

North Atlantic Ocean

Star Trek: Picard: 3x06 The Bounty

The writing leapt from middling at the beginning of this season to phenomenal in this episode, I could not take my eyes off the screen! The OGs AND the literal next generation (lol) are out here KILLING it! Amanda Plummer was on her A game here, absolutely TERRIFYING, Vadic makes Weyoun look like a disgruntled puppy.

I'm crossing fingers and toes hoping to see some more familiar faces for this bon homage. Faces that were involved in the Dominion War, and from Voyager, they certainly have options - perhaps Kira, O'Brien and/or Bashir because of their Section 31 connections, Janeway, Tuvok... look, if the PTB successfully deep faked Carrie Fisher for Star Wars, they can deep fake Odo and Benjamin Sisko for Star Trek. Whoever, whatever they choose now, I'm fully on-board because this ship found its second wind and is sailing!

10/10 - for Amanda Plummer putting in some serious WORK, and in memory of Lal (who we very likely may hear again soon).

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Fallout: 1x04 The Ghouls

Baby girl went from "what the fudge" to "...motherfucker" in record time. We're only four episodes in, and already, what a turning point. Bravo! 9/10

"There's (absolutely) no fudge here." - Snip-Snip (may he rust in one piece)

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Star Trek: Discovery: 5x06 Whistlespeak

I'm loving this season, because I missed this about Star Trek, travelling to other worlds and experiencing strange and wonderful cultures. What a treat this episode is, and the fact that it is Tilly who stays in the race and wins is so, SO meaningful - for her own personal battle of indecision, as well as for the pointed remark about whether questionable athleticism always determines physical prowess.

Interestingly, the race itself, as well as the outcome reminds me of a popular religious quote (appropriate since Discovery is currently on a spiritual quest), from Ecclesiastes 9:11 - "I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise nor wealth to the brilliant nor favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. Basically, "appearances can be deceiving", because who might outwardly appear a shoe-in for success, may not be, and the least likely candidate may surprise you. If you are in the right place, at the right time and have the will to endure - anything is possible.

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Killing Eve: 4x08 Hello, Losers

So glad I read some of the comments first, otherwise I may not have been prepared for the disappointment.
Also, this episode's title is really the official and personal farewell to us, the viewers - a fat middle finger from the PTB.

The only "winner" in all of this is Pam, and we pretty much met her yesterday.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x08 Stressed Western

I might start a drinking game every time Ava and Sara say "babe". Will probably be drunk by the end of every episode they're in.

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Nope, I still can't get over Yuri's bizarre obsession with his sister. So far, every episode with him in it simply tarnished the entire thing for me.

Anya's doing alright for being younger than everyone thinks she is. Her penmanship is understandably atrocious though, lol.

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x08 Surrender

Nothing else to say but 10/10.
"Fucking solids!"

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The Flash: 8x08 The Fire Next Time

The idea was sweet, but the execution was oh SO stupid.

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Doctor Who: 13x04 Village of the Angels

Every episode prior provided crumbs of delightful story, but still just crumbs at a time, tasty, but ultimately unsatisfactory. THIS episode however, while not really the full coarse meal we've been promised, still feels like a few loaves of bread thrown at our heads, and I'm ok with that because we're finally getting fed. Fantastic tension, what the flux!! We're definitely in for a good time with the next one.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x07 Back to the Finale: Part II

Such delightful, tooth rotting, vomit inducing sweetness at the end there... but, excuse me... Kayla?! Are we to just forget about our Rory's gorgeous badass alien queen?!

ALSO - I totally enjoyed this episode! This is the fun, pick-me-up I come back for every time!

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The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

1) (again) Teenagers and their underdeveloped brains, oh my god. Unfortunately, in TLOU every idiotic decision becomes a literal life or death situation.

2) STELLAR performance by Storm Reid, I swear it forced Bella to take her own acting up a notch. The result was my tear stained face (and quite possibly yours too).

3) Fuuuuuuucccccck! "Back in 5 mins", I'm bawling.

8/10 - for Riley/Storm Reid, the pop culture references, the delightful reminders of life pre apocalypse, and a (nearly) flawless victory.

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The Fall of the House of Usher: 1x03 Murder in the Rue Morgue

Absolutely loving this Poe tribute series! They're all great, but I can't get enough of Carla Gugino's acting, she makes a splendid "dragon" for Roderick.

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The Fallout

A painfully honest look at the emotional aftermath of school shootings in the USA from a teenager's perspective. It's hard to watch, but worth the time.

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All heart and good fun! Episodes like this are the reason many of us watch SpyXFamily. Looking forward to the next one.

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Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore

I've watched all the other films but I'm still lost. Some of the characters are fun, but this franchise is too niche and too convoluted in my opinion, definitely not for me.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x01 The Star Gazer

It really wouldn't be fair to judge the entire season by its first episode, so we'll just have to watch and see how things evolve further. It's good to see the old crew again for one final adventure, but above all, I'm just excited about the (even remote) prospect of seeing/hearing about Gabriel Bell/Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks).

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Batwoman: 3x06 How Does Your Garden Grow?

spoilers below

I quite like the new spicy Mary... I do not
like the new "development" with Montoya and Moore (ew). MSquared would just be a tragic moniker.
Batwoman/Ryan needs to fix this mess real quick, and Luke needs a kick upside the head.

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Sweet Tooth: 3x04 Beyond the Sea

Beautiful episode, and my favourite so far. Loss is hard, but those gone before live on forever in our hearts and minds. We honour them in memory.

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Fallout: 1x08 The Beginning

Decent first season, onward to New Vegas and Vault 38.

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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: 1x06 The Last Time

While it wasn't the greatest episode of this limited series, l still found 'The Last Time' to be a satisfactory closure. It gave us answers and a beautiful finalé.

"The Ones Who Live" paid real homage to Rick and Michonne, two characters we know and love, particularly in the flashbacks showing their evolution and growth. I don't know what else people wanted (perhaps they dont even know what they wanted either), though I think for some, nothing is good enough if it's not EXACTLY to their liking (usually it's more fighting, less drama and dialogue... less cognitive exercise). Whatever, in my opinion, this series beats all the other spin-off shows combined (not that the others don't have their own merit... this one is just better).

7/10 - because "this IS the shit (they) do." May the Grimes family legacy live on forever.

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True Detective: 4x01 Night Country: Part 1

So far, this is a decent start of a promising story.

I've never seen True Detective before, but I'm jumping in here because the supernatural element, diversity, queer cast and characters got my attention. It's great that each season is its own show, if you don't like 1, you might 2... there's something for everyone.

Also, "The Thing" DVD placement at the lab was a beautiful reference and inspiration tribute.

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The Witcher: 3x08 The Cost of Chaos

Change things up, fine, ok, but what happened to proper scene structure? Dizzying jump cuts in this and episode six look like a chop mix rush job, and it is truly disappointing. The fight choreography has been nice, but they don't make up for bad storytelling - not showing, nor telling how characters and factions united and reunited.

4/10 - for the hope shattered.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x07 Those Old Scientists

So, so, SO good! I knew the cross-over was happening but did not expect it to be this much fun!

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9-1-1: Lone Star: 4x18 In Sickness and in Health

Not a horrible season closure, and I forgot that Gina Torres could SING! Oh my!

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 4x22 These Are the Voyages...

"So I guess we're through here. Computer, end program."

3/10 for the most anticlimactic Star Trek series finalé ever.

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Naomi: 1x02 Unidentified Flying Object

Would have been nice to see the alleged splash free fall.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 3x10 Warlord

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2022-07-19T22:40:27Z— updated 2023-08-21T12:01:26Z

Embarrassingly bad episode, and no one needed to see Neelix's toes, it's a sight you just can't unsee.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 6x05 Favor the Bold (1)

Ah, the glorious turning point in the war against the Dominion. The entire plot is fantastic and mostly without fault, and this episode gets special mention for the beautiful beat down Damar finally receives.

7.5/10 (points deducted for Odo's continued... suffering) shudder

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 6x01 A Time to Stand

Solid season intro! It's right back into the story with a little action, a little exposition and even a little romance.

I'm living for every scene with Odo and Kira, their bond is the glue that still holds the station together. Totally agree with LHG about Bashir - with the reveal of his "enhancements", he's become more robotic in these latter seasons. More than Data and Seven have ever been, gosh, he's worse than Voyager's Doctor and it makes no sense, and I hate it.

Also, yes, about the Sisko family interactions, the actors are great and those scenes are always a delight to watch.

Weyoun and Dukat are a rock and hard place for everyone. I hate those consistently horrid characters SO much (the actors did a phenomenal job), it's great. :laughing:


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First Kill: 1x08 First Betrayal

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2022-06-13T20:36:23Z— updated 2022-06-28T01:41:08Z

It's a very theatric YA series but I think the over the top, classic feel adds (some... not much, but some) character. The story (just the story, not the acting, let's ignore the acting for now) is compelling enough to draw and keep your attention, and we know the first season of anything is usually uncertain/rocky. The leads are green but the show has had a decent intro imo, and this closing episode shows (some) promise. I'm curious, so I'm hoping they get (at least) a chance at season 2... if it doesn't improve, it would be totally fine if they stopped there.

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