

North Atlantic Ocean

The Last of Us: 1x06 Kin

The episode is alright, not as strong as the previous ones, but it's alright.

Ellie is still annoying af in the "clever and emotionally mature, but still a curious child" way (average post-apocalypse teenager), but this one is really about Joel, realising he needs to trust himself and others, to accept and embrace his grief, to not run from his growing affection for the child in his care, and to breathe (literally).

Also, I strained my neck looking for Dina at movie night, still couldn't find her, lol... Oooh, we're in the thick of it now, some people are going to lose their minds in the upcoming episodes. Can't wait.

6/10 - for Shimmer

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The Burning Girls: 1x04 Four

Ok, we're four episodes into this six episode limited series and the scenes in this one left a lot to be desired, too disjointed. I still don't know what the twins were killed for, might have missed that bit of info, did they even say?

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True Detective: 4x03 Night Country: Part 3

Ok, so I finally finished season 1, and yup, Danvers and Navarro are definitely a Hart and Cohle parallel, and this season's case has a direct connection to the Tuttel/Childress supernatural element with the symbols, the stick fetishes in the trailer, the whistling and that deep voice that possessed Lundt.

Season 1 had a thing about time being an endless circle and death not being the end... shudder
...anybody else thinking reincarnation here?

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Once Upon a Time: 5x11 Swan Song

Skip this entire season and save yourself the regret.

I'm rewatching (for the third time) because, evidently, I'm an idiot who likes to be tortured. Forgot how absolutely ridiculous this dark Swan/dark captain/underworld plot was. Fortunately, I'll likely forget again.

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The Leftovers: 2x05 No Room at the Inn

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-10-25T04:08:46Z— updated 2022-10-26T05:13:07Z

Hail Mary, mother of G... shit, wait, that one wasn't consensual either... uhm... yeah, I don't believe she woke up. Matt is just one sick fuck, but in a very twisted way he did save "the boy" like his comatose wife and the man in the intake waiting area prophesied he was going to. eyeroll

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Star Trek: Voyager: 6x05 Alice

An interstellar "Christine" (Stephen King's nefarious car) whose goal is to fly into an interstellar Bermuda triangle... sounds interesting in theory, but the brunt of this episode is much too passive for it to work, the writing is certainly somniferous.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 4x08 Year of Hell (1)

Looks like Kes (and everything she told them about the Krenim) got erased from this timeline too... oops.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 6x23 Profit and Lace

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2022-07-05T00:58:14Z— updated 2024-01-06T02:46:38Z

Ohhhh I hated this episode so much! Not because it reveals anything we didn't already know about the Ferengi, but because it further tarnishes Quark's already shady character.

Yes, we know that he is written to be a misogynist, blinded by this Ferengi cultural stain, but we really didn't need a reminder. It casts a shadow on every positive thing he's ever said or done. Here we are reminded that he learned nothing from Pel and he learned nothing from his mother, yet, he is in awe of powerful (non Ferengi) women like Grilka, Dax and Kira.

All this episode does is remind us that Quark is a cowardly little man who holds firm to his cultural customs to hold firm to his latinum. He'll lose the lace to keep the profit every time.

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Meet Joe Black
Batwoman: 2x09 Rule #1

How much wood could a Woodchuck chuck if a Woodchuck could chuck wood?

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Orphan Black: 4x07 The Antisocialism of Sex

C'mon now, how does the nerd squad not have at least one back up drive?! LOL smh

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Sixty minutes too long.
The film is a poor attempt at making a sociopolitical statement whilst trying not to come across as offensive. There is no plot, everything is entirely non-committal, and I am therefore still as uncertain about the true intentions of this film as Tyler was about the guys. I wish it was "just a dream" and I didn't waste my time watching it.

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The Wheel of Time: 2x08 What Was Meant to Be

Shout by Nyx

Amazing finale!!! I could cry! In fact, I did, a few times (don't judge me, lol!).
To be so connected, rooted, interwoven, bonded, intertwined with one another - oh my goodness! THAT is what life is about. Even though Ishamael woke the other dark ones, it's obvious they'll fail because they're not unified. Moiraine told us as much when she said to Lan, "...they're always fighting." Aaaaaand now our lightbringers have the immortal Lanfear on their side too, how could they ever lose?!

The impatient wait is on for the next season because Rafe Judkins and crew chose violence with that jaw-dropping cliffhanger. It's ok though, Season 3 is going to be FANTASTIC (and very likely the final season).

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The Flash: 9x04 Mask of the Red Death (1)

"What the hell" - Iris
"What in the world?!" - Joe

Yes, this exact sentiment, all season. Script is utter shite, and there's only so much even the best actor can do with a shite script.

2/10 - for hair and make-up (set and costume are still trying, but it's obvious they're feeling the budget cuts)

Completionist mode on - Just two more episodes and we're done forever, right?

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x02 Penance

Ok, so they mentioned Sisko very briefly in this alternate/mirror/parallel universe, so I'm hoping (but barely because I'm really a cynic) that either he, or Bashir, or Dax ffs will be "The Watcher" when they travel back to 2024.

Look, I'm just desperate for trek universes to converge, and if they're going to touch an already established fixed point (and 2024 IS a cannon fixed point), they had BETTER give Cpt. Sisko/Brooks his rightful due. We've seen/heard all the other primary Federation Captains in recent Trek shows and some of the tertiary ones, even Dukat and Martok have had honorary mention now! Come onnnn man! This is the time and place (pun intended) to put right the wrongs done to our beloved DS9 Captain.

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A Teacher: 1x09 Episode 9

Aaaaaaand there it is, the attempt to justify her actions, blame it all on the childhood and the parents.

Yes, formative years are building blocks for character development, and every experience we have in life informs our actions but CHOICE is also real! That's the true test of maturity and mental health... the choices we make in adulthood.

PS: At least they both have good support systems and it looks like they're finally going to get the help they need. This show should have just been a movie instead of this drawn out PSA.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x08 Under the Cloak of War

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-07-28T03:25:49Z— updated 2023-08-20T03:12:46Z

"...you haven't lived my life. You have the privilege of believing in what's best in people, me, I happen to know there are some things in this world that don't deserve forgiveness." - M'benga

...and he's 100% right. Shit, this episode hit so hard it set off my own PTSD.

Also, sure, everyone deserves a second chance, but only if they've owned up to what they've done and faced the consequences. If a person has changed or is working toward change, they'll accept that as a consequence not everyone will forgive them, and they'll respect other people's feelings (even if the feeling is hatred).

General Rah didn't earn forgiveness for his atrocities, he never owned up to what he did. Ortegas saw through his pretense, while M'benga and Chapel tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he was one stubborn and cowardly Klingon who ultimately deserved what he got, a dishonourable death. May he eternally face his consequences in Gre'thor.

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The Last of Us: 1x02 Infected

Another live-action, straight from the game (a few changes here and there but, meh, mostly same, same), winning episode. Between "Ooooh I remember that place!!!" and "yoooo, that looks SO familiar!!!" and yelling "Myceliummmmm Mama!!!" and "THAT IS FUCKING DISGUSTING, SO COOL, EWWW, I LOVE IT!!! (you know the bit wink*wink) - I was having a ball!

They nailed the set and CG re-creation in this one, and if they can keep it up, the series will be a total success.

9.5/10 for surprising me when the credits started rolling, I was fully immersed and expecting more. Good job, I'm hooked.

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O....k so I thought Yuri was just an annoying overprotective younger brother, but he's actually disturbingly obsessed with his sister. Let's hope he can sort that complex out real soon because it's the only thing that bitters the sweet innocence of this lovely anime.

Aside from Yuri, Loid's words to Yor about being herself, (though hypocritical coming from him) were beautifully said, and of course our Anya is adorable as ever.

The feeeeels! Loid can deny it all he wants but that little found family he has is the realest thing he has and when he realises it, this "mission" will never end (even when the job does).

Also, the intro and end credits are a delight to watch. I've no idea what they're singing... I pick up that the intro is something about Mama and Papa and peanuts, but that's it lol.... I still enjoy the songs and Anya's dream sequence at the end is the cutest most heartwarming thing.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x11 Rage Against The Machines

It's just a bad shoulder wound, she'll be fine, because it's going to be a dark, dark day if anything happens to human Gideon.

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Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story

I've never watched Bridgerton, nor do I intend to (just not my kind of thing), but I took a chance on this short series, and it did not disappoint.

7/10 - for the emotional damage. That final episode packs a heavier punch than Princess Augusta's pear brandy.

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Grey's Anatomy: 19x06 Thunderstruck

Shout by Nyx

I can believe the intern did, I can even believe Meredith did, but Bailey talking about reading Tessa's books when she was a child, HA! The woman is NOT that old.

Loved the symbolic burning down of the old to start anew, that was cool... and the editing, the lightning graphic over the show title was really nice, literal silver lining of the episode. Yes, I'm being petty about the fact that the rest of it was all over the place. Link and Jo, Hunt and Teddy, Maggie and Winston, Meredith and whatshisnamenewguy, Bailey and Ben with the show cross-over ish... all the stupid tension is not entertaining. There's drama and then there is this dragged out, incredibly annoying childishness - just discuss it and get it over with, like mature adults.

Not sure how I forgot this and its sister show are essentially soap operas, but I'm truly tired of the melodrama and excessive relationship/romance bs, the bad dialogue, and Hunt's stupid facial expressions. It has been a (mostly) fun run, but I'm ready for it all to end, it's time.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x07 A Woman's Place Is In The War Effort

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2021-11-25T04:37:15Z— updated 2021-11-27T03:51:39Z

There are a few eye rolling moments, but this episode is mostly... riveting.bahdum tching lol

Jokes aside... of all the DC shows, Legends of Tomorrow still has the winning formula with their satirical elixir. Sure, each episode is a hit or miss, but they manage to weld it all together, like a well oiled machine.

Ok, I'll stop, no need to hammer the point home.

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Grey's Anatomy: 18x02 Some Kind of Tomorrow

I'd like to be done with both shows because the drama has truly reached soap opera incredulity, but my idiot brain has problems quitting things once it's heavily invested. It's like having annoying family/friends you still keep in touch with. They really piss you off and you kick yourself every time, but you can't help caring.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x11 Su'Kal

:heart: I adore Doug Jones, the man is SO talented. It was a pleasure to see his lovely face on Discovery.

This new storyline is a thrill, unravelling Su'kal's history is captivating, but I'm not too keen on Osyraa. She's getting on my nerves, I just want to see her eradicated... maybe that means she's a decent villain... idk.

LOL at Michael not being Vulcan.

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Raised by Wolves: 1x09 Umbilical

So... complete speculation here... say the Sol of Kepler 22b is the uploaded consciousness of the Atheist (Campion the Creator)... maybe? Just maybe...

This would make Mother "the virgin mother" and her unborn child "the messiah"? If we roll with this saviour narrative... Father would be "the surrogate father", and Campion jr and the other children would be "disciples"? :thinking:

...and down the rabbit hole we go Alice. Can't wait to see what's next... squeals in excitement

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Good Omens: 2x06 Chapter 6: Every Day

This finale warmed my heart, then ripped it out and stomped all over it. Also, it will probably be a few years before we get season 3, so, 10/10 - for the pleasure and the pain to last.

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Black Mirror: 6x02 Loch Henry

An alternate universe where Podrick's father is Little Finger, it's not a half bad story either.

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The Flash: 9x05 Mask of the Red Death (2)

Could it get more messy than this?! Not to throw more stones at the show now it's so near the end, but it's shockingly bad.

Did get a chuckle watching continuity give up in the last few scenes of the episode. Those chop cuts screamed, "...whatever, why bother?"

2/10 - for Khione being so cute, and that one "bicep blondie" joke from Mr. Gold (IDK, paraphrasing and word associating because it's all just vaguely memorable already).

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Echoes: 1x07 Falls

An utterly ridiculous conclusion. The music is irritatingly bad and mirrors the script - a twinning made in hell.

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