

Saudi Arabia

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

I expected a lot of things from this movie, I did not expect to it be funny. What a delightful surprise! Really worth the watch, and re-watch. It's fast and witty and magical and awesome. Definitely would recommend giving it a shot. Whoever was in charge of casting Charlie did this movie a great service. There's no one more charismatic and badass out there than Jax Teller.

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Romeo + Juliet

This movie should've stayed on my watchlist. It having two of my favorite actors ever still didn't make it worth my while.

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Don't Breathe

Perfect definition of a thriller and the title couldn't be more accurate and suited for the movie.

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The Hitman's Bodyguard

Ryan and Sam are hilarious together, I haven't laughed this hard in a while. The duo is the best part, everything else is below average.

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This one hits you like a ton of bricks. I've never seen such consistent, captivating and heartbreaking raw emotion between two characters and actors throughout an entire movie like in here. It almost felt like watching a documentary. This is as real as movie making can be, everything they go through makes you ache deep in your soul. Easily one of the BEST movies ever made.

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Suits: 7x07 Full Disclosure

Why not just bring Jessica back instead of having these weak flashback episodes as an excuse to have her?

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Marvel's The Defenders: Season 1

That moment when in literally every interview and every panel and every article the praise for Sigourney Weaver from the cast and crew is endless. Then the season airs and I'm like ????????. She was described as villain at times and as a complex character at others, but honestly, she was neither. From start to finish her character was on the same bland and uninteresting rhythm. In general, I think the season needed smarter and less repetitive scripts and better directing. But it was still entertaining with really cool scenes here and there and a rewarding end.

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Marvel's The Defenders: 1x08 The Defenders
Marvel's The Defenders: 1x07 Fish in the Jailhouse

Locking up Danny and separating him from the group was the smartest thing this show did so far. It was refreshing having some time away from his insufferable childish and idiotic ass. I was worried before he'd lower the quality of The Defenders and I was not wrong. Seeing the three of them together without him was awesome. They are better off. So whosever idea was that, thank you. The director of the episode on the other hand, he should be fired.

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Marvel's The Defenders: 1x06 Ashes, Ashes

Look at Elektra acting like an obedient little soldier only to go and get her sais and drive them through the woman who used and manipulated her. Holy fucking shit. Did NOT see that ending coming. But I'm so damn glad it happened. Two heads down, three to go. Can't wait until they're all gone and this plot line is over. If I'm being honest, I'm getting tired of it. Very repetitive and boring.

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Marvel's The Defenders: 1x05 Take Shelter

Karen and Foggy act like Matt is a drug addict who fell of the wagon and is hurting himself and everyone around him. Relax guys, it's really not that bad. Each of you makes a difference in the world in their own way and Daredevil is his. I can only imagine Karen's stubbornness and tenaciousness if someone told her to stop digging up shit that gets people killed or told Foggy to stop being a lawyer. They're not apologizing for who they are and Matt shouldn't either. Not when this insanity is going down. Absolutely LOVED the last shot with Elektra, it made me so emotional. I guess her memories are starting to come back. YES. And I love love love how Matt is fighting to believe she's still in there and trying to save her.

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Marvel's The Defenders: 1x04 Royal Dragon

Luke rolling his eyes when Danny is on about the Iron Fist is literally me. He's known him two seconds and he's already done with his shit. I feel you, bro. Just imagine having a whole season of that. Oh and how Matt went from "yours was always loud and clear" to "I couldn't hear her heartbeat." That was so sad. But the last minute? I AM SCREAMING.

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Marvel's The Defenders: 1x03 Worst Behavior

You look like an asshole.
It's your scarf.

Jessica and Mathew's interactions/scenes are literally my new favorite thing in the world. They are HILARIOUS. They went a lot smoother and were written better and more entertaining than Luke and Danny's. Tried to block that shit out. And kinda hard enjoying Elektra's arc of being brought back to life when she's treated like an object though. But that end, my oh my. Really didn't think he'd figure it out from their first fight. Matt continues to break my heart this season.

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Marvel's The Defenders: 1x02 Mean Right Hook

Charlie Cox is the star of this episode. He's really bringing his A game and selling the conflict and struggle vigilantism withdrawals very well. Gotta say, I do miss Foggy's shaggy hair. It seems the comic relief part of his personality went away with it. He's all grown up and serious now. But on the real though, Elektra is starting to scare me. I'm EXCITED.

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Marvel's The Defenders: 1x01 The H Word

I was wondering what the opening credit would look like and I'm happy to say I was not disappointed. It's really awesome, I love it. I also love how the season opened with Elektra kicking some ass, it got me even more fired up for it, or at least the part I'm actually a fan of. Which is Daredevil. Because Iron Fist is still an out of control child who needs serious therapy. Jessica Jones is still an asshole. Luke Cage is still unlikable and uninteresting. But at least we got Misty and Claire out of his part. Even though I was seriously worried he'd do some damage to her when they were "making love." One last very important thing, Sigourney Weaver is so damn beautiful. I'm so excited to see and know more about her character. And the fact that Madame Gao is scared of her and takes orders from her puts a smile on my face. Ha! Bonus: Matt and Karen still make you feel the awkwardness and second hand embarrassment deep in your soul.

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Marvel's Daredevil: Season 2

Very good and entertaining season, second half is less so than the first. Rewatching both seasons in few days makes it easy to compare the two, which makes me realize even with Elektra and The Punisher, both of which are awesome additions that I absolutely loved, I think the first season is still much better as a whole. Way more balanced and consistent with more focus on the title character. Which I think this show lacks sometimes.

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Suits: 7x06 Home to Roost

Paula and Harvey seem like they're there just to create unnecessary drama. Their relationship or how it came to be aren't that convincing to begin with to make you care about their conflicts or fights. Give me more Rachel and Mike instead.

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Marvel's Daredevil: Season 1

Very glad I decided to rewatch the first season. So many things I missed and didn't pay attention to before. Smart script, great performances, brilliant directing, amazing soundtrack and sound editing. All around a very well done show. 10/10 would recommend.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 1x13 Daredevil

Wilson Fisk is one powerful son of a bitch. The thought of people like him existing in the real world is actually terrifying. And finally an armorsuit for Daredevil. He got beaten up and cut enough for one lifetime. Awesome finale for an awesome season.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 1x11 The Path of the Righteous

I didn't want anyone to get hurt, because of what I was doing.

I have a hard time believing that, Karen. Since a lot of people keep getting killed hurt because of what you're doing and it doesn't seem to affect you that much or make you stop or at least be more smart and leave less trails.

Also, I find it really strange that a character as smart as Wesley would meet his end like that. He will be missed.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 1x10 Nelson v. Murdock

Raise your hand if you think Foggy is overreacting way too much. Maybe listen to all the facts and what Matt is trying to say before being judgmental and angry and yelling nonstop. Not mention he doesn't have or understand Matt's abilities and there's no telling what he'd do if situations were reversed. I bet it gets kinda tiring and hard knowing bad shit is going down and not doing anything about it.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 1x09 Speak of the Devil

It's no news the fight choreographies in this show are something else, but the sound editing in them is extraordinary too. And so underrated. The sound of Nobu's knife at the fight in the start literally gave me anxiety, like I was watching a horror flick. You get so scared for Matt knowing Nobu is a ninja (and/or supernatural?) and all Matt heard probably was the sound of the knife coming his way and cutting him like dozen times. I mean he already had a couple of really depressing and shitty days and then THAT happens.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 1x01 Into the Ring

Just watched this again. Really, really awesome pilot. Even better the second time around. The sound editing was something that I noticed later on but apparently it was there from the beginning. I guess it's essentially the equivalent of Matt's POV in the series, which is why I loved how it's there in a lot of the scenes, especially the amazing and well choreographed fights. A very well done and beautiful start. You're immediately sucked into Daredevil's world and I love it.

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Suicide Squad

You don't stand for shit, you ain't about shit. Here's to honor amongst thieves.

I can't believe it took me this long to watch this. Awesome style. Brilliant directing. Amazing script. Badass soundtrack. Wonderful cast. Entertaining from start to finish, not a single dull moment. I also loved how unpredictable it is. With your usual Superhero movies, you know the Heroes will always do the right thing, there's no wondering what if. Here with the "villains", it was the exact opposite, which was incredibly refreshing and exciting. Really really fun movie.

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Gods of Egypt

Elodie Yung continues to be the best thing out of everything she's in.

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Suits: 7x05 Brooklyn Housing

So, what does Donna do exactly? Other than psychoanalyzing everything and acting like a jealous ex-girlfriend to Louis and Harvey? And wow, I'm really surprised Louis didn't screw that case up. I was betting on it. Ha!

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There are movies that don't deserve the hate and negativity they get, and then there's this one.

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Marvel's Iron Fist

The good in the show doesn't make up for the bad. I was surprised to hear it got renewed for a second season at Comic Con, then wasn't so surprised after reading the showrunner is going to be different. Maybe they will work on what made this show a huge failure. I can already see Iron Fist/Danny Rand bringing down the quality of The Defenders.

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x13 Dragon Plays with Fire

CON: Everything about this finale is too predictable and you could see from a mile away. Poor ending for a poor season.

PRO: seeing Claire doing things other than patching people up.

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x12 Bar the Big Boss

Even without the Iron Fist, you are a formidable opponent.

Formidable opponent my ASS. Davos in one fight this episode was better than Danny all season. And The Hand continue to underestimate Colleen, and she continues to kick their ass. Very cool scene at the end in the Dojo.

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