

North Atlantic Ocean

Doctor Who: 1x06 Rogue

Ok, the story was alright, the structure was decent, and the guest actors were a delight. This was fun, the most fun episode so far. I enjoyed it and look forward to seeing spoilers again sometime soon ;)

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Sweet Tooth: 3x04 Beyond the Sea

Beautiful episode, and my favourite so far. Loss is hard, but those gone before live on forever in our hearts and minds. We honour them in memory.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 5x10 Life, Itself

I think it is a mistake to cancel Discovery, but this is a satisfactory closure to the delightful series that reprised and rejuvenated the Star Trek franchise. In my opinion, it is a much better wrap than Enterprise and Voyager got.

Also - DANIEL!!!! What a reveal! A subtle promise for future Star Trek... travels ;)

9/10 - because 'Life, Itself' is perfectly imperfect, and it is enough.

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The Changeling: 1x04 The Wise Ones

Apollo sums this show up perfectly: "...I don't know what fuck is going on. I don't know anything, man! I don't know what the fuck this is."

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The Changeling: 1x02 Then Comes a Baby in a Baby Carriage

All I want to know is what Emma's third wish was.

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Station 19: 7x09 How Am I Supposed to Live Without You (1)

Final season, right? OK, that's fine, it's time to let it go anyway.

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Doctor Who: 1x04 73 Yards

IMO, this is the best RTD episode for the new season. However, as others have noted, there are a number of large holes in the story. Questions remain like, why was the Doctor absent, where did he go, and what did ghost Ruby say to people to make them run off and treat young Ruby like persona non grata?

6/10 - for an intriguing story and decent acting.

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Doctor Who: 1x03 Boom

Best episode for the new season thus far. What's different? This one is a Moffat :flushed: yikes!

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Doctor Who: 1x01 Space Babies

As Ruby's Gran said, "what de blinkin' flip?!"

1) I didn't hate it, but the episode is more bizarre than usual.

2) Baby Eric looks like Mark Gatiss. "That's a baby Mycroft Holmes" was literally all I could think when I saw him.

3) I did, very much, enjoy the direct reference to the scene in Alien: Ressurection where Ripley(The Doctor) watches the newborn hybrid(Bogeyman) get ripped into space.

What a return... but I'd much rather find out about Ruby's origins, tyvm.


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Bodies: 1x08 'Know You Are Loved'

"Oh, what a difference a day makes."

Decent conclusion to a decent story. It's a good attempt at answering all the big questions and closing the Mannix loop. I especially like that they ended it with the suggestion of alternate timelines existing simultaneously (an unaged Maplewood in the taxi in 2023, with a 2053 city overlay in the background), which could have opened the door for subsequent seasons. Ah well, still glad the show shut shop with a swan song.

"Know you are loved."

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Star Trek: Discovery: 5x06 Whistlespeak

I'm loving this season, because I missed this about Star Trek, travelling to other worlds and experiencing strange and wonderful cultures. What a treat this episode is, and the fact that it is Tilly who stays in the race and wins is so, SO meaningful - for her own personal battle of indecision, as well as for the pointed remark about whether questionable athleticism always determines physical prowess.

Interestingly, the race itself, as well as the outcome reminds me of a popular religious quote (appropriate since Discovery is currently on a spiritual quest), from Ecclesiastes 9:11 - "I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise nor wealth to the brilliant nor favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. Basically, "appearances can be deceiving", because who might outwardly appear a shoe-in for success, may not be, and the least likely candidate may surprise you. If you are in the right place, at the right time and have the will to endure - anything is possible.

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Mrs. Davis: 1x05 A Great Place to Drink to Gain Control of Your Drink

Still absolutely ridiculous, but this episode finally gives reasonable answers to the madness. Best episode of the lot.

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Mrs. Davis: 1x04 Beautiful Things That Come with Madness

Seriously, what in the actual, quite literal holy fuck IS this show even about?!

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Mrs. Davis: 1x02 Zwei Sie Piel mit Seitung Sie Wirtschaftung

Lionfish - that's it, the main thought in my head whilst watching this episode. Every time Simone/Lizzy turned around, right on the back of her sweater- Lionfish, an invasive species.

I have no idea what kind of structure this show has, but I'm not fond of it. It's totally understandable why it only managed to make it to eight episodes.

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Mr. Harrigan's Phone

Many people seem to have a gross (pun intended) misunderstanding of what the horror genre actually is. It is not always gore, and jump scares, and evil creatures; horror is classified by anything that examines dark themes which elicit shock, discomfort, disgust or fear, usually with a supernatural element. Stephen King specialises in revealing the horrors at the core of humanity, and "Mr Harrigan's Phone" fits this description, it is a fine horror drama. It isn't exactly like the original short story, but it is close enough, and therefore satisfactory.

6/10 - for standing by your man in times of need, even from the great beyond.

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Fallout: 1x08 The Beginning

Decent first season, onward to New Vegas and Vault 38.

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Fallout: 1x07 The Radio

Development above ground is good, keep it moving. Though I'm still not sold on the slow unfolding of whatever mystery is happening in Vault 33.

Agatha's Song is one of my more memorable missions from the game, so it was nice to hear some of Soil Stradivarius music.

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Fallout: 1x04 The Ghouls

Baby girl went from "what the fudge" to "...motherfucker" in record time. We're only four episodes in, and already, what a turning point. Bravo! 9/10

"There's (absolutely) no fudge here." - Snip-Snip (may he rust in one piece)

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Fallout: 1x02 The Target

Hey, I remember that town! :)
Loving the show so far.

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Bag of Bones

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2024-04-08T02:14:52Z— updated 2024-04-10T06:57:56Z

It's alright-ish if you watch this immediately after reading the novel, sort of like an ok-ish visual accompaniment with some interesting variations, but it is absolutely terrible as a stand alone show.

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Madame Web

With the wide-spread scathing reviews and people telling me not to watch it, I expected an absolutely horrendous film. However, I'm glad saw it for myself because while it's not the greatest movie ever made, it's also NOWHERE near the worst.

6/10 - for the story (albeit understandably a little disjointed), the found family vibe and the cute costumes.

"Madame Web" was gentle fun, and I didn't hate it.

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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: 1x06 The Last Time

While it wasn't the greatest episode of this limited series, l still found 'The Last Time' to be a satisfactory closure. It gave us answers and a beautiful finalé.

"The Ones Who Live" paid real homage to Rick and Michonne, two characters we know and love, particularly in the flashbacks showing their evolution and growth. I don't know what else people wanted (perhaps they dont even know what they wanted either), though I think for some, nothing is good enough if it's not EXACTLY to their liking (usually it's more fighting, less drama and dialogue... less cognitive exercise). Whatever, in my opinion, this series beats all the other spin-off shows combined (not that the others don't have their own merit... this one is just better).

7/10 - because "this IS the shit (they) do." May the Grimes family legacy live on forever.

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Aliens vs Predator: Requiem

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2024-03-28T21:50:01Z— updated 2024-04-13T23:13:29Z

Absolutely brutal carnage and nothing else.

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The bath scenes were absolutely unnecessary and problematic, but good movie otherwise.

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...the last 15 minutes are very exciting.

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Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom

It's typical DC fantasy fun (when they get it right), with a good story, CGI, delightful fight scenes, and nice music. I felt like it was better than the first Aquaman film, and I enjoyed that.

7/10 - for a little exciting escapism.

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Absolutely unbelievable, not unlike a Marvel film, with the exception of the superpowers. However, at no point was I bored (unlike some Marvel films).

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The Bronze Garden: 1x08 Episode 8

Shout by Nyx

Well, isn't that some messed up shit! I really dislike the old "aunt" for her cowardice, she kept her mouth shut and let that poor man suffer for ten years. Fabián just can't seem to catch a break, but hopefully life looks better for him going forward, though I'm not holding my breath.

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Times Square

Absolutely a cult film for its cultural specificity in the singular New York punk scene focus, highlighting the girl band era of the late 70s and early 80s. Time Square is one of the best female coming-of-age movies ever filmed. However, while the dialogue is largely forgettable, the acting is splendid, with the two leads (Alvarado and Johnson) cultivating a transcendent bond that keeps the audience intrigued.

6/10 - it's dated now, but very worth the watch for the story of the bond forged between two girls, who come from very different backgrounds but want the same thing - freedom to be themselves.

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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: 1x01 Years

The Walking Dead is back with a bang! Brilliant start to this limited series. I think we're in for a treat and I'm very much looking forward to everything that follows.

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