

Omicron Persei 8

Salvation: 1x01 Pilot

Liked the pilot. I can see myself watching this among other 50+ shows. Pacing will be the key element here. The story is interesting to me, the characters not so much... but I will stay positive

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Travelers: 1x06 Helios-685

The engineer gets the prize for most moron human being in the history (future included) of humanity.

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12 Monkeys: 3x01 Mother

off to a good start...interesting development. I wondered first what took so long for Cole to realise he could meet with himself and feed himself info. But than i realized...its the suit

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Sense8: 2x04 Polyphony

I'm starting to lose track of Angelica's back story. I don't understand the connection between Angelica and Will's Cluster

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Grimm: 6x08 The Son Also Rises

I heard the show is ending if not with this season but with the next. Well it's too bad. This season can compete with 1st, it is more action packed and the tension is much more palpable.

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Supergirl: 2x12 Luthors

Kara+Mon El.. Yes.. Its only natural. Hoping for Kara and Lena... Enough! We have enough LGBT in this show (don't forget Winn)...its a show stop pushing so much for this agenda. Better concentrate on bad performances of Jimmy and unnecessary awkward scenes with Alex and her "girlfriend". More action, less politics!

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Timeless: 1x15 Public Enemy No. 1

Finally a good episode. Action packed, new actors (much better than regular trio). Liked in particular the Al Capone act also glad to see Misha... I guess trench coats were net yet invented in 1931 :)

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Grimm: 6x06 Breakfast in Bed

Finally a good episode, with some nice twist. Let me guess that date... Is for few days from "now"... Jeeesh

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The OA: 1x08 Invisible Self
Supernatural: 11x23 Alpha and Omega

bleah...weak ending...a pathetic god since it showed up...who just cried his way into a solution. why didn't he offered to carry the bomb. Amar was hateful for billions of years...she spends like few months on earth and becomes all soft and fluffy. ..bleah...this whole amar god thing was written poorly. And in the end what did Dean get...mom...lol...pathetic

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The 100: 3x12 Demons

And the ward for worst performance on the lamest part goes to.....octaviaaaaa....and Clark. ...agaaaiin. Will the writters please kill them already! !

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x15 Spacetime

Shout by ramadri

And the award for dumbest character on show goes to.... Daizyyyy! You see the future, its obvious you "cant" fight it... but still she says she... "can handle it"... OMG

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x09 Beebo the God of War

So we get a rift into another dimension (Supernatural, Jack son of Lucifer) and we see it all in dark as if it burned and some dead tree (Stranger Things, Season 1 Upside world). We get some Odin from Asgard (Thor, the 1st movie)...so i guess wirtters ran out of ideas (darn...so soon!?). And do we get at the end "a crossover" with Constantine (wait what...how is it a crossover since Constanine is over for...2 year now i think)

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x02 Orientation (2)

Would someone just smack Daisy right on her snout! God she was f*ing annoying. I'm glad Deke can talk louder than her and he shut her up...at least this episode

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x08 Crisis on Earth-X (IV)

Except...there aren't 53 supergirls...you fucking idiots.... earth 1 doesnt....kara is imported!!!!! This sums up this so called crossover.

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Supergirl: 3x08 Crisis on Earth-X (I)

Episode starts about a wedding. Then it switched quickly to vomiting lgbt action. We can't have a show where we are not intoxicated with this nonsense. To finish this off...we get an (armed) army entering a church, starts firing and we have absolute 0 casualty. So we had it all folks... vomit action, moron action, food for retards action. I am starting to realise that writting a script for a tv show is the most incredible hard thing one being can do on this planet.

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Young Sheldon: 1x05 A Solar Calculator, a Game Ball, and a Cheerleader's Bosom

Ray Liota... that was nice. God he got old.. damn

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The Shannara Chronicles: 2x10 Blood

Shout by ramadri

Oh no Will died ...oh fine... i can live with that...until next season

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Supergirl: 3x07 Wake Up

No lgbt ... thank god. Horrible acting for the "birth" if Reign. Those screams and hand gesture...omfg... where did they find that actress... school of garbage actresses? Glad to see Mon-El back. We need a real man role in here. Jimmy and Winn are ...to effeminate...J'on could dissapear from the show...he has no value. Hope to some villainy from Mon'el ... i dont expect much from Reign... but poor playing

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The Flash: 4x06 When Harry Met Harry...

Ok-ish episode. The Wells' is a nice idea but poorly played. We get it... the actor is good...but not that good. PS. I wish that girl had died...being that stupid ... one deserves to die

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Mr. Robot: 3x01 eps3.0_power-saver-mode.h

Boring episode overall. Lots of fillers with not much to do. Obivously a gunshot to the stomach....its nothing. And wtf is up with Darlene...where is all that hysterical acting coming from...all of a sudden she is scared shitless... for real!?

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x03 Zari

Well...i got nothing...lol that's a first. Good episode overall. Finally the characters gell and their (re)actions to things happening are not on retard setting

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Marvel's Inhumans: 1x04 Make Way For... Medusa

So... lets analyse this. The "woman" humping Karnak... uhmmm can we at least have few days before we met and the humping!? Gorgon and the surfers commandos...uhmmm do you need to get a room or something!? Where does that love come from!? Are we already talking about family and sacrifice after...less than 24h!? ...lol. I hated Medusas face with that awful animated hair...but now...oh boy...i hate it even more...it remainds me of spanish-brazilian-mexican soap operas where the main female character had a face like always crying and always asking for someone to smack them right on the snout. I'll stop here for now.... I'm feeling like...when are the good shows gona start this year...we're stuck with this crap and Supergirl's gay drama and Flash's ... no drama...lol

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x06 Lethe

This has become predictible and boring. That's very bad for a show in its 1st season

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Sherlock: 4x03 The Final Problem

the episode was so boring i had to skip through... the entire scene with eureus ... had no hold over me... it bore me to death

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Marvel's The Defenders: 1x08 The Defenders

I have to agree with AndrewBloom and to add this: This Elektra Version was written poorly and her motivation is just not backed up by anything. Then... we have the 5 fingers... 3 or 4 of them are dead dead... well I'm disappointed... they've build us up through Daredevil and Iorn Fist and now they died easily and gratuitously. If Gao's survival will be the sole engine of next Iron Fist I'll be disappointed. Finally, Mat's survival... such bs... you do realize that the only way he would survive a building crushing down is... teleporting. If they'll ever bother to explain how he escaped... i hope its teleportation otherwise anything else is B S

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Dark Matter: 3x06 One Last Card to Play

Yeah..it was good enough. I just dont like the new Raza from the alternate reality angle

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The 100: 4x11 The Other Side

So... 400 people just left a child (Clarke) to decide 300 are expendible? Bellamy, Clarke and her mother decided... Oh well... Let's send 300 of our own to die an agonizing death under the black rain... Because....?

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The Expanse: 2x13 Caliban's War

Some action... at last! Last 3 episodes were to slow, dragging the story uselessly

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Supergirl: 2x17 Distant Sun

So.. What remains after this episode. Gay relationships, gay drama, gay, gay, gay. Did i leave something out... Nope

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