Life Long Star Trek fan here,... and I'm done with this rubbish, This has gone full Woke, PC-Culture. And what is with the virtually None Caucasian cast?... Plus, the only TRUE Starfleet actors are PIKE & SARU, to which I'd be proud to have them as ambassadors for Humanity.

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@alienmoon There are several Caucasian people in Discovery. Star Trek, from the very beginning, was always more “Woke” , than most shows. Writers have always dealt with the issues of the time. Not sure why there are so many people surprised by this. Don’t you think that when people from all over Earth joined the federation, it would be more than just white people? Then you throw in all the life from other planets, should it be still mostly white people? Not to mention that I would hope that the many years in the future they are, and with the diversity of humans and Aliens to choose from to form the crew, things would have progressed in society enough that the issues you seem to have, wouldn’t be issues anymore. Knowing humanity, the diversity might breed more hatred in some.
