Jury's still out on this one. The first two episodes were utter crap. SJW characters, unbelievably weak Klingons and a lame story based on bad lens flare during space battles. I almost stopped watching. Third episode, the story takes a hard turn towards something dark, introduces a whole new cast (well, with a couple of exceptions) and does all this while resembling Star Trek.

Seriously, skip the first two episodes and start with Context Is for Kings. You'll thank me.

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@styxie If you skip the first two episodes, you miss the backstory of how Burnham is on the Discovery. The series is in serial form (an ongoing story), which means if you miss even one episode, you're screwed.

@thealexofevil You have a point, though getting transported to prison along with the conversations around get the main points across. Anyway, the series does get better after the first episodes.
