

North Atlantic Ocean

I Am Not Okay with This: 1x07 Deepest, Darkest Secret

:hushed: Wow.

Ok... so that just happened.
We're probably never going to see another episode thanks to this pandemic, but it's a lovely teen angst distraction and I'm grateful for all positive distractions right now... but girrrrrrl c'mon, at least grab the bloody notebook Carrie! :heart:

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Siren: 3x08 ‘Til Death Do Us Part

uhm.... feels like we're missing some key scenes and dialogue.

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Westworld: 3x01 Parce Domine

Man, this was boring and all over the place. I couldn't stay focused long enough to properly understand what was going on. Talk about disjointed and convoluted. Granted this was only episode one, but an opener has to be strong otherwise to hell with the whole thing. Where is the flow we had last season, where each scene connected to the larger story without an unintentional abrupt cut? That flow better show up in the next episode and with a quickness...

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x06 Mortal Khanbat

Legends is killing it since the Crisis worlds reshape. These last few episodes have been comedic gold. Best DC show out of the lot at the moment. :joy::star2:

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The Good Place: 4x13 Whenever You're Ready

This is a dark chocolate ending - bitter sweet and good for you. Perfection doesn't exist but The Good Place got damn close.

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The Good Place: 4x12 Patty

More tears.
Man, ambivalence is a real bad Janet! I call this feeling "happy/sad".

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Dead to Me: 1x10 You Have to Go

Shout by Nyx

Probably Spoilerish...
Not quite (Car)ma, but I'll take it.

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Dead to Me: 1x09 I Have to Be Honest

Probably spoilerish...
Can someone just hit Steve with a car?! Call it (Car)ma. He's more than deserving, the guy is utterly revolting.

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Dead to Me: 1x04 I Can't Go Back

:scream:Siiiiiiiiccccckkkk!!!!!! pick an adjective I think I've found my new favourite show... SO good!

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The Good Place: 4x08 The Funeral to End All Funerals


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The Good Place: 4x06 A Chip Driver Mystery

My ribs ache and face is still sore from laughing. I'm going to miss this show so much! :heart:

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Star Trek: 3x24 Turnabout Intruder

"Her life could have been as rich as any woman's, if only she'd... (known her place...) if only she'd... (accepted her role in life)." - James T. Kirk's final words to close the series.

Wow, what a way to end what was in part one of the most brilliant sociopolitical TV programmes of its time (overlooking the blatant misogyny of course). Impressive. :eyes:

Right, well... at least we got contemporary Star Trek out of it.

The End.

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The World According to Garp

A pretentious extended version of the Solomon Grundy nursery rhyme with feminist facade. At the beginning and for perhaps the first half hour, I was curious about how it would unfold then it all went downhill. I cannot get that time back and I'm a little mad at myself now for having this movie on my "to watch" list for so long. Damn you Robin! :sleepy:

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Supernatural: 14x19 Jack in the Box

...aaaaand I didn't prepare for that...one... :no_mouth:

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Sixty minutes too long.
The film is a poor attempt at making a sociopolitical statement whilst trying not to come across as offensive. There is no plot, everything is entirely non-committal, and I am therefore still as uncertain about the true intentions of this film as Tyler was about the guys. I wish it was "just a dream" and I didn't waste my time watching it.

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9-1-1: 2x12 Chimney Begins

I thought Hen's episode couldn't be topped, I was wrong.

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The Haunting of Hill House: 1x10 Silence Lay Steadily

One of the best psychological horror shows I've ever watched. Nothing is perfect, of course The Haunting of Hill House has its share of flaws (quite like the characters in the show), but I found it to be mostly consistent. The storytelling is as beautiful as the cinematography, and the motifs and metaphors were a delight to connect. Every aha moment a revelation of some fantastic gem about what it means to be human. The finale is to me the ultimate closure of this chapter in their lives, this must be the end of the show altogether. I cannot begin to imagine what a season 2 with this title would even be like... but I'm open to surprises.

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The balance has shifted, it has been written. ☺️⚪⚫
Interestingly enough, I watched Split last year before realising Unbreakable was the prequel. The pacing is unnecessary slow at times as is Shyamalan's M.O but they are both good films overall. I look forward to Glass (hopefully it will be the closing masterpiece of this trilogy).

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Westworld: 2x10 The Passenger

What a brainfuck (programming pun intended).

"Copy of a" by NiN is the perfect song for this show. Who knows, we might hear it next season. ☺️

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Supergirl: 3x15 In Search of Lost Time

J'onn's dad has quickly become one of my favourites, he's so sweet and adorable... and powerful as heck - Sir gets allllll the respect.
Their storyline feels particularly personal on a few levels. It's a bittersweet feeling to be able to identify with their hardships, but it is ultimately a positive thing to see the reflection. Also, David Harewood (J'onn) made me cry again. The man can ACT!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x18 The Good, The Bad and The Cuddly

With all the heaviness of life, Legends is refreshing, (mostly) light entertainment and good fun. This episode delivered.

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Boring from beginning to end. It does not live up to expectation.

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