

Omicron Persei 8

The 100: 4x06 We Will Rise

Episode's checklist: a) LGBT quota, check; b) stupidity, check; c) horrible acting, check; d) dumb lines, check. a) Clarke+Raven, b-d) Octavia as always.
"O, I'm your brother" "Why do you think you're still alive?".. Ha ha ha ha... Im laughing my ass off.... Is she gonna kill him with baby dolls? Cookies?... Lol. Boring episode, it didn't advance the story at all... You can skip it. We didn't even see Ilian getting killed which he should. Disappointing all around. At least they had the chance to touch the lgbt issue... Just a little

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x14 Moonshot

Shout by ramadri

Another weak episode, it was all over the place. Just building up the ark surrounding the spear of Destiny. Everything happened and nothing happened. You can skip this entire episode and Spoiler alert: they found last missing piece. Now you are up to speed waiting for next episode. Let's hope next season gets better, because this one is completely lifeless. Except the crooked mouth of Sara, which annoys me the hell out, overall performances of the actors were ok. It was not the worst episode, but overall... Meh!

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The Flash: 3x15 The Wrath of Savitar

Again we see this common theme between this shows (flash, legends of tomorrow, supergirl, probably the Arrow - I stopped watching that garbage)... And that is stupidity... But not the common kind, the monumental one, ruler of dumbest decisions ever made. Why is that? What are all these shows trying to promote? Are they implying we're all idiots... Or what!? Why do they chose to forward their actions through idiotic decisions... I tell you why! Bad writing... Bad writers... They are incapable to forward a story without making it so some character does something stupid and than use it as an excuse to move on with the story. Well... I guess it's our fault that we watch them. The Arrow made me quit it, The 100 will soon, Supergirl also... Timeless, Frequency, Incorporated, i could keep going... All are just not able to do some minimum clever writing, promoting bad, very bad actors (Laurel in Arrow, Octavia in 100, Wally in Flash... So on). This is the tv show arena if the year 2017! SAD!

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Grimm: 6x09 Tree People

Wow, yet another fantastic episode. Wtf did they saved the best for last season!? I bet the Kinoshisomething is not dead though

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Supernatural: 12x14 The Raid

A very well written episode. I like how "things" got connected in such a way so they appealed to the geek tech side of Sam and completely separate the go in full headed no thought of Dean. And than at the end reunited again. What i will probably hate is the never ending whining of Sam trying to convince Dean and Dean saying no just in principle....Where At the end we will discover that Dean was right.

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Supergirl: 2x14 Homecoming

Shout by ramadri

I'm half way the episode and I can't take it anymore. This is the most ridiculous episode ever in the history of tv shows.
1. You are a bad guy transporting "precious cargo", you know about supergirl but you give weapons to bad guys... With bullets really
2. You save a father you know he worked for 14 years for the greatest enemy of earth.. And you don't question anything
3. You reinstate all access into one of the most secure (supposedly) base in the world no question asked
Should i go on... I cant... Its retarded.
Than you get Mon'El questioning things and everybody acts like they are retarded. I mean... Its so obvious... You dont even need to be too smart to figure it out. Ar this point I'm sorry but Mon'el shouldn't be with Kara.. She's way too stupid for him. I don't know if i have the power in me to watch the other half... Is just insulting . They really think retards are watching this show

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The Expanse: 2x05 Home

OMFG The music was so horrible, it was like a knife through my brain. I wanted to stop it somehow but keep hearing the dialog... Who ever decided to put it there please go shoot yourself, it was worse than nails on the blackboard. A very good episode but i can't get passed it. The entire episode will be characterized by awful awful music.... And i dont say this lightly... I've never in my life noticed bad music in a movie

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The Flash: 3x13 Attack on Gorilla City (1)

Can anybody tell me what Gypsy was doing in Grod City? Gypsy is from HR Earth not the "father" of Jessie's Earth. If Grod needs someone to open world portals how did he got a hold on Gypsy... Total bs

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Homeland: 6x05 Casus Belli

Seeing that news reporter being thrown down the stairs filled my heart with so much joy, I was screaming "yes... Yessss... Yessss"... Too bad her skull didn't open up and die like a rat that she was. Otherwise one of the best episodes in the last 3 seasons. Carrie finally believes Quinn, Madam President got what she deserves... She thought she will outplay an old fart spy master... Well whose laughing now!

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The 100: 4x01 Echoes

For the love of God kill Octavia already. I love the show but I can't stand for the horrible acting. When i see her "fight" scenes i want to vomit. How the f* did she blow to stay for this long. Its enough that the save everybody theme is getting tiresome... Clarke give it a rest. I guess the show should have ended after season 2. This new season looks very boring with bad decisions, bad writing and more bad scenes with Octavia

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The OA: 1x07 Empire of Light
Timeless: 1x05 The Alamo

The mother gave the daughter the name of her father written on a piece of paper.... Seriously!!! That's just retarded writing.

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The Young Pope: 1x10 Ninth Episode

So... A Saint is a person praying to God to kill some bitch (which it does {not worthy to use "he"})... Hmmm... I must be the greatest Saint ever... Im always wishing for someone to die

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12 Monkeys: 2x07 Meltdown

Confusing at best. First i thought Sam will become the witness...but he met him in 1000-1200. Second it might pe Ramsay who will be forever pissed at losing his son. This thing with "it's my fault,...no it is mine...no..." is getting boring just like in any other show.
Those lenses look so..piece of shiit plastic. ..and they want us to believe that's how time travel works. ..lol

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12 Monkeys: 2x06 Immortal

Episodes 5&6 weak, slow going, almost confusing...writers obviously ran out of steam...let's hope it picks up

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The 100: 3x16 Perverse Instantiation (2)

Octavia...coward little bitch. She just proved twice what i was saying all along....she needs to be sent to play with dolls...not warrior wannbe pink dress princess. If writers imagine that she is liked/hated character...they're wrong...is just bad acting on a role that is completely unbelievable. If I were her brother. ..i would have smacked her a couple of time "knock it of little girl...big man talk here...go to your room".
On anothet matter now...in season 2 they made some preparation with season 3...introducing ALIE...now...almost no preparation for season 4...except final scene with earth becoming. ..again...uninhabitable. ..weak writting....im guessing writers are clueless about the future of the show

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12 Monkeys: 2x04 Emergence

Shout by ramadri

Finally a clean point of view on time. Some of Jenifer' were very well written "humanity..unborned and destroyed"...just loved it. An episode with not much action but necessary to glue the action. What i didn't understand was the last scene...was the whistling old dude (forgot the name) the sun of the monkey lady that survived the blast? It doesnt add up. The dude appears and is old in 2012. Her mother even if she would have born him instantly in 1944...that would make him 68...hmmm...maybe he is afterall same guy

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Mr. Robot: 3x08 eps3.7_dont-delete-me.ko

Wow....this episode was so bad... it's on its own league. After like 10 minutes i started to play on my phone something. From time to time i rose my eyes on it and went straight back to the game. This show should have ended last episode.... now nothing happens.!? Why do we keep seeing Darleene and Angela!? They are not doing anything...they dont bring any plot...they're just 2 hysterical women.. that cry... and that's it. Filler episode...you can skip it completely!!!

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Mr. Robot: 3x07 eps3.6_fredrick+tanya.chk

Shout by ramadri

Ok-ish episode. Angela's character is no longer with us... with or without its just the same. The actress just has to look crazy and that's all...unfortunately she is not capable of doing that either. Eliot's sister.... what's her name? Nevermind she doesn't matter jn this season, she just has a line here and there. I guess writters don't know if they should kill the character or not (this means lack of vision, so show is almost over). Dom.... what can we say about Dom. Well... writters wrote she has to believe there's more...and she complies. They offer no motivation, no hints no nothing. The fact the actress is extremely terrible doesn't help either. It is being forced onto us....just so we can have the illusion of some good fighting evil. Eliot went missing this episode...so not much happened. I couldn't care less about Trent and Mobely...i was fine with them out of the picture. Maybe it was due to Turkey day...or i.dont know, but the whole episode lacked action and substance...its like the death of the 2 hackers was soemthing easy...as a backup in case they need a break. I give it a 5...at best

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Travelers: 2x05 Jenny

Of course the Faction sent hundreds of operatives. The show is fine...but the story from now on is predictable...i wished for something else

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Supernatural: 13x06 Tombstone

Jack has become a crying bitch...like Sam was (is/will always be)

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The Shannara Chronicles: 2x06 Crimson

Last episode...good...this episode RIDICULOUS... hall of fame stupidity. If one can make a list of all poor choices Will could do...he crossed them all...lol. I give this episode a 2

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The Shannara Chronicles: 2x05 Paranor

Miraculously...but a good episode.

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Supernatural: 13x05 Advanced Thanatology

Hmmm i wonder what's with all the "12 Monkeys" (tv show after the movie) references. The mask AND Shawn's mother are both from 12 Monkeys. Its got to be intended. We could have had just one reference not both. Billie's return...hate it. A bad actress with no emotional skills...i would have preferred something more complicated and not on the nose... next reaper to die becomes death...weak sauce. The show makes me wonder...why a nephilem can be stronger than what was created by god. It makes you wonder what can a child of 2 archangels can do

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The Flash: 4x04 Elongated Journey Into Night

Some comedy...some bad acting (trejo...I'm looking at you) some stupid writting...like how is trejo character such a reputable hunter when his red rays were just tickling everyone..piu piu...ouch...ok don't kill me ...dont kill me. Well at least all actors seem more relaxed...as if they had a very relaxing vaca. And Iris ...seemed she has just few inches off the stick in her but. But that's about it. All this crapowerse shows are so week...i think even kids are bored

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Mr. Robot: 3x03 eps3.2_legacy.so

The "interview" between Tyrell and the old dude was so pathetic!!!! omfg... who in their right mind crack "under the stress" from such a stupidity of interview. Any average man would stand there for hours just answering "fuck off"... and probably days just lying .. that is if you wouldn't just tell the dude to fuck off. lol

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Designated Survivor: 2x05 Suckers

Its getting tiresome with these doomsday events. If this is a picture of Americans reaction to events... then I'm glad I'm not one. i do hope its just an exaggeration though

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Superstore: 3x03 Part-Time Hires

New girl is hot. Dina is crazy..Gareth rocks

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Salvation: 1x11 All In

I wonder if Liam realizes that his precious J fucked her older boss. Nevermind....

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Salvation: 1x02 Another Trip Around the Sun

The whole earing "drama" was so predictable and cheap... made this show going from 9 to 4

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