

Saudi Arabia

Baby Reindeer

It's so good and so well made you'll never want to watch it again.

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Normal People

Normal People? More like dull, mind numbingly boring people. There's a reason everything is heightened in storytelling. It makes for a far better watching or reading experience.

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Boy Swallows Universe

The show suffers from an identity crisis.

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Schitt's Creek

Started it for Catherine O'Hara. Stayed for Catherine O'Hara. Consistently the best thing about the show.

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Lessons in Chemistry

Can't recommend it enough. But proceed with caution. Many political agenda lie ahead. :wink:

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I used to trust the feedback in trakt comments and genuinely enjoyed most projects that had positive reviews. But I've been mislead few times now with undeserved high praise. No more, sir. This show is terrible in every sense of the word. If you value your time, don't waste it here.

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Ted Lasso

Here's my honest and humble opinion that nobody asked for: Friday Night Lights did it first and did it better.

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The Lincoln Lawyer

Not the best show out there, still I wouldn't mind watching another season. At least it has likable characters.

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This no doubt was a badly written, acted, directed and casted show. Would not recommend. UNPOPULAR OPINION: but the ultimate miscast here was Idris Elba.

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This show wanted to be so many things at once and ended up being very inconsistent with quality. I personally think it would've been 10 times better if it only focused on the Kryger family. Casting, acting, story was all top notch with them only.

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I mean, yeah, the series is one of the worst I've seen in such a long time, but nothing compares to Richard Madden PHYSICALLY struggling to do an American accent. It was so distracting. I can't believe someone saw a take of him and decided WOW GREAT let's continue with that. Everything he says sounds monotone. What an absolute miscast. It's so bad they even added that "twist" at the end to help the situation a little, which I found quite hilarious.

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Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story

This was a delightful surprise. Genuinely didn't expect to enjoy the story and characters as much as I did. Because it's a rare occurrence when I find the majority of them to be very likable and entertaining. And I would've enjoyed the series even more if it wasn't unnecessarily punctuated with grotesque sex scenes. I am no prude, but it was too much at times.

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The Essex Serpent

Wow! The directer really did not give a fuck about making anyone look good in this show.

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The Staircase

Midway through binging I found myself intrigued to pause it and go watch the documentary instead. Because I wasn't familiar with the case before starting this show. And it made me realize and appreciate the incredible accuracy and effort it took to portray everything. Very well done indeed. However, kind of unnecessary. The documentary was more compelling.

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Pride and Prejudice

I can't believe it has taken me this long to finally watch it. I understand now why this series is the favorite adaptation of the novel for so many. And I'm surprised to see Jennifer Ehle almost dethrone Keira Knightley's title of the best Elizabeth Bennet for me. I did not expect to love her portrayal as much as I did. Or maybe it's just the character, lol. But she's absolutely wonderful and captivating and probably the best thing to come out of the series. However, as much as I love Colin Firth, I think I still prefer Matthew Macfadyen's Mr. Darcy.

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Was Charlie filming this fresh off of Daredevil? Why was he still acting like he's blind? :joy: Guess it must be just how he is, which explains why he's PERFECT as Matt Murdock. :raised_hands_tone1: ANYWAYS, second half is definitely better than the first. But still I wouldn't say I'm glad I watched it. Also, it's one of few shows where it doesn't matter who's bad and who's good, I found them all to be equally unlikable and gross. Except maybe for Kara.

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And Then There Were None

Loved the small changes made here. I actually like the show better than the book.

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The Boys

I sincerely mean it when I say this is one of the worst shows I've ever had the displeasure of watching.

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Under the Banner of Heaven

With all the real life crazy this show has to offer, at the end of every episode I could only think of how damn good this cast is. Seriously! Not a single weak link in this bunch. Such a pleasure watching them perform.

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Yes. The writing, acting and casting are all brilliant, but to be honest, the directing and production of this series is what impressed me the most. It's one of the best I've ever seen. So detailed and so authentic and SO underrated. I mean can we talk about the background noise in most scenes? Wow I was so in love with that.

P.S: The pilot will make you want to turn off the show and never look back, but RIDE IT OUT. Trust me. Because it's one of the worst, most boring episode in history of television. But it's all uphill from there.

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I have so many questions. SO MANY! I NEED ANSWERS!

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The Innocent

WOW! What a lesson in forgiveness. And how hatred and holding grudges can ruin someone's life. I love shows where you can see and understand the point of view of every character. Very well done and entertaining show. Totally recommend.

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Squid Game

Don’t trust the good reviews. 80% of this show is the equivalent of watching paint dry. You. Will. Feel. Every. Minute. That. Passes. Unnecessarily long and boring.

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Midnight Mass

Mike Flanagan is the king of heartbreaking, doomed characters. Not the best or the worst show, but I thought Riley and The Sheriff were fantastic. At least I'm glad I watched it for them.

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Really good and well written show. The dialogue in every scene sounds like poetry. Too bad it didn't last long. Would've loved a couple more seasons of it. (Where the main cast/group interacted more with each other. Hated how they were separated in the last season.)

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The first season is the best and the only one that's worth your time. After that it's your typical ridiculous CW writing that never make sense and leave so many loose ends.

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Carnival Row

I was really surprised to find out this show was NOT based on a series of books. Its world seemed so rich in details and history. 10/10 would recommend. An interesting and entertaining watch that constantly leaves you wanting more. I started it and couldn't stop until it was over.

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The Good Place

One of the most repetitive yet new and imaginative shows I've ever watched.

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Friday Night Lights

Very few shows can pull at my heartstrings like this one does. You can't help but fall in love with it.

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A Gifted Man

Seriously heartbroken it doesn't have a second season. Just like with every episode leaving you wanting more, the finale definitely left me NEEDING more. Realistic, well written and likable characters, smart, witty, incredibly sad at times and ALL without trying too hard. This show is effortlessly amazing. Alas, the good ones are always snuffed too soon.

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