

Omicron Persei 8

Travelers: 1x06 Helios-685

The engineer gets the prize for most moron human being in the history (future included) of humanity.

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The Expanse: 2x09 The Weeping Somnambulist

"i dont know you are but stand the fuck down"... Lol... Got to love her

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The Flash: 3x16 Into the Speed Force

Can Iris go Fuck herself with capital F?? Jessie, die please! And if i see Wally for next x episodes "oh no, i cant let Jay sacrifice himself for me"... Im just gonna stop watch this monument dedicated to stupidity. Oh, i almost forgot Iris... Go Fuck yourself!!!

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12 Monkeys: 2x02 Primary

I really liked the line "and when i saved someone. ..that's when it really made a change". Good episode, and i especially liked how fast writers moved pass a changed time line, not confusing us too much.

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Superstore: 3x05 Sal's Dead

Ninja episode. The makeups were absolutely awesome and the stabbing scene...i did not see that coming. Good job to the writters doing so much with so little

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Supernatural: 13x08 The Scorpion and the Frog

i am kind of disappointed. The Bart thing could have been a new Crowley theme...but they chose to end it so quickly? The boys were too relaxed after losing the paper with the spell. Like there's hundreds of ways to track a nephilem. I dont know this episode was superficial. PS Sam...blowing at a burning paper!? lol

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Travelers: 2x06 U235

Intense episode. When they entered the cave and were greeted by the military...i was like how dumb can you guys be...obviously they would wait for you...what i did not expect was for them to be ready...lol. Double fun when writters think outside the box :)

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Grimm: 6x11 Where the Wild Things Were

Oh commmmoon... It did not finish like that... To be continued... God damn it. Best episode of the entire show!

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Stitchers: 3x10 Maternis

Communication - Go!; Sub bio - Go! Channelling all love - Go! pfffff... what a load of crap!

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Supernatural: 12x09 First Blood

Nice episode overall... Except the typing machine... "Fringe, much!!!"

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Superstore: 2x10 Black Friday

Not true, remember when Dina dressed like a police officer/hooker and he got all excited because of her boobs... Saw that coming miles away :)

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Salvation: 1x12 The Wormwood Prophecy

Face palm. Banging head on the corner of my desk.... more face palm. So you send a professional killer which shots the bitch in her sholder...then leave!!?? ... without making sure the skank is sead!? For real!? He shot the manager twice (professionally) one in the heart and one to the head.... but with the skank one shot was... meh... fine!?

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Game of Thrones: 7x07 The Dragon and the Wolf

Uhmmm.... the standoff between Dany and Cersei and John had a very simple solution!!!! Dany could have released John of his duty and tell everyone she is ok not having him fight with her vs Cersei after the Great war... that was such an obvious solution!!!!

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Doctor Who: 10x03 Thin Ice

Bill works as a sidekick, no objections there. But the episodes, are weak, kind of old themes embellished a little. Same stories only with a new face. I'm guessing whatever is behind the vault it will be the death of the current doctor. His lack of worry makes us ignore the danger. Not a good job around that arch

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12 Monkeys: 2x03 One Hundred Years

Cassie getting a little bit anoying. On another angle, writers managed to not complicate time travel, but with this episode they open a can full of confusion. The story has becomed a little stretched

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The 100: 4x12 The Chosen

It's obvious fiction.. Duh! Otherwise someone should have killed idiot Belami. If I were Jaha i would. I mean even though everyone hated his guts he managed to find (again) a solution to save all his people, and than some self righteous young prick comes and decides, that grounders must live.. Lol. To be thankful you find a solution and get all your people inside and than all falls apart because of some idiot. How do you stay calm Jaha! Now onto more dumb stuff... So skishiit people chose engineers and other "essential" personnel to maintain the bunker, while grounders select 100 warriors... Lol... Am i crazy or are they insanely dumb??? So i would say 98% Bellamy's fault (in the end he bailed the bunker... "The fuck with the rest"... Right!?) and 2% Clark's... For Not having balls to shoot him. And let's not forget, Bellamy had his own spot already given.. Lol... I hope he dies... Fast and painfully

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The Expanse: 1x10 Leviathan Wakes

darn...just when I started to love it. A thousand times more interesting than Dark Matter

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Young Sheldon: 1x02 Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System

A little better. Some clever remarks...I'm struggling here..but hey...I'm a show consumer...I'll take almost anything

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Designated Survivor: 2x07 Family Ties

Its getting tiresome. One "calamity" after another. President reacting to problems. The show is trying to tackle real life events...like Homeland (tv show)...but this one is miles and miles away from that

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Salvation: 1x01 Pilot

Liked the pilot. I can see myself watching this among other 50+ shows. Pacing will be the key element here. The story is interesting to me, the characters not so much... but I will stay positive

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12 Monkeys: 3x01 Mother

off to a good start...interesting development. I wondered first what took so long for Cole to realise he could meet with himself and feed himself info. But than i realized...its the suit

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Grimm: 6x06 Breakfast in Bed

Finally a good episode, with some nice twist. Let me guess that date... Is for few days from "now"... Jeeesh

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Supernatural: 11x23 Alpha and Omega

bleah...weak ending...a pathetic god since it showed up...who just cried his way into a solution. why didn't he offered to carry the bomb. Amar was hateful for billions of years...she spends like few months on earth and becomes all soft and fluffy. ..bleah...this whole amar god thing was written poorly. And in the end what did Dean get...mom...lol...pathetic

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The 100: 3x12 Demons

And the ward for worst performance on the lamest part goes to.....octaviaaaaa....and Clark. ...agaaaiin. Will the writters please kill them already! !

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x02 Orientation (2)

Would someone just smack Daisy right on her snout! God she was f*ing annoying. I'm glad Deke can talk louder than her and he shut her up...at least this episode

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x08 Crisis on Earth-X (IV)

Except...there aren't 53 supergirls...you fucking idiots.... earth 1 doesnt....kara is imported!!!!! This sums up this so called crossover.

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Young Sheldon: 1x05 A Solar Calculator, a Game Ball, and a Cheerleader's Bosom

Ray Liota... that was nice. God he got old.. damn

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Marvel's Inhumans: 1x04 Make Way For... Medusa

So... lets analyse this. The "woman" humping Karnak... uhmmm can we at least have few days before we met and the humping!? Gorgon and the surfers commandos...uhmmm do you need to get a room or something!? Where does that love come from!? Are we already talking about family and sacrifice after...less than 24h!? ...lol. I hated Medusas face with that awful animated hair...but now...oh boy...i hate it even more...it remainds me of spanish-brazilian-mexican soap operas where the main female character had a face like always crying and always asking for someone to smack them right on the snout. I'll stop here for now.... I'm feeling like...when are the good shows gona start this year...we're stuck with this crap and Supergirl's gay drama and Flash's ... no drama...lol

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Marvel's The Defenders: 1x08 The Defenders

I have to agree with AndrewBloom and to add this: This Elektra Version was written poorly and her motivation is just not backed up by anything. Then... we have the 5 fingers... 3 or 4 of them are dead dead... well I'm disappointed... they've build us up through Daredevil and Iorn Fist and now they died easily and gratuitously. If Gao's survival will be the sole engine of next Iron Fist I'll be disappointed. Finally, Mat's survival... such bs... you do realize that the only way he would survive a building crushing down is... teleporting. If they'll ever bother to explain how he escaped... i hope its teleportation otherwise anything else is B S

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The 100: 4x11 The Other Side

So... 400 people just left a child (Clarke) to decide 300 are expendible? Bellamy, Clarke and her mother decided... Oh well... Let's send 300 of our own to die an agonizing death under the black rain... Because....?

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