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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x07 The Honeypot

Amy so deserved that museum treat after her efforts at the precinct. Awn! She’s the sweetest. JAKE IS A GIVER! And dammit Nine-Nine, stop bringing in awesome guest stars that we only have for one episode only. …unless we don’t? Fingers crossed. THIS SEASON IS LIT!

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Parks and Recreation: 5x04 Sex Education

Oh my god, Ben is just cute with everybody.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 3x02 Please

Happy to see the season one Daredevil suit back again. So much more badass.

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Supernatural: 13x15 A Most Holy Man

Psssht, Sammy. You should know better than to bring up the subject of the Impala being stolen to get Dean’s attention. Ahaha. That was one of the best brother scenes in a while.

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The Flash: 4x13 True Colors

Shout by Khawlah

It’s like the writers remembered all of a sudden that Barry is a genius and a science nerd. That was nice to see. Nothing else in the episode makes sense though.

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The Flash: 4x09 Don't Run

I’m actually surprised Caitlin had a solid plot this episode? And more than one conversation with someone? What? That's insane! And the last few minutes were really, really good? And gets you excited for what's to come. Are the writers feeling well? They're acting very OOC.

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The Flash: 4x07 Therefore I Am

Exactly how many times do you reckon Iris said “we’re getting married” so far? Is she scared Barry is going to forget or what? And I get they’re trying to include her more, but my god, that doesn’t mean ignoring everyone else. Caitlin barely has lines anymore. She’s just there, saying couple of words at a time. Either give her a proper plot or don’t write her in. I’d prefer that over seeing her standing there being pointless. Anyways, Devo and his wife’s story was surprisingly good and enjoyable.

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x09 The Mistress of All Agonies

I've been waiting for the Joy and Harold confrontation from the start and THAT is how it goes down? What a disappointment.

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Grey's Anatomy: 17x15 Tradition

Jackson probably had one of the better send offs of any character on this show.

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This Is Us: 4x15 Clouds

What brings you here today?
It's kind of a long story. Ya got an hour?

LMAO Randall and his dad jokes. :laughing: Again another good episode. Though I can't imagine how in the world that was his FIRST time at a therapist. Beth should be in Guinness records for her patience. I'm glad she's finally had enough though.

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‪Mmmkay. No one asked for it, but UNPOPULAR OPINION TIME. People fawning over Parasite reminds me so much of feminists who applaud men when they do shit they’re supposed to be doing anyways. The movie is well made and entertaining. Just like any good movie should be. Is it worth all this attention and movie of the year? Definitely not.‬

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Stranger Things: 3x03 Chapter Three: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard

TWO QUESTIONS: 1- Is Will gay? 2- Was Steve wearing mascara and lipstick?

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Grey's Anatomy: 15x25 Jump into the Fog


ONE: In labor Teddy is just hilariously awesome. :D And I’m conflicted about Owen's “declaration.” Because I want Teddy to have what she wants, but I also know what she wants is bad for her. I’m not sold on Owen’s “change.”‬

TWO: Jackson and Maggie need to breakup. They are just terrible together, period. Not having respect for your partner is the lowest of all lows. There’s no going back now.‬

THREE: Everything about Meredith and Deluca feels contrived, which I get, they need drama for next season. But it’s still not making me feel or care about them at all. ‬

FOUR: I am 100% on board the Amelink ship, though I wasn’t mad they ended it. A, because they were civil and mature about it which is a reason I love them even MORE now. And B, it’s clearly not the end. I think she just needs time alone first, and I encourage that.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x14 Ticking Clocks


I legit died. :laughing:

Hey remember when Rosa had to drink few shots just tell Jake the name of her new boyfriend? Yeah, me neither.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x12 Casecation

Shout by Khawlah

‪Jake is mad huggable this entire episode. ‬Kinda sorta felt bad for him.

From this episode's promotion, I thought it was Amy who didn't want kids. Because more than once in previous seasons Jake mentioned becoming dad or having kids. So I was little surprised to see it was actually Jake who didn't want them. So either he changed his mind now that it's an actual possibility, or someone f-ed up.

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This Is Us: 3x13 Our Little Island Girl

The casting for teen Beth is eerie. They have almost identical faces and expressions. Well done! Loved this episode so much. Beth is a champion.

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Marvel's Daredevil: Season 3

Probably the best one yet, judging it as a whole. So many great characters introduced and played by wonderful actors. Dex. Ray, Maggie and the return of Fisk truly elevated the season to another level. The quality remained consistent and engaging throughout.

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This Is Us: 2x18 The Wedding

Beautiful, as per usual. Kevin and Randall in this episode tag teaming as wedding planners is the most brotherly like I’ve ever seen them on this show and I loved it so much. Gimme more!

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Marvel's The Defenders: 1x02 Mean Right Hook

Charlie Cox is the star of this episode. He's really bringing his A game and selling the conflict and struggle vigilantism withdrawals very well. Gotta say, I do miss Foggy's shaggy hair. It seems the comic relief part of his personality went away with it. He's all grown up and serious now. But on the real though, Elektra is starting to scare me. I'm EXCITED.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 1x10 Nelson v. Murdock

Raise your hand if you think Foggy is overreacting way too much. Maybe listen to all the facts and what Matt is trying to say before being judgmental and angry and yelling nonstop. Not mention he doesn't have or understand Matt's abilities and there's no telling what he'd do if situations were reversed. I bet it gets kinda tiring and hard knowing bad shit is going down and not doing anything about it.

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Baby Reindeer

It's so good and so well made you'll never want to watch it again.

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Outlander: 7x01 A Life Well Lost

The intro song versions keep getting progressively worse. I don't think I can stomach the new one for the entirety of the season.

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One day people will see Jordan Peele's movies for what they actually are; glorified garbage.

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Stranger Things: 4x07 Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

I guess they did a good job of finally connecting the dots. I still think this part had way too many unnecessary characters and subplots. I couldn't care less for so much of it.

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The Flash: 8x13 Death Falls

Anyone else found it weird how no one approached Caitlin after she shared the news? They just left her there to cry and collapse on her own. Anyways, I like this Mark guy. Hope he sticks around with and for Caitlin.

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Succession: 3x08 Chiantishire

I just realized that I really hate Shiv.

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This Is Us: 5x09 The Ride

Why did this episode feel like a long and boring commercial for car seats?

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This Is Us: 4x01 Strangers

How many more timelines and generations are they going to add to this show?

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 3x06 AKA Sorry Face

"You're like aspirin to me." Lol that was dorky and sweet. I really like Erik.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 6x11 The Therapist

Anyone else legit thought the therapist being the killer was just an act Boyle did to get Jake to talk? Just me? Ok.

I'm bummed we missed the squad meeting Jocelyn. ESPECIALLY JAKE. But seeing Holt fight to meet her is the next best thing. She seems pretty cool. I like her. :D

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