

Omicron Persei 8

Designated Survivor: 2x09 Three-Letter Day

Shout by ramadri

Why...why in the name of Satan would the son try to kill an FBI agent!!!! First...she didn't come alone... 2nd... one would realise agents whereabouts are acounted for...so if she would die another agent would investigate. So the car scene was just for...cheap thrills. OMG so so few shows which are ok...this pales in comparison with House of Cards

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x09 Beebo the God of War

So we get a rift into another dimension (Supernatural, Jack son of Lucifer) and we see it all in dark as if it burned and some dead tree (Stranger Things, Season 1 Upside world). We get some Odin from Asgard (Thor, the 1st movie)...so i guess wirtters ran out of ideas (darn...so soon!?). And do we get at the end "a crossover" with Constantine (wait what...how is it a crossover since Constanine is over for...2 year now i think)

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x02 Orientation (2)

Would someone just smack Daisy right on her snout! God she was f*ing annoying. I'm glad Deke can talk louder than her and he shut her up...at least this episode

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x01 Orientation (1)

Interesting angle. For now at least. Glad to see a show improving among all other bad shows (see any from the Flashowerse... Arrow is not even worth mentioning). The Kree are badly portrayed...but hell with low budget you make due

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Mr. Robot: 3x08 eps3.7_dont-delete-me.ko

Wow....this episode was so bad... it's on its own league. After like 10 minutes i started to play on my phone something. From time to time i rose my eyes on it and went straight back to the game. This show should have ended last episode.... now nothing happens.!? Why do we keep seeing Darleene and Angela!? They are not doing anything...they dont bring any plot...they're just 2 hysterical women.. that cry... and that's it. Filler episode...you can skip it completely!!!

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Supernatural: 13x08 The Scorpion and the Frog

i am kind of disappointed. The Bart thing could have been a new Crowley theme...but they chose to end it so quickly? The boys were too relaxed after losing the paper with the spell. Like there's hundreds of ways to track a nephilem. I dont know this episode was superficial. PS Sam...blowing at a burning paper!? lol

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x08 Crisis on Earth-X (IV)

Except...there aren't 53 supergirls...you fucking idiots.... earth 1 doesnt....kara is imported!!!!! This sums up this so called crossover.

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The Flash: 4x08 Crisis on Earth-X (III)

I would say....i wish the Eartherx win...maybe we'd have less drama, less lgbt, less everything that is nauseating

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Supergirl: 3x08 Crisis on Earth-X (I)

Episode starts about a wedding. Then it switched quickly to vomiting lgbt action. We can't have a show where we are not intoxicated with this nonsense. To finish this off...we get an (armed) army entering a church, starts firing and we have absolute 0 casualty. So we had it all folks... vomit action, moron action, food for retards action. I am starting to realise that writting a script for a tv show is the most incredible hard thing one being can do on this planet.

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Mr. Robot: 3x07 eps3.6_fredrick+tanya.chk

Shout by ramadri

Ok-ish episode. Angela's character is no longer with us... with or without its just the same. The actress just has to look crazy and that's all...unfortunately she is not capable of doing that either. Eliot's sister.... what's her name? Nevermind she doesn't matter jn this season, she just has a line here and there. I guess writters don't know if they should kill the character or not (this means lack of vision, so show is almost over). Dom.... what can we say about Dom. Well... writters wrote she has to believe there's more...and she complies. They offer no motivation, no hints no nothing. The fact the actress is extremely terrible doesn't help either. It is being forced onto us....just so we can have the illusion of some good fighting evil. Eliot went missing this episode...so not much happened. I couldn't care less about Trent and Mobely...i was fine with them out of the picture. Maybe it was due to Turkey day...or i.dont know, but the whole episode lacked action and substance...its like the death of the 2 hackers was soemthing easy...as a backup in case they need a break. I give it a 5...at best

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Young Sheldon: 1x05 A Solar Calculator, a Game Ball, and a Cheerleader's Bosom

Ray Liota... that was nice. God he got old.. damn

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The Shannara Chronicles: 2x10 Blood

Shout by ramadri

Oh no Will died ...oh fine... i can live with that...until next season

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The Shannara Chronicles: 2x09 Wilderun

Shout by ramadri

Bandon is dead...yey! Oh joy!

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Supergirl: 3x07 Wake Up

No lgbt ... thank god. Horrible acting for the "birth" if Reign. Those screams and hand gesture...omfg... where did they find that actress... school of garbage actresses? Glad to see Mon-El back. We need a real man role in here. Jimmy and Winn are ...to effeminate...J'on could dissapear from the show...he has no value. Hope to some villainy from Mon'el ... i dont expect much from Reign... but poor playing

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Travelers: 2x06 U235

Intense episode. When they entered the cave and were greeted by the military...i was like how dumb can you guys be...obviously they would wait for you...what i did not expect was for them to be ready...lol. Double fun when writters think outside the box :)

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Travelers: 2x05 Jenny

Of course the Faction sent hundreds of operatives. The show is fine...but the story from now on is predictable...i wished for something else

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Young Sheldon: 1x02 Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System

A little better. Some clever remarks...I'm struggling here..but hey...I'm a show consumer...I'll take almost anything

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Young Sheldon: 1x01 Pilot

Must be my age but i dont like this at all. Maybe if they focused around the age of 16+.... but at that age...it looks like a children's show. I wont say its bad.... because i dont like it. Maybe I'll watch 2 more episodes to see if i can relate but... slim chances

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Supernatural: 13x06 Tombstone

Jack has become a crying bitch...like Sam was (is/will always be)

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Mr. Robot: 3x06 eps3.5_kill-process.inc

This season is dragging for too long. Nothing really happens. All 3 female characters are obnoxious, dumb and with no emotions to storry connection. This comes probably from all 3 being poor actresses. I hope this shows stops here. It has nothing more to offer

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Designated Survivor: 2x07 Family Ties

Its getting tiresome. One "calamity" after another. President reacting to problems. The show is trying to tackle real life events...like Homeland (tv show)...but this one is miles and miles away from that

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x06 Helen Hunt

All throughout the episode i played something on my phone. It was beyond boring... must be the worst episode of the season. The whole Damien story is getting old. I expect Malcom to show up next...then Eobar...then Damien.... lack of complete imagination

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The Flash: 4x06 When Harry Met Harry...

Ok-ish episode. The Wells' is a nice idea but poorly played. We get it... the actor is good...but not that good. PS. I wish that girl had died...being that stupid ... one deserves to die

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The Shannara Chronicles: 2x06 Crimson

Last episode...good...this episode RIDICULOUS... hall of fame stupidity. If one can make a list of all poor choices Will could do...he crossed them all...lol. I give this episode a 2

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The Shannara Chronicles: 2x05 Paranor

Miraculously...but a good episode.

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Supernatural: 13x05 Advanced Thanatology

Hmmm i wonder what's with all the "12 Monkeys" (tv show after the movie) references. The mask AND Shawn's mother are both from 12 Monkeys. Its got to be intended. We could have had just one reference not both. Billie's return...hate it. A bad actress with no emotional skills...i would have preferred something more complicated and not on the nose... next reaper to die becomes death...weak sauce. The show makes me wonder...why a nephilem can be stronger than what was created by god. It makes you wonder what can a child of 2 archangels can do

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Supergirl: 3x05 Damage

So...are we supposed to cry for poor ol' Alex!? You know, usually when a woman wants children she goes get herself a friggin man. It's that simple!!!! Its not like Africa children die of hunger or thirst...lol.
Lena drama... who cares!!??

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x04 Phone Home

A Dominator loosing its child...on Earth.... yeah! Highly unlikely. Dominator queen reading Sarah's memories....seing how domimators lose the battle in the future....and that has no consequences...yeah...well...why not...its a show right?

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Superstore: 3x05 Sal's Dead

Ninja episode. The makeups were absolutely awesome and the stabbing scene...i did not see that coming. Good job to the writters doing so much with so little

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The Flash: 4x04 Elongated Journey Into Night

Some comedy...some bad acting (trejo...I'm looking at you) some stupid writting...like how is trejo character such a reputable hunter when his red rays were just tickling everyone..piu piu...ouch...ok don't kill me ...dont kill me. Well at least all actors seem more relaxed...as if they had a very relaxing vaca. And Iris ...seemed she has just few inches off the stick in her but. But that's about it. All this crapowerse shows are so week...i think even kids are bored

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