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Only the Brave

Damn. The last 20 minutes were difficult to watch. Very heartbreaking.

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Black Panther

‪Black Panther is like Marvel, DC, Star Trek and Game of Thrones all married each other and had a child. A little bit of each to make it the best there is. ‬

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A Walk to Remember

16 years later and this movie still has the same affect on me. <3 Started (and finished) the book today for the first time. Thought a rewatch would be appropriate. So many things are different, but I'm happy with the changes. The movie is a 100 times better, IMHO.

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Love, Rosie

Shout by Khawlah

Watching a third time after finally having read the book. Not sure I like the movie all that much anymore. After the many complications in the book, the movie felt too rushed and too easy. Whereas the book had you feeling frustrated countless times. I get they couldn't have made it the same from cover to cover, but they could've made it longer with more focus on things. All of a sudden the movie was over and I realized I barely had an emotion during it.

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Tomb Raider

I don't know why but I didn't think I'd like this movie or even Alicia in this role. Happy to say I was pleasantly surprised with how much I've enjoyed both. The director did really well with it, too. Many impressive shots and sequences.

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Blindspot: 3x16 Artful Dodge

Don't you just love it when an episode is just so amazingly written? Ah, too good.

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Grey's Anatomy: 14x15 Old Scars, Future Hearts

Shout by Khawlah

You're so screwed up that you make me make sense.

Awn. That scene was sweet. They have such a beautiful chemistry. Even though I'm not sure it's the right call to abandon furthering your career for a guy, no matter how much he makes you make sense. Alex said it, chemicals fade. And then what are you left with?

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Arrow: 6x15 Doppelganger

SO INTENSE. I LOVED IT. The scene in the end with Oliver and Laurel was too good, I gots the feels from it. :( What wasted potential with those two. Stephen can’t help himself but emote his brains out when he’s with Katie. We could’ve had it all. Sigh! Anyways, I’m about done with fake Laurel playing everyone. Just pick a side already and stick with it.

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Grey's Anatomy: 14x14 Games People Play

Maggie deserves the world. DON’T HURT HER. Stay away from her, Jackson.

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A Mother's Nightmare

I wish Grant was in more movies. He’s really good.

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The Flash: 4x14 Subject 9

DeVoe being in a different body every other episode is the stupidest thing and makes him the least intimidating and worst villain ever. And I thought he knew and thought of everything, then why does it seem like he’s always winging it? Whatever. I liked how Barry didn’t go back to his job like everything was fine and normal. That would’ve been too easy. Also, another episode where it’s abundantly clear Iris does not fit in STAR Labs and writers have no problem of showing it. Heh.

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Oh man, that Ariel is no damsel in distress. And Ren is about the most likable character I've seen in an 80s movie. I love this couple and I love everything about this entire movie. It's timeless.

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A Ghost Story

There are million other less boring and time wasting ways to do this movie and deliver its message. Yet here we are. One of the easiest to watch, just fast forward through the whole thing.

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Anyone else felt some bits were comedic when they were meant to be scary? Unnecessarily long with too many F bombs. Any enjoyment I had during the start was sucked out by it dragging out. Doesn’t help also that the group of kids aren’t that good, except Beverly and Ben. They made the movie worth watching for me.

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Animation of the characters looks too real at times. Beautiful and stunning from start to finish.

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This movie is too weird and not what I expected at all.

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Scandal: 7x08 Robin

Is this show trying to hit a record with the most unlikable characters? Nothing and no one to root for.

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Arrow: 6x10 Divided

Good episode. And is half the team going on their own spin off or what’s going on? So many mentions of the Huntress. Miss her.

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Supernatural: 13x10 Wayward Sisters

‪That Elektra (from Defenders) looking thing and the whole “I think it just rang the dinner bell” scene is the creepiest thing I’ve seen on this show in years. Kinda skipped the rest of the episode though. ‬

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Supergirl: 3x10 Legion of Superheroes

I must be going through something because Kara stuck in her subconscious made me more emotional than it should have. It took me a really long time to like her character but I'm enjoying her this season more than ever. Danvers sisters bonding time will always be my favorite part of any episode. Also, Brainiac is adorable. I like him already.

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Justice League

I don’t know if having the lowest of expectations helped, but I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and thought it was over too soon. However, I’m still not a fan of Ben’s Batman, and believe him to be the weakest link in the league.

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Supergirl: 3x09 Reign

Shout by Khawlah

“Sociopathic cockroach” is my new favorite insult. Gotta love Lena. Haha! And I was waiting and excited for Mon-El’s return but now I just want him to go away. Seeing his indifference “act” to Kara is torture. His wife is too nice to the point that she’s shady. I don’t know where this love triangle is going but I can’t say I’m excited for it. I just want them to take their “cuteness” out of Kara’s way, it’s making me feel things. The Supergirl VS. Reign fight at the end was very well done. Can't wait for the show's return.

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Containment: 1x13 Path to Paradise

Nooooo. That can't be it. I need more, dammit.

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Containment: 1x11 Nothing Gold Can Stay

Shout by Khawlah

Well, that episode was sad as hell. Wonderful performances from everyone. That kid is brilliant. What Jake did to her was so sweet and heartbreaking. Their love story was over before it even began. You feel their loss deep in your heart. It's kinda silly how even as Katie was kicking and bleeding as she dies, I still had hope something would happen where she'd survive. Ugh I love this how.

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Containment: 1x09 A Kingdom Divided Amongst Itself

Shout by Khawlah

Oh man, what a crazy episode. I'm glad we had that sweet and super cute picnic moment between Jake and Katie and them singing to each other (aww!) before all the madness. Have I mentioned how much I'm loving and enjoying this show yet? Because damn, it's so real and intense. And it would REALLY suck if Katie got sick. Although on this rate, who wouldn't? They're basically waiting out everyone to get infected and die eventually. Jana is right to look for a secret way out of there, everyone should. Cause the government won't let them out. I don't think.

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Containment: 1x06 He Stilled the Rising Tumult

Great episode with a really sweet ending. The leads are all such good and likable characters with sound minds. Jana, Katie and Jake especially. They care but they're not naive, they show it without making mistakes. Could've done without the "I love her" from Jake, but I'm not complaining. I kinda get it. Sure it's been 9 days, but nothing about them was normal.

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Containment: 1x03 Be Angry at the Sun

Knowing Julie plec was the creator and the show being cancelled after its first season, I started this show with very low expectations, and only bothered for Chris Wood if I'm being completely honest. But I'm loving it so far. It's kinda scary in how real it is. You could totally see this happening in any moment in this messed up world. You can't help but imagine yourself in those people's shoes and wondering how you'd react. I'm interested to see how the rest of the season will play out.

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3, 2, 1... Frankie Go Boom

One of the funniest movies, l'm literally cackling every time I watch it.

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Country Strong

Years later and this movie still gives me all the feels. So good and so underrated. I can see myself obsessively listening to Garrett's songs again. <3 Why does this guy not have an album yet? His voice is heavenly.

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This felt more like a mini series than a movie for some reason. Still, so good.

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