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Jojo Rabbit

Shout by Khawlah

I was so looking forward to it and I’m glad to say it didn’t disappoint one bit. One of the best movies I’ve seen in a while. The third act had me bawling my eyes out till the end of the credit. So much heart and soul in this movie. Can’t recommend it enough.

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A Gifted Man: 1x16 In Case of Heart Failure

Shout by Khawlah

Poor Michael, all alone once again. :cry: What a cruel and unjust world we live in that this was the end and we'll never see more of these lovely characters. Asdfjgll already tempted to start another rewatch.

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A Gifted Man: 1x15 In Case of Letting Go

Shout by Khawlah

I believe that the love of a good drummer could be just what you need.
Ha! I see what you did there, writers. ;) Oh, man. Where to even begin with this episode. So beautifully written. One of my favorites. Also, that kiss definitely added 10 years to my life. It would've been the perfect ending to the season. Then they to go and break out fragile hearts in the finale. Sigh!

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A Gifted Man: 1x14 In Case of Co-Dependents

Shout by Khawlah

It's hard to dislike Kate's husband because the actor has a such nice way about him, lol, but he's being a little extra. It's not like the clinic is open 24/7 and she's literally there all the time. Maybe if he wasn't traveling so much he'd see more of her. Pfff, men! Just like when Philip was whining to Michael earlier in the season about how hard it was to date Anna for the same reason. I think the work isn't keeping them away from their relationship, maybe it's an escape. Anyways, kudos to Michael for being a class act at the end there. My hero! :heart:

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A Gifted Man: 1x10 In Case of a Bolt From the Blue

Shout by Khawlah

Honey, don't you know a good life is the best revenge.

Amen to that. A truer statement never been spoken. Awn! What a perfect episode. And the cutest and most uplifting ending. BLESS THIS GROUP OF PEOPLE. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!

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A Gifted Man: 1x09 In Case of Abnormal Rhythm

Shout by Khawlah

Interesting choice of song for the last sequence, but still it was so sad. :frowning2:All of that group are damn hopeless romantics and us with them. Asdfghjk Recently I feel like Anna has been showing up less and less and in all the wrong moments when Michael can't talk to her enough. His "Anna" at the end literally broke my heart. Ugh.

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A Gifted Man: 1x07 In Case of Exposure

Shout by Khawlah

"This is not the woman I hit." Yeah, no way I'd believe that. Everything he said describes Anna and her accident. No way it's just a coincidence and he was talking about another one. He probably forgot what she looked like since his head was all messed up from the tumor. But I'm glad Michael found that out after he'd done the right thing. That last scene was so sad. And now I'm wishing we had gotten flashbacks with them to see what they were like as a couple. :frowning2:

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Ex Machina

Ava and David 8 should get together. They're kindred spirits. :laughing:

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The Ticket

Shout by Khawlah

I find the plot summary of the movie extremely inaccurate and ignorant. No wonder many didn’t like it and gave it bad reviews, if they’re going in with the mindset that James was “blinded by obsession for the superficial”. That’s honestly the most ridiculous thing I’ve read and the last thing I thought about watching it.‬ If that's what you truly believe then go watch it again with open mind and imagine yourself in his shoes.

Any who, the ending with everything fading to black was equally terrifying and heartbreaking. What a wonderful, thought provoking, brilliantly acted and executed film. To lose something you’ve never known is one thing, but to live with it and lose it TWICE is another. I can't even begin to describe how much I've loved this. Doesn't deserve its low rating.

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Steve Jobs

Shout by Khawlah

The last ten minutes totally was worth the 2 hours of endless dialogue. Michael is brilliant.

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The Haunting of Hill House: Season 1

My favorite kind of shows are the ones where the only way to watch it is to give it your full attention, otherwise you'll miss so much because it's so smartly written. This definitely was one of them. Didn't expect it to be such a character driven story, every single one is unique and individual in a well rounded way. Incredible cinematography, intelligent dialogue, and extremely talented cast both young and old. The horror factor is only the icing on a really entertaining and well done cake. So many of what happens in the season stays and lingers at the back of your brain long after you've watched it because it's so emotionally traumatising. 100% would recommend.

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‪Every time I think we’ve seen it all when it comes to the world wars, a movie such as this comes along and moves you in a new, different way. Clearly an immense effort was put into the making of it. Totally deserving of all the recognition it got. An absolute pleasure to watch. ‬

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A Gifted Man: 1x11 In Case of (Re)Birth

Shout by Khawlah

I'm really intrigued to know why all of a sudden Michael's mother (if it was actually her and not a coincidence) decided to send him flowers on his birthday. Obviously it's the first time since she left them, because few episodes back he didn't even know whether she was alive or dead.

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A Gifted Man: 1x08 In Case of Missed Communication

Shout by Khawlah

I don't talk about this enough but Margo Martindale is phenomenal as Rita.

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A Gifted Man: 1x05 In Case of Loss of Control

Shout by Khawlah

The writer of this episode was clearly having fun. So many hilarious one liners and funny interactions between characters. LOL And it was great to see Eriq La Salle again. And in another medical show, hehe. Love him! Also, it's unbelievably cruel subjecting us to the insanely beautiful chemistry between Kate and Michael only to find out she was married. Sad, sad times.

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A Gifted Man: 1x04 In Case of Separation Anxiety

Shout by Khawlah

Even if you're a selfless saint, there's only so much you can do on your own. And boy was Anna terrible at managing things. I'm glad Kate is avoiding her mistakes and is asking for help from all the right people.

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A Gifted Man: 1x03 In Case of Discomfort

Shout by Khawlah

So from her first scene I knew I was gonna like Kate because when Michael tells her "it's an uphill climb" she asks "how steep?" I mean, how badass is that? And I was RIGHT. She turned out to be one of my favorite characters. Love, love, love her.

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A Gifted Man

Seriously heartbroken it doesn't have a second season. Just like with every episode leaving you wanting more, the finale definitely left me NEEDING more. Realistic, well written and likable characters, smart, witty, incredibly sad at times and ALL without trying too hard. This show is effortlessly amazing. Alas, the good ones are always snuffed too soon.

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‪Mmmkay. No one asked for it, but UNPOPULAR OPINION TIME. People fawning over Parasite reminds me so much of feminists who applaud men when they do shit they’re supposed to be doing anyways. The movie is well made and entertaining. Just like any good movie should be. Is it worth all this attention and movie of the year? Definitely not.‬

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The perfect movie to end 2023 with. Did NOT expect to love it but I DID. I did, I did, I did. I had a smile on my face the entire time. And the songs were so lovely and catchy too. Wouldn't mind going to see it again actually.

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Mr. Malcolm's List

Such a genuinely funny and feel good movie. It's so entertaining and never drags that you don't really feel the time passing. Which is such a rarity nowadays. Yes, it's fairly predictable and full of period drama cliches, but that's why we love them. ;) Zawe absolutely KILLED it. Her performance and character definitely were the highlight for me. And could be the reason I'd rewatch it again.

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Anatomy of a Fall

I love it when the movie is over and you just know it will stay with you for days after. Brilliant writing that's scary realistic at times, delivered by outstanding performances. Can't recommend it enough!

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Quiz Lady

Shout by Khawlah

(Gasps) Actual racism! :rofl:

No offense but I LOVED THIS MOVIE. ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! IT MADE ME LAUGH! IT NEARLY MADE ME CRY! And can I just say it was incredibly sweet that "never meet your heroes" didn't apply to Terry. And he was actually good and kind to her. WHAT A PLOT TWIST THAT WAS!

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

A wonderfully entertaining and captivating fantasy film. From start to finish. Absolutely loved it. I laughed, I cried, I even liked Regé-Jean Page's performance in here. AND loved Michelle Rodriguez's character. The movie is THAT good. Reminded me a lot of Guy Ritchie's King Arthur.

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A Gifted Man: 1x13 In Case of Complications

Shout by Khawlah

Is the guy with the hit and run gonna have the same fate as this kid? Because if so, I understand why this woman was "distraught." Haha. Or maybe their cases are different, IDK. Kate and Zeke are the MVPs of the episode. I aspire to be as cool headed as they were during all of that. Honestly. Akshdjfh

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A Gifted Man: 1x12 In Case of Blind Spots

Shout by Khawlah

WE WERE ROBBED!!!!!!!!!!!! I need MORE scenes in my life like the last one between Michael and Kate. It's not fair. :cry: There's so much going on there between them and they play it so subtly and beautifully I want to dieeeee.

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A Gifted Man: 1x06 In Case of Memory Loss

Shout by Khawlah

Rita checking Michael's ass is such a mood. Haha I feel you, sister.

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A Gifted Man: 1x02 In Case of All Hell Breaking Loose

Shout by Khawlah

Is it me or does Philip give really shady vibes? IDK if it's the actor or the character, but something was off there. Also he's only been in few scenes and in each he has to mention that he's Anna's boyfriend. Like he's marking his territory or something as if she's still alive. Pfff. Really don't like him. Glad we barely see see him again. LOL

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King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

I expected a lot of things from this movie, I did not expect to it be funny. What a delightful surprise! Really worth the watch, and re-watch. It's fast and witty and magical and awesome. Definitely would recommend giving it a shot. Whoever was in charge of casting Charlie did this movie a great service. There's no one more charismatic and badass out there than Jax Teller.

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The Gentlemen: Season 1

Despite somewhat of a lacking and rushed finale, I didn't hesitate for a second to give the show a double thumbs up on Netflix after finishing it. Truly one of the most entertaining and hilarious shows I've watched recently.

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