

North Atlantic Ocean

Star Trek: Picard: 3x05 Imposters

The story went from 60 to 99.8 SO fast, and the vindication of Ro Laren, FINALLY, and, oh, it is glorious! Always thought Ro deserved better, and I'm so glad they decided to give her this official ending than the questionable bullshit they left us with on TNG.

What the hell is Jack?!?! Is he a clone? A hybrid? Did he inherit some Locutus genes? What is going on? I'm ok with it though, gimme more.

Also, loving this Raffi and Worf duo, didn't think it would work but they've both got such spirit (understatement) that it does.

10/10 - for Ro Laren, may she live on forever.

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Good Omens: 2x06 Chapter 6: Every Day

This finale warmed my heart, then ripped it out and stomped all over it. Also, it will probably be a few years before we get season 3, so, 10/10 - for the pleasure and the pain to last.

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The Fall of the House of Usher: 1x08 The Raven

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2023-10-16T19:50:17Z— updated 2023-10-22T21:10:52Z

Flawless! Superb conclusion!
10/10 for the usher of vengeance, the spectacular Fury Verna/the Raven!

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x08 Surrender

Nothing else to say but 10/10.
"Fucking solids!"

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x02 Ad Astra per Aspera

Excellent episode that exposes all kinds of prejudices (and the frequently problematic Prime Directive) in a "dont ask, dont tell" court-case repeal format.

Also, I wouldn't mind seeing Neera (Yetide Badaki) again, she played the part very well, and Una has good taste in "friends".

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9-1-1: 2x12 Chimney Begins

I thought Hen's episode couldn't be topped, I was wrong.

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x07 Dominion

Star Trek: Picard has been consistently excellent since its reformation with this brilliant narrative. The third time has definitely been the charm, and each episode has just been building upon the goodness. Between mouth agape and grinning so wide my face hurt, it's been just fantastic.

9.5/10 - for the distinguished gentleman who graced our screens ever so briefly; for Vadic's fascinating madness/Amanda's awesome acting, oh my word, her intentional physicality and the way she conveys SO much with her face; for that magnificent hallway choreography; for Deborah Kampmeier directing this episode for the film gods!

...I'd give it a 10, but I hate the lens flares, it's a nod to the Kelvin timeline, but imo they should never have brought it to Trek, just let JJ Abrams keep his shiny, pointless distractions. I'm also saving that 10 for the denouement, for the grand finale.

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x06 The Bounty

The writing leapt from middling at the beginning of this season to phenomenal in this episode, I could not take my eyes off the screen! The OGs AND the literal next generation (lol) are out here KILLING it! Amanda Plummer was on her A game here, absolutely TERRIFYING, Vadic makes Weyoun look like a disgruntled puppy.

I'm crossing fingers and toes hoping to see some more familiar faces for this bon homage. Faces that were involved in the Dominion War, and from Voyager, they certainly have options - perhaps Kira, O'Brien and/or Bashir because of their Section 31 connections, Janeway, Tuvok... look, if the PTB successfully deep faked Carrie Fisher for Star Wars, they can deep fake Odo and Benjamin Sisko for Star Trek. Whoever, whatever they choose now, I'm fully on-board because this ship found its second wind and is sailing!

10/10 - for Amanda Plummer putting in some serious WORK, and in memory of Lal (who we very likely may hear again soon).

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The Haunting of Hill House: 1x10 Silence Lay Steadily

One of the best psychological horror shows I've ever watched. Nothing is perfect, of course The Haunting of Hill House has its share of flaws (quite like the characters in the show), but I found it to be mostly consistent. The storytelling is as beautiful as the cinematography, and the motifs and metaphors were a delight to connect. Every aha moment a revelation of some fantastic gem about what it means to be human. The finale is to me the ultimate closure of this chapter in their lives, this must be the end of the show altogether. I cannot begin to imagine what a season 2 with this title would even be like... but I'm open to surprises.

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The Fall of the House of Usher: 1x05 The Tell-Tale Heart

Verna (Carla Gugino), is the crack that divides the Usher house (literally and figuratively), she's the drug, the dragon that drives Roddy and his progeny to self destructive madness, she's the raven, the black cat, the harbinger of destiny... and all of the karmic retribution that befalls this family.

Also, love, love, LOVE that T'Nia Miller always bringing her A game! She absolutely kills in this episode! wink

"Never waste your time on guilt and shame, as their alchemy is a savage cross to bare." - Roderick Usher

A damn good line!


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The Last of Us: 1x09 Look for the Light

It's a really good adaptation and a solid ending for this first season. The build-up to this worked out well, so the expected rift felt pronounced because Joel and Ellie's bond was cemented in the last episode. I've no complaints because they stuck to the already excellent game version, then they enhanced it by giving us Ashley Johnson, who murdered her role as Ellie's Mum (SO META), they also revealed why Ellie is immune in a brilliant way, and we got our Giraffes.

9/10 - for more joke puns, recognisable places, a familiar weapon swap during the hospital massacre, a glimpse of Abby's dad, that first-person perspective when Joel got knocked out, and the promise of high drama and badassery next season.

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The Last of Us: 1x03 Long, Long Time

Beautiful and sad. My eyes were red and I was crying big, fat tears by the end of it, but I so prefer this version of their story to the game. Sixteen years in any world, with someone you love who loves you, is remarkable and worthy of ALL the screen time.

10/10 for Bill and Frank, and for the sensitivity given to their heartwarming and heartbreaking tale.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 6x13 Far Beyond the Stars

Coming back to this episode hurts every time because it's life imitating art imitating life. I love it because it's the most honest, most direct story of all in the history of Star Trek, and I hate it because it acts as a token (like Sisko has, like Janeway has) and it's perhaps only incremental change in that it is a mirror for people to see themselves and be encouraged. However, as Benny Russell proves here, we can scream and shout until we're hoarse and exhausted but nothing really changes. The ironic fact that Avery Brooks (Ben Sisko) has faded into obscurity makes this episode all the more painful.

"Wishing never changed a damn thing." Clearly doing doesn't change much either...

9/10 (for the fragments of hope in the dream and a whole lot of pain at the reality)

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The Nevers: 1x06 True

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2022-01-12T21:16:33Z— updated 2022-12-26T02:21:46Z

This one is the cherry on top. Brilliant storytelling, with so many revelations (finally!) and promises... I didn't expect to love this show, but I do, almost as much as I hate cliffhangers. Now to wait forever again to see who else made it, if it's Knitter and she's gone dark... doubtful... but, I have hope. wink

From the look on his face and what we saw in Amalia's vision, it seems like Penance will ultimately choose Zephyr/Amalia (has already chosen, if that stare in this episode's closing is anything to go by) and Mr. Birdlow may side with his sister (Edmund Hague's puppet), Augie will be like CCTV for them lol... aaaand then domino effect. I can't wait...

(3rd rewatch addendum)
...I mean I clearly can (wait)... this indefinite return shit is frustrating, but, well, here we are... still waiting.

(post shitty news about the cancellation)
....aaaaaand another one bites the dust, cancelled like all the others because it's "too woke". At this point I might just stop watching current television altogether, perhaps thats the puritan push anyway.
Ah well, so it goes.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x05 The Bonding

I'm a sucker for beautiful, sentimental works of art, and this episode delivered. My eyes are still damp as I type this.

To feel as intensely about the value of every human life as one does about the life of a loved one... oh man... that's the dream!

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 3x12 Past Tense (2)

How is it possible to feel so good about a show that made you feel so bad?! Cognitive Dissonance... it seems to be the default state of being these days.

Well, I guess when you consider the irony of a fictional futuristic show made years in the past, depicting a very plausible, bleak, not so distant future of humanity, you can't help but feel a real sense of foreboding doom. However, there's a light at the end of the... episode, a sliver of hope for the distant, distant inhabitants of earth to maybe find respect for life aside from self, to maybe sort of learn to live in some semblance of harmony.

Shirley Bassey and the Propellerheads said it best...
"The word is about, there's something evolving.
Whatever may come, the world keeps revolving.
They say the next big thing is here,
That the revolution's near,

But to me it seems quite clear
That it's all just a little bit of history repeating... and I've seen it before, and I'll see it again... just little bits of history repeating. "

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x23 I, Borg

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2021-03-23T23:12:30Z— updated 2021-03-25T02:23:56Z

Borg Watershed. :heart:
This is the episode where Johnathan Del Arco worked his way into our hearts, bringing with him what would become a recurring theme of ex-Borg individuality that would see the changing face (literally and figuratively) of a species integral to the success of the Star Trek franchise.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x09 The Measure of a Man

An alternate title could've been "Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum" (I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am). :sweat_smile:

I also suppose simply asking Data "how do you feel about..." would not have provided the necessary drama to extend the episode to its full 44 minutes. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

That said, I absolutely loved this episode. I very much identify with the more "socially challenged" characters in Star Trek universe (Spock, Tuvok, Odo, Seven...) and Data is one of my favourites. There are so many sentient species in existence, so many ways of being. :heart:

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Star Trek: Lower Decks: 2x02 Kayshon, His Eyes Open

This was great. Best episode yet!

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Anatomy of a Scandal

9.5/10 - for the cinematography, compelling script, brilliant direction and acting.

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The Sandman: 1x06 The Sound of Her Wings

Absolutely satisfying, right down to closing credits music choice. I'm still in awe that they've stayed true to the comic in every way that counts and the casting is brilliant!!!! Been smiling since episode 1, it's so good!

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 7x04 Take Me Out to the Holosuite

Smiled so hard my face hurt. 10/10

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x20 Tin Man

To belong... that is all, that is everything. ♡

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His Dark Materials: 3x08 The Botanic Garden

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2022-12-27T22:21:55Z— updated 2022-12-29T04:31:20Z

Yep, I don't regret a single minute, this show is a wonderful, brilliant story, with amazing acting and VFX. Tears were shed.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x14 The One Where We're Trapped On TV

I repeat - Legends is THE best of the DC shows right now and I'm LOVING it. The parodies are magnificent. Hope they never stop.

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The Fall of the House of Usher: 1x03 Murder in the Rue Morgue

Absolutely loving this Poe tribute series! They're all great, but I can't get enough of Carla Gugino's acting, she makes a splendid "dragon" for Roderick.

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Good Omens: 2x01 Chapter 1: The Arrival

I cannot stop grinning! It's absolutely ineffable, lol. Just this first episode of the new season is so, SO worth the wait! :grinning:

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The Wheel of Time: 2x08 What Was Meant to Be

Shout by Nyx

Amazing finale!!! I could cry! In fact, I did, a few times (don't judge me, lol!).
To be so connected, rooted, interwoven, bonded, intertwined with one another - oh my goodness! THAT is what life is about. Even though Ishamael woke the other dark ones, it's obvious they'll fail because they're not unified. Moiraine told us as much when she said to Lan, "...they're always fighting." Aaaaaand now our lightbringers have the immortal Lanfear on their side too, how could they ever lose?!

The impatient wait is on for the next season because Rafe Judkins and crew chose violence with that jaw-dropping cliffhanger. It's ok though, Season 3 is going to be FANTASTIC (and very likely the final season).

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x04 Forget Me Not

Beautiful. I may have shed a tear or two.

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Grey's Anatomy: 19x12 Pick Yourself Up

Good episode, it felt like old school Grey's where the surgeries and consults are the focus. Addison is AMAZING, Maggie and Winston are their usual annoying selves, and the other doctors toggle between great and tolerable.

8/10 - for Addison

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