

Omicron Persei 8

Frequency: 1x10 The Edison Effect

Shout by ramadri

Hahahahahaha... I did not see that coming. The ending is awesome. At this stage i can even bet that the Deacon is not even the killer. Yeah he might have punched a few times the wife and kids... But i got a feeling he is not the killer. Our girl is turning her father into a killer... Just as Karl turned himself into one. How is she not realizing this!? Interesting TV Show. It's obviously the Deacon walked from the accident, otherwise he wouldn't be present in the present. I guess the mother finally scratched the itch she is ready to return... For now

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Incorporated: 1x06 Sweating the Assets

Shout by ramadri

Almost an entire episode without the Elena story crap. Suddenly this episode was good. That slave attitude though... After she was saved from cops.. "i dont work for you anymore"... Oh go f* yourself you ungrateful b*

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Frequency: 1x07 Break, Break, Break

"It didn't take long to get over me"..."Ted?... Yeah.. Ok"... What a fucking bitch... The amount of hypocrisy... She's like get the fuck out of my life... Oh but wait I'm mad you slept around (I did also, but that's not important). Well.. Kudos... Bitch wife of the yead

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Frequency: 1x05 Seven Three

Yet another whore... Nothing new under the sun. "oh.. I love you, i love you... But i got an itch and the instructor is just perfect to scratch it"..." this last 2 years changed you... And i dont want it to touch my Raims"... Wtf are you talking bitch? The very next day he returned home from the hospital you kicked him out... You haven't been with him long enough to make that judgement... Better admit your itches are too strong and stop bs-ing us. I just f*ing hate this type of women

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2 Broke Girls: 6x12 And the Stalking Dead

It's still cute... I like the jokes... But... This is the 1st episode of this show who annoyed me... Max is starting to make me shout "get the f*k over Randy"

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Incorporated: 1x05 Profit and Loss

Shout by ramadri

Ben Larson a monument of stupidity and assholenes. One mistake after another, monumental ones... And for what... Some pussy!? He ruines lives and even kills for some self-righteous pussy!? Fuck that! His insolence during the presentation... That alone should have been grounds for cancelation, and how be blackmailed to get into the green zone.. Than killing... Just to "save" what? I find the motivation of the character complete bs. And if they continue like this i hope he crashes and burn. The show is interesting but the portrayal of the main character is lame.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x04 Abominations

And the differences between this show and Timeless grows narrower and narrower. I'm basically watching the same thing... Twice

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x02 The Justice Society of America

Shout by ramadri

Hmmm... Time travel+a historian= Timeless... Oh, no wait... Its 2nd season of LoT... Wait what?? Ohhhh 2 different shows with exact same idea... That's not lame.. At all. Now, onto JSA... Are you fricking kidding me, the black dude with glasses looks like a character in a semi-animated show... Dont recall the name... Fat something, with main character popping out of a TV animated show into reality. They are all so lame. And let's not forget... Big old Sarah.. League of Assassins... Well she gets beat in every episode... After 2 training schedules with the League... Well I guess that doesn't mean much afterall. What Eobard was that, the one Flash erased from history... Orrr... Meah it doesn't matter, the fans are just stupid... Riiiight?

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 1x14 River of Time

Lol... I did not believe there can be worse writing than The 100 or Arrow... And yet.. There it is... In all its glory. Other good shows get canceled, but this inept... Garbage... Survives a 2nd season

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Timeless: 1x07 Stranded

Shout by ramadri

All good until Agent what's her name overheard maybe last 2 words of a phone discussion.. And immediately asks for a surveillance team... Lol.. When will the bad writing stop. They could have least made her hearing the last 2 sentences... Just to be more believable

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Timeless: 1x06 The Watergate Tape
Timeless: 1x04 Party at Castle Varlar

So in episode 1 we have a major change in our character life (Amy the sister was never born) even though their interaction with the past was... Minimum. But than.. We get 3 more episodes where Wyatt is shooting everybody left or right so with major implications to the present... Yet nothing really major changed for our characters... Lol...

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The Young Pope: 1x08 Seventh Episode

This is exactly why "this" God is not worthy of worship. The Pope asked for a punishment.. And it came... for sister Antonia... Well done.. "god"

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Stitchers: 2x10 All In

lol...what a crappy ending...too much drama, to much dragging, they should terminate this show

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Stitchers: 2x08 Red Eye

meh...dragging the story too much...running on fumes

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Grimm: 5x21 Beginning of the End, Parts One and Two

Shout by ramadri

Eve is no longer eve...juliette is back...so will have a love triangle in season 6, diana didn't help Nick...she just took revenge because Bonaparte strangled Adalind. I presume Nick and Diana will become mortal enemies...after he is not her daddy, and he keeps mommy from loving daddy. Of course there will be a battle between the wooden stick and Diana. By now everyone realised (i hope) the stick de-wessanise wessens along with curative powers. I do wonder how they will cover up all the bodies left from this confrontation. Renanrd, if he is smart he will shut up about Diana forcing him to kill bonaparte, and just takes credit for it. ..overall the season finale lacked ...soemthing. ..awaiting new season

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Supernatural: 11x21 All in the Family

10k points "if god created everything. ..including souls..as chuck said...and amara is his sister"...who created them? If he has a sister than someone created them...if he would have been alone...well..than we would have just speculated

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The Flash: 2x20 Rupture

Shout by ramadri

Barry inside the machine looked just like Peter from Fringe in the machine that created the bridge between the 2 Earths....oh wait 2 Earths. .haha...get it?...than followed by time travel...lol

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Supernatural: 11x18 Hell's Angel

Wow... for season fricking 11...this episode was really really good. I'm even more surprised of how much staff happened... they could have easily spread it over 3 episodes... like. Keep up the good work.... i think its almost the only show where there is no dumb blondes acting warrior/fighter/karate/lawyer screwing the whole show

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12 Monkeys: 2x01 Year of the Monkey

Shout by ramadri

Cole, Cole, Cole... does every show has to have an idiot.. all of its own?

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Marvel's Daredevil: 2x06 Regrets Only

Is this show about Daredevil or blondes playing lawyer. The starting fight scene like from a cheap 70' movie, the "love story" between main character and the secretary... again cheap... i hope in the very near future writers "kill" Karen character... more fighting more action less vomit love

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Marvel's Daredevil: 2x05 Kinbaku

The dumb blonde secretary what's her name... pathetic. You can feel she's just a 2 cents poor and stupid girl, who will get fat and became a cow when she marries. It makes me pugh when i think Matt is wasting time with her. The stubbornness she pursues the Punisher Story is so far-fetched. Weak acting, weak character. Electra already annoying

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Supergirl: 1x15 Solitude

Lucy is "killing" 2 of supergirls friends... and her first concern is to rip of her blouse to reveal the suit... lol... damn which show is worse... this or arrow... can't decide

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Marvel's Daredevil: 2x04 Penny and Dime

The blonde whatever is pathetic. She obviously has an itch and no one to scratch...lame acting lame role

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Homeland: 5x12 A False Glimmer

I liked it. Thank you AndrewBloom I've come to like your input after the episodes

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The Flash: 2x09 Running to Stand Still

the acting is so bad that I can't decide which show is worse... this or arrow

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The Flash: 2x09 Running to Stand Still

The acting of this show is so terrible that i cant decide which one is worse, this or arrow

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