Shout by joytrakt63

Star Trek: Discovery 2017

Sorry but while the first 2 season were 9-10 rated material...most of season 3 was NOT. TBH the writers were lost after anticipating limited 2 season run in paid TV channel realms. LOL - I suspect the show literally ran out of licensed rights to add to Star Trek franchise world events after season 2 and they never planned anything for season 3 in advance of renewal.

So season 3 was maybe 6.5 average with a few much better episodes in balance against a lot of weak "standard" stories simply set in a Trek background). Not too bad for rushed writers probably finishing scripts while the episode starts filming - but not prize material since nothing written can be rejected or revised.

Season 4 is uncertain to me as to whether they are slowly getting their act together and building overall plot with slow suspense...or if they are slowly drowning. Crossing my fingers. So far stories are a notch better (6.5-7 rating) than season 3 beginnings.

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@joytrakt63 TBH most great shows run out of great new ideas for stories. Its just a matters of how long before it becomes mediocre. The plunge after 2 great season was just a shock. Again I suspect the series hit a franchise landmine on the available Star Trek timeline. Everyone just presumed that production costs etc would kill the show before Season 3 renewal.
