

Omicron Persei 8

Superstore: 3x05 Sal's Dead

Ninja episode. The makeups were absolutely awesome and the stabbing scene...i did not see that coming. Good job to the writters doing so much with so little

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Grimm: 6x11 Where the Wild Things Were

Oh commmmoon... It did not finish like that... To be continued... God damn it. Best episode of the entire show!

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Supernatural: 11x18 Hell's Angel

Wow... for season fricking 11...this episode was really really good. I'm even more surprised of how much staff happened... they could have easily spread it over 3 episodes... like. Keep up the good work.... i think its almost the only show where there is no dumb blondes acting warrior/fighter/karate/lawyer screwing the whole show

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Travelers: 2x06 U235

Intense episode. When they entered the cave and were greeted by the military...i was like how dumb can you guys be...obviously they would wait for you...what i did not expect was for them to be ready...lol. Double fun when writters think outside the box :)

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Salvation: 1x01 Pilot

Liked the pilot. I can see myself watching this among other 50+ shows. Pacing will be the key element here. The story is interesting to me, the characters not so much... but I will stay positive

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2 Broke Girls: 6x19 And the Alley-Oops

M A S T... U... "I bet you don't even know what comes next after U"..."Usually me".... Hahaha its killing me, this is why i love this show

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13 Reasons Why
Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x10 AKA 1,000 Cuts

Yessssssssssss... Yes yes yes yes.... Im so fucking happy, glad, excited, extatic... Yeeesss... Im so glad Hope killed herself. Jessica has now yet another corpse on her conscience... And basically doubled the significance of all other dead people who died because she didn't want to kill him in the first place. Whatever happens from now on I'm satisfied with the amount of grief Stupidessica has endured. Stupidity must hurt!

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Sense8: 2x04 Polyphony

I'm starting to lose track of Angelica's back story. I don't understand the connection between Angelica and Will's Cluster

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x03 Zari

Well...i got nothing...lol that's a first. Good episode overall. Finally the characters gell and their (re)actions to things happening are not on retard setting

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The Expanse: 2x13 Caliban's War

Some action... at last! Last 3 episodes were to slow, dragging the story uselessly

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The Shannara Chronicles: 2x05 Paranor

Miraculously...but a good episode.

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Supernatural: 13x05 Advanced Thanatology

Hmmm i wonder what's with all the "12 Monkeys" (tv show after the movie) references. The mask AND Shawn's mother are both from 12 Monkeys. Its got to be intended. We could have had just one reference not both. Billie's return...hate it. A bad actress with no emotional skills...i would have preferred something more complicated and not on the nose... next reaper to die becomes death...weak sauce. The show makes me wonder...why a nephilem can be stronger than what was created by god. It makes you wonder what can a child of 2 archangels can do

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Sense8: 2x05 Fear Never Fixed Anything

The more they reveal the more i get confused... Lol... Love it

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Sense8: 2x02 Who Am I?

Nice episode, with a strong finale. What i hate is, they've changed the intro... But they kept the scene with those 2 licking each other over an ice cream. It makes me vomit

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x01 Orientation (1)

Interesting angle. For now at least. Glad to see a show improving among all other bad shows (see any from the Flashowerse... Arrow is not even worth mentioning). The Kree are badly portrayed...but hell with low budget you make due

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Superstore: 3x01 Grand Re-Opening

yey...its back...and it didn't suck. Mateo is mean!!! Jonah is a pussy

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Doctor Who: 10x04 Knock Knock

That's more like it. A good episode overall. The mother... Was... Hideous, plain scary, with eyes like crocodile's

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The Flash: 3x18 Abra Kadabra

Uhm... 1. Unnecessary surgical intervention. Barry could have taken the shrapnel (he did it before). 2. After Caitlin revived, why didn't Julian just put the necklace onto her? 3. Thank God they reduced to none the winning of Wally.

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Young Sheldon: 1x02 Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System

A little better. Some clever remarks...I'm struggling here..but hey...I'm a show consumer...I'll take almost anything

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12 Monkeys: 3x01 Mother

off to a good start...interesting development. I wondered first what took so long for Cole to realise he could meet with himself and feed himself info. But than i realized...its the suit

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x02 Orientation (2)

Would someone just smack Daisy right on her snout! God she was f*ing annoying. I'm glad Deke can talk louder than her and he shut her up...at least this episode

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The Shannara Chronicles: 2x10 Blood

Shout by ramadri

Oh no Will died ...oh fine... i can live with that...until next season

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Marvel's Inhumans: 1x04 Make Way For... Medusa

So... lets analyse this. The "woman" humping Karnak... uhmmm can we at least have few days before we met and the humping!? Gorgon and the surfers commandos...uhmmm do you need to get a room or something!? Where does that love come from!? Are we already talking about family and sacrifice after...less than 24h!? ...lol. I hated Medusas face with that awful animated hair...but now...oh boy...i hate it even more...it remainds me of spanish-brazilian-mexican soap operas where the main female character had a face like always crying and always asking for someone to smack them right on the snout. I'll stop here for now.... I'm feeling like...when are the good shows gona start this year...we're stuck with this crap and Supergirl's gay drama and Flash's ... no drama...lol

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x06 Lethe

This has become predictible and boring. That's very bad for a show in its 1st season

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The Expanse: 2x05 Home

OMFG The music was so horrible, it was like a knife through my brain. I wanted to stop it somehow but keep hearing the dialog... Who ever decided to put it there please go shoot yourself, it was worse than nails on the blackboard. A very good episode but i can't get passed it. The entire episode will be characterized by awful awful music.... And i dont say this lightly... I've never in my life noticed bad music in a movie

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Supernatural: 13x06 Tombstone

Jack has become a crying bitch...like Sam was (is/will always be)

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Superstore: 2x17 Integrity Award

Evil Glenn... That was fun, bring it more.. We can take it :).

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The Expanse: 2x08 Pyre

Mi pensa beltalowda "language" is shit! Why do some TV Shows feel the need to introduce this stacko (Defiance reference to crap). It is soooo ridiculous it makes me vomit. Otherwise a good episode. I felt like they dragged the story, nothing particular of interest, episode easily can be skipped but... As a whole best show on the market. Does anyone feel like maybe Cortazar did something to Amos... Or maybe Amos did something to himself (hinting at a small lobotomy)... Though Amos is like "I don't give a crap" on his own... Well... We'll see

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The Shannara Chronicles: 2x09 Wilderun

Shout by ramadri

Bandon is dead...yey! Oh joy!

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