

Omicron Persei 8

2 Broke Girls: 6x21 And 2 Broke Girls: The Movie

I know the actress playing Max is a big supporter of doing drugs, but common.... That was really pushing it into this episode. Even more as studios do with lgbt. How deep they have fallen and they call it entertainment. Overall though good episode with few good punch lines

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x13 AKA Smile

David Tennant.. Once again brilliant performance, a stelar actor, you just got to love. I cried when he left doctor Who, that final episode... Oh my God. He always brings his A game, no matter the part.
Jessica Jones.. All i can say I'm sorry Trish, Luke and neighbor and Hogarth didn't die... You should kill yourself. So many people died because of how stupid you are. I take joy on everything little bit of what you lost thought the show, die in pain bitch

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x10 AKA 1,000 Cuts

Yessssssssssss... Yes yes yes yes.... Im so fucking happy, glad, excited, extatic... Yeeesss... Im so glad Hope killed herself. Jessica has now yet another corpse on her conscience... And basically doubled the significance of all other dead people who died because she didn't want to kill him in the first place. Whatever happens from now on I'm satisfied with the amount of grief Stupidessica has endured. Stupidity must hurt!

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x09 AKA Sin Bin

I'm so happy that everything that Jessica does is completely failing. She deserves everything going wrong. Hogarth asked for help numerous times, and even stayed loyal through all events, but Jessica dismisses her needs as unimportant. For that i wish her all the bad possible. Unfortunately it is a stupid show, things will turn in her favor... Because stupidity is rewarded in crappy shows like this one

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x05 AKA The Sandwich Saved Me

I'm so happy Jessica failed.

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The 100: 4x08 God Complex

Best episode in like 3 season, but a 5 overall... So lol.. Maybe it's time to end. No.. Wait make it a 7..no Octavia.. At all. The show is struggling, i think they've exhausted everything there is from it

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2 Broke Girls: 6x20 And the Rock Me on the Dais

I don't like how the boyfriend is written /played... Its just forced

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Homeland: 6x10 The Flag House

The plot thickens. I guess now Saul is reconsidering leaving. He is a proud man but as his wife put it, since when doehe give a fuck about what other think.

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Superstore: 2x18 Mateo's Last Day

I'm almost sorry about him :)

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Homeland: 6x09 Sock Puppets

Are we to understand that Dar figured out Madam President is onto him, or he kept the envelope because he liked the idea to become director of CIA? His acting suggested he realized he's blown... But my guts says otherwise.

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The 100: 4x05 The Tinder Box

So you take Raven most important member of the "people"'s team and get her brain damage so probably they're getting ready to take her our of the show and than you take little girl who should play with dolls Octavia, which was stabed with a sword, felt down from a huge cliff, be less than 10 feet away from a major explosion and still the bitch doesn't die... Lol... I think she blows extremely well the director of this show

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Superstore: 2x16 Wellness Fair

The cat is finally out of the bag. Will Jeff lose his job!?

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x12 Camelot/3000

Shout by ramadri

Weak episode, a filler if you like to describe an arch... That, what? Put 4 pieces together from some "stick". Weak writing, weak story, weak overall performances. It's like even the actors ran out of steam. Some more LGBT thrown into the mix and we have a politically yet boring episode. All these could have finished in like 2 episodes

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x15 Self Control

Some Daisy on Jemma action... I wouldn't mind that :). So... Whatever happens from now on we can skip, stop watching as it does not count for the rl world. Bleah Matrix much!?

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The 100: 4x03 The Four Horsemen

Skilame'a, Skifuck'a. Yet another good episode ruined by little girls who lost their teddy Bair

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Homeland: 6x04 A Flash of Light

I'm happy... Good ending

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x11 Turncoat

So Rip + time machine = Rory + tardis.... I can go with that, though is lame... But to also do "crap on Christmas"... Moffat should sue the writers of this show!

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The 100: 4x02 Heavy Lies the Crown

No no no no... I SAID kill Octavia, don't make her a main character. Jesus are you blind, just give her a medal for worst female actress in a tv show. Why do you insist with this nonsense... She is so ridiculous in this role. Why do you keep promoting bad acting!?

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Superstore: 2x13 Ladies' Lunch

Another show who doesn't get much love :(

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The Expanse: 2x01 Safe

Agreed. Add fresh new perspective to the sf genre

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Very poor written show. The "insight" the main character has over different clues its just not from this planet. You can't watch this show and not shout "commoooon, fuck off"

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Frequency: 1x13 Signal Loss

Shout by ramadri

I have a saying "if you scratch your but hole dont be surprised it smells". In other words i am very very sad the mother didn't die, I'm sorry the moron didn't got her life entirely erased... That would have teached her not to scratch. If the show is over i will not shed a tier... The bitch was becoming unbearable, and the "connections" she was making were so outrageous... Just bad bad writing. Hope this is over

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Supergirl: 2x09 Supergirl Lives

Roulette character.. Awful... Actress playing it even more awful. She always gets her ass kicked but always smirks at Kara!... Lol.
To make Alex a dike its one thing... To dedicate entire scenes to it... It just makes me vomit. If I want to see 2 girls eating eachother I'd watch porn, not an "adventure tv show". James/Guardian.. Lame lame lame. I'm getting a Arrow vibe here, loser/lame alert! Wr have another Laurel... Might just be my 2nd show ever i quit watch it before in ends

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Frequency: 1x12 Harmonic
Timeless: 1x11 The World's Columbian Exposition

Next person who writes must tell a joke... Otherwise Rittenhouse........ (ps. No need to finsih the sentence... I just said Rittenhouse so you all must run scared)

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Incorporated: 1x07 Executables

Shout by ramadri

Ben Larson "I'm just a guy with his back at the wall"....boo hoo... You want us to cry for you? You're a fucking asshole, i hope you get caught.

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Superstore: 2x11 Lost and Found

No love for this show :(. I love it, it's slow paced witty jokes like 2 broke girls but with less dirty jokes. The TV Shows stage is in dire need of a good comedy like 2 and a half men was

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The Shannara Chronicles: 1x07 Breakline

Shout by ramadri

One dumb prince is dead... One more to go. How did the elves survived that long when the entire royal family is dumb as fuck!?
"if you ever need me... Use this whistle"... Really... Can we also make 3 wishes? Those human mercenary were like very very bad actors trying to copy some Mad Max (the original)

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The Shannara Chronicles: 1x05 Reaper

This is starting to look more and more like LOTR

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Frequency: 1x10 The Edison Effect