

North Atlantic Ocean

The Expanse: 5x03 Mother

Oooooh, SPLASH!
Beratnas, it's about to be ON!

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x06 Chapter Twenty-Six: All of Them Witches

Caliban is growing on me, and not just because he's cute... although, he is very, very cute. :D

Also, I never would have imagined that I'd enjoy this show so much. Not Mambo Marie though, that character pisses me off, she is just cringey and ridiculous, mostly that accent, that atrocious, completely NOT Haitian accent, an absolute mockery.... Annnnnyway, binged 3 seasons in days... madness! Such delightful madness.

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A Teacher: 1x08 Episode 8

Man, I'm just disappointed but not surprised. How are they not getting mandatory counselling?! WHAT THE HELL?!

Nate said it ALL! Claire's brain is a brick.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 1x17 Chapter Seventeen: The Missionaries

Oh my, wow! What a delicious twist.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 1x15 Chapter Fifteen: Doctor Cerberus's House of Horror

Filler, ok fine, but this was weirder than normal for the show.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x06 Legacy

Snooze fest... except for further insight into Data's emotional development.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x05 Remember Me

I love this episode.
I especially love the irony of Beverly's statement about how none of the crew deserve to go out pointlessly, forgotten, their lives seemingly meaningless. Considering that's how both McFadden and Crosby felt about their character's initial exits.

Also, this was full on Tao Te Ching.
"The Master sees things as they are,
without trying to control them.
She lets them go their own way,
and resides at the center of the circle.
The world belongs to those who let go."

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A Teacher: 1x06 Episode 6

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-12-01T18:54:14Z— updated 2020-12-09T03:10:56Z

A (stupid, predator) teacher is an apt extended title for this show.

I hope Claire does time in jail with some heavy counselling, and when the baby is born they take it away to foster care (cause we just KNOW she's pregnant).

When women predators get ignored and the boys get high fives and praise (instead of counselling and the support they deserve), it is an ironic perpetuation of the patriarchal notion that a woman has no substantial power, and can therefore never be a man's abuser.

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond: 1x09 The Deepest Cut

Don't care, I don't like Percy.

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond: 1x08 The Sky Is a Graveyard

Man, what a reveal! This episode was fucking disgusting! I love it so much.

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Supernatural: 15x20 Carry On

I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO FEEL! Why did I watch this at work?! How do I explain why my eyes are so red now?! FUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKK!

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The Killing of Sister George

An LGBTQ film with rather progressive concepts for it's time. The characters are also complex, which is uncommon to see even in present time. Typical stereotypes still in play of course, it was 1963... That said, the movie is worth the watch, even if only for historical film context.

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond: 1x07 Truth or Dare

Percy spotted a mark, said, "Butter up a lil alibi love, drop uncle dead weight, gas light the weirdo = sweet pass to freedom." Ugh! I dislike the asshole, hoping he gets shanked soon. Silas is a precious, damaged, giant baby bear. They better not touch him.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x20 Tin Man

To belong... that is all, that is everything. ♡

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x05 Die Trying

Every episode about bonding and belonging just hits me right in the core. As someone who never quite fits in anywhere, the idea of finding your place and being accepted as a valued part of... is the reason I love Star Trek so much. Interestingly enough, I rewatched TNG's Tin Man episode right after. ♡

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Soulmates: 1x06 The (Power) Ballad of Caitlin Jones

She DID say she was a late bloomer. Soulmates indeed, Praying Mantis style.
A match made in hell.

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Supernatural: 15x18 Despair

Snot bubbles and lip quivering. NB: Must have tissues on standby from here on out.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x04 Forget Me Not

Beautiful. I may have shed a tear or two.

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Soulmates: 1x05 Break on Through

Well shiiiiit, "oh my god" feels oddly appropriate. Is it weird that I smirked through the entire thing?! holy Jim Jones! LOL! This is as hilarious as it is vexing (art imitating life and all that).
Best episode yet. Break on through to other side y'all!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x17 Sins of the Father

Worf proved himself a true Klingon in this episode. For there is no higher honor than to uphold the name of one's house in battle. Even if it means accepting defeat, to live to fight another day. The truth will out, as it always inevitably does.

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Soulmates: 1x04 Layover

This was cute, but I swear I nearly had a fucking seizure.

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Soulmates: 1x03 Little Adventures

Then of course, yes... baby steps.

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond: 1x03 The Tyger and the Lamb

The Walking Dead franchise has always been mostly mindless (pun very much intended) entertainment. This show is no different to the rest, except that it's currently green, just like the kids (the writing has to reflect that). Frankly, TWD and FTWD were also green when they first started...every show is. Some grow into themselves, some don't.

All the petty bullshit about how "bad" World Beyond is, is unwarranted. Give them until the end of the first season, at least a few more episodes to settle in, damn.

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Supernatural: 15x15 Gimme Shelter

Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato LOL!! I'm crying!

Things are very bitter sweet, but the boys are back and that's good enough.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x01 That Hope Is You (1)

A beautiful return.
Hope is indeed a powerful thing, sometimes it is the only thing. May this show live long and prosper.

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The Haunting of Bly Manor: 1x09 The Beast in the Jungle

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2020-10-17T08:47:03Z— updated 2020-10-23T21:25:50Z

I'd say this love-horror story was "perfectly splendid". 8.5/10

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Soulmates: 1x02 The Lovers

Absolutely scandalous!
This episode made me uncomfortable for numerous reasons, the discomfort though is not entirely a bad thing. Questions you'll ask yourself after the episode had ended - are people truly who they say they are? And why do people really do the things they do?

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Soulmates: 1x01 Watershed

Feels like Black Mirror. I'm into it.

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Raised by Wolves: 1x10 The Beginning

Ok, we've reached the end of the first chapter with little revelation and many more questions.

However I'm still very much intrigued, especially since the show has manifested itself to be an eschatological tale, and we're seeing the conflation of known mythologies.

We've seen touches of messianic lore and now this episode, with the official introduction of ouroboros/mehen?... perhaps it's Apep? :astonished:(the serpent) of Egyptian myth... I'm simultaneously perlexed and and excited.

And so a new chapter begins.

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The 100: 7x16 The Last War

That reset button must be really worn down with how much The 100 likes mashing it.

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