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Star Trek: Discovery 2017

Amazing absolute must watch, Season 3 was awesome can't wait for s4

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I liked it, and definitely like that it extends the timeline in which writers can play around with.
Are there thumb downs? Sure, but don't forget Star trek never looked this good before this series.
Thank you to crew and cast of this show, I appreciated your effort.

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Very strong start of the series but dropping a bit back now. However I love it very much!

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The effects on the bridge when they are under attack are pathetic and reminds me of a cheap game show. Endless sparks and now timed gas supplied flames from various places on the bridge activating in sequence.

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Shout by Gas

Watched only two episodes... Looks promising.

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Shout by Vers Bach
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-04-26T04:24:10Z— updated 2021-01-07T21:53:38Z

Two seasons past, the prelude finished, now I'm expecting really hard to see Discovery start on season 3. Season 1 was epic, it could be a good movie. Season 2 was more interesting, but with a too long arc, and the Enterprise to shadow things. I didn't like the plot, the AI vilan, the resolution. If the war on the first season had finish quickly, this end of a Borg-ish devil on the second was also too easy. Same mistakes. I will be expecting more changes for the third season, for the good ones, please. Everybody know Michel Burnhan very well, we can now move on beyond from that, and see a Star Trek show, focused on a alien capitan, Saru is a good choice. But I think this is not gonna happen.

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Life Long Star Trek fan here,... and I'm done with this rubbish, This has gone full Woke, PC-Culture. And what is with the virtually None Caucasian cast?... Plus, the only TRUE Starfleet actors are PIKE & SARU, to which I'd be proud to have them as ambassadors for Humanity.

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Is it me, or does the writing and acting on this show get worse each week?

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This season :ocean: becomes more boring and preachy with each episode.

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they need to rethink the tech being used, it's too far advanced for the timeline. Also far too many conflicts with the timelines. I will still watch it because it's Star Trek, but get the timing right
Oh yeah fix the Klingons....

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It is StarTrek and it is great! I dont care about the realism of explosions in space or the sound of lasers. It has action, it has drama, it has Klingons! The captain is not Janeway and not Archer, the vulcan is not Spock and there is no Scotty. But it has the right look and feel and is really fun to watch. I hope it will run for a few seasons.

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Really disappointed with this show and it's direction. So so sick of the cw Love story crap. It makes no sense and takes away from the story.

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the show is literally going where no MAN has gone before.
because apparently an all female Star Trek is what was needed

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By season 4 the show should be renamed to Star Trek Discovering Feeling “TO BOLDLY GO WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE..." because the show takes a major down hill turn towards taking about everyone’s feeling.

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Awesome reboot / restart of the series. That ending was amazing. Can’t wait for season 2.

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Damn Culber was on the rag this episode.

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The title needs to be updated to Star Trek: Discovering Woke. Starts out great but takes a massive nose dive towards the Woke universe. Watch 1st & maybe 2nd season after that this show basically becomes a high budget CW show.

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Need to add season 3 as season 4 has started.

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all myhope is for season 3, yes, this is a strange Trek, but its good, i mean really good because there dealing about all those secret thing of Trek that where almost rumors, like this is the first time we get to know about section 31, its no dream, it was always part of the original Trek, just never developped and so many other thing that where just never explained, this is actually the missing link

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"Star Trek: Discovery" is a series that holds promise but struggles to find a consistent tone. It veers from moments of genuine greatness to bouts of cheesy melodrama that border on feeling simplistic. While the emphasis on emotional conflict resolution adds depth to the characters, it sometimes feels forced and rushed, with little room for nuance or development. The show's tendency to prioritize moving quickly from one emotional conflict to the next can make it feel a bit disjointed and lacking in a cohesive narrative flow. Overall, "Star Trek: Discovery" shines when it embraces its more mature themes and tones down the overt dramatics, offering glimpses of the high-quality storytelling fans were hoping for.

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It’s certainly alien to me, i even forgot her name was Michael

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I must be the only one that looks forward to every episode, but that doesn’t bother me.

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Visually this show is very appealing. The first few season were good, then the story just takes a hard right, then a hard left and then a u-turn in the middle of traffic. It's very difficult to make a connection to any one character. To top it all off, season 5 feels more like Star Wars.

Do any of you care about that? Probably not. As someone who grew up with TNG and the like, this just wasn't what I hoped it would be in the end.

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No white straight males in a position of power... or at all come to think of it.
What is wrong with you over the top woke people? Star Trek was one of the most inclusive shows out there, you had to go too far and ruined it.

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"No one can hear you scream in space"
Or even talk, because everyone whispers constantly....especially captain Burnham.

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The fans don't deserve it. This show should be cancelled like Enterprise so people can cry about years later when another trek comes and people start saying that "at least discovery tried". Ugh, why fanbases suck so much?

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They had to ruin it adding woke granny crap in it.

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Oh yay... Star Trek WOKEovery is back for season 5 :( Lets see how bad they make this season..

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Shout by Cocalarix
BlockedParent2022-02-25T16:32:22Z— updated 2022-04-16T10:13:18Z

To be able to keep enjoying this show, I literally have to keep skipping the cringe dramatic scenes they have to fill in every 3 minutes, because they don't actually have enough budget to do proper Star Trek episodes. On season 4 currently and it's usually 15-20 minutes per episode that are worth watching.

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Please, kill this show.
While first two seasons were watchable and even entertaining, the third went downhill after first few episodes. Aaaand here comes the fourth season and I'm still unable to determine which character i hate most.

Please, let this be the last season so we can all quickly forget about this show and hope for something new and worthy of the Trek series.

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Season 4 was better that the previous three

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Gets worse with every episode.

Oh no, attackers with swords, whatever should we do? What do our feeling tell us, logic is so yesterday.

The writing is pathetic and ridiculously immature.

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Had to dramatically reduce my rating based on the new season.

Apparently, there are no adults at Star Fleet anymore., Can't they hire some mature adults to write the dialog so the crew doesn't spend all episode whining about they're feelings and instead roll-up their sleeves and get some work done like every mature adult in existence.

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What the f*** is up with Section 31?
In ST:DS9 their mere existence was a very well kept secret. Yet here we are decades before where everyone seems not only of their existence, but also about their missions.
Not even mentioning their AI System, which kept and analysed Data for the Admiralty aiding their decision making.

I will get really angry if the staff of this show keeps mentioning the word canon. They blatantly disregard it every turn - canon-wise this Season is even worse than the one before.

It's still an entertaining show, but they really should rebrand it as something other than Star Trek as it clearly ain't anymore. It's some random Sci-Fi Show using the trademark...

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Shout by DAVY X



this needs to be enjoyed over and over
and over again.
it's just that damn good, I'm in total Awe
from start to finish.
please let their be 7 seasons and more Please.
Hella Yeah

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Shout by DAVY X


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I am excited for this new series after seeing the first two episodes. The graphics are spectacular, the story is compelling, the characters have depth and are well articulated, the acting is superb (Sonequia Martin- Green is a stand out performer, and Michelle Yeoh always brings gravitas and excellence). I give it a 9 (superb) out of 10, fully expecting it to reach a 10 (a favourite) very, very soon. [SciFi, Adventure, Drama, Wit]

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Around the same time that this series debuted, a Star Trek parody THE ORVILLE came out. It had all the humour (via Seth MacFarlane) but none of the gravity. DISCOVERY was the bleak opposite. It had all the gravity but none of the humour. At the time, I preferred THE ORVILLE and, although I felt the series started strong (see my initial review), I gradually lost interest in it. But, recently, I decided to take another swing at DISCOVERY and binged all its 4 seasons to date. Although the show tried to swing a little less dark in its later seasons, this time, I was able to connect with its story arcs, its characters and its quality of production. (I will always be won over by relationships and good working ensembles and I would say these are the strengths of this series). It was an enjoyable 3 and a half day binge. I give this series a 7 (good) out of 10. [SciFi Legacy]

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Haters gonna hate but this was incredible.

Star Trek has always been idealist. People complaining about that can't accept what Star Trek is.

Discover takes us on more of an inner journey, hence it is told through the lens of a main character, rather than mostly the captain as with previous Star Trek series.

It is by far the most moving and while it's true that it's feel differs to old Star Trek it is very meaningful.

On top of this, it looks great, and the acting is pretty good too, considering the format, which isn't one of absolute realism.

I think some people have a problem whereby they prescribe what Star Trek 'is' or 'should be' but that sort of retro thinking is exactly what Star Trek has always, ideologically, been about challenging.

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Shout by schornstephan
BlockedParent2017-09-27T01:21:07Z— updated 2018-01-23T03:00:07Z

It feels like the producers want to annoy the Trekkie as much as they can with Voyager-era beeping sounds, trials without a lawyer (Starfleet ISN'T military!!!), a completely different Sarek...

Besides from the canon errors, which I have finally been able to overlook since episode two, the main character herself isn't one that "fits" into Star Trek. I only talk about the role, not the actress.
I just don't like Michael. She is self-righteous, calls daddy when her ship is in danger, she isn't loyal... In short, she misses any part of personality a Starfleet officer should have.
She's got a problem with herself and it is absolutely unrealistic she would be an officer anywhere.

Update time!
The text above was from Oct 17.
Now it's Jan 23.
Aaaand: I was right: She wasn't welcomed on the Discovery because she's a great Officer, she just accidentally happened to be this universe's counterpart of someone Mirror Lorca needed to become Emperor.

So it's official: We've got Star Trek with an incapable main character.

Oh yeah, as presumed, she's messed up like 97% of her tasks in the meantime.

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The level of emotional exploration in this is horrendous. There's 10 min of action and the rest is just sensitivity and caring. There's a place for that as part of the show. not as the entire show. Very hard to endure

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Shout by Ferd

Fingers crossed this gets cancelled in 2020. This isn't Trek.

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Please, someone save us from this epic failure of a show which seems hell bent to drag Gene Roddenberry's legacy further into the ground. How dare they even associate this garbage with Star Trek let alone quote him at the end of an episode.

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Finally cancelled, it was garbage, terrible writing, unlikeable characters, no-one watched it, no-one liked it, no-one cared. Good riddance.

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Complete waste of time for any star trek fan.
Barely OK as a standalone series.
While some character development does happen over course of the series, all of it amounts to literaly nothing universe-wise.
Diologues are written with the stick instead of pen.

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Hey Trekkers!

If something, the Universe created by Gene Roddenberry is one of united diversity. I've been watching Startrek for 53 years and my humble opinion: Discovery definitely is in accordance to Startrek's philosophy and heritage. I do miss me old captain's charismatic presence though. But what do I know! I'm only a doctor damn it!

Cheers to all and long live Startrek.

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Not bad, not Star Trek. Just wondering why Michael, (Sonequa Martin-Green), has to whisper all the time, and then talk at "90 to the dozen" when she gets excited?????

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It started off okay, apart from the “Klingorcs”. Where the fuck did they come from?
Sadly, it gets worse as the series continues. Star Trek has always tackled social issues, which was great and tried to show us how we as the human race could be. But, fuck me. We must be in a truly awful fucking place if we’re to follow the same logic.
The franchise has always seemed to inspire the more nerdy of us to invent wonderful things such as touch sensitive screens, tablets, mobile phones, WiFi and virtual assistants. The only thing I fear this shit will inspire is the inexplicable and totally unnecessary use of FUCKING WHISPERING.
I can only hope that Discovery does a “Dallas” in the next series (please make it the last) and we find out that all which has gone before was nothing but one of Burnham’s recurrent nightmares, caused by some form of trauma, for which she seeks help from Dr. Culber in 10 weekly appointments.

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Fails to capture most of the things Star Trek was really about.

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very feminist, now every thief are women, the "captain" what can I say... pffff

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I don't know why I'm watching this.
Its not a good Star Trek show.

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Shout by axolot
BlockedParent2020-11-08T20:03:07Z— updated 2020-11-25T16:43:43Z

The most beautiful thing about Star Trek: Discovery is that it's like a partner who's grown up with me - in the sense of personal development. I love it. I love the characters. I love the ship. I love the inter-personal dynamics. I love the queers. All the haters can sod off. Get a grip and accept change.

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Sorry but while the first 2 season were 9-10 rated material...most of season 3 was NOT. TBH the writers were lost after anticipating limited 2 season run in paid TV channel realms. LOL - I suspect the show literally ran out of licensed rights to add to Star Trek franchise world events after season 2 and they never planned anything for season 3 in advance of renewal.

So season 3 was maybe 6.5 average with a few much better episodes in balance against a lot of weak "standard" stories simply set in a Trek background). Not too bad for rushed writers probably finishing scripts while the episode starts filming - but not prize material since nothing written can be rejected or revised.

Season 4 is uncertain to me as to whether they are slowly getting their act together and building overall plot with slow suspense...or if they are slowly drowning. Crossing my fingers. So far stories are a notch better (6.5-7 rating) than season 3 beginnings.

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Slow start to Season 2 so far. I do wish current writers would stop with so many flashbacks. I hated it on Lost and I really hate it on Arrow. Now we see it starting again on Discovery. I hope they keep it small.

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I have never seen series with such a lot of useless and unneeded speech on feelings. Looks like they are low on budget and try to fill all the emptiness with blallalabla I feel this I feel that

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Jury's still out on this one. The first two episodes were utter crap. SJW characters, unbelievably weak Klingons and a lame story based on bad lens flare during space battles. I almost stopped watching. Third episode, the story takes a hard turn towards something dark, introduces a whole new cast (well, with a couple of exceptions) and does all this while resembling Star Trek.

Seriously, skip the first two episodes and start with Context Is for Kings. You'll thank me.

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I recommend to stop after season 2. Its not getting better...

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100% trash show. I love Star Trek. This isn't Star Trek. This is Drama Trek. Who are the people that are enjoying this hot mess?

What a waste of my precious time on this planet to spend watching this horrible show.

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talk talk talk... this show is touchy feely talk. It is boring as hell after season one

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75%, 73%, 68%.............57%

Oh dear, says it all really. Season 4 really is steaming cow dung.

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it started so well, going a little downhill with season 3, but season 4 really turned it into a shit show and total waste of time. nothing more to add

well, maybe one more thing to add: i still can get over the ridiculous special effects with cheap pattern flame bursts on the bridge when the ship takes a hit ... i mean, seriously?!

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I like the characters a lot (so far) but maybe most of them are a little bit too young for be in a position like the first officer. But the captain is great. I don't like it that they changed the look of the klingons and the fact that the show is based before TOS.

I will rate the show after i saw the full first season. But i wish the show the best even i don't agree with some of the decisions they made (Klingons, age of the characters and the fact that it's not based after Voyager).

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Totally sucks. Focuses on the black woman WAY to much!!! Takes away from all other Star Trek series by downplaying them in my opinion. I agree with other commenters, should not be a Star Trek show, but just another Sci-Fi show.

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I'm passionate about Star Trek, but I really struggle to like any of the characters on this show and the story has never sat well with me. I'm holding out hope that future episodes will be far better due to the end of the recent story arc (thankfully). I just can't get past how much the characters irritate me and how unlikeable they are.

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Please don't suck, please don't suck, please don't suck...

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Hug Trek - Lots of Hugging and No Trekking!

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They should have called it: As the World Turns "boldly go where no emotion has gone before"

They lost it.

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Is it me or all new characters from season 2 are so much better than any of those of season 1? Pike elevates every scene he´s in. By contrast Tilly just plunges everything into the abyss.

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While the show is good and visually stunning. It is a little too melodramatic and takes itself too seriously.

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I hate this show.

If it weren't Star Trek, it would still be an objectively terrible show.

The acting is over-the-top. the characters are not developed, the plot makes no sense, the characters behave in unrelatable ways, it consistently ignores reality/physics, and the CGI is just too damn much.

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Three episodes aired and already there is lots of discussion. People hate it, people love it. Remember TNG ? ;-)

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Finally finished the last remaining two episodes of season 3 and guess who won't be returning in this season 4..
This guy :raised_hand:

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I'm losing interest with every season.
It's like season 1 ok
Season 2 meh
Season 3 why even bother,beside i hate Sonequa over acting, it's becoming unbearable to watch.i don't see this going to season 4,i just hope they give it a decent wrap.

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After 6 episodes I still have to process the different format to previous Star Trek shows. It's a bigger challenge to get familiar with the crew in general, for example. We get to know their relation and standing to Michael, but barely know anything about them, their skills etc.

Otherwise the established setting looks interesting, though I feel that it didn't really take off yet. Which isn't uncommon for a first season.

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This show is more Star Trek than ToS, and all the slimy dorks crying about SJWs would have done the same in 1966 when Roddenberry had the audacity to put a black woman on the bridge as an officer.

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STAR TREK: MICHAEL BURNHAM is best, when it‘s about the whole crew and originally star treky. Mostly it‘s about Michael Burnham and her personal stories overlap the interesting social matters, that are only sratched, but examined.

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Over emotional. Stop frowning and tell me a story... without dragging it out.

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S01E07... There may have been two scenes without tears. And what progress with the story has been made? I'm out.

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Really. I did gave this one a try 3 times. I can "survive" S01 and S02 but it gets unwatchable with S03 ...

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Nowhere near with any of the previous series, feels lile it was made for teens. Enjoyable, but meh..

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I just got into Star Trek like maybe back in 2014 so I don't have as much knowledge about the series as many of the fandom. But for the most part I think this show is good and a decent start for people to get into it. I do think in some ways it is over the top with real life political references but it's not in a way that ruins the show. Season 2 is way better than season 1 .

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I’ve enjoyed all previous incarnations of Star Trek, but not this one. Rather than concentrating on a decent storyline, it’s a flagship series promoting 2020 diversity. Considering this series is set a few hundred years into the future, I’d hope 2020 diversity issues are overcome and we’d see more human/alien or human/robot or even human/animal relationships.

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When this show started I was full of expectations and it started off great! I mean, it wasn't like the old shows, but it was a nice new take on Star Trek. Season 1 was amazing - new ship, new travel tech, new crew . Crew working on the bridge and another working in engineering, just like it should be. The season 2 came along and focus shifted to a few individuals. Now season 3 I don't know what happened?! Full focus on Burnham and Saru and lost the focus on teamwork, space travel and exploration which is the core of Star Trek. Right now I'm watching season 3 and I feel so disappointed, this has turned into some boring drama that doesn't even have enough space-travel to call it sci-fi, even less Star Trek.

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wow this show just keeps getting better by the episode.
I love the darker stories.
Please keep this ST going for many seasons to come.

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There's nothing better than good sci fi.
There's nothing worse than bad sci fi.
This is most certainly the second one.

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So war breaks out with the Klingons. A POW becomes head of security but his PTSD is so bad he winds up in the fetal position when he sees a Klingon and he's the only straight guy in the show, other than that it's women and sissies against the Klingons. Live long and be fabulous lol.

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Shout by Deleted

If your a trekky, its a must.

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The Klingons look and sound like a mutant fish race not a race of warriors, if you discount that and and suspend your disbelief over the advanced tech it's pretty good

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This show has its own unique way of being addictive, it always finds a way to keep you posted on the next episode :)

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