

Omicron Persei 8

Mr. Robot: 3x01 eps3.0_power-saver-mode.h

Boring episode overall. Lots of fillers with not much to do. Obivously a gunshot to the stomach....its nothing. And wtf is up with Darlene...where is all that hysterical acting coming from...all of a sudden she is scared shitless... for real!?

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Sense8: 2x04 Polyphony

I'm starting to lose track of Angelica's back story. I don't understand the connection between Angelica and Will's Cluster

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The Expanse: 2x10 Cascade

Hmmm, they're starting to drag their feet. We used to have action, this episode was a total bore

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The Expanse: 2x08 Pyre

Mi pensa beltalowda "language" is shit! Why do some TV Shows feel the need to introduce this stacko (Defiance reference to crap). It is soooo ridiculous it makes me vomit. Otherwise a good episode. I felt like they dragged the story, nothing particular of interest, episode easily can be skipped but... As a whole best show on the market. Does anyone feel like maybe Cortazar did something to Amos... Or maybe Amos did something to himself (hinting at a small lobotomy)... Though Amos is like "I don't give a crap" on his own... Well... We'll see

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Supergirl: 3x07 Wake Up

No lgbt ... thank god. Horrible acting for the "birth" if Reign. Those screams and hand gesture...omfg... where did they find that actress... school of garbage actresses? Glad to see Mon-El back. We need a real man role in here. Jimmy and Winn are ...to effeminate...J'on could dissapear from the show...he has no value. Hope to some villainy from Mon'el ... i dont expect much from Reign... but poor playing

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Mr. Robot: 3x06 eps3.5_kill-process.inc

This season is dragging for too long. Nothing really happens. All 3 female characters are obnoxious, dumb and with no emotions to storry connection. This comes probably from all 3 being poor actresses. I hope this shows stops here. It has nothing more to offer

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x02 Freakshow

Uhmmm can someone explain me how Sarah who did 2 "training tours" with the Shadow Assassins cant beat a government agent!!!!!?????

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13 Reasons Why
The 100: 4x02 Heavy Lies the Crown

No no no no... I SAID kill Octavia, don't make her a main character. Jesus are you blind, just give her a medal for worst female actress in a tv show. Why do you insist with this nonsense... She is so ridiculous in this role. Why do you keep promoting bad acting!?

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Mr. Robot: 3x08 eps3.7_dont-delete-me.ko

Wow....this episode was so bad... it's on its own league. After like 10 minutes i started to play on my phone something. From time to time i rose my eyes on it and went straight back to the game. This show should have ended last episode.... now nothing happens.!? Why do we keep seeing Darleene and Angela!? They are not doing anything...they dont bring any plot...they're just 2 hysterical women.. that cry... and that's it. Filler episode...you can skip it completely!!!

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The Flash: 4x08 Crisis on Earth-X (III)

I would say....i wish the Eartherx win...maybe we'd have less drama, less lgbt, less everything that is nauseating

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Supergirl: 3x04 The Faithful

How do we sum this episode!? We dont... gay drama!!! Is this Supergirl...as in sister/cousin whatever of Superman...uhmm nooo. Its about the step sister of the sister/cousin who is a lesbian. Are you exaggerating!? Uhmm... unfortunately no! is this a show about empowering women!? Uhmmm... as if. No its just plain gay drama.

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Salvation: 1x11 All In

I wonder if Liam realizes that his precious J fucked her older boss. Nevermind....

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Game of Thrones: 7x07 The Dragon and the Wolf

Uhmmm.... the standoff between Dany and Cersei and John had a very simple solution!!!! Dany could have released John of his duty and tell everyone she is ok not having him fight with her vs Cersei after the Great war... that was such an obvious solution!!!!

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Marvel's The Defenders: 1x08 The Defenders

I have to agree with AndrewBloom and to add this: This Elektra Version was written poorly and her motivation is just not backed up by anything. Then... we have the 5 fingers... 3 or 4 of them are dead dead... well I'm disappointed... they've build us up through Daredevil and Iorn Fist and now they died easily and gratuitously. If Gao's survival will be the sole engine of next Iron Fist I'll be disappointed. Finally, Mat's survival... such bs... you do realize that the only way he would survive a building crushing down is... teleporting. If they'll ever bother to explain how he escaped... i hope its teleportation otherwise anything else is B S

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Dimension 404

I tried...i really tried. Watched all 6 episodes...but i just cant get past the fact that this is just a copy 1:1 of The Outer Limits....i mean common even the entry monologue... do not click back do not reload = do not attempt to adjust the picture. we are controlling the transmission. Overall...this is only good to watch at the end of my other 30 like show's seasons waiting for the summer ones to start. 2/10

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Dimension 404: 1x01 Matchmaker

This episode is like a perfect copy of Outer Limits show....from introduction to the way this episode was developed. I'm guessing networks are running out of ideas

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The 100: 4x11 The Other Side

Shout by ramadri

Know we know this SF, as in Real Life nobody is as dumb as Bellamy, Clark and her mother. It almost made me laugh, this is not action sf tv show is... Comedy.. Lol, who would believe what just happened. In RL Clarke would have blown Bellamy's brain right there on the stairs. I'm betting next season, the radioactive waves dissappear miraculously, as no one really expects to have an entire new season in a bunker. 10 points for Jaha's attempts, maybe the only person there reasonable enough, clear headed and willing to do what's necessary. His experience is there in the show to show us that always humanity will chose dumb over reasoning, always willing to kill itself instead of making the hard necessary choices. Good picture of poor judgment of humanity all in one scene... Clark's weaknesses!

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The Flash: 3x20 I Know Who You Are

Caitlin as Killer... I fell asleep, is it over? Oh yeah i was saying Caitlin as Killer... Here I go again, i got some saliva in the corner of my mouth. Well Killer boring is pathetic, from story to acting, i guess one speed god is enough of an enemy... Bleah. You take the bad guy and he says: Im future Flash... And than add 10 episodes of mistery?? Really?...can we move onto next season. At least we don't have lgbt drama as in Supergirl... I guess i should be thankful

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The Expanse: 2x09 The Weeping Somnambulist

"i dont know you are but stand the fuck down"... Lol... Got to love her

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Homeland: 6x09 Sock Puppets

Are we to understand that Dar figured out Madam President is onto him, or he kept the envelope because he liked the idea to become director of CIA? His acting suggested he realized he's blown... But my guts says otherwise.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x14 Moonshot

Shout by ramadri

Another weak episode, it was all over the place. Just building up the ark surrounding the spear of Destiny. Everything happened and nothing happened. You can skip this entire episode and Spoiler alert: they found last missing piece. Now you are up to speed waiting for next episode. Let's hope next season gets better, because this one is completely lifeless. Except the crooked mouth of Sara, which annoys me the hell out, overall performances of the actors were ok. It was not the worst episode, but overall... Meh!

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The Flash: 3x16 Into the Speed Force

Can Iris go Fuck herself with capital F?? Jessie, die please! And if i see Wally for next x episodes "oh no, i cant let Jay sacrifice himself for me"... Im just gonna stop watch this monument dedicated to stupidity. Oh, i almost forgot Iris... Go Fuck yourself!!!

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The Expanse: 2x07 The Seventh Man

Amazing episode for an amazing show. Who ever they hired as writer(s) should have a drink, good job. It seems humans never learn.
I wonder if the "alien" from Ganymede is an evolved protomolecule or one of those who sent it to our system. I'll guess will learn out soon

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The 100: 4x04 A Lie Guarded

Shout by ramadri

Oh cruel world... Just seconds of happiness. I had hoped Octavia character will be finally killed. If not for the story at least for the worst acting ever. I see that no one questions the number.. 100 people can be saved inside the Arc...The 100...get it... Kinda forced don't you think!? Until next episode.. Lets all rely on a good ol' fashion infection... Maybe will finally be free of terrible acting

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Grimm: 6x08 The Son Also Rises

I heard the show is ending if not with this season but with the next. Well it's too bad. This season can compete with 1st, it is more action packed and the tension is much more palpable.

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Supernatural: 12x12 Stuck in the Middle (With You)

"If anything happens again.. I'll burn you"... Bla bla bla bla... Go f* yourself mother Winchester. You showed today you're willing to sell your family without blinking, you showed you're an amateur hunter and overall a bad mother. Also reaction of Sam" what did you get us in? "... Really... Really... After you fought Lucifer 2 times, Darkness, killed Death, Lilith and pretty much all archangels, and all that crap... Also you were 5 for one job (lol overkill much!?)... That was your reaction!!? You shouldn't even have gone... 2 people were enough... That line had no place in this show. I do hope they kill the mother... Fast, she's already irritating! Anyone else think got off too easy?

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Incorporated: 1x05 Profit and Loss

Shout by ramadri

Ben Larson a monument of stupidity and assholenes. One mistake after another, monumental ones... And for what... Some pussy!? He ruines lives and even kills for some self-righteous pussy!? Fuck that! His insolence during the presentation... That alone should have been grounds for cancelation, and how be blackmailed to get into the green zone.. Than killing... Just to "save" what? I find the motivation of the character complete bs. And if they continue like this i hope he crashes and burn. The show is interesting but the portrayal of the main character is lame.

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2 Broke Girls: 6x09 And the Himmicane

Caroline and her white short dress.. Mmm. Mmm..

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The Young Pope: 1x10 Ninth Episode

So... A Saint is a person praying to God to kill some bitch (which it does {not worthy to use "he"})... Hmmm... I must be the greatest Saint ever... Im always wishing for someone to die

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