

Saudi Arabia

Night Shift

Shout by Khawlah

That vile and horrendous couple deserved to be in room 8 as well. Too bad they visited before the twist. :joy:

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The Greatest Hits

The trailer was a better movie than the movie itself. So much wasted potential.

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Shout by Khawlah

Why did Sammy look SO MUCH like Miley Cyrus after becoming a vampire? lol it's UNCANNY.

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Spinning Out: 1x06 Have a Nice Day!

"Ending on a good note is the best medicine for a tricky head like yours."

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Spinning Out: 1x02 Welcome to the Family

I wish things were going as well for Jenn as they are for Kat. :cry: So far I find her way more likable interesting.

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Spinning Out: 1x01 Now Entering Sun Valley

I get she must've had her very young but January Jones playing Kaya's mother is absolutely ridiculous. :joy:

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Baby Reindeer

It's so good and so well made you'll never want to watch it again.

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Baby Reindeer: 1x06 Episode 6

It's so strange and breaking-the-fourth-wall-ish watching that final monologue knowing the actor who's preforming it is the one who wrote it and also the one who's been though the harrowing events in real life. I guess making the series was a healing journey? Idk.

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The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare

I walked away from the theater adding “Reacher” to my watchlist because Alan Ritchson was the real standout here. Elevated a very mediocre movie to a whole other level every time he was on screen. I really enjoyed his character a lot. lol

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Peaky Blinders: 4x06 The Company

Shout by Khawlah

Before the twist reveal, I was really disappointed with how Tommy reacted to Arthur's death. But in retrospect, it was really great acting from Cillian because you could really tell something was off.

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Peaky Blinders: 4x05 The Duel

Look, I've never watched The Godfather, but I've seen enough people attempting a Brando/Vito impression to know that whatever Brody is doing with his character is basically that. It's so ridiculous I'm surprised they let him get away with it.

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Peaky Blinders: 4x02 Heathens

Shout by Khawlah

Thankfully Michael survived, but we got Little Finger, so I guess we still lost. RIP JOHN. :sob:

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Peaky Blinders: 4x01 The Noose

Shout by Khawlah

Any chance Michael and John survived that? :sob:

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Peaky Blinders: 3x06 Episode 6

This show and this episode especially remind me so much of Sons of Anarchy. So many similarities.

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Peaky Blinders: 3x01 Episode 1

"Now, fuck speeches, fuck weddings. You're my best man every fucking day."

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Peaky Blinders: 1x05 Episode 5

I loved, loved, loved the final scene between the brothers. Arthur can be such a fuckup but he's so sympathetic. You can't help but feel bad for him and I'm glad his attempt failed. And Tommy smiling always feels very out of character. LMAO it's so jarring.

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The Cleaning Lady: 3x06 El Reloj

Suffering through this (understandably) horrid season out of respect for the late Adan Canto. May he rest in peace. :sob:

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I don't understand the point of making this movie. Are we supposed to be impressed by a news producer doing her job?

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The Gentlemen: Season 1

Despite somewhat of a lacking and rushed finale, I didn't hesitate for a second to give the show a double thumbs up on Netflix after finishing it. Truly one of the most entertaining and hilarious shows I've watched recently.

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The Gentlemen: 1x08 The Gospel According to Bobby Glass

Disappointed we never got a shootout, would've loved to see Eddie do some damage. The last 2 episodes barely had any action or comedy and both reminded me of my issue with the movie. Lots of monologue and talking us through events instead of simply having them play out. Anyway, it was a highly entertaining season. Wouldn't mind another.

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The Gentlemen: 1x07 Not Without Danger

It was obvious from the "mystery" guy's hat that it was Johnston behind all of this. Probably the first predictable twist and regrettably the most important. A new director and writer for this episode and I have to say it wasn't on the same level as the rest of the series, it felt very lacking on all fronts. Especially the writing.

Side note: Eddie and Susie are very similar when it comes to looking out for their families, except Eddie's efforts are wasted on Freddy. :rolling_eyes:

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The Gentlemen: 1x06 All Eventualities

Do you know who that is, Freddy? That's my brother. And I'll do anything for him. You might wanna think about that.

Respect to Susie for shutting him down. What a pathetic waste of space. Also, this episode was surprisingly stressful. :laughing: I continue to love the new characters. They're so fun and it's too bad because we probably won't see them again.

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The Gentlemen: 1x05 I've Hundreds of Cousins

Another enjoyable addition of fun characters and fun plot. Good episode that packed somewhat of an emotional value, that might have been lacking in previous episodes. And quite a revelation about Geoff if I understood that correctly. #JUSTICEFORJETHRO

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The Gentlemen: 1x04 An Unsympathetic Gentleman

It's a lucky man who's happy with his place in life.

So, a duke, a murderer, a car thief and now a nazi hunter. And We're only halfway through the series. :rofl: Meanwhile we have Freddy whining about not being taken seriously while acting like a petulant child. And someone needs to tell Jimmy loose lips sink ships, bruv.

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The Gentlemen: 1x03 Where's My Weed At?

It's unsettling how well Eddie is dealing with all of this. I mean I get he's a soldier but I doubt he's seen stuff this dark before. On the one hand he wants out of the business, yet it seems he's slightly enjoying the mess it's causing around him. Also, Wham Tam is WAY too cool for Freddy. Girl, what are you doing with a guy like that? Divorce his ass.

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The Gentlemen: 1x02 Tackle Tommy Woo Woo


LMAO that whole sequence was golden. I love how the comedy is peppered everywhere. Even in the fight choreography.

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The Gentlemen: 1x01 Refined Aggression

I loved every minute of it. I love how laugh out loud funny it is. :rofl: Can't wait to go on this ride!

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Grey's Anatomy: 20x04 Baby Can I Hold You

I like her brother. Let's keep him.

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True History of the Kelly Gang

The acting is this movie's only saving grace.

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The Night Agent: 1x08 Redux

They keep killing characters left and right but the problem is I don't care enough for it to matter. They hardly feel like real characters anyway. Very two dimensional. Also with its dodgy writing and acting, this show could benefit from taking itself less seriously.

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