

North Atlantic Ocean

The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

1) (again) Teenagers and their underdeveloped brains, oh my god. Unfortunately, in TLOU every idiotic decision becomes a literal life or death situation.

2) STELLAR performance by Storm Reid, I swear it forced Bella to take her own acting up a notch. The result was my tear stained face (and quite possibly yours too).

3) Fuuuuuuucccccck! "Back in 5 mins", I'm bawling.

8/10 - for Riley/Storm Reid, the pop culture references, the delightful reminders of life pre apocalypse, and a (nearly) flawless victory.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x02 Ad Astra per Aspera

Excellent episode that exposes all kinds of prejudices (and the frequently problematic Prime Directive) in a "dont ask, dont tell" court-case repeal format.

Also, I wouldn't mind seeing Neera (Yetide Badaki) again, she played the part very well, and Una has good taste in "friends".

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His Dark Materials: 3x08 The Botanic Garden

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2022-12-27T22:21:55Z— updated 2022-12-29T04:31:20Z

Yep, I don't regret a single minute, this show is a wonderful, brilliant story, with amazing acting and VFX. Tears were shed.

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The Fall of the House of Usher: 1x07 The Pit and the Pendulum

Frauderick, that covert psycho, was the worst of the lot, imo. He totally got his just deserts.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x09 Lowest Common Denominator

I was mortified the entire time... mission accomplished. Nate's accent gradually changing and Spooner being "Naked and (un)Afraid" - HILARIOUS!
Another winning parody episode, this time, a mash up of every stupid reality tv show out there.
Reality TV is indeed TERRIFYING! L-O-freaking-L!

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American Horror Story: 10x07 Take Me To Your Leader

Probably should have been two separate episodes. I enjoyed the first half but the second half though curious, was mostly spent rolling my eyes at young adult bullshit and sexcessiveness (yes that's what I'm calling it)... anyway, looking forward to more Amelia Earhart and aliens.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x14 The One Where We're Trapped On TV

I repeat - Legends is THE best of the DC shows right now and I'm LOVING it. The parodies are magnificent. Hope they never stop.

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x05 Imposters

The story went from 60 to 99.8 SO fast, and the vindication of Ro Laren, FINALLY, and, oh, it is glorious! Always thought Ro deserved better, and I'm so glad they decided to give her this official ending than the questionable bullshit they left us with on TNG.

What the hell is Jack?!?! Is he a clone? A hybrid? Did he inherit some Locutus genes? What is going on? I'm ok with it though, gimme more.

Also, loving this Raffi and Worf duo, didn't think it would work but they've both got such spirit (understatement) that it does.

10/10 - for Ro Laren, may she live on forever.

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Dead to Me: 3x10 We've Reached the End

...and what an end. I genuinely don't know how to feel about it, I'm conflicted. In some ways nothing changed, the chemistry, the vibe... but everything is different, you know, and that change sucks.... nothing to do though, other than accept the loss... (FUUUUUUCK!!!) of this unique gem of a show. It was entertaining and unpredictable, and it will be missed... everything ends. sigh

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Raised by Wolves: 2x08 Happiness

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2022-03-18T03:57:52Z— updated 2023-01-12T12:09:21Z

Oh boy! Sci-fi goodness!! What a way to close the season.

"...evolution... it doesn't start off so great, but it gets better, and better, and better..."

Grandmother will have her brief time, but change is the only constant. Ironically this means that Mother's "youth" will be in her favour, as Lamia has evolved beyond the scope of her programming - in other words, Grandmother is fucked.

With the inverted crucifiction and the "crown" antichrist allusions, the signal defence barrier being down due to the planetary shield malfunctioning, the tree interference, and that helmet being a conduit - it's evident that Sol has made his official entrance, not unlike a nasty irradiating "sol"ar flare. Anyway, Marcus got what he wanted, I just wonder if he's still in there, locked away somewhere like Sue was... is...

"Pulling you from the sky, just like love will do, pulling you from the ground, just like love will do..." - who knows, we may yet see the return of Sue, Marcus and Vrill in some evolved form or other.

Winter is coming, lol. Happiness is looking forward to season 3.

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The Wheel of Time: 2x07 Daes Dae'Mar

A few jaw-dropping reveals - Liandrin's constant betrayals are expected at this point, but I never saw THAT other one coming (well done!). And a few promises for the future woven in there ;)

TWoT has hit powerful sixes (a cricket term, ratings are actually more like 7s and 8s) every episode this season. Be still my beating heart! Well, not STILL, but, ya know... gasp

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Good Omens: 2x06 Chapter 6: Every Day

This finale warmed my heart, then ripped it out and stomped all over it. Also, it will probably be a few years before we get season 3, so, 10/10 - for the pleasure and the pain to last.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x10 The Fixed Point

What it really means when we say "representation matters" - seeing an integral aspect of yourself in a character you already felt was a lot like you (or not like you, but one you admired) and being reminded that you are valid, that YOU matter.

Also, there was something in there about redemption... lol, they made a few points with this episode.

Yep, I don't think I could love this show more if I tried. 8/10

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x07 A Woman's Place Is In The War Effort

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2021-11-25T04:37:15Z— updated 2021-11-27T03:51:39Z

There are a few eye rolling moments, but this episode is mostly... riveting.bahdum tching lol

Jokes aside... of all the DC shows, Legends of Tomorrow still has the winning formula with their satirical elixir. Sure, each episode is a hit or miss, but they manage to weld it all together, like a well oiled machine.

Ok, I'll stop, no need to hammer the point home.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x13 Knocked Down, Knocked Up

Look, I loved ALL of this episode, all of it I tell ya. Haven't grinned this hard in a while! ALSO, Ini Kamoze's "Here Comes the Hotstepper" will now be on repeat all day, every day in my Spotify for the next few days tyvm.

Already looking forward to the next season, and if this is truly to be the last, it's ok, they went out in style.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x08 Stressed Western

I might start a drinking game every time Ava and Sara say "babe". Will probably be drunk by the end of every episode they're in.

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The World to Come

I watched this movie against my better judgement, with a rice grain of hope, and in a state of suspicious dread considering the norm for mainstream made queer films. I regret the near two hours of anxiety, ambivalence and anguish. In plainspeak - Fuck this heartbreaking shit.

Now I'm going to watch some mindless series and try to purge away the well of sorrow that burrowed itself into me.

Please consider this review a mental health warning if you're also prone to depression, this one stings.

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Raised by Wolves: 1x09 Umbilical

So... complete speculation here... say the Sol of Kepler 22b is the uploaded consciousness of the Atheist (Campion the Creator)... maybe? Just maybe...

This would make Mother "the virgin mother" and her unborn child "the messiah"? If we roll with this saviour narrative... Father would be "the surrogate father", and Campion jr and the other children would be "disciples"? :thinking:

...and down the rabbit hole we go Alice. Can't wait to see what's next... squeals in excitement

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9-1-1: 2x12 Chimney Begins

I thought Hen's episode couldn't be topped, I was wrong.

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Fallout: 1x04 The Ghouls

Baby girl went from "what the fudge" to "...motherfucker" in record time. We're only four episodes in, and already, what a turning point. Bravo! 9/10

"There's (absolutely) no fudge here." - Snip-Snip (may he rust in one piece)

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The Fall of the House of Usher: 1x03 Murder in the Rue Morgue

Absolutely loving this Poe tribute series! They're all great, but I can't get enough of Carla Gugino's acting, she makes a splendid "dragon" for Roderick.

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The Fallout

A painfully honest look at the emotional aftermath of school shootings in the USA from a teenager's perspective. It's hard to watch, but worth the time.

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Raised by Wolves: 2x03 Good Creatures
Raised by Wolves: 1x08 Mass

I am absolutely loving this show! 9/10

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x06 Mortal Khanbat

Legends is killing it since the Crisis worlds reshape. These last few episodes have been comedic gold. Best DC show out of the lot at the moment. :joy::star2:

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x07 Dominion

Star Trek: Picard has been consistently excellent since its reformation with this brilliant narrative. The third time has definitely been the charm, and each episode has just been building upon the goodness. Between mouth agape and grinning so wide my face hurt, it's been just fantastic.

9.5/10 - for the distinguished gentleman who graced our screens ever so briefly; for Vadic's fascinating madness/Amanda's awesome acting, oh my word, her intentional physicality and the way she conveys SO much with her face; for that magnificent hallway choreography; for Deborah Kampmeier directing this episode for the film gods!

...I'd give it a 10, but I hate the lens flares, it's a nod to the Kelvin timeline, but imo they should never have brought it to Trek, just let JJ Abrams keep his shiny, pointless distractions. I'm also saving that 10 for the denouement, for the grand finale.

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x06 The Bounty

The writing leapt from middling at the beginning of this season to phenomenal in this episode, I could not take my eyes off the screen! The OGs AND the literal next generation (lol) are out here KILLING it! Amanda Plummer was on her A game here, absolutely TERRIFYING, Vadic makes Weyoun look like a disgruntled puppy.

I'm crossing fingers and toes hoping to see some more familiar faces for this bon homage. Faces that were involved in the Dominion War, and from Voyager, they certainly have options - perhaps Kira, O'Brien and/or Bashir because of their Section 31 connections, Janeway, Tuvok... look, if the PTB successfully deep faked Carrie Fisher for Star Wars, they can deep fake Odo and Benjamin Sisko for Star Trek. Whoever, whatever they choose now, I'm fully on-board because this ship found its second wind and is sailing!

10/10 - for Amanda Plummer putting in some serious WORK, and in memory of Lal (who we very likely may hear again soon).

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O....k so I thought Yuri was just an annoying overprotective younger brother, but he's actually disturbingly obsessed with his sister. Let's hope he can sort that complex out real soon because it's the only thing that bitters the sweet innocence of this lovely anime.

Aside from Yuri, Loid's words to Yor about being herself, (though hypocritical coming from him) were beautifully said, and of course our Anya is adorable as ever.

The feeeeels! Loid can deny it all he wants but that little found family he has is the realest thing he has and when he realises it, this "mission" will never end (even when the job does).

Also, the intro and end credits are a delight to watch. I've no idea what they're singing... I pick up that the intro is something about Mama and Papa and peanuts, but that's it lol.... I still enjoy the songs and Anya's dream sequence at the end is the cutest most heartwarming thing.

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Doctor Who: 13x05 Survivors of the Flux

The way they're handling this, Thirteen's closure is disappointing. The stories are good but they're packing too much into single episodes and much of the dialogue is filled with hollow dribble and techno babble. "Survivors of the Flux" is FAR too busy, and when compared to the previous episode, is a clear let down to fans.

It's already been proven that a singular story focus (or two) makes for a winning episode... structured rather than frantically scattered along the timeline is the way to go. The irony is not lost that these episodes mirror the flux in structure (or lack thereof), and that's not a good thing.

It's less about what story is being told, because they really are good ideas, it's more about HOW they're telling them. So much beautiful story telling potential wasted. Ugh!

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Grey's Anatomy: 18x02 Some Kind of Tomorrow

I'd like to be done with both shows because the drama has truly reached soap opera incredulity, but my idiot brain has problems quitting things once it's heavily invested. It's like having annoying family/friends you still keep in touch with. They really piss you off and you kick yourself every time, but you can't help caring.

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