, Charity overcompensates with Katie as she and Jai arrive for dinner. Declan warns Charity about confessing to Jai, saying it's their word against Cameron's and she'll destroy Jai if he finds out. At dinner, Katie announces that she and Declan are trying IVF, but Declan apologises, thinking it might be a touchy subject for Charity and Jai. T

Fresh from Charity's revelation, Jai storms back to see Declan, wanting to hear what he has to say. As they return, Declan worries that Jai is going to tell Katie, who is upstairs. Jai confronts Declan, while Charity does her best to explain that it was nothing. Jai leaves abruptly and Declan is left wondering where they stand and whether Jai will tell Katie after all.

Jai has slept on the sofa after his row with Charity, but she continues to plead with him by saying that she just wants an honest relationship and that's why she came clean. Soon afterwards, Charity tells Cameron that Jai now knows the truth. Cameron threatens to tell Katie, but is powerless when Charity says that she doesn't care.

Jai is still reeling over recent events and seems determined to give Declan what he deserves. When Jai turns up at Home Farm, Declan fears that he is about to tell Katie the truth. Instead Jai punches him and the pair argue, with Jai seemingly convinced that Katie should know what has happened.

Cameron is concerned that Chas seems determined to make up with Charity. At the same time, Katie marches into the factory office and has a go at Jai for his attitude towards Declan, thinking it's over Mia. In the café, Declan panics to hear that Chas knows about his one-night stand. Charity fumes, making it clear that she is not begging favours from the woman who broke her daughter's heart.

Alicia prepares for the re-shoot of the photo-shoot, panicking that she's forgotten something. Pollard sees David give her an encouraging squeeze, but he is defensive when Pollard asks him about it. Nicola and Megan have lunch, leaving Alicia to get on with the shoot. Megan is impressed that she has everything in hand. Later, Pollard's fears about David's feelings for Alicia are confirmed when he quizzes him over the situation.

Robbie has a plan to rile Cameron at the quiz, but Debbie is not interested. However, when Cameron smashes one of Robbie's bottles, Debbie quickly changes her mind. She relishes seeing Cameron losing his cool and encourages Robbie to get even further under his skin. In the pub, Chas has to stop Cameron from going for Robbie when he openly passes a bottle of vodka around.

In the cellar, Robbie continues to brandish his lighter, warning that he could blow up the whole pub. Cameron calls his bluff, so Robbie takes a chance and makes a run for it with Cameron in hot pursuit. Outside, Cameron grabs Robbie, hits him and bundles him into the back of his van. With the pub quiz in full swing, Chas is preoccupied so Cameron leaves her to it.

Gemma confronts Sean as he has put the picture of Belle online. Sean argues that he thought that's what Gemma had wanted him to do, and explains he has only tagged a few people. Sean is worried to learn from Gemma that the picture was taken long before Belle got with Thomas. Gemma panics, knowing there is trouble ahead.

Belle is horrified when a police car pulls up and Lisa explains that it's the only way to get the pictures taken down. PC Lewis questions Belle about the photos and how they got onto the internet. An angry Lisa seems determined to press charges, wanting them to interview Thomas too. Once the police have spoken to Thomas, Jimmy tells him that he is no longer allowed to see Belle - not only is she underage, she is a Dingle.

Gennie is annoyed to learn that Brenda has gone to an alternative therapy clinic, convinced that Brenda's attitude is going to kill her. When Brenda returns, she is upset as Gennie decides that she can't see Molly any more, as she shouldn't get used to her grandmother being around. Bob tells Gennie that punishing Brenda won't change her mind - she needs to work it out for herself. L

Nikhil is worried about Gennie and visits Katie to ask how he can cheer her up. While there, he is given an idea when Alicia chats about a wedding dress. Later, Gennie is shocked when Nikhil suggests they get married soon, explaining that it might be their only chance to get married while Brenda is present. Nikhil is chuffed when Gennie agrees.

It's almost time for Thomas to leave for the airport, but he texts Belle and asks her to meet him. Jimmy is riled when Thomas disappears just as they are about to set off. Thomas is desperate as he asks for Sean's help to nick Dan's camper van so he can leave. At the garage, Sean slyly pockets Dan's van keys and takes them to Thomas. Later, Belle takes her chance and legs it out of the house, knowing that Zak won't be able to catch her.

Belle is anxious when Thomas suggests that they drive to Brighton, as it's cheap to camp there. Soon afterwards, Thomas reels when an upset Belle tells him that the van was where Chas and Carl were on the night his father was killed. He gives her a blanket and tells her to get some sleep while he drives. Later, Belle is confused and upset when she wakes up and is back home in the village

Thomas is forlorn as he is leaving today. Nicola is torn as she sees the pain Jimmy is in when he tells Thomas that his taxi is booked for later. At the same time, Belle wonders what she has done wrong as Lisa heads off for work without speaking to her. Later, Jimmy is shocked when he discovers that Thomas has packed his bags and left without a word. He then discovers that Thomas has also stolen Dan's camper van again to escape in.

Kerry is not looking forward to having the kids again on her own tonight and railroads Laurel into helping. Later, Sarah forces Laurel to play games with her, while Kerry sits drinking wine with a magazine. Kerry has to take over when Laurel goes home and her impatience soon upsets Sarah

Debbie collects the kids and Kerry hides her anxiety as Sarah hugs her tight, feeling guilty about what happened. With Kerry acting out of sorts, Andy worries to Amy that he has upset Kerry by calling her a stepmum. Amy says that he needs to talk to Kerry as she is not keen on responsibility.

Gennie is still upset over Brenda not attending her wedding. Brenda is definite that she won't be there, telling Gennie that she is not going to let her illness ruin the day - she will be thinking of her but she just can't be there. Later, Bob arrives with a mother-of-the-bride outfit for Brenda, just in case she changes her mind, and he even tempts Brenda into trying it on.

Gennie struggles to be enthusiastic about her wedding day because of Brenda's absence. She stares at her dress, while Georgia tries to cheer her up by telling her that she is gaining a whole new family. Gennie then leaves, telling them that she is going to find someone to give her away.

Nikhil is gutted as Gennie apologises, explaining that she cannot get married without her mum. She leaves feeling awful, followed quickly by Nikhil. He tries to comfort her but she is angry, convinced they are cursed - Molly's christening was a disaster and now their big day is too. Later that day, things go from bad to worse when Brenda has a seizure and drops to the floor unconscious. A terrified Gennie kneels next to her, worried how serious this could be.

Gennie is devastated as Brenda drifts in and out of consciousness, telling her that she loves her as the ambulance approaches. At the hospital, Gennie is scared and devastated as Brenda is taken into a cubicle and blames herself for pushing her over the wedding.

Andy gets a call from Debbie, who explains that she cannot pick the kids up until midnight. Amy offers to help babysit in shifts. Later at Adam's birthday party, Kerry is getting lairy. Andy warns Kerry to pace herself, but she ignores him. He tries to hide his annoyance as she makes a show of herself, dancing with Adam.

In the pub, Moira wants to have a chat with Chas after her shift. Zak watches as she snaps at Cain, telling him that his opinion doesn't count for much. Cain wonders to Zak why Moira can talk to everyone but him, but Zak tells him he is not exactly Mr Dependable. Soon afterwards, Cain visits Moira, determined to talk to her.

Cain struggles to hide his hurt over the miscarriage. At Tug Ghyll, Cain confronts Debbie about last night and she is miffed when he tells her that she is on her own if she pulls one more stunt like that. Moira later goes to see Cain and realises the depth of his emotion as he is deliberately callous towards her.

Robbie insists to Debbie that he is having nothing to do with her plan and doesn't even want to be seen talking to her. Soon afterwards, Chas is confused when Debbie arrives at The Woolpack wanting to talk. Debbie tells Chas that she is sorry for what she has done and the pair seemingly arrive at a truce.

There is worry all round as Zak's gun is missing and Jai explains that he saw Chas and Debbie driving together. At the same time, Chas becomes fearful when Debbie snatches her phone when she goes to call Lisa. Chas tells Debbie to drop her act, but she is genuinely fearful when Debbie gets Zak's gun out of the boot.

Ruby is tidying for the landlord inspection, but Ali is refusing to run round after Megan. Ruby sends Sean out with the dog, saying that she will give him a signal when the coast is clear. Ali is determined that the dog is staying and they are not bowing down to Megan.

Rachel is annoyed that Megan is threatening to evict Ali and Ruby. When Megan arrives at Brook Cottage with Zak to measure up, Rachel realises Megan's game to move in. Rachel pushes Megan towards the door, leaving Megan furious. Megan then provokes Rachel, who punches her hard in the face just as Declan and Ali arrive.

After seeing Jai and Rachel with the baby, Charity's mind whirls. She feigns illness and tells Jai that she is not going into work. Once he has gone, she fires up his laptop, looking for clues.

Still in the factory, Charity is trying to take it all in. When Priya suddenly arrives, Charity spots that she is also shocked to hear the news. At the same time, Rachel is agitated. She wants to get Archie back, knowing that she saw Charity heading towards the factory.

The gossip and fallout over the recent Sharma news spreads through the village like wildfire. Those close, like Priya, are distraught. When Nikhil hears the news, he takes it particularly badly, unsure why he seems to be the last to know.

Georgia still doesn't know the baby news, and with most of the village now in on the gossip, Nikhil wants his mother told directly. However, an accidental slip up means things do not go to plan. At the same time, Rachel is chuffed when Sam agrees to move back in with her so they can begin a fresh start.

Cameron is worried as he questions Declan over his plans for the land. He starts to panic as Declan tells him that he will soon have it dug over. Cameron makes his excuses to Chas, telling her that he has to go and help a mate move some gear. Chas wants him to wait, but in full panic, Cameron hurries away.

Cameron listens as the foreman tells Declan that he can start work on the site quickly. Soon afterwards, Chas wonders what Cameron is up to when he books a spa break for her and Gennie. Driving to the spa, Chas spots Cameron in his van and Gennie suggests they should follow him or she will just end up fretting anyway.

Cameron makes his way in the dark with a spade and some tarpaulin to find Alex's body. Once he finds the place, he begins to dig. When Cameron finds a shoe, he realises that he has found Alex. Suddenly, headlights and vehicles arriving disturb Cameron as the workmen turn up with diggers and vans.

A frustrated Chas tries to talk to Cameron, but he is evasive. He grabs his passport and leaves the room, telling her that her suspicions are the problem. Chas challenges Cameron over his recent behaviour and is shocked to realise that Cameron had known she was following him last night.

Chas has stayed the night at Gennie's following the rows with Cameron. While Chas is occupied, Gennie slips out and finds Cameron. Seeing that he is about to leave, Gennie is firm as she tells Cameron that he needs to be straight with Chas. While collecting more of his belongings, the situation quickly changes for Cameron when he overhears Declan telling Jimmy that work has been halted on the site as there is a problem with planning permission.

Rishi collars David and promises that he is going to set him and Priya up for life by buying them a wedding gift - a new shop. David looks stunned and delighted, until Priya walks in on their cosy meeting and throws scorn on Rishi's plans. Rishi's hopes of making up with Priya look like a distant dream.

David is worried as he asks Priya if they are still getting married and she doesn't respond. He insists to Priya that he has no feelings for Alicia and she can trust him. Soon afterwards, Georgia is concerned for her daughter as she fights back the tears, complaining that everything is going wrong. Georgia reassures Priya that David worships her, which makes her even more confused. Rishi then tries to make amends with Priya, but she says that she will never forgive him. Georgia feels for Rishi as Priya asks him to go.

David drowns his sorrows following Priya's decision. Pollard suggests that perhaps Priya has given him a gift - the opportunity to make a go of things with Alicia and Jacob guilt-free. He adds that David has clearly been suppressing his feelings for long enough.

Amy is subdued after her fight with Kerry. When Kerry arrives, Val is ready for round two, but Amy holds her back. While Andy attempts to mediate, an unruly Kerry continues to bicker. Andy tries to go after Amy when she storms out, but Kerry warns that if he does, they are over.

As smoke seeps under the door of Dale View, Sarah is unable to wake Kerry. Sarah then makes her way in the village towards her home. Clearly frightened and getting no answer, she heads for The Woolpack. Inside Dale View, the fire has taken hold. Kerry remains passed out and baby Jack is alone upstairs.

The search is on for Meg the dog and poor Sandy is full of guilt, knowing that it was his mistake that led to the dog's disappearance. Ali and Dan are annoyed that Sean has bunked off school, but he is adamant that he is not going back until he has found Meg. Out searching, Sean's day goes from bad to worse when he finds Meg laid in the garden. Paddy has to break sad news to him that the dog is dead.

Megan panics as she struggles to call an ambulance for Sean, who lies unconscious after being electrocuted. Dan arrives and is shocked to see Sean's state, immediately assuming that Megan is to blame. The emergency services talk Dan through the procedure as he starts chest compressions on an unconscious Sean.

Nikhil confronts David and asks why he is not fighting for Priya. Nikhil tells him that if he wants her back, he had better act quickly - she is leaving for London and not coming back. That evening at The Woolpack, Priya arrives to tell Chas she is leaving just as David appears and re-proposes to her.

Rhona's heart sinks when she fails to persuade Doctor Abbott to prescribe her more of the stronger drugs she craves. Later, shaking and nauseous, she snaps at Leo before dumping him on Laurel, claiming that she has a sickness bug and is not safe to be with him. Climbing the walls, Rhona is overwhelmed by her symptoms and is worried that she will not be able to cover them when Paddy and Vanessa return.

Rhona attempts to downplay what Vanessa saw the day before, insisting that it was a one-off. However, Vanessa is quick to tell her that stealing drugs from the practice is not the way to deal with it and could get the pair of them struck off - Rhona for her actions and Vanessa for failing to report it. Later at the vets, Paddy questions Vanessa when he discovers that some Valium has gone missing.

Rachel runs into Jai, Rishi and Charity and tells them that she's temporary living with Sam while the rest of her family stay at Brook Cottage. Jai isn’t happy but Rishi puts on an act. Sarah mentions to Debbie that she saw Cain when visiting Zak last week. Paddy speaks to Laurel and Marlon about Rhona’s mood swings, Laurel wonders if she's pregnant. Paddy has a call out and is forced to leave Leo with a sick Rhona.

It's the day of Brenda's fundraiser at the pub, but the day starts gravely for Brenda. At the same time, Cameron the 'organiser' fails to make an appearance. Chas is perplexed over where Cameron could be and keeps trying to call him. Suspecting the worst and aided by Gennie, she begins rifling for evidence. While this is going on, Cameron heads to the site.

Cameron is visibly repulsed and sick as he fills over Alex's new grave, gagging as he works before setting light to Alex's bag and any evidence. He completes the task and breathes a sigh of relief. As he gets into his van ready to return, he dials into his voicemail where he hears a string of panicky messages that have been left over the last few hours.

Cameron comes around in the van as the police arrive. Chas has finished packing his bags and takes off her engagement ring. Nicola is practicing ballet moves with Angel. Val decides she wants to rebrand the B&B. Cameron wakes up in hospital.

Nicola and Jimmy set off for Angel’s observation. Jimmy thanks Steve for Angel's extra tuition in front of Bernice. Cain picks up the last of his stuff from Debbie’s and returns his keys. Amy tells Val that she knows that Val is trying to take her mind off Kerry. Brenda and Bob rope Cameron, Chas, Gennie and Nikhil into lunch.

Nicola frets over not hearing anything from the school. Kerry arrives back in the village. Amy helps Andy to clear up the mess left by the decorators; he leaves her to tidy while he goes to Butler's Farm. Moira tells Adam that Cain is moving in; he isn't pleased.

Dan has let Kerry spend the night in Hetty, he wakes her up with a cup of tea. Bernice mentions to Amy and Andy that Kerry was drinking in the pub last night. Nicola has one last shot at trying to convince Jimmy to pay for Angel's schooling. Moira says that Adam and Cain will have to cope on their own as she will be attending Holly's exhibition; Adam tells Cain that while Moira's gone he wants him out the house.

Ashley tries to keep the peace as Cain and Adam snipe over breakfast. Cain gets a lift off Natalie into the village. Rhona asks Vanessa for an extra dose of her medication. Dan has let Kerry stay in Hetty for another night; they chat about Andy and her pregnancy. Rhona and Paddy take Leo over to Tall Trees Cottage for Leo's second birthday. Marlon and Laurel invite them and Leo on a short break to a holiday cottage; Rhona tries to put the idea off.

Cain tells Zak about Adam's plan. Val treats Eric to a special lunch; he's suspicious. She asks Alicia to take Cheryl for a walk while they talk. Everyone abandons the party at Butler's Farm. Val is just about to tell Eric she doesn't want the refurbishment anymore as she has a better idea when panicked Alicia returns with Cheryl, the dog has caught her foot on barbed wire.

Pearl and Val point out to Rhona how terrible she looks but she insists to Vanessa she's going cold turkey and feigns a cold. Declan winds Robbie up over Debbie telling him not to stay at Tug Ghyll last night. Debbie tells Charity she has a plan for Robbie. Moira gets upset about Adam leaving, Cain comforts her.

Paddy is chipper about going on holiday. Vanessa is concerned for Rhona. Robbie reassures Sarah over the broken window. Debbie wants Robbie to buy some of the booze and be part of the profit, he's delighted. Robbie secretly recruits Adam to help with the booze run, wanting him to chip in with money too. Sandy calls Ashley to try to arrange another prescription.

Adam tells Debbie they kept her out of the booze run; Debbie says she doesn't care, she was responsible for setting Robbie up. The police question Robbie again, he tells them he bought the booze off a man at the side of the road who had just cancelled his engagement party.

Andy and Diane tell Debbie they're disgusted at her latest trick. Rhona and Paddy arrive back in the village. Chas tells Diane that Debbie is still causing Cameron trouble. Val wants Amy to talk Eric into emigrating to Portugal. Megan gives Dom the keys to Brook Cottage.

Debbie goes around the room asking who reported her to Social Services. Eric tells Val he's willing to emigrate to Portugal. Debbie rips into everyone in the room, not knowing that Sarah is listening to every word outside. Gemma slags Alicia off to Belle. Victoria tries to get to the bottom of why Amy wants to move. Gemma tells Alicia she's sticking her beak in where it's not wanted. Paddy, Rhona and Vanessa have a barbeque.

Dom has let Gemma have the day off school due to her being so upset last night. Dom offers to cook for Alicia later, much to Gemma's irritation. As Lisa and Charity tidy up Tug Ghyll, Andy arrives for the Social Services visit. Sean invites Belle on a camping trip with him and Dan. Victoria is sick of Adam sponging off her.

Belle begs Lisa and Zak to go camping with Sean, they still refuse but they invite Sean and Dan to the caravan. Belle tells them to forget it. Gennie and Bob have it all sorted for Brenda as she prepares to go the hospital. Belle talks to Sam about being in love with Sean.

Alicia tells David and Priya that her and Dom have broke up. Belle asks Lisa and Zak if she and Sean can go on the camping trip after all. Bob hints to Dan about getting rid of Kerry so he can move Brenda in. Belle tells Gemma she's bunking off school to have sex with Sean; Gemma tries to talk her out of it.

Robbie heads off for court. Victoria isn't pleased with Adam as he decided to drink with Robbie rather than asking Moira for his job back. Andy overhears the conversation and tells Victoria that Moira has a new farmhand starting.

Adam tries to ring Robbie but he ignores him. Kerry is unconscious in hospital. Sean discovers that Belle has smashed his bike up, he tells Dan he loves her and wants her back. Dan asks Bob if he's seen Kerry, they figure she's back with Andy.

Adam tells Cain that it was Robbie's idea to flee the scene of the accident. Cain says he needs to start praying as he's looking at possible manslaughter. Nikhil gives Gennie a driving lesson; he's disappointed to learn she's already passed her theory as he'd prepared questions for her. Adam worries about the possibility he's killed Kerry's baby and is going to prison.

Gennie escorts Nikhil to work. Dom takes Gemma to her second appointment. Alicia asks if she's okay, Dom is abrupt with her. Adam discovers that Moira accused Cain of being responsible for the accident. Vanessa tells Rhona she's booked her first support group session,

Rishi berates Jai for the stunt he pulled with Archie yesterday. Vanessa covers that Rhona is going to a Pilates class tomorrow. Gennie and Nikhil walk into work again, Nikhil's not looking forward to it. Moira tells Adam that if he's back at the farm, he'll have to tell Natalie to go. Jai unintentionally winds up Nikhil when he arrives at work. Megan worries about Robbie.

Rhona heads off to her support session, lying to Paddy that she's going to a Pilates class. She notices her tyre is flat and gets the bus instead. Gennie is mad that Nikhil has quit his job at the factory. Megan gets more and more worried as she tries to contact Robbie. Declan rubs it in her face that a staging supplier she was going to do a deal with has gone bust.

Megan has set up some potential investors in an attempt to cover the business' loss. Lisa unintentionally gives Kerry the idea to seek compensation for her accident. Vanessa asks Rhona about the group, she lies that it was fine. Neil uncovers something suspicious at the Glamping Site. He tells Declan they could have potentially uncovered part of a human body.

Declan pays the workmen extra money to cover up the body. Kerry receives a wad of cash in the post and a letter saying the money is hers as long as she forgets the accident. Nikhil serves his first drink in the Café to Gennie. Rhona eagerly awaits the post, she asks Vanessa for her pill but she says they agreed to bring her dose down.

Katie is disgusted with Declan. Gemma walks into a classroom and discovers that Belle has wrote 'Gemma Andrews had an abortion!' on the whiteboard, they end up fighting on the floor until the headteacher drags them off each other. Dan tries to sober Kerry up, and they both have a self-pitying session. Chas arrives at Home Farm with a bottle of wine,

Preparations are underway for the Home Farm dinner party tonight. Katie asks Chas if she can stay at The Woolpack once she's exacted her revenge. Bob gets the wrong idea when Kerry has disappeared from the sofa, not knowing that she's slept with him in his bed. Kerry joins them for breakfast in Dan's robe and prevents him having to explain.

Katie plans to go and collect the rest of her stuff from Home Farm. Charity tries to explain to Debbie what happened at the party before she hears it from somebody else, but she's preoccupied by getting Sarah ready for school. Cameron drops a present off for Sarah. Kerry listens to Dan and Bob discussing her after she's spent another night in Dan's bed, Dan defends her.

Belle is stroppy with Lisa and Zak. They meet with Mr Duggan, he informs Belle that he can't accept her back unless he's sure there will be no repetition. He says he's had a phone call saying she was overheard threatening to attack Gemma.

Debbie cries to Charity about Belle. Sam and Marlon join Zak and Lisa at the hospital. Picking up on Amy's irritation, Eric decides to send her and Victoria to Portugal to do a reccy for him and Val. Bob and Brenda return from the hospital. Charity works out that Belle got the booze from the barn where Debbie stashed it.

Robbie overhears Zak telling Diane that Belle will be home soon and of how lucky she is to pull through. He calls them a bunch of hypocrites, saying they knew Debbie was selling knock off alcohol. He claims he saw her contaminating the alcohol.

Debbie continues banging on the door to Dale View. Sarah wonders what's going on. Debbie walks over and starts hitting Robbie to the floor until Diane drags her off him. Declan reminds Katie that she signed a five-year contract, she's going nowhere until it suits him.

Andy isn't impressed with Katie and Adam rolling in drunk at 2am. Debbie turns to vodka at Tug Ghyll. Nikhil irritates Bob when he hassles customers into filling in a questionnaire about the Café. Moira worries that Andy having the kids and working full-time at the farm isn't working. Cameron is concerned when Debbie orders alcohol in the pub. Declan tries to get back with Katie.

Zak seems to be having a good effect on Debbie at Wishing Well Cottage. Nikhil starts at David's. Andy looks down on Katie for the stunt she pulled with Adam. Declan learns Katie has started cancelling appointments, he informs Nicola that if anybody rings asking for Katie tell them that she's nothing to do with them. He tells Megan that Katie slept with Adam

Nicola has a problem with her car, she realises she's put diesel in it rather than petrol. Andy tells Katie to sort it with Declan. Moira isn't happy that he's turned up late to work again. Nikhil has a surprise for Gennie. He informs her that he's bought The Grange.

Dan gives Nicola the bill for her car, she can't believe it. She asks Cain for time to pay. Andy doesn't want Debbie to see the kids when they return with Diane. Debbie overhears him telling Zak that he's thinking of seeking custody. Katie receives a text from Declan stating he's done what she wanted.

Debbie moves back to Tug Ghyll. Moira's angry when Andy turns up late again. Declan and Megan prepare for the opening of Home Fields. Zak's convinced Debbie's on the road to recovery; Andy isn't so sure. Cameron jumps to her defence.

Debbie slaps Cameron. Chas walks in and asks what's going on. Debbie tells her she doesn't want to know. Nicola speaks to Steve about paying the bill for her car; he says he wants to spoil her. Diane sees them talking.

Cameron checks up on Debbie. She threatens to tell Chas about their kiss. Charity sees them talking and is concerned. She tells her she tried to do a runner with the kids. Bernice wants Steve to win Diane over so they can buy The Woolpack together.

Debbie thanks Zak for looking after her. Cameron receives a call from his solicitor. Rhona's parcel of pills has failed to arrive on time. Nicola reminds Declan that she's taking the afternoon off and is keen to impress at the business meeting.

Charity moves her stuff into Debbie's. Marlon gives Laurel her post in the café, she has sent off for a college prospectus. She tells Ruby that she's thinking about a computer course. Paddy notices Rhona acting grumpy again, he tells her to take Leo out.

Marlon tells Laurel that Jai’s told her to take the day off, but she is adamant she wants to return to work. Vanessa continues to be suspicious of Rhona's reasons for visiting the chemist.

Vanessa asks Rhona to cover her first call out. The police speak to Cain at Butler's Farm, he denies any knowledge of Laurel's car, having removed all trace of it, and they leave

Rhona distracts Paddy while she's hides the drugs. Brenda wants to book the hand fasting for next week, before she loses more hair. Gennie tells her to not let her hair control her.

Rhona questions Paddy over whether they've done the right thing letting Pearl resign. Vanessa locates where she's hidden her drugs. Val and Eric tidy the B&B in anticipation of Nikhil's arrival.

Gennie tells Nikhil she won't be spending time with him at the B&B as she's agreed to spend the day shopping with Brenda. Vanessa tells Rhona she won't tell Paddy but she has conditions. Sam is still off with Rachel over the squabble with Priya.

Marlon has bought Laurel a new car. Rhona wants to postpone the night away with Paddy until later in the year. Bob wants to take Brenda out, but she tells him she has her support meeting.

Gennie tells Diane that everything is ready for the hand fasting. Vanessa tries to get Rhona to bunk off work but she won't. Laurel tells Paddy that she's still not telling Marlon about yesterday, but he walks in on them.

Bob asks Brenda to go to the 'Craft Fayre' in Ilkley but she makes excuses. Gennie tells Dan that there's been a cancellation for a driving test this morning, so she's rushing off to take it. Brenda panics that Dan will mess up.

As Brenda, Bob and Dan climb into the helicopter, Bob questions what's happening. Nikhil tells the guests they will be arriving soon. Gennie arrives late saying her bus broke down, she asks where her mum and Bob are. Alicia fills in the blanks as they arrive on the helicopter. Marlon tries to reassure Laurel.

Nikhil treats Bob and Brenda at the B&B. Bob says he's arranged a honeymoon for them in Scarborough. Chas stops herself from booking a wedding in Las Vegas to run it by Cameron who is shocked at the thought. Val and Eric are leaving Victoria and Amy to go to Albufeira to view a house, Nikhil will be in charge of them.

Gennie explains to Nikhil about Rishi buying her a car. Debbie tries again to discourage her from telling Chas about Cameron. Victoria is being driven mad at Keepers Cottage as Sandy, Edna and Betty sit in the front room. Kerry comes up with the idea of a fundraiser for Brenda and Bob's wedding present. Chas is planning her Las Vegas wedding.

Nikhil excitedly shares his plans for the B&B with Gennie. Val and Eric are back from Albufeira, Val tells Amy they've put a deposit on the house. Kerry invites Amy to the charity event tomorrow but Amy says she won't be there.

Chas tells Gennie if she doesn't stop her meddling she'll no longer be her sister. Cameron asks Chas why she'd not mentioned that Debbie tried to kill her. Gennie attempts to talk to Debbie about Cameron but she shuns her.

Cameron says he killed Carl to stop him from sending the picture of him and Chas in bed together to Debbie, to protect her and the unborn baby. Dan and Kerry argue over the charity money and he tells her to pack her stuff and move out.

Cameron is amazed by Debbie's reaction. They continue kissing. Kerry gets rid of Robbie for Sean. Val is impatient with Nikhil, as she waits to celebrate in The Woolpack over selling the B&B. He lets them start on the champagne, concerned that he can't locate Gennie.

Debbie desperately tries to revive Gennie to no avail. Nikhil is still searching for Gennie. Bob and Brenda arrive back in the village. Debbie is distraught over her part in Gennie's death. Dan catches Kerry at the bus stop, he tries to persuade her to come back home but she gives him a hard time.

Katie drops flowers off at Victoria Cottage. Bob, Rishi, Jai, Priya and David rally around Brenda and Nikhil. Nikhil is quiet, while Brenda fights the tears. Rishi blames himself for buying Gennie the car. Chas and Cameron have called the wedding off and cancelled their flights to Las Vegas.

Chas enquires how Nikhil's doing, Charity says he never came back home and they've spent half the night looking for him. Chas sends Cameron out to look for Nikhil. Nikhil's in the factory going through Gennie's things. Nicola tries to get out of the dinner party with Steve and Bernice but Jimmy insists she's going.

Chas is looking after Molly as Nikhil is struggling to cope. Jimmy and Steve go to play golf. Nicola wants to clear the debt as soon as possible, she gives Steve the second installment. Rhona is having a bad day, she tries to get Vanessa to give her an extra dose but she won't.

Nikhil goes back to the factory while Jai is in Glasgow. Debbie leaves a message for Cameron saying they need to speak to Chas. Jimmy takes a picture of Angel in her school uniform. Nicola receives a text from Steve wanting to meet her in a restaurant.

Chas is horrified that someone could have drove Gennie off the road. Rishi explains to Georgia how Nikhil went missing earlier in the week. Marlon's angry when he gets a call from the nursery saying nobody's picked Leo up. Paddy and Vanessa try to ring Rhona but can't get hold of her.

Rishi has fallen asleep in the car waiting for Nikhil to let him in. Cain is still suspicious that something is going on between Cameron and Debbie. Charity tells him to back off. Laurel is nervous as Ashley takes Gabby and Arthur into town. David arrives at Victoria Cottage just as the police arrive to drop off Gennie's things.

Vanessa tries to clear the air with Rhona but she snatches her pill off her and walks away. Ashley tries to comfort Chas as she worries about Gennie's funeral. Nicola and Jimmy see Bernice and Steve off as they leave for Paris. Belle arrives at the Vets for work experience. Laurel's irritable.

The Doctor asks Rhona if she was trying to overdose, or if she's become dependent on the pills as she had far more paracetamol in her blood than normal; he warns her of the dangers and offers her help but she tells him to leave her alone.

Ali receives a text from Laurel stating she's not coming into work again. Paddy walks in on Vanessa and Rhona hugging, he causes a scene in front of Pearl wanting to know why she can talk to Vanessa but not him. Amy and Val look forward to having their picture in the Courier in a three-page article Rishi's arranged for them in promotion for The Grange. Kerry and Dan's tattoos have turned septic.

Alicia moves her stuff into Brook Cottage; she gives Gemma the festival tickets to try and win Belle around. Dan asks Laurel if she's been to the police, she lies that they're making inquiries.

The carjacker, Ross, doesn't remember Laurel. He apologises when it dawns on him who she is, but it's not enough. At the same time, Cain and Marlon pull up at Ross's work. Cain recognises Glen, who eventually gives him Ross's address - Maple Road.

Eric's still angry at Val for telling Amy about Kyle's parents dying. Ashley walks in on Marlon and Laurel having a row about yesterday. Marlon tells him what she did. Paddy and Rhona have slept in separate rooms at Smithy Cottage.

Val invites Amy into town with her, but she says she has other plans. Brenda gets emotional looking over old photos of Gennie with Molly. Amy asks Victoria to come to the funeral with her. Katie overhears Nicola talking about the glamping site doing well. Katie says it wouldn't be if people knew the truth about the place. Sandy tries to put Ashley off going to see Laurel again. Marlon informs Ali and Lisa that Laurel won't be returning to work yet.

David tears into Nikhil about him planning to move to Canada. Megan worries about Katie blabbing over the truth at the glamping site. Rodney asks Declan and Megan about holding Gennie's wake at Home Farm, but they have a wedding booked. Andy is concerned that Katie is becoming morbid over Gennie's death, but she says she's cleared her head.

Declan pushes Megan to find them more investors. Debbie tells Charity that she doesn't know if she's going to Gennie's funeral. Katie's distracted by the sight of the police arriving in the village. Belle apologises to Gemma. Charity thinks it's down to Cameron that Debbie doesn't want to go to the funeral.

Debbie plans to leave Sarah at Wishing Well Cottage with Belle while she attends the funeral. Cameron pesters her by text to find out if she is attending the funeral. Jai arrives back from Glasgow and Nikhil apologises to him for his behaviour and asks him to be a pallbearer. He finds confetti from his wedding still in his suit.

Knowing he's been caught out, Cameron admits to Chas that he's been seeing Debbie for a few weeks, but he warns her about making a scene at the funeral. Nicola panics as she realises that she's made a mistake with the account number as Steve looks on, his plan coming together.

Charity is angry at Debbie for getting back together with Cameron. Cameron's stayed at the B&B; Val winds him up. Rishi tells Jai that Nikhil needs something to focus his energies. Megan worries about Chas blabbing about the body. Brenda finds Nikhil cleaning as he puts on a brave face.

Nicola receives a phone call from the bank and tells Steve he'll have his money back at the end of the week. She thanks him and begins to look at him with new eyes. Declan is optimistic about the prospect of his upcoming festival, but his mood is soon shaken when the police call wanting to talk to him again.

Robbie realises that something serious is going on, more than Megan and Declan are letting on. When news gets back to him that the police have found something on the site, he urges his mum to get out before the situation gets worse, suggesting that they should leave together. Megan seems intent on staying to support her brother, but as tension mounts she seems increasingly torn.

With the police continuing to delve into Declan's statement and his relationship with Katie, Declan's frustrations rise. When the police reveal that the body they found has been buried, dug up and then reburied, all within the Home Farm grounds, they insist on a lockdown.

As rumours are rife over the festival being cancelled, the Home Farm office do their best to stifle concerns. However, soon the police return and Declan is arrested for perverting the course of justice. Declan undergoes vigorous questioning over Katie's disappearance and soon becomes increasingly worried when the accusations take a new twist when he is accused of murder.

A helpless Declan continues to protest his innocence as the police probe him for answers about the body and Katie's whereabouts. Clutching at straws, he suggests that they could speak to her best friend Chas.

Debbie and Cameron arrive back from Jersey. Debbie is apprehensive of seeing Chas, but Cameron thinks they should face the music and drink in The Woolpack, where the body at the glamping site and Declan's big cover-up is the hot topic of conversation.

With the police making door-to-door enquiries, Cameron darkens as the pressure is kicking in. Debbie misinterprets his mood to be one of grief for his friend Alex. As news spreads around the village, Cameron feels increasingly trapped, especially when Alex's granny Beattie arrives and reiterates to Edna how Alex would never have robbed her.

Rhona and Vanessa have slept in the same bed. Rhona tries to get her pills out of Vanessa's bag as she sleeps but fails. Rhona eventually resorts to taking pills from her secret stash and manipulates Vanessa when she tells her that she can't go through a withdrawal now, not with everything else that is going on.

As Paddy refuses to believe that his wife is a lesbian, Rhona remains unconscious at Smithy Cottage, surrounded by alcohol bottles and empty pill packets. At the same time, a devastated Vanessa confides in Moira and the truth begins to unravel.

At the hospital, Paddy is at Rhona's bedside, worried about the state of everything. He is grateful for Pearl's continued support and explains to her how Rhona is an addict. Rhona suddenly begins to bleed from her nose and everyone stands back as the medic gets to work.

Rhona struggles to take in the news about the seriousness of her condition and is guilty over how much Paddy has suffered. Paddy arrives but is shocked by how bad she is as the doctors try to tend to her. Soon Vanessa accidentally lets it slip to Laurel how Rhona was looking for drugs while Laurel was carjacked. Meanwhile, Pollard marches Sean out of the B&B with the medals.

Vanessa is hurt that Rhona doesn't want to see her. At the hospital, Paddy tells Rhona that Vanessa is staying at Moira's for now. Not long afterwards, the doctor notifies Rhona that she can go home. Back at the village, Paddy is adamant as he tells Vanessa to move out for good. Vanessa blurts out about her and Rhona kissing and Paddy is mortified as Pearl is listening

Rhona says a tearful goodbye to Leo before heading to the drug clinic. With Paddy seeming both dubious and impatient about her treatment plan, Rhona worries that he is getting cold feet and promptly decides that she would rather give up herself with the support of her husband.

The villagers are enraged to wake up to find 'for sale' boards outside their houses. As Alicia uneasily suggests that Declan must be desperate and have a serious cash flow problem, Steve takes pleasure in stirring the situation further, explaining that he offered to buy Home Farm but Declan turned him down flat.

Cameron's meddling causes Adam to punch Declan in full view of the police and Adam is promptly arrested. As Cameron continues to plant seeds linking Adam to Alex's murder, will the farmer be investigated about something far more serious than assault? Meanwhile, with Rhona in crippling pain, she lashes out at Paddy as he attempts to help her. Rhona then begs him for drugs. Elsewhere, Amy watches Kyle and his grandma Joanie as they arrive for playgroup, but is put out when a member of staff ruins her chance to see him for longer.

Adam is scared and confused, telling the police they have got it all wrong. At the same time, Moira is shocked to learn that Adam has been arrested on suspicion of murder. She is thrown when she is questioned over Adam's friendship with Alex, and then about her own relationship with Alex.

Adam is certain that it was Declan who set him up and Cain confronts Declan over it. However, Cain soon realises that Declan is not the culprit. Soon afterwards, Moira is alarmed when the police arrive to search the farm.

With Nicola low after her job interview and in need of a large glass of wine, she heads back to Mulberry Cottage with Steve. Steve confides that things are not going well with Bernice, and when Jimmy calls, Nicola finds herself lying to him about her whereabouts. As the alcohol flows, the pair continue to enjoy their time together.

With Nicola increasingly tempted by Steve and his proposition, she considers how she could sneak away to meet him. However, on arriving home to see Jimmy and Angel happily playing together, she is overwhelmed with love.

Brenda finds the Dictaphone while going through some of Gennie's belongings. After pressing play, she hears the conversation regarding Debbie and Cameron's affair. Unable to listen to any more, Brenda presses stop and later returns the Dictaphone to a guilty Debbie, who is freaked at what Brenda may know.

Debbie is in a spin as she thinks what to do next. She tells Cameron that she has to pick the kids up and is relieved to get away from him. Debbie is frantic as she arrives at Butler's Farm and is horrified to realise that Adam has been set up for Alex's murder. She quickly works out that it must have been Cameron. Debbie sits listening to the Dictaphone over and over again. She then makes a decision to see Chas and insists that they need to talk.

Chas reels as she realises what Debbie is saying. Debbie insists that it's the truth and slowly the stories ring true for Chas. Chas asks to hear the Dictaphone again, but soon Debbie is scared as an emotional Chas shouts at her, thinking Debbie was part of it all too. Chas is stunned that Debbie knew Cameron killed Carl and didn't say anything.

Debbie returns home, knowing she has to be strong. Cameron seems to buy her story as he hides the engagement ring. Later, police officers Shields and Flanagan want to interview Debbie on her own, but they explain they haven't got enough evidence to charge Cameron.

Debbie is stunned when Cameron proposes to her. Will she be able to force herself to say yes in order to keep up the façade? Later, when the police install surveillance equipment in the house, Debbie realises the enormity of the situation. Debbie desperately tries to encourage Cameron to confess for the cameras, but how long will she be able to keep up the act? Will Cameron suss there is something amiss?

As Debbie attempts to remain casual around Cameron, she becomes increasingly frustrated that she is getting nowhere. Later, when Cameron suggests they should head upstairs, Debbie finds herself in an unthinkable position

With Debbie finding it increasingly hard to act natural around Cameron, he becomes somewhat suspicious of her behaviour. Later, when Cain and Cameron jaunt each other, Cameron makes reference to the kidnap. Cain then suggests that he wishes he had got rid of Cameron whilst he had the chance.

With Debbie struggling to keep up a front with Cameron, she needs him to confess to his unknown audience - and sooner rather than later. Later, Debbie and Cain go to the police with their plan to make him confess. Debbie is fitted with a wire and they agree on a code word in case she needs help.

As Cameron insists that the recording on the Dictaphone is fake and he didn't kill Gennie, it's clear that Debbie is starting to lose it. Cain cannot bear the situation any longer and forcefully insists that the police intervene and arrest Cameron, but instead they arrest Cain for obstructing their enquiry.

Cameron struggles to process Debbie's betrayal and is rocked to realise that she knew everything at the point he proposed to her. Fixated only on getting a message to her, it seems he is willing to admit anything in order for them to relay his words.

Chas, Bob and Brenda are in the court awaiting Cameron's hearing. Bob reassures Brenda that she can go if she is having second thoughts, but Brenda wants to be there for Nikhil and Molly.

Pollard is concerned that Val is too carried away by Kyle coming to visit. At the same time, Amy lies to Joanie, claiming that she has to do a project and wants to base it around Kyle.

Pollard promises Val that he'll stop bothering Amy over Kyle, but it's clear that he is secretly taking action. He finds her phone and heads to visit Joanie, but Amy soon realises where Pollard has gone. Joanie tells Pollard that she checked Amy's background and is reassured that she has come from a good home.

Amy is outside Joanie's house, desperately trying to make amends through the door and pouring her heart out. Pollard arrives to take her home, but they are shocked when Joanie suddenly opens the door. Amy tries to explain herself to Joanie but soon oversteps the mark. Pollard sends Amy back to the car and suggests he and Joanie could talk inside.

Pollard nearly manages to talk Joanie round to letting Amy see Kyle occasionally. However, when Joanie realises Kyle is missing. Pollard pales to see both his car and Amy have gone. Joanie is about to call the police when Amy returns with Kyle. Joanie is angry and Pollard has to force Amy to leave before she antagonises the situation further.

A tired Jimmy arrives home after staying out at work all night. Nicola lets slip that Bernice knew about the kiss, leading to a public row between Nicola and Jimmy over Steve. Later, Nicola tries to talk to Jimmy, but he heads off to a driving job. Laurel thinks Nicola should call him and get him home, confident it will work. However, Nicola's call remains unanswered.

Nicola leaves Jimmy a voicemail telling him to come home, unaware that he has had a crash. A passing cyclist spots the van and calls an ambulance for a motionless Jimmy, who is slumped over the wheel.

Amy thinks Andy only spent the night with her out of pity, until he tells her that he cares about her. With Amy torn over what she should do, Andy asks her to stay for breakfast - and to be his girlfriend. Amy is stunned and overjoyed.

Ashley has decided that he's moving to Woodbine Cottage and he sympathises with Bernice when she says that DeeDee didn't want to move up with her.

Nicola gears up to do a haulage run. Rodney agrees to let Jimmy stay at his until he sorts things out with Nicola. Despite finding out Nicola is helping to keep the business afloat, Jimmy tells her that he is not her man anymore and she is the worst thing to have ever happened to him.

Laurel comes clean to Marlon about the lost engagement ring, as it's still stuck on her finger. Afterwards, Marlon asks Laurel to marry him. Not being able to keep juicy news to herself, Bernice can't help but spread Marlon and Laurel's engagement before they've had a chance to do it themselves.

Despite Diane and Pollard's best efforts, Val still can't understand why Joanie may have been overwhelmed by last night's 'ambush'. Andy tries to make Amy see that Pollard was trying to help, but she is not so sure, especially when Val tells that her the holiday to Turkey is booked - and they leave tomorrow.

Joanie visits Amy and tells her that they need to have some ground rules before she can see Kyle. Joanie reveals her requests, but Amy is gutted that she doesn't trust her. Later, Pollard is exasperated as he stops Val from going over to Amy's.

Val and Amy feel guilty about how they've treated Eric, but a nervous Amy is hopeful they can get Joanie back on side. Soon afterwards, Amy brightens as an uncomfortable Joanie appears to soften. Along with Val, they take Kyle down to the river. Val makes awkward conversation with Joanie as Amy plays with Kyle.

Val gives Amy the number for social services. Victoria worries about how determined she is to get Kyle back, but Andy offers his support. Val is smug as she fills Kerry in on Amy's situation and Kerry is hurt that Amy has kept her in the dark.

Away from the Emmerdale village, killer Cameron is being escorted in a prison van with another prisoner. Suddenly, they come across a road ambush and the prison guards are panicked to realise what is happening.

Debbie is confused to receive silent phone calls. Cameron puts away his phone and then hitches a ride. Later, Debbie and Chas are in The Woolpack when DC Flanagan tells them the news - Cameron has escaped. Debbie is worried that Cameron will be heading back to get his revenge

As news spreads about Cameron's escape and disappearance, both Chas and Debbie are living in fear, knowing his anger against them for what they did. D

Zak agrees to take Sarah and Jack while Debbie tries to patch things up with Chas. Megan is frustrated that Debbie has not upped her offer on Mulberry Cottage. Rishi and Dom try to persuade David to at least have a small drink in the pub for his stag do. Ali suggests she and Ruby clear the air with Lindy.

Sarah's alone and scared and Debbie's distraught and convinced that Cameron has her. Lindy tells a shocked Ruby that she'll give her the money for the baby if she does it without Ali. Declan snaps at Megan as he tries to talk to Moira about Butler's Farm.

Alicia, Bernice, Chas, Dan, David, Debbie, Diane, Jack, Nicola, Priya, Ruby and Zak are all being held hostage in The Woolpack. Cameron tells Debbie to go with him, but she screams that she hates him. PC Barnes then bangs on the door and Cameron pushes everyone into a corner, leveling his gun.

David and Dom wait for news on Alicia at the hospital. In The Woolpack cellar, Marlon still lies unconscious, the water around him getting high enough to play havoc with the electrics. Debbie again tries to goad Cameron to shoot her, as Chas tries to protect her. Cameron pulls the trigger, but the gun is empty.

Debbie screams at Cameron to get lost. Manic, he prepares to shoot Chas. Marlon hears him shouting and throws a crate of beer against the cellar door to create a distraction. Surprised by the noise, Cameron sends Debbie to check on it as Chas tries to convince him it's the police.

The following morning, the villagers watch as the emergency services work in The Woolpack. Vanessa offers Diane and Chas a place to stay. Sam and Laurel fuss over Marlon who has made it to the front page of the Skipdale Post as the hero of the hour.

Dom sits at Alicia's bedside. Paddy visits Marlon and Laurel at Tall Trees Cottage, he says he's going to visit Rhona today. Vanessa tells Chas she can stay at Victoria Cottage as long as she wants.

Jai and Charity have arrived back from their holiday. Dom discovers David and Priya have broken up. Charity and Cain try to get Debbie to talk to them about the siege but she insists she just wants to forget it all. News starts to spread around the village that David and Priya have broken up.

Amy drops hints to Andy about moving in with him. Zak continues to stress over the siege. Jacob guesses that David's back together with Alicia. Adam's annoyed with Moira when she considers taking a low offer for the farm. Ali and Ruby are excited as a fertility testing kit arrives in the post.

Moira tries to talk about Cain's botched proposal yesterday but he shuns the conversation. Alicia arrives back from the hospital. Zak worries over Cain's gangster job and they end up arguing

Ross collapses on the floor. Moira and Cain try to stop the bleeding. Priya realises she can't reveal the truth to Jacob. David and Alicia rush into the Café and find him sitting with her and take him home. Ali finally manages to track down Dan.

News spreads around the village of Alan's passing. Paddy tells Vanessa that he confessed to Rhona about sleeping with Chas. Dan tries to make it up to Kerry for his part in Ruby and Ali's baby plans.

Moira asks Vanessa if she can get some antibiotics for Ross. Victoria has discovered that Alan wanted Ashley to officiate his funeral. She mentions it to Ashley who says he's been already trying to contact the bishop but he's not returning his calls.

Laurel is anxious whether Cain's got rid of Ross yet. Moira wants Ross to apologise to Laurel for what he did. Cain summons James to the garage, he tells him that he wants Ross out of Butler's Farm and informs him of Ross carjacking Laurel. He states Moira has only taken Ross in as James won't.

Betty and Victoria get ready for Alan's funeral. Vanessa continues to treat Ross but walks out when she discovers he was Laurel's carjacker. Moira tells him she's had enough and wants him gone. Ashley agrees to officiate the funeral as a layperson when Jude is apparently struck down with flu

Moira surprises Cain by saying she's accepted the offer for the farm. Ross tries to convince him to assist him with the car stealing. Robbie greets the bridesmaids for the wedding as they arrive at Home Farm.

Amy is devastated when the social worker tells her that she will never be given custody of Kyle. Ross and Cain continue to steal cars from Home Farm. They plan to take Declan's car as Ross goes to find his spare set of car keys.

Alicia finishes boarding up the window at Farrers Barn; she thinks Priya is responsible. Moira tries to get Cain to tell her where he got the money. Adam and Katie arrive at Butler's Farm laughing about Declan's cars being stolen.

After finding out that Alicia is not his real mum, Jacob has run away, sending Alicia and David into a panic. When they find Jacob hiding out at Holdgate Farm, an upset Jacob insist he doesn’t want to go home. Alicia is heartbroken when she's forced to agree to let Jacob stay with Jai for a while.

It's bonfire night in the village, and when Rachel and Sam are distracted for a moment disaster strikes as Samson’s sparkler sets off a box of fireworks. In the ensuing panic, Archie is fine, but Sam is surprised when the Sharmas find out and Jai is more concerned about Archie than Rishi.

The shock revelation that Rachel lied to him about Archie’s father has left Sam not knowing what to think, while a miserable Rachel wonders if she's lost Sam forever.

With the recent upset over Jacob, David and Alicia have a chat about the fact she can’t conceive. When David later tells Rachel that Alicia can’t have her own children, Priya listens in. The conversation strikes a chord with her and the penny drops that she might be pregnant herself.

Questioning Priya about the pregnancy test, David is rattled when Priya coldly tells him that if she's pregnant it's not his concern any more. When Charity hints to Priya she could always get rid of the baby without David having to know, Priya is left with a dilemma.

Unable to accept that she won’t be able to see Kyle any more, Amy finds herself in hot water following an impromptu visit to Joanie in an attempt to talk her round. After calling the police,

Eric is troubled when Joanie explains that she has taken out a restraining order on Amy. A depressed Amy is let out of the cell with a caution, but is warned that the consequences will be serious if it happens again. She and Kerry are driven back to the village.

Val and Eric are relieved that Amy is seemingly back on the right track. However, unknown to them, an optimistic Amy tries to sell the stolen necklace to an intrigued Rodney. Val hears that Amy is having drinks with Andy and is delighted to assume that she is being distracted by Andy rather than Kyle now.

Amy's heart breaks as Andy excitedly discusses her moving in and she is left feeling guilty as they declare their love for one another. Val and Eric are also thrilled to be able to refocus their attentions on each other rather than Amy, as they believe her to be back on the straight and narrow.

Heading for the docks, Kerry speeds along in the campervan with Amy and Kyle in the back of the vehicle. At the same time, a desperate Val has hounded Dan to call Kerry.

Cain reluctantly follows Dan and Andy as they race off to find Amy. A furious Val smacks Kerry upon her arrival to the docks. Kerry lies, telling everyone that Amy has already gone, but Val clocks her glance over to the ferry that is still in the dock. Kerry pleads with them to let Amy go as the police and Joanie arrive. Will Amy get away with leaving with Kyle?

The police know Amy kidnapped Kyle and give Kerry a fine for wasting police time. At the same time, Victoria gives Val and Andy letters from Amy. An anguished Val lashes out at everyone and Eric questions if they still have a marriage. Meanwhile, Paddy admits to Vanessa that he wants Leo back to try to help mend his marriage. Marlon reluctantly agrees to let them have Leo back. Elsewhere, Cain won't open up to Moira over his feelings for Kyle. Also, Laurel has decided to tell the truth in court. Finally, Sandy is saddened to see Ashley struggling to update his résumé for the vicar's job. He tells Edna that he has a surprise lined up for him later. Later, Sandy rolls up in a convertible car for him.

Edna and Sandy aid Rhona when she feels faint in the café. Suspicious that she is back on the pills, Marlon tells Rhona that Leo isn't going anywhere until he is sure she is clean. Later, Chas comforts Paddy as he wonders if Rhona is back on drugs, unaware that Rhona is watching.

Paddy realises that Vanessa also thinks Rhona could still be using pills when he finds her checking the drugs cabinet. After saying they should split up if they can't trust each other, Rhona promises Paddy that she is clean, while he swears that there is nothing going on with Chas.

The stress of the secret is putting Rishi under pressure as he finds himself telling another lie to explain Sam's behaviour after he quits his job. However, it is Charity's abrupt questioning that proves too much for Rishi when he suffers a sudden and shocking heart attack.

The doctor tells the Sharma family that Rishi has had a minor heart attack. Charity stares down at the 'mini-Jai' in his buggy. Jai, Sam and Rachel are worried as Charity pushes it further and won't let it go. Later, Charity challenges Sam to explain his falling out with Jai.

Charity rails at Jai and then shows Rachel her full fury as she slaps her, demanding the truth. Charity proves that she's an angry force as Jai attempts to defend his actions, but Charity flies off the handle, smacking his drink and glass against the wall.

With the truth out, Priya is further stunned when Jai explains that Charity has moved out and Noah has gone too. Charity is on the warpath, wanting the Dingles to evict Rachel - but will Zak and Lisa be told what to do by her?

Declan fumes to realise that Robbie was the one who let slip to Katie about her name being on the deeds. Later, all are shocked by Declan's wild state and Megan suffers when his fury turns physical. Meanwhile, with the truth out, Rachel worries for her family - will Jai evict Ali and Ruby?

As Megan attempts to conceal her bruise both physically and emotionally, Robbie is suspicious and threatens Declan, convinced that he is behind it. Megan wonders what has become of her brother. Meanwhile, Priya tells her family of her decision to keep the baby. David sternly informs her that if she wants him to be part of their baby's life, that means including Alicia too.

Feeling low after the fall-out with Noah, Charity considers Priya's advice to talk to Jai. Later, Jai is encouraged when Charity arrives at Holdgate Farm and something in her demeanour has changed. Although the estranged couple begin making some headway, they quickly come to blows when Charity comes face-to-face with Archie.

Noah is devastated to learn that Charity is divorcing Jai and quickly sets off to the factory in a quest to find out why. A drunken Charity heads off in pursuit of Noah, but is stung when she arrives to see the obvious close connection between Jai and her son. Charity does not take kindly to Jai's words and soon takes out her anger behind the wheel of a digger.

With Charity manoeuvring the digger to wreak further damage, Jai makes a surprise move of his own as he picks up a large mallet. Jai knows Charity wants his attention - surely her extreme actions must mean she still has feelings for him? Later, when Cain goes to Charity's aid, Moira cannot help but feel a tad put out.

Cain does his best not to squirm under Jai's questioning. At the same time, a humiliated Charity wishes the ground could swallow her up whole. Later, a determined Jai takes Charity to a memorable place, a lake where she had promised never to leave him.

In an attempt to win Charity back, Jai buys her a flashy new car, but while she may seem temporarily impressed, her smile fades to rage. Later, Charity asks Cain to sell the car for her, offering to split the profits in a bid to keep him quiet about her drunken come-on. When Charity tells Jai that she has given the car to Cain, he does not quite react as she might have expected.

Moira struggles with her conscience and the thought of facing people following Laurel's verdict, but she is relieved when Marlon softens towards her. However, the truce does not last long as they are interrupted by Cain, who is throwing Ross out of the barn that he has been sleeping in. Ross asks if he can stay a few nights.

Ross steals money from Moira's drawer when he gets a threatening text reminder from Marcus. Acting the innocent, he offers to help Cain at work. Although suspicious of his motives, Cain is swayed by Moira and relents. At the garage, Debbie is aghast when Ross turns up to work and makes her feelings known to Cain.

Ross distracts himself from his worries at the pub. At the same time, Marcus and his gang of men head to Butlers Farm. Things turn nasty when the men hold Moira back, lock her in the van and set upon Adam. Later, Cain and Ross arrive to sheer devastation. Butlers is trashed and an ambulance is called. Ross realises he is to blame, while Moira and Cain are at loggerheads.

Moira visits James at his farm to borrow some kit, meeting Finn and Pete too. She is shocked to find James's farm in a state of disrepair. Later, Cain wonders where Moira has got to and worries that he is losing her. The pair argue when Moira returns and she fumes to learn that Charity made a pass at him.

Moira tells Charity to keep away from Cain, as she knows she threw herself at him. The ladies spar in the garage, but both are oblivious of Dan, who is in agony having trapped his hand in a car engine. Later, Cain tells Charity that her car has been stolen. Cain arrives home at the farm to a frosty reception from Moira, who wonders where he has been.

Fed up with Ross and Adam's constant bickering, Moira tells Ross to take Cain's place at the garage. Debbie reluctantly agrees when Dan claims that he can't work due to his injuries. Ross grins as he sets his sights on Debbie.

Robbie is unhappy to leave Megan with Declan. In the café, a determined Megan stuns Gil when she tells him that she'd like to take him up on his job offer. Declan is stunned when Megan shares the news with him, telling him that she's moving out today.

Charity is putting on a brave face over Archie's birthday, but she is struggling to keep a lid on her feelings. Debbie admits her fears about Charity to Lisa. Soon afterwards, Lisa is shocked to see intent in Charity's eye as she sits behind the wheel of her car ready to mow down Rachel and Archie.

Jai reels at what Charity has asked. Charity crumbles as she admits that she can't cope with how things are, and Jai is shocked at her vulnerability. Charity is defiant - he has to tell her what he wants. As Georgia enters with presents for Archie, Jai tells her what Charity has asked him to do.

It's the day of Archie's party, but there is confusion in the air. Will things remain as they are for much longer? Meanwhile, Ashley and Harriet finish final preparations for their interviews and the tension is palpable. Sandy confides in Harriet about the past and why Ashley wants the job so much. Harriet is taken aback.

David and Priya are at the hospital for their first scan. The pair bond as they marvel over their baby, but Priya misreads the signs and goes in for a kiss. It's a kick in the teeth for Priya when not only does David back away, but also breaks the news that he and Alicia are getting married. As it's all too much for Priya, will she carve David out of their baby's life?

With James's farm having been repossessed, Moira stands firm, telling him that he needs to face facts - there is no farm for him to go back to. Moira is awkward when an emotional James is over friendly towards her. Later, Moira is put in a difficult position when Finn and Pete ask if they can stay.

There's tension at Butler's Farm as the new arrivals try to get along together. Zak is very worried about how Cain will react to James and his sons moving in, and he's particularly worried about James being around Moira. Zak leaves Cain a message, urging him to come home. Later, Moira and James are dressed up and just about to leave for a farmers' party when out of the blue Cain returns.

Charity covers her hurt with bravado as she insists to Debbie that she's going to come out on top in the divorce. Later, Jimmy reminds Charity that Rishi's money was used to buy into the company. Worried, Charity needs a creative solicitor's number.

It doesn't faze Ross that he is in Jai's bed as he and Charity kiss. Charity is excited at the thought of Jai returning home and catching them. At the same time, Jai broods in the pub, with Rishi refusing to let him go home and cry.

At Home Farm, Robbie is scared for Declan. He looks round at the mess and calls Megan, telling her to get home. At the same time, Declan is alone in the woods. He marches further in, carrying a shotgun. Later, a gunshot is heard.

Megan is worried about Declan's delusional behaviour over the business. Later, she is stunned to learn that the bank has decided to repossess. Sam arrives wanting to be paid, but is shocked when Megan tells him they will have to let him go - news that is not set to go down well.

As David celebrates his last night of freedom at The Woolpack, he is aware of Priya's sad eyes on him. David tries to comfort Priya, but fighting her tears, she tells him that she wants him to call off the wedding and be a proper family with her and their baby. Filled with guilt, David pulls Priya close for a hug - just in time to be observed by Val, who has arrived in the search of more booze.

It's the day of Alicia and David's wedding, but everything seems to be going wrong. Alicia's boiler has packed in, so she can't get ready at home, then Val accidentally burns her hair while styling it. Val has also got a bad feeling that Priya will spoil the wedding day and tells Alicia why.

The fire starts to take hold at Home Farm. Charity tries to throw water on the flames, but a satisfied Declan watches on as the blaze spreads even more. With a fleeing Charity horrified by the unfolding events, Declan pours himself a drink while the room burns around him.

Home Farm is burnt to a shell and Megan's life hangs in the balance. As the fire investigation officers look over the smouldering embers of Home Farm, a desolate Sam watches from a distance. Later, Sam is questioned about the fire and his nerves take over.

Megan is still in a coma. Declan sits at her bedside tormented by guilt, while Charity goes to see Sam and Rachel to find out what he said to the police. Charity knows Sam is hiding something that could work in her and Declan's favour. At the same time, Robbie is determined to get a confession from Declan. Soon the police are questioning Declan, who begins to flounder.

Season Finale


42x298 Episode 6754 (31st December 2013)

Season Finale

42x298 Episode 6754 (31st December 2013)

  • 2013-12-31T19:30:00Z25m

Declan is galvanised by Charity's determination to be strong, but soon tells the police about the other CCTV system. The police look at the CCTV footage and when they see Sam returning to Home Farm, they're instantly suspicious. Meanwhile, as cocky Cain tells James that he's taking Moira away for the night, she gets ready full of anticipation, thinking that he's going to propose to her.
