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Season 26 1997

  • 1997-01-01T19:30:00Z on ITV
  • 25m
  • 2d 17h 25m (157 episodes)
  • United Kingdom
  • English, Swedish
  • Drama, Soap
The lives of several families in the Yorkshire Dales revolve around a farm and the nearby village. With murders, affairs, lies, deceit, laughter and tears, it's all there in the village.

157 episodes

Season Premiere


26x01 Episode 2147 (Wed 1st Jan 1997)

Season Premiere

26x01 Episode 2147 (Wed 1st Jan 1997)

  • 1997-01-01T19:30:00Z25m

Biff and Roy hear a scarecrow making moaning sounds and soon see that it's Butch, who has no memory of the night before, but has a pair of panties in his pocket. It's the morning after the night before for Sophie, who begins to put together that she had sex with Butch. Frank gloats to Sophie and Chris that Kim packed her bags and left. Viv shames Terry for his kiss with a young woman the night before. When she talks to Betty about it, Betty nearly reveals seeing Kelly kiss Tom before figuring out who Viv means.

As Sarah finishes preparing to leave Emmerdale Farm, Robert and Andy, who are excited about leaving, wonder where Jack is. While Marlon sleeps, Albert pockets his car keys, and soon steals his car. Mandy visits Kathy offering her support. Kathy assures Mandy that Dave had been genuinely fond of her, and that Mandy had proven him right. Over the breakfast table, Donna teases Kelly about being in love with Tom. Kelly responds by throwing her bowl of cereal into Donna's face. Donna runs upstairs in tears as Vic looks on in shock. Kelly denies having any feelings for Tom. Sean surprises Kathy by returning to the village to help her get through the funeral. Jan briefly mistakes him for Dave, then accuses Kathy of playing away with Sean

Zak attempts to win back the love of his life after Albert attempts at sabotage, but Lisa is far from impressed. Kathy faces the hardest day of her life, but the Glovers are at each other's throats as they struggle with their grief. Meanwhile, Kim stands proud in the face of her enemies, revealing to a devastated Kathy that Dave loved her and planned to run away with her and James.

Following Kim's graveside revelation of her escape plans with Dave, Frank berates her as the Glovers react in anger and Kathy in muted shock. Kelly is annoyed at Tom not being able to spend more time with her. Donna nearly catches them kissing; after they leave Tom, Donna asks if she misses Viv. At Wishing Well Cottage, Marlon annoys Butch when he says he's going to pursue Sophie; as they throw food at each other, Zak laments that this may be his life from now on without Lisa.

Frank lays down the law to Kim by telling her that she can stay until James' 1st birthday, as long as they don't row in front of James and give him a stable home, otherwise she's finished in Emmerdale. Kim thanks Zoe for saving her from being thrown out of Home Farm. Linda is not pleased to hear this as she has just been moaning about Kim to Zoe. Linda storms out of work, although later Zoe finds her and they have a chat about their individual grievances with Kim - but Zoe stresses that they must think of what is best for James and that is being with his mother. Roy fails to turn up for work and seems completely dis-interested in anything

Zak unveils a token of his affection a hand-made hammack, which promptly falls apart. However, Lisa sees the love that went into it. The Sugdens settle into Annie's Cottage. Andy causes problems for the Sugdens as he has been fighting at school. Tom makes it clear he has finished with Kelly. A while later, Betty takes pity on a distraught looking Kelly and takes her back to her house. Kelly confides in Betty her broken heart, however they are interrupted by Tom. Meanwhile, Donna moves into The Woolpack with Viv, Terry and Alan, however it doesn't look like it is going to work out.

Linda ruins Biff's romantic plans for a day in bed and turns down his special breakfast. She is in no mood to celebrate as it is three weeks since David's death. Later they make up in The Woolpack however. Andy claims to have an Asthma attack to get a day off school. Jack wonders if they can cope with the extra hassles of another, somewhat troubled, boy. Chris reminds Linda that he has the door key to her and Biff's house.

Kelly is sick of keeping her love secret. Roy is struggling to come to terms with his brother's death. It is a week until the Inquest into Dave's death. Steve suggests to Rachel that she sue Chris for mental cruelty, before he has chance to sue her for adultery. Kim tries to heal some old wounds by making her peace with Kathy saying that she feels David would want them to be friends, however Kathy isn't interested in anything Kim has got to say. Zak plucks up the courage to go and see Lisa and it appears she is pleased to see him - even if it is to help her clean out her pigs. Later Zak asks Lisa to move in with the Dingles but Lisa wants to keep their relationship as it is for the time-being.

It's the day of Dave's inquest and Roy refuses to go. Roy later confides in Butch that Kim insists that James is Dave's son. Both console each other on their messed up families - Butch lamenting the loss of his mother and how Zak only is looking for a replacement in Lisa. Butch concludes once something is gone, then it is best to let it go. Chris ignores Kim's grief as he pushes for power - demanding to know if she is going to accept his offer. She informs him that there has been another offer. Rachel is not happy to hear of Steve helping Kim and warns him against her. Kim tries to heal some old wounds, by making her peace with Kathy again.

Frank is determined to end the rumours surrounding James and arranges for blood tests to be done to sort out parentage once and for all. Chris tells Kim he's got her money. Zak has tidied up the house and has Lisa over for a romantic dinner. She still refuses to move in with him though. The local newspaper has the headline 'Lady Chatterley's Glover' and tells all about Kim and Dave's affair.

It's the morning after Betty caught Kelly and Tom. Vic comes looking for his daughter - who it seems did not go home the night before. It seems Betty sent Kelly home shortly after catching her with Tom. Betty then threw Tom out as she wouldn't let him spend another night under her roof. Vic reacts violently to Betty's news of Tom kissing Kelly and is all ready to lynch the teacher. As news spreads through the village that Kelly is missing, a search party is organised as everyone looks for Kelly. Instead of finding Kelly, the searchers find Andy in the woods - who it transpires is skipping school.

Frank's news shatters Kim's dreams as she had believed James was the last thing she had of Dave. Frank is full of cheer at the news that James is definitely his son. He can see a glorious future a head for James and his grandson Joseph. Kim is still thinking over whether to sell to Chris. Chris tells her that she has nothing left in the village and they'd all be better off without her - including James. Sometime later Chris thrusts a cheque for in Kim's hand and tells her that no one buys her sad act, so get the contracts sorted

Zak and Lisa share a romantic morning in bed while Butch and Marlon are seeing to her pigs. Later Lisa decides the Dingle house needs cleaning and makes Zak help her clean up. Later in The Woolpack, Zak complains that the whole reason for Butch and Marlon working on Lisa's farm was so he and Lisa could have some relaxing time together and not work. Lisa says she has always been a worker and it looks like Zak is going to have to get used to it. Marlon is furious to discover that someone has blocked up the hole he made for Lisa's pigs to escape. Butch denies all knowledge of it.

Neither Donna, Robert or Andy have done their homework. Andy encourages them to bunk off school. Butch and Marlon try and explain to Zak that something weird is going on at Lisa's farm, but he just wants them out of the way. Vic insists that Kelly tells him all about Tom. She is sticking to their story though. Tom presumes that he will be reinstated today at school. Steve advises him not to get his hopes up. Chris pesters Kim to sign his contract and accept his cheque. She just walks off. Vic demands to know if Kelly has slept with Tom

There's trouble at the Dingles when Mandy confronts Lisa. Jan is shocked by Kim's revelations. Terry finds Viv too much to handle.

Zak comes face to face with a love-rival. Terry celebrates an anniversary. Frank and Kim finally come to bitter blows.

Zak wins a precious prize. Kim's disappearance worries Sophie, while Kelly and Tom have an announcement to make.

Lisa lays down the law. Kelly finally forces Tom's hand. Eric makes a stunning confession to Steve.

Tom realises his bridges are burnt. Frank tries to sweet talk a local reporter. Chris puts increasing pressure on Linda.

A new arrival shocks the village. Dee has arrived from the Phillipines. Betty tries to befriend her. Linda has turned down Chris again, so Chris takes out his anger on Biff at work and Chris does what he has wanted to do for ages, and fires Biff. While Frank is faced with disaster as some of his past schemes catch up with him. Frank is convinced that it is Kim out to get him.

Biff realises how much Linda loves him and they share some romantic time together. Zoe's had enough of Frank's lies as one mystery after another seems to be landing in the families laps. Zoe is dispatched to Zurich to clear up the latest mess. Kelly is determined to build her life with Tom. Tom applies for a job in North Wales. Vic goes to visit his daughter to take her back home again, however Kelly issues an ultimatum, urging him to accept the situation or lose her for good.

Eric and Dee struggle to do the right thing as they struggle with each other's different cultures. Marlon and Butch investigate Barry's secret. Linda tells Biff the truth about Chris.

Paddy Kirk arrrives to act as locum vet for Zoe. He overhears Linda and Biff talking about what Chris has put her through these past few months and later unwittingly tells Ned. Ned takes the law into his own hands. Armed with a shotgun Ned heads for Home Farm and takes Chris for a drive in the country, taking him to the quarry. Eventually other members of his family and Frank join him and persuade Ned not to kill Chris. While Chris only just escapes with his life. Eric and Dee take a romantic break - or more accurately a business trip to Whitby. While there, other antique dealers flirt with Dee, which incurs Eric's anger. He defends her honour and the business trip is a failure. The Dingles discover Barry's great dream. He isn't interested in getting back with Lisa, he just needs her pig muck to fuel his rocket. He has dreams of taking it into space. Butch and Marlon discover this after believing he was making alcohol and ended up drinking watered down pig muck.

Dee is invited for a night out with the girls. The Glovers are made a tempting offer. Frank attempts to scare off the press.

Linda is determined to carry on her life as normal and not let Chris's actions stop her working for Zoe and she also tells her mum that she is going to accept Frank's offer of the free rent. Biff is still determined not to go back to Home Farm to work though. The police visit Frank and show him a letter that Kim lodged with her solicitor before her disappearance. In the letter, she says that she is living in fear of Frank after he threatened to kill her and if she does not contact her solicitor on the 25th of every month she has instructed her to show the letter to the police. Frank cannot believe that Kim has stooped so low. Tom has received official confirmation of his job and they want him to start next week. Kelly has gone off the idea. Barry has taken it for granted that Lisa will be his co-pilot for his space mission. She refuses and tells Butch and Marlon.

The police are still searching Home Farm. Frank panics Chris when he says that he wants to start looking into Kim 's livery business as she has to be getting her money from somewhere. Chris offers to investigate. He gets a backhanded compliment from his dad when he tells him that Chris "is the only one who can beat Kim in the deviousness stakes". Kelly wakes up after the previous night to find her clothes strewn around where she left them in a fit of temper. She is worried that Tom may think she is childish, but he admits that he doesn't feel too grown up at the moment. Dee is looking for something in Eric's wallet, but has to put it down when Eric comes into the room. He moans about her not being able to work. They obviously slept together last night. Donna wants to go to the quarry again. Robert is worried that Jack and Sarah might find out.

Police underwater diving team have been searching the water in the quarry and a car is winched out. Frank recognises Kim's car and DI Cooke tells him that there was a woman's body inside. Frank looks sad. Viv assures Vic that Donna is fine after the shock events at the quarry. He is not happy about her being left with Terry. Kelly asks if Tom can help her bring some of her belongings in. Viv tells Vic to hold his tongue because hopefully Tom will be out of their lives soon. Robert had nightmares about the body, but Andy is full of it; he is just pleased to be having a day off school. Jack takes them off to help at the farm. Zoe arrives back from Zurich. Chris tells her about the body and she is shocked. Eric flatters Dee. He assures her that he doesn't care how they met and that he loves her. He formally asks her to marry him, but wants her to love him rather than just have a marriage of convenience and puts a ring on her finger. Tom leaves for his new job in Wales.

Seth finds Frank and Zoe out in the grounds of Home Farm. Frank says that he will never forget identifying Kim "a beautiful woman transformed into a hideous bloated mask". The Glovers all wish Linda a happy birthday. Jan has even baked a cake. Biff buys her a love CD and the Glovers give her their present - a night in the bridal suite of the Grange Park hotel. Linda looks embarrassed. Dee is sad that her family will not be able to attend the wedding, although she knows that they will be pleased by the news. She asks Eric if he is religious. He tells her that he was brought up a Protestant, but is not a regular church goer. Dee is a Roman Catholic and wants to go to a church as soon as possible

The Dingles and Lisa survey the damage to Lisa's farm caused by the rocket explosion. The house has been declared structurally unsound and Lisa is sure that she will not be able to claim on the insurance. Zak tells her that she has always got a home with him. Barry is in hospital with back problems. DI Cooke wants to interview Home Farm staff. Chris is rude to her, but Frank wants to be helpful. She asks about damage to Kim's car. Frank doesn't tell her anything. Biff and Linda seem very close after their night away. Kelly is jealous. Viv warns him not to drive Kelly away. Charlie finds Roy clearing out a stream. She is on a walk with her mum. DI Cooke asks to speak to Roy again. Dee asks Mandy to make a wedding cake for her and Eric. he is being a bit stingy as usual. DI Cooke asks Roy about smashing up Kim's car.

Biff tries his luck at gambling. Mandy is attacked by Burger rivals, while Frank faces his worst nightmare yet.

Ned meets an old flame - Rebecca Cairns. Frank faces the wrath of the courts, while Vic makes a fool of himself with Kathy.

A furious Tony discovers Roy in a compromising position. Eric realises how desperate Dee has become, after Kathy and Betty catch her stealing tea-bags from the Tea Rooms. After reporting to Eric, he discovers she is sending them home and that her family are really poor. While Zoe takes over at Home Farm on a jailed Frank's request. Lisa and Barry are going to be sued for £250,000 for the blowing up of their rented farm. Revenge is sweet in the ongoing burger war. Tom has arrived back from Wales to collect Kelly. Both are now staying in a hotel.

The Tates have to deal with more chaos at Home Farm when 1,000 gas cylinders arrive. This just adds extra pressure to Zoe who is struggling to run two businesses. Rachel suggest that Steve helps her. Rachel's only reservations are what Chris will think. Zoe is past caring. Mandy faces another roadside attack, while Zoe is forced to withhold valuable evidence after Andy sold her a cufflink with the initials FT which he had found at the quarry.

Biff tastes the high life with Steve. Butch and Marlon dish out a violent revenge, while Terry enjoys a secret late night rendezvous.

Eric warns a humiliated Vic about insulting Dee. Steve takes control at Home Farm, while Terry's absence leads to disaster at The Woolpack.

Alan is forced to take action over Terry's negligence. Viv wants to start again for the sake of the children. While the Dingles Burger War takes an explosive new turn.

After firing his staff, Alan is left working alone in the Woolpack. Mandy ceases on the opportunity to ask for a job, but after much consideration and a couple of disasters, Alan lets her take over. Jack believes Andy's version of events regarding the cufflink and tells Zoe he is going to go the police. Terry has been offered lodgings with Seth and Betty, but currently is still living at the Woolpack. Terry and Viv meet at the Wine Bar to discuss their future together. Terry is quiet all evening, and Viv confronts him on whether he is seeing someone else. He finally admits to her that he has been seeing Helen. Viv tells Terry he is "spineless" and storms out of the Wine Bar. Tom arrives back from Aberystwyth, where he had got a job, and informs Kelly that he has been dismissed. It would appear that somebody from Emmerdale had written to the Headmaster telling him about Tom and Kelly's relationship. Kelly is hysterical and they spend the night in a hotel.

The Dingles kidnap a burger rival and they can't even do that properly as they invited their hostage to go and socially drink with then at the Woolpack. Kim's funeral causes more heartache for Frank. Ashley Thomas presided. After the funeral, Frank was taken back into custody, while the police pounced on Zoe to question her about the cuflink Andy sold her. Terry moved in with Seth and Betty and said his goodbyes to Alan. Alan asked Terry if his misadventures of late had been worthwhile. Terry's silence spoke volumes. Tom is moping around, wondering who it is that reported him and cost him his job in Wales. Kelly tells him to grow up and get a job, while Biff and Linda make a shocking discovery. Biff comes to collect Linda from work and they hear crying. They find a baby on the doorstep of the vet's.

It's showtime time, as the Dingles finally meet Mr. Big. The immigration authorities catch up with Dee. Chris doubts Zoe's love for her father, while Frank is heartbroken at his family's betrayal.

The Dingles gain a new house-guest. Kim's will contains some surprises, while Linda hears a tearful confession.

Viv discovers the truth about Terry and Helen. The Cairns face up to some grim news, while the Windsors discover an upsetting letter from Kelly.

The Dingles venture into the transport business. Frank confronts Chris over his betrayal, while Tony attempts to take control of his family.

Frank lays down the law. Chris delivers Rachel a financial bombshell, while Linda helps Emma make a vital decision.

Seth waits to hear what Kim left him in her will. The Dingles school bus service hits disaster, while Becky and Tony are divided over Emma's future.

Linda & Biff start off the morning with an argument; Biff does not think that Linda should be encouraging Emma to spend time at the surgery; Linda resents his interference; Robert & Andy are also arguing; Robert calls Andy a "dork" & tells him that he doesn't want to go to school because he is thick; Sarah breaks it up; the Cairns chalet has an atmosphere; Emma & Tony are not speaking; Becky is caught in the middle; Rachel & Steve are not getting on; she thinks that he is spending too much time at Home Farm & getting involved with the Tates; he hints that he does it to stop himself getting bored; she invites Chris for a meal in front of Steve; Lisa has looked over the Dingle bus & calls it a "death trap"; Albert isn't worried; it isn't even insured; Marlon is dressed in a bright orange jacket to drive;

Paddy continues his quest for Mandy's heart. Zoe learns just how brutal prison life is when Frank is attacked, tensions begin to grow in the Sugden household between Robert and Andy, while the Cairns discover Emma has gone missing after her father threatens to move out if she brings baby Geri home.

the Cairns argue about Emma going missing; Becky blames Tony for his behaviour towards Emma; Sister Kelly is going to phone the police; Emma turns up on the Glovers doorstep with baby Geri; she is rather emotional; Jan persuades her to let them call her parents; Tony & Becky have arrived home; Charlie accuses them of being bad parents; Jan rings Tony & lets him know where Emma is; Steve is advising Paddy to forget Mandy, but he is smitten; the Cairns are at the Glovers; Emma is feeding Geri; Becky tells Emma that she & her dad will support her now but she has to prove to everyone that she is responsible enough to look after the baby; Sophie is trying to sneak out of the Dingles when Mandy arrives home; she wakes the whole household & Zak & Marlon come downstairs to see the embarrassed nanny;

Linda is obsessed with babygros. Rachel lashes out at the Tates, Sarah tries to smooth things over with Viv in the aftermath of Andy's behaviour, while Mandy finds true love.

Linda nags at Biff to talk to Steve about his job today; he resents her interference; Jack is worried about money & it doesn't help when Robert asks about getting a new playstation; he is not speaking to Andy now; Sarah is stuck in the middle of it all; Viv is talking about the Sugdens; she doesn't think that they are suitable for fostering; Vic is pleased to get a postcard from Kelly telling them that she is okay; he reads that the postmark says Stockport & decides to go & find her; the Cairns are preparing to go to the case conference to discuss Geri's future; Emma is nervous; Zoe is annoyed with Paddy for not letting her know about something; Alan is pleased to hear from Betty that the wine bar is in chaos; she rebukes Alan for letting Terry go; Mandy arrives early for her training; Linda teases Paddy about going out with Mandy Dingle; the smile is wiped off her face when he tells her that Biff was having a drink with Kathy in the wine bar last night;

Betty is appalled at Zoe's treatment of Paddy & she tells her so, much to Paddy's embarrassment; Mandy has stormed round to Betty's to see where Paddy is; he stood her up last night; Terry doesn't reassure her; Robert is leaving for his school football tour in Europe; Andy looks sadly on; Rachel nervously arrives for work; Steve is going through the customer accounts; Rachel offers to do that & lies when Steve says that he cannot see the Melarny account; Rachel is relieved when Dee arrives & Steve leaves; Tony is taking care of Geri; he is quite enjoying giving orders; Dee has asked Rachel to be her witness at the wedding; Rachel agrees; she looks scared as a fax comes through; Biff starts back at Home Farm; he has to endure Chris making comments about Linda; Steve doesn't know about his harassment of Linda & offers Biff the old cottage back; Biff declines;

Jack & Ned are working at the farm; it is still little more than a shell; Ned can't believe that Jack will be able to sell it; Jack really wants to buy Melby's farm which has direct access to Emmerdale land; Vic has been out to buy Viv some red roses & a bottle of champagne; they obviously spent the night together & he thinks that this is the start of something; she does not look as happy; Linda reminds Biff that Betty is cooking them a special meal tonight; he doesn't want to go; Tony has drawn up a feeding time chart for Emma; a bit of army discipline won't hurt; he is going out for the morning with Charlie; Steve tells Biff that he wants him to be his assistant from now on; he offers a generous pay increase & can't believe how calm Biff is about the offer; he doesn't ask any questions; Steve tells him to be a bit pushier & the ideal opportunity arises when Chris tells him to go & clean out some drains on the estate; Biff tells him that he no longer does jobs like that;

Chris turns to Zoe for help. Andy's violent temper gets him in more trouble, while Dee learns some uncomfortable facts about Eric.

Biff confronts his mother. The Dingles prepare for a surprise visit, while Eric enjoys the happiest day of his life.

Alan is discovered after a night of agony. Jack takes the biggest chance of his life, while Steve turns his attentions to Zoe.

Sarah is still wrestling with the behavioural problems of their troublesome foster son Andy. Following last night's misunderstanding Steve tries to smooth things over with Zoe. Biff finally gives in to pressure from Kathy and goes to the hospice to meet Ron.

Lisa tells Zak that he will have to look after himself now that Mandy has gone, she is not prepared to take over the cooking. Zak is relying on Butch and Marlon, but unfortunately Butch has burnt a hole in the frying pan. Mandy has cooked a great breakfast for Alan and Terry, she has stayed the night at The Woolpack and Alan tells her that she is welcome any time, Betty is shocked to see her there though. Frank explains to Chris and Zoe that the DPP has decided that the police do not have a case against him, so he has been released, he is determined to sort out his business now and get things back to how they were before his arrest, he tells Chris to work with Biff and prepare a report about the various departments. Chris smugly tells Frank that Steve deals with those sort of things now, but Frank has other business with Steve.

Biff is taking his anger and frustration out on a scarecrow in the Glovers field. Linda doesn't realise what is really wrong and thinks that he is just upset about his father's death. Frank has given him time off and Linda has got the day off as well. Biff tells her that they need to talk. Viv denies talking to Terry in front of Donna. Frank is cracking the whip with his workers (Roy and Seth), the Dingles are fed up of Albert's cooking - he can only make one meal. Lisa is making her own. Mandy is enjoying living at The Woolpack, she makes a remark to Betty about Alan and the Karma Sutra. Betty enjoys speculating about how Frank got out of prison, she is convinced that he bribed DI Cooke. Zoe tells Frank that she has no intention of going to Zurich, she wants him give up fighting and sell the business, he is determined to build everything up again for James's future and also find out who was trying to ruin him.

Albert flirts with Lisa, she warns him that Zak wouldn't like it, he offers to make her breakfast, but she pretends that she is on a diet (she just wants to avoid Albert's cooking), even Butch and Marlon have eaten elsewhere. Linda has been sick this morning, which only confirms that she is pregnant. Mandy asks Alan if he is planning to do anything for Terry's leaving do, she reminds Alan that it would be a good opportunity to have a party whilst her family are barred from the pub. Butch and Marlon call at Des's scrapyard, they want a wheel for the bus, when he doesn't have one, they borrow a jack instead. Albert is trying to propose a deal to Kathy in which the Dingle bus will ferry people from the holiday village to the wine bar so that they can drink more. Kathy tells him that he will have to speak to Eric when he comes back from his honeymoon.

It's the funeral of Biff's dad, Ron Hudson, and Linda finds herself facing his mum. Frank invites a crowded Woolpack to celebrate his freedom at a party at Home Farm - but very few people show up and even Kathy shocks Frank with her opinion on Kim's death. One guest who Frank hadn't expected is his angry daughter-in-law Rachel.

Rachel greets Chris first thing in the morning, he had hoped that she might have left. Frank hears them trading insults and summons them to a meeting that afternoon, he then goes to find that the tyres have been slashed on his car and the word 'Murderer' written on the windscreen. Linda thinks that Biff should have more time off work, he wants to go in though and is rude to Ned. Linda tells him to stop being so selfish. Terry has got a hangover, he is embarrassed that he has now had two leaving do's and is still in Emmerdale. Alan is about to put a proposition to him when Betty walks in, she is surprised to see Terry and embarrasses him further by giving him his leaving present - a silver tankard, she is fed up to hear that she wasted her time with the present, the Dingles are still ignoring Mandy she gets the better of them though and they have to think of a new plan. Butch comes downstairs, he has dressed up to impress Sophie, he is wearing a cravat and pocket handkerchief.

Rachel calls at Home Farm early in the morning to apologise to Frank for her behaviour over the last few days, he doesn't blame her as he knows what Chris is like, he admits that he still feels responsible for Chris. The Cairns are worrying about paying for building work on Woodside Farm. Emma is upset because she thinks that social services are going to take Geri away from them because they do not have a suitable home. Rachel tells Frank that she was proud of him last night, he reaffirms his feelings for Kim. The Dingles are finding it hard doing without beer; they have a bet with each other £10 that they can stop drinking. Betty is pleased to see Alan and Terry back together. Terry tells Alan that he wants to start theme nights to increase the takings, he wants to re-form the Woolpackers. Biff calls in at the tearooms and asks Kathy if she is free at lunchtime and Kathy notices a woman behaving strangely in the tearooms.

The normally saintly Kathy is at the end of her tether at the possibility of losing Alice when a mysterious woman turns up at Alice's school and introduces herself as Karen Johnson, Nick's finacée. Linda is unaware of her husband's true state of mind as Biff begins to climb along the edge of the viaduct before he is talked down by young Andy. When trying to ask Sophie out on a date, Butch overhears Paddy telling Dingle jokes to Roy and Seth while they play cards. Paddy and Mandy head to the Dingle homestead and go up to Mandy's bedroom, unaware of Zak's homemade booze under the bed. Butch and Marlon arrive home, just as Paddy and Mandy have unwittingly caused the corks on the bottles of alcohol to pop, covering them both in the liquor. They confront Paddy and tell Mandy about the cruel jokes and he is thrown out. The Sugdens move out of Annie's Cottage and into Melby Farm. Emma's bullying continues when Lyn hits her and Dean comes to her rescue.

After last night's performance by the re-formed Woolpackers, Betty is less than impressed with the state of the pub. Biff tells Linda how worried he is about his upcoming tests. Kathy has got herself all worked up at the thought of losing Alice to Nick's new fiancee but Eric is skeptical. After having to watch newcomer Charlie getting to grips with strapping Steve last night, jealous Rachel has some strong words for her. At Home Farm, Zoe has returned to make the heart-breaking discovery that Frank has collapsed. She finds Frank lying on the floor and kneels down by his side. Frank manages to utter Kim's name before passing away.

The news of Frank's death is the talk of the village as poor Zoe finds herself confiding in Betty. Zak admits he's sorry things didn't work out between Tina and Frank. Spiteful Viv is angry to hear that wayward Andy is allowed back to school today. It's also Emma's first day back at school after giving birth and she's not looking forward to it. Kathy reveals to Rachel her fears for Alice, and Mandy and new friend Charlie have a day out shopping but it's posh Charlie who ends up causing serious trouble for Mandy.

It's the day of Frank's funeral - a time for Jack to celebrate. Chris does not intend attending his father's funeral and sit with a bunch of people who are glad that he's dead. Betty is not impressed with the turn-out considering David's send off. Meanwhile, at Home Farm, a deeply depressed Chris contemplates a row of pills, his hated stepmother Kim walks in and tells Chris that he was always second best when Frank was around.

Frank's mourners cluster around the outside of a locked Home Farm wondering what's up. Inside, Zoe is stunned to find Kim alive. Zoe also has to contend with her brother's planned suicide and pleads with him not to do it. Chris tells her that he plans on sticking around for a while to make sure Kim doesn't get a single penny.

Kim is well and truly back and Sophie is hurt that Zoe excluded her. In the Stables, Biff comes face to face with the recently deceased Mrs Tate and warns her to watch herself. At the Tea Rooms, Betty is still offended at the fiasco after Frank's funeral telling Kathy about the farm being locked. Biff tells Linda he's made his mind up about his medical condition.

Becky has some bad news for Sarah. Sarah is fuming and heads off for a confrontation with Viv. At Home Farm, DI Cooke points out the current police position to the Tates. Sophie is unhappy at Zoe's recent behaviour. Kathy gently tries to explain to little Alice what could happen at Nick's trial. Teen-mum Emma finds herself in a frightening situation with new friend Dean.

Biff is gloomy about Nick's trial prospects but for once Jan is optimistic. Spiteful Viv, ups the stakes in her vendetta against Andy by going to see the Head. It's the day of the reading of Frank's will and Chris is feeling confident. However, Kim as always is full of surprises as she reveals to Zoe, but Zoe is more interested in Sophie.

The row between the Sugdens and the Windsors escalates as Jack has to escort Andy and Robert past a school picket line. After the surprises in Frank's will, Chris is outraged because Kim thinks she has all the control. Jan is surprised to be welcomed at Home Farm by Kim and absolutely delighted at her assurance. Later at Home Farm, Chris is still ranting at Kim letting her know that he is not going to sit back and watch her take everything away from him. There's trouble brewing for the Cairns after Tony has a visit from Dean's father.

With Kim now in charge of Home Farm, Chris is determined to have his revenge by informing the police. Kim, however, makes threats of her own stopping Chris in his tracks. It looks as if Tony's encounter with Dean could have serious repercussions. Chris hopes to get new shareholder Steve on his side, but Steve is scathing about Chris's judgement. Zoe is angry at Chris' suggestions about Kim and demands an explanation. Kathy and Biff are drawn closer together as she sadly confides that she would be secretly pleased to see Nick go to prison so she can keep Alice.

Biff is shocked when brother-in-law Roy rounds on him saying he saw him all over Kathy. Tony is determined he will not give into blackmail and explains to Becky why he won't tell everything to the police. Unfortunately Becky pays a secret visit to farmer Adlington to try and settle the matter. Viv continues her crusade against Andy as she confronts Sarah again. All is not happy between Sophie and Zoe as Sophie points out. Panicked to find that Roy saw him kiss Kathy, Biff tries to apologise but he's surprised at Kathy's response. Butch is shocked when he sees Zoe and Sophie kiss. Terry intervenes when he sees Robert and Andy fight and takes the two home.

Sophie is alarmed when a lovelorn Butch tries to talk to her. Becky is worried when Ken demands more money. The trials of bringing up a foster child are putting a strain on the Sugdens marriage as Jack clashes angrily with Sarah. Kim has some controversial ambitions for Tate Holdings and for once Zoe is in agreement with her brother. It seems you can combine business and pleasure as Kim turns on the charm for new board member Steve.

After their first night of passion, Steve is surprised when Kim tells him to say nothing. Chris is determined to find out what plans Kim has for Home Farm but Steve isn't saying. Kathy is angry to find Eric trying to pull a fast one on her. Jan is apprehensive when Kim asks her to call at Home Farm but Kim has a proposition for her. Jan's not the only Glover to receive an offer from Kim as Roy tells his sister and Sophie decides to be absolutely blunt with Butch.

Biff doesn't think Jan should consider working at Home Farm but Jan has decided it is in her best interests. Lady of the manor Kim pays a visit to the Dingles with a warning that if they don't clean up their land she will evict them. Later, Kim has some mixed advice for Zoe, telling her that getting involved with someone who works for the family can have a high price. Andy is now being taught at home but he's still behaving very badly and Sarah thinks she might know why.

The Windsors are pleased that Kelly has come home but shocked when she explains what happened. There's an extra bed needed at The Woolpack as Mandy arrives with news that all the men have the mumps and she is moving in. Kim takes new lover Steve for a riding lesson and explains her situation. Becky confides to Jan her worries about Tony's assault charge and while Biff is away getting his test results, Roy breaks some news to Linda about Biff and Kathy.

Ned is furious that Jan kept so much secret from him. Butch's obsession for Sophie has angered the normally even-tempered Zoe. A face from the past turns up to cast a shadow over the Cairns family, leading Tony to demand an explanation. However, his mysterious visitor has an ominous warning which has Becky worried. Zoe explains to Sophie some of the difficulties they face, but they are both in for a devastating shock when they return to Zoe's after an evening out.

Butch's latest act is too much for Zoe who wastes no time in calling the police. Zak is disappointed when he realises what Butch has been up to. Jan has begun her new job as house-keeper at Home Farm and Kim wastes no time letting her know who's boss. At the Sugden's, Andy receives a visit from his Social Worker, Carmel, who has some news about his dad. Zoe decides to tackle Zak about Butch and his behaviour. At Home Farm, flirtatious Kelly uses all her charms on odious Chris.

Chris has found out about Kim's affair with Steve and can't resist having a go at his wicked Step-Mum. Butch's latest exploits are well out of line and Zak tries to get through to his son. Kelly begins her first day as a chalet maid at the Holiday Village to find she's going to have to work with a familiar face Lyn, who's not at all happy to see Kelly. The Sugdens have taken Andy to meet his real father who desperately wants to be friends. It looks like all Zak's words have been to no avail as Sophie discovers Zoe's car has been broken into.

Jan is not pleased to have walked in on Kim and Steve as she tells her husband Ned. Meanwhile, Kim has a surprising offer for hated step-son Chris. Chris's first task is to demote Biff. At the holiday village the rivalry between teen-temptress Kelly and Lyn hots up as Kelly delivers a few home truths. With the return of Andy's real father, the Sugdens have some difficult decisions to make as Sarah explain how attached she has become to Andy. Zoe loses her cool at Butch's latest action over Sophie and gives Zak a stern warning, but it's to no avail as Butch has let himself into Zoe's house while Sophie is alone.

While Zoe finds she's been sent a hoax call out and realises the awful truth, her girlfriend Sophie is trapped, alone and terrified with raging Butch. Sophie is petrified but she's angry too. At Oakwell Hall, Kim is casting her expert eye over a desirable stallion. Chris gives feuding chalet-maids Lyn and Kelly an ear-bashing.

Despite all the advice to the contrary Biff is determined to take part in a bare-knuckle fight. Zak thinks it might not be too bad. Meanwhile, pregnant Linda returns from Hotten and collapses, Jan rushes her to hospital and sets about getting hold of Biff unaware that he is at a secret fist fight. Later, at the hospital Roy is anxious for news.

Linda has lost her baby and blames her past but the doctor is optimistic. Back at home Linda turns on her husband. Rachel finds herself with some explaining to do to Sarah after Andy's dad turns up and insists on taking him out. Chris is amused to watch Kim's behaviour with Lord Alex. Biff's latest argument with Linda has been the last straw and he's walked out and straight round to Kathy with a request.

Andy has stayed out with his Billy all night and Jack and Sarah are now very worried, guilty Rachel tries to be optimistic. Kim has accepted an invitation to Lord Oakwell's without telling Steve, which gives Chris the pleasure. It's Charlie Cairns 18th birthday and Mandy has arranged a surprise party and to Charlie's delight the return of her ex-boyfriend Greg. Of course Mandy feels one good turn deserves another as she tells Charlie. Charlie's delight later turns to horror as she comes downstairs at the cottage to hear Greg demanding answers from Emma.

Charlie can't believe what she's heard, Greg is panic-stricken. Seth finds Emma alone and devastated. She tells him that Charlie knows and might tell her dad. Zak launches the Dingle's Medieval Theme Park with a speech. Angry that Greg has tried to blame Emma for his seduction, Charlie tries to find out the truth but she's amazed at Emma's revelation.

Steve uses Charlie as a shoulder to cry on about his woman trouble. Charlie grasps her chance and invites herself back to his home. Little does Steve realise that his real troubles are just about to start. Zoe, Sophie and Rachel are having a girls night out. But the party spirit leads to a few drinks too many and as emotions rise, Sophie declares her undying love for Zoe.

Charlie and Steve start feel the backlash after Kim's unexpected entry the previous night. Steve attempts to say sorry, but will his efforts to regain Kim's affections work? Village gossip puts a strain on Zoe and Sophie's relationship and their work. But last night's emotional outburst said in the heat of the moment or could it be true love? Getting permission for the open prison becomes public knowledge and Alan leads the protests against Kim, who is behind the idea.

Charlie confronts Greg and lets him know he isn't going to get away lightly with messing about with her little sister Emma. Jan refuses to let Sophie's comments about Zoe be forgotten and wonders if Sophie is fit to be the nanny of her baby grandchild James. Chris is pressured to defend the plans for an open prison when he's confronted by angry villagers. But little does Chris know that it's all the work of scheming Kim, who has a surprise announcement to make.

Chris is deeply suspicious of Kim's motives for giving up so quickly on the open prison development. Sophie's mother is sick of the gossip surrounding her daughter's relationship with Zoe. So she confronts the pair to ask them for the truth. Zoe tries to calm the situation and says they are just friends. But Sophie refuses to hid her feelings and confesses they are a couple and deeply in love. Meanwhile, Charlie finds the pressure of knowing that Greg is the father of Emma's baby unbearable.

Kim decides to make the villagers pay for opposing her plans to sell off the holiday village for an open prison and outrage quickly spreads when they discover she plans to hit them all where it hurts - in the pocket. Angry Charlie says her sister Emma has driven her away from home. Armed with a rucksack she tells Mandy she's off and promises to send a postcard. Kim in a rare sympathetic mood, gives comfort and support to Sophie over the strain of her relationship. She tells her to have as much time off as she needs. Also, Jan very narrowly avoids getting the sack from Kim when she homophobically insults Sophie.

Rachel receives the tragic news that Kate has died as a result of a brain hemorrhage. Jack consoles Rachel and says he will always be there for her and not just as a father figure. Rachel pours out her feelings and they kiss with an unbridled passion. Lord Alex introduces his upper-class fiance Tara at a small gathering at Home Farm. Steve takes immediate interest much to Kim's annoyance.

Rachel and Jack struggle with guilt following their passionate embrace. Sarah insists the pair stay overnight in Sheffield following Kate's funeral and unwittingly urges Jack to take good care of Rachel. Kim hopes everything will be perfect for an explosive lunch with lover Steve, potential partner Lord Alex, who she's taken a shine to and his fiance Tara. Chris stumbles across Will, Kelly, Roy and Lyn having a party in one of the holiday chalets and spares no detail in a call to Vic. Vic alerts Tony and the 'fathers-in-arms' arrive at the holiday village just as temperatures begin to rise.

The board of Tate Holdings meets to decide whether to invest in the Oakwell Stud Farm. For once Kim's best laid plans appear to meet with strong opposition. Chris lays down the law to Kelly, Lyn and Roy over their antics in the holiday chalet. He says their jobs are on the line. Kelly discusses her career with Chris as the others leave. Chris tells her he needs assurances but not necessarily work ones. Jack phones his wife Sarah to let her know how the funeral went. As he hangs-up there's a knock at his bedroom door. Does Rachel need Jack's shoulder to cry on or has she got other ideas?

Neither Jack nor Rachel have any regrets about their affair and Jack wants to stay longer in Sheffield. Kelly and Lyn are cleaning a chalet and find a wallet containing £20 tucked beneath a mattress. One of the girls cashes in and earns herself a promotion - but which one? Teenage mother Emma takes Alice to the playground with her baby daughter Geri. But while she is distracted by some of her school pals, Alice and the baby go missing. The whole village rallies round. When Zak and Kathy go looking, they hear crying and discover Geri in a shed. Kathy starts worrying about Alice, who is asleep in a red car driven by Karen Johnson.

Rachel and Jack travel home from Sheffield after their night of illicit passion. Jack's consumed with guilt and insists on stopping at a service station to call his wife Sarah. During the conversation he learns of Alice Bates' abduction and by a quirk of fate spots the youngster being led from the services by a woman. Jack hangs up, races outside and literally risks his life to stop them getting away. Kelly starts her first day as personal assistant to Chris but quickly realises it will not be an easy job when she's confronted by Kim. Sarah, unaware of her husband's affair, has fixed a holiday in Spain with the children, visiting their grandmother.

Jack is deeply unhappy that his wife Sarah and their children are off to Spain. And to add to his problems, Rachel, his lover, believes Jack's engineered the whole thing to get Sarah out of the way. She tells him she is not impressed. The Cairns family prepare for another case conference with social workers about their schoolgirl daughter Emma's baby. But Emma shocks them all when she announces she doesn't want to keep the child anymore. Kim and Lord Alex Oakwell meet to discuss the future of the stud farm. He's intensely attracted by her ruthless business style, and the flame is lit for a night of unbridled passion.

Kim has carved another notch on her bedpost, but her latest lover, Lord Alex is overcome with guilt for cheating on his bride-to-be Tara. Later, when Kim arrives at the stud farm, dressed to kill, he's frightened she's come to tell Tara what happened. But it's Kim who is left shocked when she is presented with an invite to the wedding. Tony is deeply distressed that he might lose his baby granddaughter Geri and while Rachel and Jack struggle to keep their emotions under wraps, he finds it impossible to hid his true feelings.

Lord Alex's wedding to Tara is looming and Kim's attentiveness, following their one-night stand, is getting him down. He's still worried she might spill the beans and when Kim and Tara decide to go riding, he tries to follow, but is left behind. Tara explains his Lordship is not the horseman his forefathers were, as the two women gallop away. But danger lurks and the wedding plans are thrown into chaos when Tara is taken to hospital in an ambulance after a bad fall. Kathy gives Eric the third degree after a drunken customer from the Wine Bar staggers into her private rooms looking for the toilet. Eric says if she feels unsafe, she should move. Zoe tells Linda that it was her mother Jan who caused the rift with Sophie, by writing a poison pen letter to Sophie's mother telling her they were lovers.

Jack apologises to Rachel for behaving like a love-sick schoolboy but insists they discuss their relationship soon. Rachel is fighting her emotions for the sake of Jack's family and in particular his wife Sarah, who is one of her best friends. She tells him they must keep their distance. Jack continues to make his feelings obvious, finally making Ned suspicious when he keeps staring at her in the Woolpack. Kathy is shocked to find Eric has won a drinks extension for the Wine Bar without consulting her. Her rooms are upstairs and it will mean more disruption to her life. She tell him she's moving out. Mandy tests out new very hot food to compete with Eric, sending Alan and Terry racing for water after she sets their throats on fire. Albert encourages Marlon to work with the family, but Marlon goes job-hunting instead. He tries to blag for a high-paying job, but is sent to be a trainee chef for Eric.

Wedding bells chime for Lord Alex and Tara while Kim is left in no doubt that her one-night stand with his Lordship was strictly that. Lord Alex takes Kim aside and says while he'll always think fondly of her, their affair is definitely finished. Kim rarely fails to get her own way and is left smarting still more when Tara thanks her for saving her life, and admits the wedding would not have been possible without her. For once it is Emmerdale's arch-schemer who has reaped her won reward but her longer-standing lover Steve casts her mind into even greater turmoil by asking her to marry him. A gang of bikers ride into the village and among them is Colin Batty once held hostage by the Dingles during Emmerdale's 'Hot Dog Wars'. Since then he's been mates with Zak and Albert and is stood chatting to them when out of the blue, one of the bikers lands a punch plum on his chin.

Lisa is dressed to kill and has pampered herself with a makeover - all to impress a certain man in her life. But when she makes her big entrance, Zak has lost the plot and thinks it's all for someone else. Ned innocently invites Jack and Rachel to dinner. Rachel is not keen but agrees to go so as not to offend Ned and his family. But Jack has his own plans for desert and persuades Rachel to come back to his house for a chat. Kim and Steve are on tenterhooks over his marriage proposal. When she finally agrees, she insists he must promise to stay out of her business dealings. But as the couple chat, Steve unwittingly insults Lord Alex - little knowing Kim's secret affair with him. A row blows-up, Kim storms off to her car, and as Steve tries to stop her he's left injured and unconscious in the road.

Village gossip Betty witnessed the accident and can't believe Kim drove away without stopping. But Kim was oblivious to the accident and only finds out what's happened when she's told by her nanny Sophie. Before she can get to the hospital the police arrive. Meanwhile, as Steve regains consciousness there are some questions the police would like to ask him too. But he refuses to press charges against Kim and tells them he had been drinking. Then in a final show of love, he tells Kim she can have his share in Home Farm in return for marrying him. Jack convinces Rachel he's not just using her and really does love her. With Jack's wife Sarah out of the way in Spain, the couple inevitably spend the night together. Mandy is mad with Zak for ignoring Lisa and while Zak is slow to realise Lisa really fancies him, his brother Albert is making his own advances.

Terry is consumed with jealousy as Alan sets off with beautiful biker Jo. Zak and Albert vie with one another for Lisa's attentions. Albert has had their names printed on his van while Zak has worked furiously in his garden to produce a flower bed that spells out Lisa's name. One of them is going to win her hand in marriage and Lisa has made up her mind - so who will be disappointed? Jack and Rachel continue their affair, but Ned realises their secret when he arrives at the farm and discovers a trail of discarded clothes.

Poor Zak appears to be a loser in love. His wife left him and just when it looked like he'd found another ideal mate - she's decided to marry his brother Albert instead. Zak barely resembles the proud prize-fighter he once was, as he knocks-out the letter 'S' from a special flower bed spelling out 'Lisa' - his true love's name. Butch is puzzled, but realises, with a little explanation, that the new version nearly says Liar. Dee is intrigued when the postman delivers a herbal remedy to her husband Eric. She seeks advice from village gossip Betty and decides to throw it away. Ned now knows about Jack and Rachel's affair and gives her a piece of his mind. Linda hands out invitations for her dad's 50th. She forgets a card for Rachel but innocently adds her name onto Jack and Sarah's invite.

The feud between the Dingle brothers heightens when Zak and Butch discover Albert on the wrong side of a partition fence they've erected. Lovelorn Zak forces Albert back to the other side. But when Albert offers to cancel his wedding Zak says he must not because it would break Lisa's heart. Rachel and Jack face the wrath of Ned, who's discovered their affair. Ned tries to talk sense into Jack but he's having none of it and when he tries to confront them together, Rachel storms off. Later Rachel reluctantly suggests they end the affair. Linda's come up with a great idea for her dad's 50th. She'll get together some of her mates and mimic the Spice Girls. At their first rehearsal though Zoe, Linda, Sophie and Kathy are let down by Kelly leaving the way open for Old Spice Betty to stand in.

Sarah returns from Spain and ironically gives Rachel a friendship ring for looking after her husband. Jack has already told Ned that the affair is over and Rachel has decided she must quit her job at the farm. Later at Ned's birthday bash Rachel tells Jack she' confused about their relationship. Ned tells the pair of them unless they really have ended their affair he's telling Sarah. Albert is desperate to call off his wedding but Marlon refuses to help him. Meanwhile, Kim breaks the news of her impending nuptial to Chris, to test his reaction. The stage is set for Ned's bash but there's no place for Old Spice Betty as Kelly arrives to take her place.

The big day is fast approaching for Albert and Lisa but both appear to be having second thoughts. And as the stage is set for a real Dingle-wrangle, Albert collars Marlon to be his best man - then begs him to make an objection during the ceremony. Meanwhile, Lisa confides to Betty that she only agreed to marry Albert when Zak failed to put up a fight for her. She fears she's lost the man she really loves. Kelly is more than impressed with her new boyfriend Will when he fixes the Home Farm computer to put an extra £200 on her salary. Zoe is concerned that Steve really does intend to marry her stepmother Kim and tries to talk him out of the relationship. The pressure is mounting for Jack. His mate Ned continues to nag him about ending his affair. While his lover Rachel warns that his mood swings will give the game away to his wife Sarah.

Albert is a desperate man. It's his wedding day and he seems like he'll do anything not to go through with the ceremony. He's even prepared to shop himself to the law as the man responsible for a series of local burglaries. Village gossip Betty tells Zak he's got to go to the church and stop the wedding otherwise he and Lisa may regret it for the rest of their lives. Meanwhile, Butch is so upset at what's happening he's decided to leave home. The wedding ceremony rapidly descends into chaos as Barry interrupts the wedding, but he is dragged outside. Betty and Zak arrive immediately after Zak professes his love for Lisa. Reverend Ashley decides to bless the relationship outside, due to a funeral taking place at 4pm and also with a charge. Just as Ashley begins to conduct the blessing, the police arrive and Albert is forced to hide underneath Lisa's wedding dress.

Zak is triumphant as he serves breakfast in bed to his new bride Lisa and the incredible goings on at the wedding become just a distant memory as the happy couple start their honeymoon, with not a care in the world. Lord Alex and Kim spot a horse at the auctions they want to buy for their stud. The price is £80,000, but Lord Alex admits he's skint. Kim reluctantly pays for the thoroughbred from the Home Farm Business account and warns her new business partner he'll have to cough-up soon. Kelly blows her ill-gotten gains on a party, but wishes she hadn't bothered, when Will chats up a dishy looking stranger. The gatecrasher suggests she and Will slip outside to a secluded place she knows, where they can be alone. She takes him to a deserted barn, with Will the worse for wear with drink, But he's got more than a hangover to worry about when he wakes up the following morning.

Rachel hardly knows which way to turn when Sarah pours out her heart following a heated row with Jack and to make matters worse Sarah asks her if she's any idea what's making Jack so irritable. Kathy agrees to take up Eric's offer of a house/flat swap which will cost her £25,000. Meanwhile, the demands of a young wife are preying heavily on Eric's mind. Jo arrives at The Woolpack on her motorbike to whisk landlord Alan away for a camping break and there's only one tent. Tony, Becky and Emma return home from their holidays to a scene of devastation after Will's impromptu party. But their wayward son is nowhere to be seen. Roy tells Tony about the party, and that Will left with a young woman. Unknown to the family, Will is being forcibly held - but his captor, for now at least, will not tell him why.

Even Emmerdale's arch schemer Eric is lost for words when his wife Dee tells him he's been taken for a ride by Marlon. The pills he thought would help his libido are, according to vet Zoe, in a container used for pig steroids! Kim is furious with Alex when he admits that he's broke. She's covered his half of the horse deal with Home Farm tax account money and needs it back in the account within two days. Her worst fears are realised when Chris learns of the missing money and demands answers. Lovebirds Jo and Alan pack away their tent after a camping trip they'll both remember and she admits she's more than a little smitten with him. Tony and Becky are increasingly worried about their missing son. Fiona, who's holding Will captive tells him it is his father she intends to make suffer.

Eric is more used to pulling stunts than having them done to him but Marlon's taken him hook, line and sinker with the pills he's been selling him. Eric thought they were pep pills to help his libido, but Marlon finally owns up, when he's confronted, that the pills were firstly vitamins and latterly laxatives. Chris rarely misses his cue when give the opportunity to challenge Kim's authority and after discovering the missing tax account money he wastes no time calling a directors meeting. Kim admits she's 'borrowed' the money, but Chris isn't letting her off that easily. He wants to call a board meeting to seek her resignation if she doesn't replace the money immediately. Rachel talks to Kathy about always failing for the wrong man and admits she's talking about Jack. Fiona finally starts to reveal her hand and seeks a meeting with Tony. But as the chase to find Will intensifies, will the Cairns get to their son in time?

Chris is loving every minute since he discovered Kim had taken money from the Home Farm account and he turns the screws even further when he reveals that with one phone call he could have her sent to jail for misappropriation of company funds. Then in true Tate style he informs her he wants a cool £350,000 to buy his silence. Becky wonders if Will's disappearance has anything to do with her husband's former army-work. Will's captor, Fiona, has now made contact and says she is working alone and is not seeking money. Rachel comes across a very distraught Sarah who's had another bust-up with Jack. Later Rachel gives Jack the third degree for allowing Sarah to get into such a state.

Kim is beside herself with anger when Lord Alex presents baby James with a thoroughbred pony for his birthday. Alex still owes Kim £40,000 for his half of a business deal and she's in deep trouble with the directors of Home Farm for using tax account money to cover the shortfall. But Alex stops her mid-sentence by producing a cheque for the outstanding money. Fiona is playing cat and mouse with Tony and reveals to Will the dark secret that has driven her to seek revenge against his family. Vic tells Viv he's got important business and will be away for a day or two. Secretly he's on his way to a beer festival in Amsterdam. But his excitement soon cools when he realises his coach reservation is next to Terry - the man who had an affair with his wife.

Chris is having the time of his life and refuses to let his step mother Kim off the hook. She has taken money from Home Farm without permission, and Chris reminds her she's got exactly one day to repay it in full. Kim is rarely embarrassed by her business dealings, but her association with Lord Alex appears to have been a real mistake. The cheque he gave her to cover the outstanding money on the horse deal has bounced so she decides to remove her livestock from the stud farm. Lady Tara is furious with her new husband and reminds him she is the one with money. On this occasion, she says, she'll settle the outstanding money with Kim. Gossip Betty's tongue is set wagging when she arrives to clean The Woolpack and discovers doe-eyed Alan settling down to breakfast with Jo and they spare nothing to Betty's imagination by admitting they spent the night together. Roy and Seth spot Fiona struggling to close a gate and recognise her as the woman Will left the party with.

Fiona is determined to make Tony pay the price for the death of her father during an army exercise in Guatemala. She's kidnapped his son Will and in a final twist dumps him in a grain silo which is being regularly filled. After a mocking goodbye kiss she calls Tony and challenges him to find his son - adding he'll survive about three days without food and water. Both Tony and Becky are beside themselves with worry - but will his SAS training help him solve Fiona's cryptic clues and win a desperate race against time? Kim brandishes Tara's cheque at Chris - which will replace the money she used from the Home Farm tax account. But Chris reminds her of the £350,000 hush money he wants to stop him informing the Fraud Squad and there's a tinge of sadness as Alan realises he might lose the latest love in his life, Jo. She is trying to sell her flat to finance a dream trip to America which will mean leaving her landlord lover.

Fiona could have killed Will and now she's climbing into bed with him - none of which meets with the approval of his parents. But they're determined to keep the whole kidnap saga under wraps which is why Fiona has ended up at the Cairns' home after Will's dramatic rescue from the grain silo. Tony explains to Fiona how her father Tommy was killed, and says he didn't stop to pick him up because he feared for his own life. Rachel's affair has got everyone hot under the collar and she decides to cool things with Jack by taking Ned's advice to quit her job at the farm. Alan admits to Jo that he's in love with her. It will break his heart to see her leave. Jo says she feels the same and why doesn't he join her?

Lesbian nanny Sophie is horrified when her lover Zoe reveals she wants to have a baby. Kathy is bowled over when suave businessman Doug apologies once again for frightening Alice and asks her out to dinner. Jo wants an answer from Alan about her invitation to join him in America. Marlon fancies himself as a chef and has created a perfect vegetable terrine which everyone at the wine bar agrees tastes wonderful. Rachel and Jack can't seem to end their affair but there's a close call when they are spotted by Chris coming out of Rachel's cottage. Becky eventually finds Will and despite being angry with him for disappearing is relieved he's safe. But Will shocks her still further when he admits he's in love with Fiona.

Sarah hopes that having a new baby might help heal the rift that has come between her and husband Jack. He says he is worried about her age, but Sarah says she will go to the doctors surgery for a check up. Zoe has also got the baby blues, but she doesn't count on her partner Sophie's strong feelings about lesbian parents. Kim reckons Doug is paying way under par for the golf course but reluctantly is forced to accept his offer. Doug meanwhile has teed-up a diner date with Kathy who is more than impressed with his chauffeur driven limo. They set off for a night at the casino. Kim who's enjoying a night out with Lord and Lady Oakwell at the casino isn't too impressed when her business client turns up with Kathy on his arm.

These are heady days for publican Alan who's head-over-heels in love with leather clad biker Jo and he's decided he's going to sell The Woolpack and rev-up his humdrum life by joining her on a dream trip to America. Chris thinks he's got Kim where he wants her. She's been forced to hand over a cheque for £350,000 to stop him contacting the Fraud Squad about her illegal use of Home Farm tax money to stand up a deal for her stud farm interests. In return he provides her with a letter confirming his total confidence in her financial management of Home Farm affairs. But why is Kim so keen to get Chris to say out loud that this is blackmail money? And is she about to turn the tables on him as she so often has before. Chris gives his PA Kelly a flee in her ear about the extra £200 on her last wage cheque and says if he finds out she's been getting pay-off's from Kim he'll fire her.

Paddy is back and he wants to make things up with Mandy - but what will Colin think? A dishevelled Terry arrives back from his trip to Amsterdam to the bombshell that Alan is selling The Woolpack - and that for now, at least, Jo is moving in. Vic gets more than a frosty welcome from Viv when he arrives back from his secret trip to the Amsterdam Beer Festival. He went missing for days and had better be careful to dodge those flying ornaments! Eric appears to be in trouble after an environmental health officer visits the wine bar following a call forma local doctor. Ned, Roy and several other customers are showing symptoms of food poisoning and the best advice to Eric is that he close the place down voluntarily until the source is confirmed. Linda and Biff can't keep their hands off each other and stop off in a lover lane for a bit of hanky-panky.

As well as being embarrassed Linda is also incredulous that her husband Biff lost his temper and gave her dad's name, after they were caught by the police down on lovers lane. Kathy is more than a little angry with Eric and blames him, somewhat prematurely, for shoddy practices which she feels has led to the closure of her tea-rooms as well as his wine bar by environmental health officers. Paddy pours out his heart to Mandy and tells her he'll pursue her to the ends of the earth until she relents and agrees to a date with him. Poor Terry is trying to interest Kim in buying The Woolpack, but his plans fall on deaf ears. Lady Tara has a stark warning for her philandering husband - give up the expensive habits or he'll ruin everyone. Eric realises his food cannot be to blame for the suspected outbreak of food poisoning - but then realises the dodgy vodka he bought might be.

Ned can't understand why he has received a summons from the police. He knows it must be a mistake but gets down to the local station fast to see what's going on. And when the police describe the man they're after he realises it's his son-in-law Biff. Ned's furious and shops him. Mandy's caught in the middle of a menage-a-trois - and she hasn't a clue how to get out of it. Colin is mad with Paddy for muscling in on his action - but the final decision will go to Mandy. Chris meets with Alan about the sale of The Woolpack and posts an offer which is £10,000 higher than the one Terry has managed. Kim is at the accountants with Lady Tara intent on sorting out the severe cash flow problems associated with the stud farm.

Kim has finally got her man and Steve is in heaven. It the day of their engagement party and Steve has presented Kim with a beautiful diamond engagement ring. While Kim and Steve appear to have their lives mapped out, the same cannot be said of Mandy who is caught in a triangle of affection. On the one hand she loves Paddy, but on the other Colin is solid and dependable. Lisa, who's recently sealed her relationship with Mandy's Uncle Zak tells her from bitter experience to follow her heart and not her head. Terry is as fed up as he can be. He's returned from his ill-fated trip to Amsterdam to find that Alan is selling The Woolpack - effectively putting him out of a job and a home. And there's worse in store for him and his Amsterdam pal Vic when the police turn up and reveal more about their missing days abroad. Viv will not be happy.

Horrified Doug and Kathy come across grief-stricken Biff who has found Linda seriously injured following the crash. Doug calls for an ambulance as Kathy gives basic first aid. Linda is rushed straight to the resuscitation room at Hotten General but doctors can do little. Biff is shattered when doctors tell him his beautiful young wife is dead. Alex arrives back at Home Farm where Kim is astonished to find him dazed and wiping blood from himself. He claims he had a row with Linda and she threw him out of the car. His furious wife accuses him of messing with farm girls. The tragic news is broken to Jan and Ned by Biff. Their grief is almost indescribable as they face up to the death of another of their precious children. Kim reels with shock when the police officer arrives to tell her of the crash and the death of Linda. Though for now she doesn't know for sure that Lord Alex was to blame, she realises it was her meddling that brought Linda and Lord Alex together.

There's a raging fury building inside Biff. His wife is dead and he isn't really sure what happened. But when flowers of condolence arrive from Kim. Ned manages to calm him but not before he's told Kim that Linda would still be alive but for her meddling. Later he is even more anguished when police officers ask if Linda was a drug user as the post-mortem revealed that she had taken cocaine. The realisation what he's done is starting to sink in but when Lord Alex seeks comfort from his wife she coldly rejects him. And Lady Tara, who's been bailing him out of trouble ever since they married, says that if he's implicated in the death the seemingly endless supply of cash from her father will end. Sophie is worried how Zoe, who was Linda's boss, will react to the news of the tragedy when she arrives back from her Caribbean holiday.

The police are hot on the heels of errant peer Lord Alex Oakwell. They visit Oakwell Hall but his wife insists she hasn't seen him all night. They now believe Linda's unconscious body was moved from the passenger to the driver's seat to make it look like she'd been driving. When police reveal this to Kim and Steve, she's horrified and storms out intending to confront the Oakwell's. She later tells Lord Alex he's as good as murdered Linda. Kim's conscience for once is weighing heavy, but when she says she's going to ring the police Lady Tara reminds her that she's already told one lie to them. Then, coldly, and selfishly, with her inheritance clearly on her mind, Lady Tara tells Kim that she's ready to fight her if needs be. The Glovers and Biff are in complete shock, but news that Linda's body had been moved inside the car has Ned reaching for his shotgun before storming off to Oakwell Hall for a confrontation.

The events of the last few days become too much for Lady Tara Oakwell who breaks down when police arrive with a warrant for her husband's arrest. She is told that she'll face charges of aiding and abetting if she's hiding him. But Lady Tara says she intends to file for divorce and ads they should speak to her missing husband's business partner, Kim Tate, who might have more answers. Zoe arrives back from what should have been a restful holiday in Jamaica, to face up to the problems in her relationship with Sophie and the death of her employee and friend Linda. Biff swears he will make the Tates pay for Linda's death as he sits alone at the side of her coffin. Alan is having second thoughts about selling The Woolpack, leaving Emmerdale and joining his motorbike loving girlfriend Jo on a dream trip to America.

Biff faces the worst day of his life as he prepares for the funeral of his wife Linda. Only days ago they were a fun loving young couple getting into trouble with the local police for their antics down a lovers-lane. Now all that's left for Biff are memories of the happier times they spend together. Biff is introduced to the funeral gathering by the vicar and in a faltering voice begins to tell everyone what a wonderful woman Linda was. Then he notices Kim sat at the back of the church and launches into a tirade against her - claiming that she helped end Linda's life. As the tears roll down Biff's face Steve ushers Kim outside. The funeral places temptation in the path of Jack and Rachel. Sarah and Jan think Rachel looks run down and insist Jack drives her home. They have agreed to end their affair - can they keep to it? Jo is heartbroken and wonders if Alan has been stringing her along.

Lovelorn landlord Alan still can't believe Jo left without one last goodbye - and he's doubly hurt when Terry says he'd have only been a millstone around her neck in America. Jack informs Rachel that Sarah thinks she could come back to the farm to work while Ned is on compassionate leave. Rachel is unsure and tells Jack it's hard enough trying to conceal her emotions. Lady Tara is checking her feed order when Ned appears. He wants revenge for Linda's death and is reluctant to believe that Lord Alex has simply vanished. Ned stubbornly refuses to leave even though Lady Tara threatens him with calling the police. And at the Dingles things are going bump in the night - literally! But when Mandy bounces a saucepan on the head of an apparent burglar she's taken aback when the intruder gasps 'where's dad?' It can mean only one thing - Sam's back!

Jack and Rachel are reading a dangerous path as their affair blossoms once again. They tried to keep their hands off one another and vowed to end it all. But one kiss was all it tool to rekindle the flames and now Jack is seeking ways to keep his wife Sarah out of the way so he can see his young love. And when Sarah suggest she calls the Glovers that evening to lend Jan a shoulder to cry on, Jack seizes the opportunity. He tells Sarah he's capable of putting the kids to bed without her and urges her to stay as late as possible - after all she and Jan will have a lot to talk about. As soon as he gets the chance he rings Rachel and tells her to rearrange her plans and come over to the farm. It all seems too good to be true until Sarah arrives home earlier than expected. Biff prepares to collect Linda's ashes form the crematorium. He's decided to scatter them on the 'proposing hill' which overlooks Emmerdale - and is where he and Linda spent time together when they first met.

It's the morning of bonfire night and while Jack has stayed with Rachel at Mill Cottage after Sarah discovered their affair - he's eager to beg his wife's forgiveness. She even more eager to see a solicitor! Robert asks what his dad was doing with Rachel. Sarah is evasive but later knows exactly what she wants to do with her so-called friend when she marches into the tea-rooms and in front of the customers, and gossip Betty, thanks her for sleeping with Jack, then slaps her face. Ned is keeping a lone vigil outside the gates of Oakwell Hall. He tells Lady Tara he's staying there until her husband returns. The errant peer's wife knows he'll have a long wait as Lord Alex is well out of the country by now. Undeterred Ned seeks his revenge and while bonfires roar and the night air is filled with the smell of burning timber he decides to have his own fireworks display.

The fire brigade are damping down the last burning embers of the Oakwell Stud which has been totally destroyed by fire. Both Roy and Biff suspect Ned might have been responsible but decided to say he never left their side the previous night if they are asked. The police once again find themselves at Oakwell Hall and one officer informs Kim and Lady Tara that they'll be checking for evidence of an insurance scam. Zak returns from his fruitless trip to Ireland to find Sam - who he'd gone to see - back in the Dingle household. Sarah is not giving Jack an inch. She wants to know where he wants his clothes delivering! In a private moment though the prospect of a broken marriage is too much and she breaks down in a flood of tears.

Cheating Jack is suffering the consequences of his affair with Rachel. First Jan, who's allowed him to stay with her family, is annoyed at his behaviour and demands he finds somewhere else to live. Then when he returns home to try to reason with Sarah all he gets is a key and a list of rules as to how their relationship will be conducted in the future. She also tells him he is only allowed in certain parts of the house. Kim gets an urgent business phone call which means she will have to fly to New Zealand. Steve reckons the stud - burned to the ground at Oakwell Hall on Bonfire Night - should be relocated to Home Farm. Kim thinks it's a good idea but Lady Tara takes more convincing. She has problems of her own with the ongoing vendetta waged by the Glovers. And this time she has to deal with a drunken Biff.

Jack's life is in turmoil and he's forced to ask Alan to put him up while he tries to sort out his marriage. Kim entrusts her dealings to fiance Steve, as she jumps in a car on the first leg of a business journey to New Zealand. Ned talks about the Oakwell stud farm fire to Jan. She says she understands but warns Ned to be careful. Zoe and Sophie reach a crossroads in their relationship and have a huge argument - but can they stay together? And there's more worries for Emmerdale's vet when she tear a strip off her colleague Paddy for being behind schedule and using the office phone to call Mandy in Australia. Kathy is delighted to see Doug who's been away on holiday with his wife. He apologies for leaving her all alone but soon realises his absence has made her heart grow fonder. And Emma stuns her mum when she has a day off school to help move things to Woodside. Then she come across some of baby Geri's clothes which Emma suggests they throw away.

Kathy and Doug have spent a wonderful night together and the couple are set to spend the day together when their peace is shattered by his mobile phone. Doug says his son is suffering from appendicitis and he'll have to return to London immediately. Sophie and Zoe have patched up their differences and Sophie admits she's changed her mind about the prospect of having children. She says if that's what Zoe wants then she should go for it. Paddy and Viv are both without their partners - Mandy and Vic are in Australia with the rest of the Dingle clan. Viv asks Paddy if he fancies a drink and after an evening at the wine bar the two weave their way back to her house for a night-cap - but is that all she's after? Jack goes to the farm to try to get some money. But Sarah arrives while he's there and with a wry laugh informs him that he is too late and she puts all the money somewhere he can't touch it.

Sam faces his day of reckoning in court, supported by the Dingle clan fresh from their trip down under. Eric makes an impassioned plea for leniency on behalf of his former employee - then is forced to dig dep in his pocket when sentence is passed, much to his annoyance. Paddy makes a hash of sneaking out of the post office as Kelly spots him and jumps to the wrong conclusions. He'd better watch the rumour mongers as his sweetheart Mandy is back from Australia. Jack confides to Ned that if he'd know the trouble he was going to cause he'd never have got involved with Rachel. Emma is horrified to find her mum with baby Geri when she and Will come in from school. Her mum can't understand why Emma resents Geri and even offers to adopt the baby herself. And Sophie and Zoe are preparing to visit the fertility clinic in their first steps towards having a child.

Billy is caught in the crossfire between the feuding Sugdens. But when he tells Jack that the possible ruination of the farm lies firmly at his door he gets more than he bargained for - the sack! And Sarah is furious when she discovers that her friend Kathy and even Jan knew about Jack's affair weeks earlier. Doug gets a real shock when a surprise present for Kathy goes totally wrong. Zoe has set an appointment for her first treatment to have a baby. And Lisa persuades reluctant Steve to give Butch a job at Home Farm.

Emma finally reveals the father of her child is Greg's - her sister Charlie's former boyfriend and a soldier who served under her dad. Butch arrives for his first day at Home Farm and reports to Roy who seems more concerned with impressing Kelly. Doug is full of remorse for trying to have Kathy's cottage redecorated as a surprise. But he is delighted when she relents and allows him to have the work completed. Zoe and Sophie are pleased they have told all their friends about their plans to have a baby. Jack tells Ned he's guilty about sacking Billy. But he needn't worry too much because Sarah has reinstated him. Kelly is playing the femme fatale. She tells her friend Lyn that she's confident she can get Biff to like her.

Gymslip mum Emma finally lets her emotions pour out when her dad reveals that he wants to see the father of her child in the dock for having sex with a minor. Emma apologises to her parents for the hurt she's caused and blames herself for her sister Charlie leaving the family. Kelly has got her mind firmly set on Biff - especially after he has a slice of luck playing cards at Eric's. Zoe is left shocked by Sophie's reaction when the pair visit a consultant to discuss their baby plans. And emotions run high when Zoe and Sophie return home.

Could this be the end for Sophie and Zoe whose relationship has reached a head over Zoe's desire to have a child? The couple had a terrible row and Zoe is after her ex-partner to hand over some clothes she left at the cottage. But it is too late as an harassed Steve informs her that Sophie has already left. It's the night of the Cairns' house warming party and Roy thinks he's on a promise with Kelly. But he's in for a big let down as Kelly appears only to have eyes for Biff. With Linda having only recently died, Roy is shocked when he discovers his girlfriend and his brother-in-law in a clinch. Zoe and Mandy reflect on the merits of failing in love and wonder if either of them will ever truly be happy and settled. Meanwhile, Sarah thinks let the villagers talk as she tries to put her crumbling marriage behind her by taking labourer Billy to the Cairns' house-warming party.

Roy has a furious row with Biff over his behaviour with Kelly. He can't forgive him, especially so close after Linda's death, despite the couple saying that they events of the previous night meant nothing. Jack's 50th birthday should be one to remember. But with his marriage on the rocks and the possibility of the farm being taken away, there seems little to celebrate. The only surprise he receives in the post are his divorce papers - and a visit from Sarah at an inappropriate moment. Lady Tara and Steve argue over the running of the stud farm. She says he has been neglecting the business and his staff are useless. He brands her a rich snob. Her ladyship threatens to show Steve exactly how much she does know about the horse trade. And against their better judgement Paddy and Zoe take Jan on as a temporary receptionist at the vets practice. Zak goes out for his day of busking at the shopping centre, but Barry turns up and decides to compete.

First thing in the morning and everyone is ready for the orienteering course. Tony cannot help but interfere with the organisation, Dean is not happy to see Tony after their last meeting. Jack has gone round to see Sarah, she refuses to even look at him, let alone listen to his excuses. He tells her that he is ashamed of himself, but she isn't interested. Robert ignores him as well. Paddy and Zoe have visited the Dingles. Mandy screams abuse at Paddy. Tony does nothing but criticises the outdoor pursuits teacher. Will is embarrassed by his dad. Doug has spent the night at Kathy's again. she is trying to get him to go and do some work. Rachel arrives and tells Kathy that she is confused about Jack now. Butch tries to impress Tara at work. Tony has to take charge when something goes wrong with Dean's rope as he abseils down a rock. Tara finds Steve playing with James in the office.

Doug has to dash back to London but in the rush leaves his overcoat behind. When Rachel comes round for a chat and Kathy goes to move the coat, a small photo album drops out of the pocket. Curiosity gets the better of her, but she is stunned to find a picture of another blond haired woman wearing the same dress he recently bought for her. Kelly really is playing with fire, one minute she's chasing Biff, the next she's telling Roy that it's him she really wants. But when Kelly finally gets Biff where she wants him, she could hardly imagine the grief she is about to cause. And what will poor Roy think? Zak secrecy about his new job lands him in a spot of bother with Lisa who accuses him of having an affair.

Jan can hardly believe her eyes when she take a cup of tea up to Biff's room. Downstairs Roy has been excitedly telling his parents how he's splashed out on a small diamond pendant as a birthday treat for Kelly. But his dreams are about to be shattered. It's unlikely the wayward Windsor girl will enjoy this particular birthday - and Biff can hardly remain welcome in the Glover household, especially as it is only months since Linda tragically died. When Jan is late for work at the vets, Zoe and Paddy decide they have to sack her. But neither has the heart when they hear of Jan's shock discovery. Lady Tara is first past the winning post at the races - and in her knowledge of horses. She gambled her £1,000 on a 25-1 outsider and it came in. Steve has hardly broken even. He's still nursing his bruised ego when a stranger gives him something else to think about. Zak is thwarted in his attempts to raise a few quid busking when Barry shops him to a council official.

Biff has only himself to blame for the mess he's in. It's only months since his wife died and now he's been caught in his marital bed with teenage temptress Kelly. To make matters worse the shock discovery was made by Linda's mum! Confused and feeling like an outcast Biff decides he needs time away to get his head together. Billy and Marlon hatch a plot to rip off Eric on an illegal booze run. Steve reveals the secrets of his family background to Lady Tara - secrets that even Kim doesn't know. Sarah accuses Jack of taking valuable family heirlooms and even threatens to call in the police. Jack denies all responsibility, although at the moment his wife is not to be reasoned with. Paddy and Lisa make up their differences with a kiss in front of The Woolpack regulars. And Jan has made one mistake too many for the liking of Paddy and Zoe.

Jan has made one mistake too many for the liking of Paddy and Zoe and gets the heave-ho - as if she hasn't had enough worries on her plate. First she sent the wrong samples to the MAFF lab from the vets surgery and now another mistake means she's got to go. Young Andy makes a shock discovery and realises his dad's been thieving again. Lady Tara invites Steve for dinner as a consolation for losing their bet. She hopes he's got the temporary nanny in place so he can't refuse. Marlon's carefully hatched plan to rip off Eric goes wrong and he and Sam end up bruised and battered. Doug is lectured by Kathy when he reveals he's organising a Christmas party for Alice and her friends. Zak and Barry go into town to their busking pitch and when Barry begins to sing about going off for a beer, Zak carries on making up a song and soon a crowd forms, pouring their money at the two buskers.

Eric visits Sam and Marlon in hospital. Marlon realises it will only be a matter of time before he works out what's happened. A bit of smart thinking is required. Tony tackles Steve in his search to fund a dream outdoor activities centre. Alan decides to throw a special Woolpack Xmas Lunch - and with Mandy's help starts to draw up a guest list. Kim is not amused when she returns early from her business trip to New Zealand. Not only does she find a new nanny looking after James, but also her fiance Steve enjoying Lady Tara's company.

The kid's party is going down a treat. Eric has his arm twisted into playing Santa and Rachel is helping Kathy make sure the children are properly looked after. But when Sarah arrives and sees Rachel holding Victoria she flies off the handle. She screams Rachel's already had her man, and for her to take her hands off her child. Kim is unhappy about the attentions Lady Tara is paying her fiance Steve. She warns him to be careful. Eric confronts Billy about the booze hi-jack and threatens him with the Dingle's if he doesn't cough-up some money. Marlon and Lisa set to work making a huge Christmas cake based on a recipe by Marlon's favourite chef Nigel Hibbart. But is a cement mixer really the best way to mix the ingredients? The tramp dubbed 'Mr. Magic' has astounded the Dingle brothers Sam and Butch with his fortune telling - but when they take him to the tea rooms to raise money for charity the paying customers are less than happy.

An audio cassette tape in a plain envelope spells big trouble for Kim as the past finally catches up with her. The tape is from a blackmailer who says he knows all about Kim's involvement in the death of the 'lady of the lake' - and who the dead woman was. Lady Tara corners Steve with a sprig mistletoe and demands a kiss - only to be interrupted by a gleeful Chris. Billy finally arrives back at the caravan and Andy jokes he thought his dad had done a runner. Billy gives his son a small dog as an early Christmas present but then drops the bombshell that they're leaving Emmerdale. Jack gets the wrong signals from his estranged wife after they've been to Robert's Christmas school play. Marlon's cake is proudly displayed on a huge table in The Woolpack - and goes down a treat. Roy and Ned reflect on the deaths of Dave and Linda. And Mr. Magic lives up to his name and creates a real impression on Alice.

Steve has Lady Tara very much on his mind - but would like to get her out of it. When she arrives at Home Farm to distribute invites to her Christmas staff party Steve tells her their kiss was a mistake and he certainly doesn't want an affair. He loves Kim. Steve overhears an angry phone call involving Kim and wants to know who it was - Kim says it was just business. It is the blackmailer! Tony goes over his business proposal with Steve for the outdoors activities centre and outlines his plans for a special Christmas challenge. Kathy feels let down when Doug informs her she cannot go to his grand opening of the Golf Club. He tells her his wife has unexpectedly insisted on going and that it would be tempting fate if the two were there together. Viv tells Vic that the Post Office is virtually the only thing holding them together. He promises that he's going to make a big effort to improve their home life and Viv promises to try to save their marriage.

Kim is keeping the blackmail threats a secret from her fiance Steve, but how long can she keep up the charade? If she thought things were bad there's an even bigger shock in store when she and Steve return home from the Oakwell Christmas bash to find a frantic nanny and no baby James. Could this be the work of the blackmailer? Kathy is in for a real shock when she discovers who her lover Doug's real wife is! She and her mate Rachel decide to crash the golf club do even though Doug insisted she mustn't. But the pair sneak into the glamorous party, only to leave hot-foot when the truth dawns. Mandy is just a girl who can't say no. And when Paddy proposes marriage in front of whooping regulars at Pollard's Wine Bar she says yes. But will she feel the same way the morning after?

Tearful Kim watches as Ned, Roy and Seth join police in a grim fingertip search for baby James. And when they discover the child's bobble hat the police are in no doubts they are dealing with a kidnapping. Kim swears she'll die if anything happened to her precious child. Steve tells her it's time to come clean, he knows she's been receiving threatening phone calls. The Dingles and Eric suss that Marlon and Billy were responsible for the booze hi-jack. But there's no sign of Billy when they visit the caravan - only Spot, Andy's puppy. Worried when he hears the news, Jack goes to the caravan and discovers Andy, hidden in a tiny corner, unconscious. The near tragedy brings Jack and Sarah closer and she invites him to join the family for Christmas dinner. Finally Rachel gets some news to cheer her up after the collapse of her affair with Jack she's offered a job as the local school secretary.

Kim is rarely so vulnerable - but now finds herself between a rock and a hard place. Her baby is missing presumed kidnapped - and there's a strong possibility the blackmail calls she's been receiving are tied in. She's desperate not to tell the police the details of the blackmail which is about her involvement in the death of the 'lady of the lake' last Christmas. But all is not as it seems and after an unexpected visit, Kim, Steve and the police chase a new lead. Will baby James be all right? Young Andy wakes up in hospital surrounded by the Sugdens. Social worker Carmel is angry Billy deserted his son. But can the Sugdens keep their marriage difficulties under wraps and take Andy home with them for Christmas? Jan thinks baby James is her late son Dave, and that it is 1977, and that Ned is down The Woolpack chatting to new barmaid Dolly Acaster. Doug is desperate to win Kathy's affections again - despite her discovery about his wife.

Kim can hardly believe the true identity of James's kidnapper. Steve tells Kim he will stand by her despite the blackmail threats. Sarah worries about getting Andy back.

Jack acts like a new man when Sarah agrees to take him back. Kim wants to meet her blackmailing tormentor. Ned visits Jan in a psychiatric ward after her breakdown.

Season Finale


26x157 Episode 2304 (Wed 31st Dec 1997)

Season Finale

26x157 Episode 2304 (Wed 31st Dec 1997)

  • 1997-12-31T19:30:00Z25m

Kim meets her blackmailer. Roy is upset when he visits his mother in hospital. Robert can't wait to tell Rachel that his dad is coming home.
