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Stranger Things: 3x07 Chapter Seven: The Bite

Shout by Khawlah

Oh come on! Making Robin a lesbian was a cheap and unnecessary twist. Not after what she said last episode. I get it if she was not sure to come out yet but why even say it in the first place then? Meh.

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@the_argentinian "Gay people exist." Oh wow, this is brand new information. Thanks for letting me now. WHAT WOULD I DO WITHOUT YOU?!?!?!?!?!

This is about my opinion on the storytelling and how it was set up poorly. If you don't agree with it, move on. And sorry I don't have a gaydar and stereotype characters. I'll do better next time.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 8x01 The Good Ones

Shout by Khawlah

I was so thrilled and excited to have B99 back in my life... then the episode started. This show has become too woke for its own good. Let's hope the cringe AF writing was all crammed in the premiere so they get it out of the way and move on politics free for the rest of the season.:fingers_crossed:

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@sp1ti this is what happens when they write out of obligation instead of it coming from the heart. Ever since it moved to NBC it changed to the worse because it got way too preachy to the audience. And now it's at an all time low.

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Hijack: 1x01 Final Call

Shout by Vrtualme

Maybe it's because I'm autistic, but I can't imagine anyone giving up that easily. The pilot opening the cockpit door to save his lover. She'll probably die anyway, now you can add the lives of countless more. There are reasons why these rules are in place. And I doubt a trained professional would break them in a case like this. Ruins the entire show for me and I was really looking forward to this. First strike, two to go.

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@vrtualme he’s truly a despicable human.

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Dark: 3x04 The Origin

Why does it feel like this season has very little to do with the first two?

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@tvwatcha3 funny, I was thinking the same. It seems they're complicating things and branching out characters and stories just for the sake of it. To the point where the first season feels like a different show.

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Arrow: 6x10 Divided

Reply by Khawlah

Good episode. And is half the team going on their own spin off or what’s going on? So many mentions of the Huntress. Miss her.

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@stijnmaes1992 Umm, ok. But maybe don't read comments before watching the episode? Not that there was anything "spoiler" worthy.

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it was fun despite the plot had nothing new or special, but i didn't feel the chemistry between the leads it wasn't a nice choice putting them together imo.

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@ima-senpai true! they felt like good buddies mostly, didn't feel the romanic chemistry.

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Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

This'll go the way of John Carter.

Massive info dump at the start. Cringy dialogue throughout. Every introduction to a new member is the same. Too many things just happen to go just right to make the good guys look good. Like the bird horse thing. It knocks him off and happens to fly in front of him just right for him to jump back on. In slow motion. Which this movie also has a lot of. I'm sure this would be 20 minutes shorter if everything was shown in real time. Also, why does Charlie Hunnam have that horrible Irish adjacent accent?

My favourite genre is scifi fantasy but between this, the Creator and Avatar, I'm getting really tired of being dissapointed.

God the acting is atrocious.

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@nox-anexayi agreed. except I actually liked John Carter more than this. At least it was funnier. lol

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Pain Hustlers

Every character and actor in this movie is so alive and dynamic and then there's Emily Blunt.

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@fazeelqureshi it's not a compliment.

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From: 2x06 Pas de Deux

I don't care what anyone says, I love this show! And honestly I don't think there will be a big reveal that explains what the hell is going on, I think it will end similar to how "Lost" ended, with even more questions.

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@utopicvision it's a really good season so far. better than the first.

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Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story

King George looks like a long-lost, more handsome Franco brother

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@sophiaso omg I was thinking the same thing. Especially when he smiles. He looks SO MUCH like Dave Franco.

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Arrested Development: 4x04 The B. Team

So far I’ve not watched a single bad episode in this show. Ever. But I believe this was the first one. And let’s hope it’s the last.

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@khawlah narrator: it wasn't the last.

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FBI/‪ATF trying to cover one mess by creating another. So many innocent dead. Truly heartbreaking. Good series, worth checking out. ‬

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@jmg999 Whoa, calm the FUCK down. Obviously they're not the ones I meant by innocent. You do realize there were children dead, right?

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Supergirl: 3x15 In Search of Lost Time

Please, PLEASE, someone agree with me that Mon-El really WAS NOT as bad as Kara, the writers and the fandom makes him out to be. I really don't think he was a jerk at all. He was knew to the world and did not know any better, and right off the bat Kara wanted to make him something or someone he was not ready to be. And when confronted he tried to be better. There was never a malicious bone in his body. I'm tired of having to hear him agree with the awful things that's being said about him.

Other than that, this really was a good and an emotional episode. I enjoyed every part of it, might've even shed a tear or two. incredible actors, all of them. Best show in the Arrowverse right now.

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@agus46 THANK YOU! I know it's a shout out to them and it's because of them this subject was brought up more than once. Even Chris tweeted once about Mon El's bad behaviour. My point is I see no need for it. And Kara AKA the writers saying this about Mon El validates the fandom's wrong opinions. Which I find incredibly irritating. I hate fan service.

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Tracker: 1x10 Into the Wild

Why does he jog in short distances?
Why does he hold the gun like his hand is soft limb?
Could we not afford bobby this episode?
Such a waste of Stormare...

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@angelcosta a waste of Gil Birmingham too.

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Baby Reindeer: 1x02 Episode 2

This show has a grip on me. During the first episode I already knew the story is true, but afterwards I discovered that the main character is portrayed by the real person, the man who lived the story. Watching this second episode, knowing Donny “is actually Donny”… This is undeniably a unique form of art I've never seen before.

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@zowezie wow that's kinda messed up.

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The Night Agent: 1x03 The Zookeeper

As someone who works nights I can't help but constantly wonder when Peter is going to get some freaking sleep!

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@morphinapg literally the only thing on my mind the entire episode is Peter NEEDS HIS 8 HOURS!

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x04 Family Secrets

Shout by kinky
BlockedParent2023-11-29T23:08:42Z— updated 2023-12-02T09:10:50Z

Aaaand back to being dull as sugar free fudge.

But, at least, now I know what to tell people when I suddenly sneeze under the sun (yes, I'm one of those).

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@misnomer same here. lol I had no idea it's a thing apparently.

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Dark: 1x10 Alpha and Omega

There's no escaping sounding like a snob when saying this, but I'll say it anyway. Honestly every "twist" in the season was obvious from a mile away. Time travel is a tricky subject matter but it's hardly "brilliant" writing. The first half of the season nearly put me to sleep, and the latter was entertaining enough, but it's not really that great or original.

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@zachbrownies short answer is no. it's just more of the same loose ends and plot holes.

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Ted Lasso: 2x09 Beard After Hours

Out of probably a thousand TV episodes I’ve watched, this is the only one that I played at 2× speed. It’s that bad.

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@imjqe It's definitely the first episode in this series at least that I had to play at 2x speed. Started alright but got boring and seemed too long real quick.

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The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On: 2x10 The Reunion

It's soooo sad that Ryann and Trey can't even be friends anymore because of a certain insecure someone. Ugh! THEY ARE SO PURE AND DESERVE THE WORLD. :cry: Also, Alex and Kat give such Cameron and Daphne (from The White Lotus) vibes it's insane. :laughing:

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@sophiaso yeah, it's definitely crazy how all four couples proposed and all were accepted. I guess there's some sense of validation in knowing almost a year later pretty much hardly anything changed. lol Especially with Antonio and Roxanne. Their parts were WILD. I genuinely feel bad for that delusional man.

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The Leftovers: 1x09 The Garveys at Their Best

Shout by Khawlah
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-04-05T21:30:08Z— updated 2022-10-21T17:12:47Z

So, a 150 questions to find the common denominator between the departed and none of them was did you ever secretly wish them gone?

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@petersonsilva his parents, maybe? or maybe he was suicical and wished himself gone.

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Bullet Train

This is a strange movie... one minute it's fantastic, then stupid, then fantastic. Funny, not funny, then hilarious, then not funny. It's all over the place. It's like a whole bunch of skits are melded into a movie, but there is a storyline running right through it.

While watching it I was thinking this is such a Guy Ritchie or Tarantino movie... but it isn't.

Tons of blood splatter and dead people... and F-bombs

I want to give it 8.5/10, but I can't because there's just too much/many bad bits.

6.5/10 it is

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@speeddemon EXACTLY! This movie is schizophrenic.

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The White Lotus: 2x07 Arrivederci

All I could think about was that IF ONLY SOMEONE SEND ME 50000 EUROS TOO.

Then the last 10 minutes came, and I'd never ever imagine things would escalate that much. I'm sorry for Tanya, but as Portia said before, killing her may be considered euthanasia and kind at one point. I still wish she didn't die though.

Dissertations should be written on Cameron and Daphne if they were based on real people. They may be the most dysfunctional delusional toxic couple.

I'm glad sex workers got their happy ending. Lucia was worried about all whores being punished in the end, and it was time for a change.

There wasn't 100% definite answers for loose ends though. It doesn't bother me very much, but like... What really happened between Harper and Cameron, was it just a kiss or more? Did Daphne invited Ethan to Isola Bella so that they can get revenge and have sex? Were gays and Greg really planning to kill Tanya? If so, is Greg the most lucky person in this story? Was Quentin really Jack's uncle? And the most precious and important one among all... IS GREG HAVING AN AFFAIR??

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@votresprit "Dissertations should be written on Cameron and Daphne if they were based on real people. They may be the most dysfunctional delusional toxic couple." THISSSSS.

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Manifest: 2x13 Icing Conditions

Shout by Geri

I kind of hoped that Zeke will die. I don’t like him and hoped that Michaela and Jared will get back together. I don’t get why she chose the wrong guy.

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@pommmelo the actor could be the best out of all of them, but yeah, I feel like Zeke overstayed his welcome.

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The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window: 1x08 Episode 8

This show was totally absurd and I loved it. I thought I had it figured out by episode 6, but I was so wrong and I love it.

I thought the best friend did it. She always showed up unexpected, and I was wondering if she might have been obsessed with the main character. She knew Anna disliked Lisa the day she met her, she knew Anna painted, she suggested that Neil was single now that Lisa was dead, broke her out of prison for $500k, offered to help her escape, etc. All of those things made me think she was willing to kill for her.

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@morphinapg that would've been better and made more sense than what actually happened.

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Behind Her Eyes: 1x03 The First Door

You're probably gonna say I'm picky but...
she's slicing a red pepper, and .. there is absolutely NO red pepper in all the dishes she cooked ! :upside_down:

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@phoenix-calypso I was thinking the same thing too. :laughing:

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The Good Place: 3x06 A Fractured Inheritance

I love every opportunity I get to see Leslie Grossman on screen, but cast her as Kristen Bell's mom? She's just 9 years older! It's almost as crazy as Mary Cherry from Popular giving birth to Veronica Mars.

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@feliven I'm sooooo glad I'm not the only one who thinks of that character and show every time I see her. LOL Her "AH MARRY CHERRY" still rings in my ears.

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Song One

Yikes! That movie made me want to watch (Begin Again) again.

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@abdurrhman honestly, SAME. Or maybe Frank.

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This Is Us: 4x12 A Hell of a Week (2)

The constant revisiting and reminiscing of the past is getting really boring. And slightly annoying with that music.

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@gabegeekz yeah? It’s not as well written as before. Now it’s clear they want to keep the show going regardless of its quality.

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The Morning Show: 1x07 Open Waters

Wow, this Lizzy is an unbearable brat.

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@carlosant so is her mother.

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