

North Atlantic Ocean

Station 19: 7x09 How Am I Supposed to Live Without You (1)

Reply by Nyx

Oh I see... I think they're gonna get rid of every OG character at station 19 except for Andy and bring in a new batch of cast members. I'm sad to see so many of them go, but maybe a fresh set of characters will revitalise this show.

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@darksilver - They're wrapping up because the show has been cancelled. The next episode "One Last Time" will be the literal last.

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Doctor Who: 1x04 73 Yards

can someone explain this episode to me because I'm reading posts talking about how great it was. I would like to have that feeling but the dots aren't connecting for me.

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@benhanchett - Understandable, as there are holes in the story, so it definitely doesn't all add up. However, from what I gather, Ruby was being punished because of the magic fairy circle The Doctor broke and the note she read about Mad Jack. Ruby's punishment was to spend the rest of her life alone, haunting herself in a time loop that would only end when this alternate version of herself died and she finally comprehended the message (to not step on the circle and not read the notes). That alternate reality then ceased to exist.

Hopefully that helps.

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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: 1x01 Years

Reply by Nyx
BlockedParent2024-02-27T13:32:40Z— updated 2024-02-28T17:01:47Z

Wait... Okafor calls Rick an 'A'?? I thought Rick was supposed to be a 'B'?

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@terpar - Jadis had/has her own plans for the CRM, and they only take Bs, so she called Rick an B to get him in.

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The Burning Girls: 1x04 Four

Reply by Nyx

Ok, we're four episodes into this six episode limited series and the scenes in this one left a lot to be desired, too disjointed. I still don't know what the twins were killed for, might have missed that bit of info, did they even say?

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@tempestwood - Thank you. Might have to do a rewatch to see what else I missed, now that I know what's what.

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The Wheel of Time: 2x08 What Was Meant to Be

Reply by Nyx


Shout by Nyx

Amazing finale!!! I could cry! In fact, I did, a few times (don't judge me, lol!).
To be so connected, rooted, interwoven, bonded, intertwined with one another - oh my goodness! THAT is what life is about. Even though Ishamael woke the other dark ones, it's obvious they'll fail because they're not unified. Moiraine told us as much when she said to Lan, "...they're always fighting." Aaaaaand now our lightbringers have the immortal Lanfear on their side too, how could they ever lose?!

The impatient wait is on for the next season because Rafe Judkins and crew chose violence with that jaw-dropping cliffhanger. It's ok though, Season 3 is going to be FANTASTIC (and very likely the final season).

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@eric-v-mazzone - I stand corrected, thank you.

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The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart: 1x05 Part 5: Desert Oak

Reply by Nyx

I don't like Dylan. He looks like a dangerous man! I feel that he’s going to turn out to be just like Alice's dad and I just know grandma June will use her last breath saving Alice from him.

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@cutecruel - Agreed! All I could think during the closing scene was "I don't trust this motherfucker!"

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The Fall of the House of Usher: 1x06 Goldbug

Despite the ultimate ending, Tamerlane's fall was beautifully shot.

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@jensequel - Yes!!! It was exquisitely done!

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The Wheel of Time: 2x08 What Was Meant to Be

Reply by Nyx


Shout by Nyx

Amazing finale!!! I could cry! In fact, I did, a few times (don't judge me, lol!).
To be so connected, rooted, interwoven, bonded, intertwined with one another - oh my goodness! THAT is what life is about. Even though Ishamael woke the other dark ones, it's obvious they'll fail because they're not unified. Moiraine told us as much when she said to Lan, "...they're always fighting." Aaaaaand now our lightbringers have the immortal Lanfear on their side too, how could they ever lose?!

The impatient wait is on for the next season because Rafe Judkins and crew chose violence with that jaw-dropping cliffhanger. It's ok though, Season 3 is going to be FANTASTIC (and very likely the final season).

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@velvetthunder (whispering conspiratorially) Nothing is safe... but I really hope you're right.

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The Wheel of Time: 2x08 What Was Meant to Be

Shout by Nyx

Amazing finale!!! I could cry! In fact, I did, a few times (don't judge me, lol!).
To be so connected, rooted, interwoven, bonded, intertwined with one another - oh my goodness! THAT is what life is about. Even though Ishamael woke the other dark ones, it's obvious they'll fail because they're not unified. Moiraine told us as much when she said to Lan, "...they're always fighting." Aaaaaand now our lightbringers have the immortal Lanfear on their side too, how could they ever lose?!

The impatient wait is on for the next season because Rafe Judkins and crew chose violence with that jaw-dropping cliffhanger. It's ok though, Season 3 is going to be FANTASTIC (and very likely the final season).

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@velvetthunder @SirKappy -
Yep, confirmed for 3, but they're hopeful for 8. It would be great if we get the full 8, though, c'mon, we know how shows like these often go (especially on Amazon).

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x08 Under the Cloak of War

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-07-28T03:25:49Z— updated 2023-08-20T03:12:46Z

"...you haven't lived my life. You have the privilege of believing in what's best in people, me, I happen to know there are some things in this world that don't deserve forgiveness." - M'benga

...and he's 100% right. Shit, this episode hit so hard it set off my own PTSD.

Also, sure, everyone deserves a second chance, but only if they've owned up to what they've done and faced the consequences. If a person has changed or is working toward change, they'll accept that as a consequence not everyone will forgive them, and they'll respect other people's feelings (even if the feeling is hatred).

General Rah didn't earn forgiveness for his atrocities, he never owned up to what he did. Ortegas saw through his pretense, while M'benga and Chapel tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he was one stubborn and cowardly Klingon who ultimately deserved what he got, a dishonourable death. May he eternally face his consequences in Gre'thor.

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@nicky2910 - Chapel definitely gave Rah the benefit of the doubt, and encouraged M'Benga to do the same. M'Benga never forgot nor forgave his own guilt for what he did on J'Gal, he literally hid his shame in a box, but Rah came and forced it open. He tried to avoid Rah but (the aptly named) Rah in his self righteousness kept pushing into M'Benga's space. Ultimately M'Benga gave in and gave Rah the recognition came for, albeit not in the way he expected.

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Chernobyl: 1x03 Open Wide, O Earth

Many brave men gave their lives for a system that wouldn't even recognize their sacrifices just so that it could uphold the image of being unfailable.

"Our power comes from the perception of our power"

They couldn't even understand that said perception already had gaping holes for the world to look through.

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@finfan - Right! It's heartbreaking. Add to that, the gigantic literal gaping hole in the earth where the reactor was. This one is a brilliant metaphor of a title, when you consider the dual implication.

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Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story

Reply by Nyx

I've never watched Bridgerton, nor do I intend to (just not my kind of thing), but I took a chance on this short series, and it did not disappoint.

7/10 - for the emotional damage. That final episode packs a heavier punch than Princess Augusta's pear brandy.

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@jeaneats - :smile: The strongest. Augusta clearly needed it, with those fools she had to suffer at the royal meetings.

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Don't Look Up

Reply by Nyx

The satire is almost pitch black with how accurate and blunt it is. I wanted to laugh and enjoy this movie for the satirical comedy that it's so clearly trying to be, but it's secretly a depressive mockumentary on the current state of discourse in the US and across the world. Very well done, almost too accurate for humourous purposes, and left me feeling a little hollow when the credits rolled. If that was the intent, kudos Adam McKay. I'm going to go hug my dog and tell my parents I love them.

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@xiofire - I'm right there with ya!
Agreed, it is a great, terrifying socio-polical satire. I smirked and chuckled a few times, but ultimately this film left me feeling the very real, very hefty weight of our extremely fucked up world. So, I'm going to binge some feel good fantasy or sci-fi and stick my head back in the sand for a while.

It really is well done though.

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x09 Võx

Reply by Nyx

So it's true. Gen Z will be the end of us all :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I knew that voice sounded Borgy! And if I'm not mistaken... I'm pretty sure that was THE Borg Queen. As in the original actor Alice Krige! In an episode of nostalgia it had to be so.

Seven got the field promotion I've been waiting for all season (and I got a bit misty eyed at Shaw finally adressing her as such)

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@reiko_lj - Yup! Surprised they didn't also include Annie Wersching's voice in honour, but it may just have been too soon.

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x08 Surrender

If you didnt cry for Data, even if you saw what he was doing coming, then screw you bruh! The gang is back together for one final round, and if you don't get why that's awesome, get the fuck outa here!

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@sirtaxedalot - Agreed, but I'd bet money that he'll show up before it's over. It would be a missed opportunity if he doesn't get to meet (and possibly help save) his baby brother on screen. :smile:

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x08 Surrender

If you didnt cry for Data, even if you saw what he was doing coming, then screw you bruh! The gang is back together for one final round, and if you don't get why that's awesome, get the fuck outa here!

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@paulvincent83 - Duuuuude, TEARS!!!! I'm talking streaming and snot nosed. Love, love, LOVE this season (hate that it's ending but they're going out with a HUGE bang, so it's alright). :vulcan_tone4:

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The Last of Us: 1x09 Look for the Light

That farmhouse in the opening of the episode looked so much like the one Ellie and Dina lived in, surely that's not a coincidence :eyes:
It was amazing to see Ashley Johnson finally appear, and I did not spot that Laura Bailey cameo until the credits:eyes:
Pedro Pascal making me like a character I previously hated, and Bella Ramsey doing justice to a character I love. Could not have asked for better actors!
This adaption had it's flaws like the original, but honestly I think it's actually better than the game.
I'm going to miss this show so much, and I'm so hyped for the next season covering my favourite game of the two, and I'm so excited to see the live action version of more of my favourite characters from the game:heart_eyes:

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@amberrav - Yesssss! I thought the same about the Farmhouse, I'm convinced that is indeed THE farmhouse and we will see it again. Also, Laura Bailey was one of the nurses :open_mouth: (Joel let the nurses live, so we'll likely see her again too). Without your comment, I would never have realised, eyes glossed right over the credits.

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The Flash: 9x04 Mask of the Red Death (1)

Reply by Nyx

"What the hell" - Iris
"What in the world?!" - Joe

Yes, this exact sentiment, all season. Script is utter shite, and there's only so much even the best actor can do with a shite script.

2/10 - for hair and make-up (set and costume are still trying, but it's obvious they're feeling the budget cuts)

Completionist mode on - Just two more episodes and we're done forever, right?

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@omoba-david - An absolute nightmare! At this point it's just morbid curiosity that keeps bringing me back.

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Carnival Row: 2x06 Original Sins

Imogen's change of heart regarding the New Dawn is a mystery. Of course that dialogue could have been an act with the love-making scenes ultimate, "Louder, so they hear", as a closing parentheses.

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@amasulem - Agreed. I wondered if I'd missed something, a look or a brief sentence (prior to Agreus clueing us in), feels like maybe a scene was cut... ?

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The Flash: 9x04 Mask of the Red Death (1)

"What the hell" - Iris
"What in the world?!" - Joe

Yes, this exact sentiment, all season. Script is utter shite, and there's only so much even the best actor can do with a shite script.

2/10 - for hair and make-up (set and costume are still trying, but it's obvious they're feeling the budget cuts)

Completionist mode on - Just two more episodes and we're done forever, right?

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@senhorlampada - Seriously?! Yikes, "unlucky" 13 at that, whether you're superstitious or not, with how bad the show is right now, that's just rather unfortunate. A hiatus would be bizarre when it's the final season, they should just bury it quickly and hope everyone forgets.

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The Last of Us: 1x06 Kin

Reply by Nyx

The episode is alright, not as strong as the previous ones, but it's alright.

Ellie is still annoying af in the "clever and emotionally mature, but still a curious child" way (average post-apocalypse teenager), but this one is really about Joel, realising he needs to trust himself and others, to accept and embrace his grief, to not run from his growing affection for the child in his care, and to breathe (literally).

Also, I strained my neck looking for Dina at movie night, still couldn't find her, lol... Oooh, we're in the thick of it now, some people are going to lose their minds in the upcoming episodes. Can't wait.

6/10 - for Shimmer

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@psi_88 - ah, yes, suspected as much. We'll have to see if that assumption is confirmed this coming Sunday... perhaps the following Sunday, they'll be very, very busy this Sunday, lol (sigh).

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x01 The Next Generation

I don't know who Annie is, but that clinched it for me.
I was also tearing up as the Titan left space dock.
Then there was all the MILF's.

EDIT: I did hear about Annie Wersching, but forgot the name. Thank you, @van-nyx

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@vwfringe - Annie Wersching, Borg Queen of season 2, before Dr. Jurati/Alison Pill took her place... right, well, she passed on in January.

...I totally agree with you, the episode was bitter-sweet and beautiful.

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The Last of Us: 1x03 Long, Long Time

What a cute episode. I'm surprised there are so many people calling it a filler episode when in reality this is what the show is all about - what is happening to "the last of us" - which includes how people survive, why they want to survive, how they continue life, what they choose to fight for and who they choose to fight for. The part that I don't understand is why when you find this well guarded place, now uninhabited, with power and supplies and a radio, you would choose to leave...

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@8lettersuk - Well said, that is exactly what the show is about, the many faces of humanity (literally and figuratively).

About Joel and Ellie choosing to leave - at this point they still have their mission to get Ellie to the Fireflies... further encouraged by the guilt that came with losing Tess (Joel feeling like he failed to protect her, and Ellie knowing she's immune and unable to do shit to help others... yet), Tess, whose last words were to beseech Joel to continue the mission... sigh... yeah...

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The Last of Us: 1x04 Please Hold to My Hand

Did you know diarrhea is hereditary?

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@amberrav @abstractlegend
- That's a truly shitty joke.

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The Last of Us: 1x02 Infected

Another live-action, straight from the game (a few changes here and there but, meh, mostly same, same), winning episode. Between "Ooooh I remember that place!!!" and "yoooo, that looks SO familiar!!!" and yelling "Myceliummmmm Mama!!!" and "THAT IS FUCKING DISGUSTING, SO COOL, EWWW, I LOVE IT!!! (you know the bit wink*wink) - I was having a ball!

They nailed the set and CG re-creation in this one, and if they can keep it up, the series will be a total success.

9.5/10 for surprising me when the credits started rolling, I was fully immersed and expecting more. Good job, I'm hooked.

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@whynotcallmero - It's a strange and beautifully nostalgic experience, to see places you've "been to" and people you've "met" and grown to care for in a virtual space, come to life. It's great, even greater to know that people like yourself who haven't played the game still enjoy the experience.

Hey, if you ever do play the game (or even watch a letsplay) reply and let me know what ya think. :wink:

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The Outsider: 1x06 The One About the Yiddish Vampire

Did anyone else get major Pennywise vibes when they heard, "Hey there, Jackie boy!"?

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@lefthandedguitarist - Abbbbbbsolutely! It was totally an "IT" reference, I think a subtler reference to "The Shining" as well.

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Daughter from Another Mother: 3x02 A Celebration of Love

Reply by Nyx

The drag stuff was borderline insulting tbh but I'm glad Pablo saw sense in the end. That plan was going way too far and risked their app company funding! Juan Carlos is the worst.

That moment at the end... I have a spark of hope

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Borderline?! Half of the episode felt like a political ad promoting tolerance of "the gays". I rolled my eyes so much it's a wonder they didn't roll right out of the sockets, lol. Still bingeing the crap out of it though, because proper queer interest shows are such rare gems. Ok, fine, it's cubic zirconia, they know we'll still take it.

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Grey's Anatomy: 19x06 Thunderstruck

Reply by Nyx

Shout by Nyx

I can believe the intern did, I can even believe Meredith did, but Bailey talking about reading Tessa's books when she was a child, HA! The woman is NOT that old.

Loved the symbolic burning down of the old to start anew, that was cool... and the editing, the lightning graphic over the show title was really nice, literal silver lining of the episode. Yes, I'm being petty about the fact that the rest of it was all over the place. Link and Jo, Hunt and Teddy, Maggie and Winston, Meredith and whatshisnamenewguy, Bailey and Ben with the show cross-over ish... all the stupid tension is not entertaining. There's drama and then there is this dragged out, incredibly annoying childishness - just discuss it and get it over with, like mature adults.

Not sure how I forgot this and its sister show are essentially soap operas, but I'm truly tired of the melodrama and excessive relationship/romance bs, the bad dialogue, and Hunt's stupid facial expressions. It has been a (mostly) fun run, but I'm ready for it all to end, it's time.

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@nicky2910 - I see what you're saying, and yeah, it's plausible that she read them as a much older child, it's more of an issue with the actor cast to play Tessa, in my opinion she doesn't look that much older than Bailey, so it's hard to believe what Bailey said about her Nana buying her the books when she was a child... the author must have had to start as a teen herself. shrug

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Grey's Anatomy: 18x02 Some Kind of Tomorrow

I'd like to be done with both shows because the drama has truly reached soap opera incredulity, but my idiot brain has problems quitting things once it's heavily invested. It's like having annoying family/friends you still keep in touch with. They really piss you off and you kick yourself every time, but you can't help caring.

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@reiko_lj - Yeah, it's been quite the roller coaster ride, but the new season has surprised me with more highs than lows. I think it helps that the actors are talented, so it buffers out some of the more questionable material they've been given. Watching Station 19 as well may have also added to the renewed interest.

Glad you're along for the ride too. :smile::thumbsup:

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The Leftovers: 1x10 The Prodigal Son Returns

Reply by Nyx

I'm so emotionally drained from the first season, that i have to go watch a comedy to recharge before starting into season 2

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@smatthew - I was going to make a similar comment, except my recharge will be sci-fi.

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