Shout by Khawlah

Squid Game 2021

Don’t trust the good reviews. 80% of this show is the equivalent of watching paint dry. You. Will. Feel. Every. Minute. That. Passes. Unnecessarily long and boring.

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@khawlah I feel totally opposite, everything is so interesting represent, that i want to see more and more. You don't need to watch koreans films if you don't like their approach. This show is so good and well made with deep sense for art on other side and human psychology on other.

@khawlah I can't help but notice you didn't miss to rate the show. How about you rate it what you think it ought to be then?

@khawlah "You. Will. Feel. Every. Minute. That. Passes."
It was the exact opposite for me. Hours flew by without me noticing

@khawlah Out of curiosity, what would you have liked to see more of? More action and death?

@khawlah Says the person who rated 3eps 10, 2eps 8, 3eps 7.

@khawlah saw your comment on another show about how you enjoy gender politics and suddenly this comment makes more "sense" since you clearly have shit taste LOL

I love watching paint dry. It's a meditative experience. And look on the bright side, you'll know then when to apply the next layer of paint.

@khawlah Well said! I stopped watching after 6 episodes and never went back.
